My main issue with Fire Emblem Warriors' roster isn't even the roster number or (most) of the characters that got added, or even that there was only three games making up the majority.
My issue was that of the eighteen characters in the base roster from those three games (in other words, not including Rowan, Lianna, Anna, Celica, or Lyn), we didn't get a 6/6/6 split...we got a 3/6/9 split. Awakening was perfect. One third of the core eighteen, perfectly proportional. But having nine for Fates and only three for Shadow Dragon is in no way justifiable. Like, ignoring the fact that it took until DLC to get Azura for a moment, their excuse was that they didn't feel Fates was adequately represented unless every single one of the royal siblings of Hoshido and Nohr were in...and yet they didn't seem to care that Minerva, a key character in Shadow Dragon, didn't make it in until DLC, while Hardin, another absolutely major character, wasn't playable at all, despite the complete absence of a playable lance cavalier.
Still bitter about that. The game otherwise is perfectly fine, but man...the ratio, man.