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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I misremembered the first Brawl trailer being in 2005, not 2006, so I was a bit confused. I don't think the gameplay functionality of the Final Smash really had anything to do with it, otherwise more characters would have drawbacks to their Final Smashes as well. It was probably just a creative and appropriate way to implement the character into the game (being version of Samus), which was abandoned when they opted to make her individually viable.

I think the better answer is that it wasn't until Ultimate that Sakurai came to the realization that there were too few villains in the roster. He's said in an interview or column somewhere recently that he realized that a roster full of nothing but standard hero types would be rather boring (hence, Piranha Plant). And when you look at the other Echo Fighters added to Ultimate, you see how they're relatively similar characters to the original:
  • :ultpeach::ultdaisy:
  • :ultsimon::ultrichter:
  • :ultroy::ultchrom:
  • :ultryu::ultken:
None of them are villains, whereas Dark Samus is unarguably evil and alien. That's able to be communicated easily through Dark Samus's animations, too, making her a good pick for an Echo Fighter who would serve an underrepped series while also adding a unique personality to the table without requiring a whole new moveset (even though Dark Samus is fully capable of having a unique and interesting moveset, but given the limited popularity, not worth the time and effort).

But back then, Sakurai wasn't looking to villains as newcomers. He was looking for protagonists or other characters that had more spotlight and broader appeal, when Dark Samus wasn't focused on too much in Metroid Prime 2. It wasn't until MP3 that Dark Samus became the main antagonist and focus of the story, which is probably when Sakurai noticed her more and why she was considered for Ultimate at all. It was a specific confluence of circumstances that made it all happen.

I think that's probably an accurate answer for why Dark Samus was added in Ultimate.

I don't think there are as many people attached to ZSS as Ridley. Ridley is a completely unique character with a different role and personality, whereas ZSS is just Samus but with sex appeal. There's a reason why Ridley was so requested even after ZSS, because most Metroid fans don't care about ZSS. Dark Samus is also much more than just "another version of Samus," as compared to other typical "dark" characters, there's more differences than similarities between the two.

Eh, Ganondorf is dead, too. He wasn't at the time of Melee's release, but he's been dead since Twilight Princess in 2006. And given Breath of the Wild's ending, it's unlikely we'll see Ganon appear at all for a long time. We won't be seeing Dark Samus again, either, but she's the most prominent character in Metroid after Samus and Ridley, despite having only two appearances, because that's how starved for characters the franchise is.

Dixie would need some of the Chrom or Ken treatment as far as Echo Fighters go, though Funky Kong would've been an easy Echo for DK.
I feel this is a pretty good assessment as to part of why Dark Samus got chosen.

Personally, I think in terms of priority for the Metroid series it should be:
1. Samus
2. Ridley
3. Dark Samus
4. Zero Suit Samus

I do think Dark Samus has the most potential of any echo so far to be fleshed out as her own fighter as well (and most seem to think the same). Like you, I am glad she is even in as a echo status at all. Her animations really capture her well even though competitively she is the same as Samus in 99% of situations. I think she probably has the most unique animations of any echo fighter aside from possibly Ken.

I also think Dixie Kong could be implemented well if she was an echo done in the style of Ken and Chrom (give her an unique recovery and Final Smash, a few different a-moves, and different idle animations). Ideally, I would like to see her fully unique, but I would still be happy even if she got in as a Ken or Chrom style echo.

I feel like a good 60% of people who want Geno are people who never played Mario RPG and think they are cool.
That is with nearly every massive character fanbase. A lot of people are in it for the social aspect or because they see others that are excited about the character. Play games yourself, and gravitate towards characters you appreciate. Do not simply look for where the crowd is out and try to fit in. Be your own person. I can understand the difficulty in finding characters that fit this because most of the major re-occurring Nintendo character are now on the roster, and a lot of the biggest third-party characters are now in as well. There are still major characters left from extraordinary masterpieces or play central ones to them that are not in yet from titles released in this decade alone, both Nintendo and non-Nintendo.

Is this too many changes from :ultdiddy:for Dixie for her too be considered an echo?

