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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
shiek can do a 12 hit combo and get like 35% off it while chrom can hit her 3 times for the same lol
not even kidding shiek is awful in this game. She has some good match ups here and there but her bad matchups are BAD

she relies on gimping, so pretty much any character with decent recovery is good against her. she can't kill for **** on the ground, and it's not like her wet noodle aerials are gonna be stage spiking you. and her damage output is ludicrously low. doing 3% per hit is absolutely pathetic in this game, considering we have other characters doing like 20% per move

Deleted member

wolf fair is just shiek's but good why did I ever even consider playing shiek in this game
Sheik is not the worst character, but the most underwhelming in the entire game.
Go play wolf if you want to.

Edit: I agree Sheik is horrendous in this game. No better than lower mid tier.
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Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Give Sheik her Melee f-air back.

In fact, she would do a lot better if her current aerials were replaced with Melee's.
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Made an arena.

ID: 3868X
Password: 2019

The last time I made an arena, it did not crash at all.
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Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
wolf fair is just shiek's but good why did I ever even consider playing shiek in this game
Sheik can't kill effectively...
Literally every time I fight a Sheik, I'm living to like... 140+% each stock w/ no real problem (and that's w/ characters like :ultwolf::ultpalutena::ultcorrinf:)

And I literally take her stocks at like... 80% on average.

She's not good in this game.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Who is your bottom 5 in this game? it can either be by how effective you think they are or or how bad you are at playing them
For me, I think the worst characters are:

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Who is your bottom 5 in this game? it can either be by how effective you think they are or or how bad you are at playing them
For me, I think the worst characters are:
Mine would be


Honorable Mention::ulticeclimbers:

Mostly though because I suck using them.
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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Bowser's actually pretty good. Are you sure you don't mean :ultbowserjr: instead?
No I meant bowser. I think he's bad in this game. Lost his kill confirm from smash 4 and is a huge hurtbox with not a lot of good frame data. I think Jr is better by a little bit. Bowser Jr has some good stuff to him but he's definitely still bad too

Deleted member

Does anybody have a link of the possible Xbox games coming to the switch?
Who is your bottom 5 in this game? it can either be by how effective you think they are or or how bad you are at playing them
For me, I think the worst characters are:
Not sure about 5, but :ulticeclimbers::ultlittlemac: are there. Ice climbers just feel so underwhelming, and Little Mac has pretty much the same problems.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2018
Who is your bottom 5 in this game? it can either be by how effective you think they are or or how bad you are at playing them
For me, I think the worst characters are:
:ultsheik: :ultbrawler: :ultbayonetta: :ultdiddy: :ultrosalina:

Diddy Kong was so fun in Smash 4, but now he just feels really weird.

Deleted member

Who is your bottom 5 in this game? it can either be by how effective you think they are or or how bad you are at playing them
For me, I think the worst characters are:
Regarding fighting as them?
I can play most of the other characters comfortably.
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Deleted member

Who is your bottom 5 in this game? it can either be by how effective you think they are or or how bad you are at playing them
For me, I think the worst characters are:
It is very hard for me to choose the bottom five, but these characters would potentially be there.

( Not in order )



( :ultisabelle::ultbowserjr::ultryu: are close. )
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Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Bottom 5? It's kinda hard to tell since a lot of characters are getting results in some way, but if I had to guess
:ultbowserjr::ultkirby::ultlittlemac::ultbrawler::ultcharizard: In no order
Yes, Charizard alone is bottom 5, but he's carried by Squirtle and Ivysaur, who both are probably high tier, so if he doesn't count, then, idk, :ultfalco: or:ultsheik:
I'm not sure, ok?


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Thor: Ragnarok or should I say Asgardians of the Galaxy/Guardians of the Galaxy: Thor stands out as my least favorite MCU film to date. It was literally a damn spoof and Thor felt so out of character along with cringey forced humor interrupting moments like Asgard's destruction with Korg.

