Beauty in the Chaos
Hi. I've dealt with anxiety for 10 years, been seeing a therapist about it and other cognitive therapy topics for 9.Does anyone here experience Anxiety and have any way about dealing with it or stopping that little voice in our heads that make us think of worse case scenarios?
I have been going through something that may be inappropriate to go into in detail on these forums, but its left me as a stressful, anxiety-ridden wreck for the last four months. Sometimes my mood is better, but its there, sitting in the back of my mind at all times.
I have been tested for the thing(s) I'm scared of and shown not to have it..but I've been told that it could take 3-6 months to show up on these tests but the place I went said I didn't need to be retested and wouldn't do so for me at my request despite having what I think could be symptoms..its scaring me and making it hard to not feel extremely stressed and anxious..
You want to know what I was taught?
You take that little voice in your head that says **** that makes you anxious and you go:
Being serious, if you can recognize a thought that makes you anxious, you can shut it down, either by challenging it's plausibility (whether it'll happen or not, more effective in the case of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which I have), why it matters (if it's a stupid worry in the grand scheme of things), or what you can do about it (ask yourself: is worrying about it going to help you, or are you wasting time and energy doing do?) among other mental challenges to your anxiety.
In your case, I believe the third option I laid out would be most effective. Taking a look at the scenario:
- Tests show that you don't have it - Your biggest worry is out of the way
- "But what if I do have it and it shows up within the next two months?" - What's worrying about it going to accomplish? If you really want you can prepare for the worst, but shouldn't take more than a couple of days, and this is assuming that it even does happen, which it could very well not.
- "But I show the symptoms!" - A lot of similar diseases/disorders (I'm assuming that's what you're being tested for) have similar symptoms, and it's difficult to discern between them. If you're looking up symptoms on **** like WebMD and Mayo Clinic, yeah, you're gonna think you have it.
Until I realized that the symptoms matched most with a mucocele, and then I popped it. It was kinda cool. I've gotten them like 1 or 2 more times since then, and I know what they are and don't worry about it.
It's all about taking an objective look at your scenario and realizing, wow, it's kinda silly for me to worry about this.
That's what works for me. If it doesn't work for you, there's always the use of coping mechanisms to take your mind off of things.
I've provided some further reading for you since I'm just a rando on the internet with some counseling experience. These articles might be able to help you further, or at least give you a place to start:
Consider also talking to a professional counselor about this, since this seems to have been bothering you for a while now.
Regardless of what you do I wish you the best of luck my friend. Keep fighting the good fight.
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