Aside from animation differences:
-Unique double jump that uses her ponytail.
-modified N-Special that uses her Bubblegum Popgun with smaller ammunition, less damage, travels farther and can be fired rapidly.
-:ultdk: Up and Down specials performed with her ponytail.
I would be fine with Dixie Kong as an echo in the manner you described.

I do not think having a different recovery (Chrom) and a special with slightly different properties (Dark Pit) is a bridge too far for an echo, but I wonder if borrowing another special from DK would be. Regardless, I thin Dixie Kong has a tremendous amount of flexibility in regards to playable inclusion. There are multitude of routes you could take with her as a fully unique fighter, multiple routes as a semi-clone (whether as a Lucas/Wolf style one or a Roy/Falco style one), or even as an echo fighter (a Ken-style or Chrom-style one).

Guys, I think we might be getting Toadette in Smash next

Toadette is really underrated as a character prospect and as a heroine in general. She is starting to get into Dixie Kong territory as far as heroism feats go. However, I am doubtful on any of the Toads (Toad, Captain Toad, Toadette) making it in simply due to how highly requested both Waluigi and Geno are. I think two non-echo Mario slots is definitely possible for the next title, but I am doubtful about three. It is really a shame because honestly Toad (or Captain Toad) and Toadette are among the biggest Nintendo characters left not part of the roster.
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Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
Nah the best link is my boy :ultyounglink:
I just wish they gave Young Link different weapons cos his current sword/shield combo makes me think of inky dinky Link whose not even gone to Death Mountain yet, not battle-hardened psychologically ****ed up Link whose gone through all sorts of crazy **** as a child in an adult's body and let's not even get started on the fresh hell he goes through in MM

Deleted member

Because he's the heaviest character in the game. Since his smashes are so damn slow and predictable the trade-off is their high damage.
Source: Am Bowser main BTW
yeah the fact that you can literally parry or counter on reaction (like even if you didn't predict the charge-up time) balances it


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Because he's the heaviest character in the game. Since his smashes are so damn slow and predictable the trade-off is their high damage.
Source: Am Bowser main BTW
Bowser is fun but he is probably the easiest heavy to fight.

Ganon gives me the hardest time. I know he's not some amazing character but like if he gets 3 or 5 hits you can pretty much lose your stock, and it's scary to approach considering all his smashes have stupid good range and stupid good kill power. Like I'm good at this game, and I have absolutely no trouble with inklings or peaches, but Ganon just ****s me over so bad. Been a lot better since I switched to wolf and have a projectile now but it's still not fun
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Deleted member

Aight fellas, got a question for you guys on the boards.
Who do you main, and why? I'll do mine as an example.

:ultkirby: - One of my favorite Nintendo characters, and he has a fun playstyle that I enjoy. Kirby is honestly one of my favorite video game franchises as well.
:ultyounglink: - Another one of my favorites. He's my favorite Link iteration as well. I also voice him in a machinima, and when you voice a character, even not officially, ya grow a liking to them.
:ultwario: - Another one of my favorites. He playstyle is very fun and wacky, and just seeing him move is entertaining! He is also my Wahfu. Charles Martine also did an amazing job with his voice.
:ultpalutena: - Palutena is what got me into Kid Icarus. She just seemed like such a fun character! After I played Kid Icarus, I enjoyed the character even more. I kinda just kept playing her until I got good at her. She's very fun to play as well, and her voice over performance is outstanding.
:ultisabelle: - ACNL was my very first Nintendo game, and after I played that game, I've been hooked on Nintendo ever since. (Yes I know I am late.) She is also wholesome and I would die for her. She's also just my favorite character in any form of media, period.

So basically I kinda just go with characters I like the most. and when one I like even more gets announced, I play them until I get good at em'.
Well, I started trying out Ganondorf after my ignorant young self was destroyed by him online. I kid you not, I was enraged because at the time, I mained Cloud. My pathetic logic was that I couldn’t have possibly lost; Ganondorf is low-tier! Cloud was high-tier. I believed then, that perhaps he wasn't so bad after all, and tried him out. I fell in love with his play style, and from then on, he was my main.
No longer do I play characters for their competitive viability, but because I enjoy them. :)
Holy crap was I an ignorant little kid.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Well, I started trying out Ganondorf after my ignorant young self was destroyed by him online. I kid you not, I was enraged because at the time, I mained Cloud. My pathetic logic was that I couldn’t have possibly lost; Ganondorf is low-tier! Cloud was high-tier. I believed then, that perhaps he wasn't so bad after all, and tried him out. I fell in love with his play style, and from then on, he was my main.
No longer do I play characters for their competitive viability, but because I enjoy them. :)
Holy crap was I an ignorant little kid.
imagine living off tiers lol