Thank god Infinity War in the beginning makes that mockery all meaningless. Probably the only redeeming factor.
I hate your whole opinion on Ragnarok

New World of Light DLC looking pretty good.
Aw Yeah
Who is your bottom 5 in this game? it can either be by how effective you think they are or or how bad you are at playing them
For me, I think the worst characters are:

Deleted member

Who is your bottom 5 in this game? it can either be by how effective you think they are or or how bad you are at playing them
For me, I think the worst characters are:
These guys are the only ones who I would say NEED buffs in this game


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Bottom 5? It's kinda hard to tell since a lot of characters are getting results in some way, but if I had to guess
:ultbowserjr::ultkirby::ultlittlemac::ultbrawler::ultcharizard: In no order
Yes, Charizard alone is bottom 5, but he's carried by Squirtle and Ivysaur, who both are probably high tier, so if he doesn't count, then, idk, :ultfalco: or:ultsheik:
I'm not sure, ok?
I wouldn't put falco so low. He's really really good.Unless you're talking about playing in which case, he's a little tricky to get the hang of compared to previous games


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
It is very hard for me to choose the bottom five, but these characters would potentially be there.

( Not in order )



( :ultisabelle::ultbowserjr::ultryu: are close. )
If I'm not mistaken, isn't Ken considered to be a better Ryu? Like, a MUCH better Ryu? Or is that outdated?

Also, buff Isabelle, she shouldn't be bad in a game where aerials are key. when she has good aerials and recovery.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
If I'm not mistaken, isn't Ken considered to be a better Ryu? Like, a MUCH better Ryu? Or is that outdated?

Also, buff Isabelle, she shouldn't be bad in a game where aerials are key. when she has good aerials and recovery.
all isabelle needs is a better jab, better airspeed, and for side b to go through shield


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Give the Guardians movies credit. In spite of their campy and goofy nature it has heart and emotion to it letting scenes sink in. They alone are my favorite superhero movies.
Yeah, Guardians was far better about balancing it. It was a very fun and goofy movie, but it understood that there are times where you just need the characters to slow down and take in what's going on. Moments like Rocket getting called out for his behavior and delving into Gamora and Nebula's strained relationship work because there's not a joke that forces itself in there or makes the characters react in ways that don't fit the moment, they're given the time to be focused on and developed and that makes the characters (and the storyline as a whole) more well rounded. Ragnarok could've used more of that, they do exist such as with Thor's final conversation with Odin, but it's just not given enough time to sink in with most cases and that hurts their tone and how much it sticks with you.

Another reason I hated the film was because it was trying too hard to copy off Guardians so may as well call it Guardians of the Galaxy: Thor or Asgardians of the Galaxy. Thor especially was way too out of character and jokes occurring every less then five minutes.
I'm half and half with Thor. On the one hand when he's bouncing off of characters like Loki or Hulk he's usually fine as he's naturally reacting to characters he has established relationships with. It's moments like the haircut scene that don't really work with him since he's forced to act in a way that wouldn't fit the previous Thor movies or even the Avengers. It's more like Thor is being an actor in a role then Thor himself if that makes sense, he's not naturally reacting to a situation that we would expect of him, he's just reacting in a way that fits what the joke needs of him, and that's what makes those moments not feel consistent with his character.

I'll take Thor: The Dark World anyday honestly. That at least stays true to its mythology and roots and at least doesn't try to make a civilization ending scenario a complete joke.
I can understand that, I have a lot of issues with The Dark World myself, but I can see why you'd prefer it.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
If I'm not mistaken, isn't Ken considered to be a better Ryu? Like, a MUCH better Ryu? Or is that outdated?

Also, buff Isabelle, she shouldn't be bad in a game where aerials are key. when she has good aerials and recovery.
If I recall correctly... Ken is better than Ryu, but both aren't that good in this game.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Not sure about the last one. Her jab could be improved on though. I wish she had a pummel where she flails the hammer around wildly. That'd be so cute,
I don't think she's bottom 5 but some people say she's the worst in the game and honestly they have a pretty convincing case for her.

She has the worst neutral game out of the entire roster, a worthless jab, a punishable grab, low speed overall, a terrible roll, etc.

