If I'm honest, I've had no shortage of men that want to get in my pants, but that's not really what I want, and those type of people are who I consider to be more likely to lie and abduct me, so I typically just chat with peeps who are actually interested in more than one thing.
Granted, I suck at being a social person and am fit with insecurities and anxiety, but I try my best not to let that get in the way. And if I do? I'm just happy to be with someone who won't berate me for my mess-ups with ill-intent or condescension. There's group meets I want to attend with some online friends I've known for a while, but I have huge anxiety when it comes to groups of people, and I generally prefer to meet one-on-one with someone I trust; that's just a thing I'll have to work out with time, and to be honest, I've never been as confident as I am now, so hopefully I'll pull through eventually.
But I must say, having that confidence or at least a form of comfort in yourself is paramount toward bettering you, as a person, and social interaction is definitely one of the aspects that can be heightened with this sense of confidence and character; I know first-hand. You also should try and let yourself gradually step outside of your comfort zone a bit, maybe practice incorporating more words into your vernacular for a better time at articulating your thoughts well, and you should do just fine. You don't have to become a comedian or the center of attention to perform well in a social setting--more than anything, It's about being yourself, and if you're struggling, than all it takes is just performing what you believe are the necessary measures towards reevaluating yourself and establishing more substance to the already fluid base.
As for me, trying to incorporate the words I use in text to real life is a hard task since I'm not as articulate as some others and can even stammer or stumble over my own words. I should embrace it, as I can find it cute in others, yet treat myself with more scrutiny. However, I just often feel embarrassed or humiliated when I mess up my speech in whatever way, as I feel it makes me look less composed than others. This is one of the reasons I don't typically like talking too much, as my brain eventually draws a blank on what words to use, and then I just get all discombobulated trying to formulate the right choice of words so as to not be misinterpreted or miscommunicate my feelings. I'm trying to get past this, though, so we'll see where that goes.
Anyways, hope everyone's been having a good night/day.
Okay but like-
Define naturally
As for this? Again, just be yourself. If you see a girl who you're really attracted to, but you don't have it in you to tell her, then don't. Sexual attraction isn't the base you want to build a relationship upon, unless strictly wanting a friends with benefits thing, but dating apps would be more helpful in that department, honestly. But yeah, you want to get to know that person, and if they don't approach you or seem interested in you, then don't force an image of yourself onto them that'll get them to start liking you; it's just much more likely that fate didn't have you two destined for each other. Likewise, if YOU can't approach someone else, then it's not your fault, and you can choose whether you want to work on that or not. Introversion is a thing, and it is completely fine, as society works on a scale of balance where the people who are interested in you are going to approach you, and those people are more likely to become friends by nature, rather than some forced interest with the uninterested person. Yes, introversion has its fair share of cons, but believe it or not, no one wants a highly energetic monologue constantly at their ears, either. And again, if you want to exhibit and adapt more extroverted traits, feel free to try and garner the information needed, as there's plenty of insightful people out there, and even entire guides and videos made to help. Don't be defeated if something doesn't work out, either, as that only gives you more incentive to try again and learn the mistakes.