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Well, I started trying out Ganondorf after my ignorant young self was destroyed by him online. I kid you not, I was enraged because at the time, I mained Cloud. My pathetic logic was that I couldn’t have possibly lost; Ganondorf is low-tier! Cloud was high-tier. I believed then, that perhaps he wasn't so bad after all, and tried him out. I fell in love with his play style, and from then on, he was my main.
No longer do I play characters for their competitive viability, but because I enjoy them. :)
Holy crap was I an ignorant little kid.
if you're referring to smash 4 ganon then yeah he's pretty bad if you're doing high level play. but you're right, everyone should play who they have fun with unless you're going to tourneys. tier lists only matter at a professional level

Deleted member

Because he's the heaviest character in the game. Since his smashes are so damn slow and predictable the trade-off is their high damage.
Source: Am Bowser main BTW
Shame most superheavies still aren’t all that amazing, but it’s nice to see Bowser getting some results this time around. Heavies need more love.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Thor: Ragnarok or should I say Asgardians of the Galaxy/Guardians of the Galaxy: Thor stands out as my least favorite MCU film to date. It was literally a damn spoof and Thor felt so out of character along with cringey forced humor interrupting moments like Asgard's destruction with Korg.

Thank god Infinity War in the beginning makes that mockery all meaningless. Probably the only redeeming factor.
I wouldn't call it my least favorite, but I will agree that I found the humor very hit or miss and it's the main reason me and my family didn't care for it. Sometimes it worked, as most moment with Hulk was usually pretty well done due to bouncing off of Thor well. However as you said, there were examples like with Korg at the end where moments that should be serious and/or emotional completely lose their punch due to him waxing on with his silly dialogue. So if the humor's not your cup of tea then it's hard to get into the movie, and I honestly think it could've been better balanced between the silly and funny moments instead of the humor being inserted in places where it didn't belong.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
For anyone that watches Jojo's Bizarre Adventure:

King K.Rimson

Alright, that's all, go back to whatever you were doing.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
If y'all keep gloating imma have to come to the smash arena and beat someone

also heres my thing


Deleted member

if you're referring to smash 4 ganon then yeah he's pretty bad if you're doing high level play. but you're right, everyone should play who they have fun with unless you're going to tourneys. tier lists only matter at a professional level
Yep, Smash 4 'Dorf.
imagine living off tiers lol
I was quite pathetic. . . I'm a changed dude now, though.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I wouldn't call it my least favorite, but I will agree that I found the humor very hit or miss and it's the main reason me and my family didn't care for it. Sometimes it worked, as most moment with Hulk was usually pretty well done due to bouncing off of Thor well. However as you said, there were examples like with Korg at the end where moments that should be serious and/or emotional completely lose their punch due to him waxing on with his silly dialogue. So if the humor's not your cup of tea then it's hard to get into the movie, and I honestly think it could've been better balanced between the silly and funny moments instead of the humor being inserted in places where it didn't belong.
Give the Guardians movies credit. In spite of their campy and goofy nature it has heart and emotion to it letting scenes sink in. They alone are my favorite superhero movies.

Another reason I hated the film was because it was trying too hard to copy off Guardians so may as well call it Guardians of the Galaxy: Thor or Asgardians of the Galaxy. Thor especially was way too out of character and jokes occurring every less then five minutes.

I'll take Thor: The Dark World anyday honestly. That at least stays true to its mythology and roots and at least doesn't try to make a civilization ending scenario a complete joke.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
i dont think arenas are supposed to break every 10 minutes

maybe get another host

Deleted member

i dont think arenas are supposed to break every 10 minutes

maybe get another host
when there's like 8 ppl and theyre all spectating they crash easily

just stop spectating and it should help a bit, but 8 people is still a lot
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