But honestly it comes down to her neutral. it's just awful. she pretty much has nothing to approach with. her nair isn't as safe on shield as villager's so she doesnt even have that.
this is so not what you should do and its making me really mad
without it, the move loses a lot of usability. That move is absolutely useless on stage which really isn't good for a character with so many limited options to begin with
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Deleted member

( Not in order )

:ultisabelle:: Villager slightly outshines her, and Villager is already pretty meh in this game.

:ultbowserjr:: Hardly changed from Smash 4. I feel bad for BJ, because not a lot of people feel comfortable on playing him. BJ has potential though, but not a lot of people carry the torch.

:ulticeclimbers:: While they are pretty underwhelming, they just need to be tapped on more. They can do an infinite I believe, it just takes a lot of skill. Still quite underwhelming as of now. I am not sure if the infinite has been patched out.

:ultbrawler:: They are just bad.

:ultlittlemac:: Recovery is still bad. Mac is very underwhelming as well.

:ultryu::ultken:: I am not sure if they are decent or bad, but I have seen tier lists that put them in bottom. From what I heard, Ryu has been badly nerf and Ken can not do something. I need some more information on this one.

:ultsheik:: I have lived at 200% and killed Sheik at 50-25% with one forward smash. This character is horrendous. Sheik's kill options and damage output are very bad.

I wouldn't put falco so low. He's really really good.Unless you're talking about playing in which case, he's a little tricky to get the hang of compared to previous games
Falco is okay. Not bad, but not fantastic.
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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
I don't think she's bottom 5 but some people say she's the worst in the game and honestly they have a pretty convincing case for her.

She has the worst neutral game out of the entire roster, a worthless jab, a punishable grab, low speed overall, a terrible roll, etc.

But honestly it comes down to her neutral. it's just awful. she pretty much has nothing to approach with. her nair isn't as safe on shield as villager's so she doesnt even have that.
True. She really could use a buff.
Save me Sakurai.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
all isabelle needs is a better jab, better airspeed, and for side b to go through shield
Her airspeed isn't really an issue, it's actually around average (maybe slightly below). Her acceleration needs some work.
For Side B, making it come out faster would be great, but it should go through shields instead of just bouncing off of it. Not grab the opponent though, that might make it a bit much.
Her jab needs more hitstun at higher percents. It can combo into down-tilt, which is a Kill Confirm for some characters, it's kinda worthless against heavier characters. Buff her down B as well, make it have more knockback and health.

But truthfully, Isabelle has a great kit, she could be REALLY good if they did some slight adjustments to her moves to make them better. Out of all of the low tier characters, she probably the closest to being at least mid.
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
without it, the move loses a lot of usability. That move is absolutely useless on stage which really isn't good for a character with so many limited options to begin with
you shouldnt have a move that only characters with a counter can actually counter.

you're asking for her to go from meh to broken. that's like saying we should buff little mac by making all of his moves have super armor instead of working on recovery issues

Deleted member

I think the Plant really needs a buff. The sheer amount of lag he has on aerials makes him pretty bad.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
you shouldnt have a move that only characters with a counter can actually counter.

you're asking for her to go from meh to broken. that's like saying we should buff little mac by making all of his moves have super armor instead of working on recovery issues
no disrespect but man you've gotta be crazy to think that isabelle side b going through shield would make her broken.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
all isabelle needs is a better jab, better airspeed, and for side b to go through shield
Honestly, I'd say Fishing Rod is fine without going through shields. Compared to other command grabs she doesn't throw her hitbox out like Ridley or Ganondorf, it's pretty quick in how fast it comes out relative to its range, and it has more range then examples like Bowser, so it having that drawback is fine since it just means you have to be mindful of when you use it. Additionally, it's very useful in the air since you can catch bad airdodges or linear recovery attempts and put the opponent in an unfavorable position, which gives it a huge strength over her other options.

In general, I feel Isabelle should get buffs to her other moves. Down-B in particular I feel needs a stronger buff since it not hard to time out, it's easy to run over it for many characters, or it's not hard to destroy it. Making it last longer or giving it a slightly larger hitbox could make it a more viable trap for her.
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