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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Deleted member

Aight fellas, got a question for you guys on the boards.
Who do you main, and why? I'll do mine as an example.

:ultkirby: - One of my favorite Nintendo characters, and he has a fun playstyle that I enjoy. Kirby is honestly one of my favorite video game franchises as well.
:ultyounglink: - Another one of my favorites. He's my favorite Link iteration as well. I also voice him in a machinima, and when you voice a character, even not officially, ya grow a liking to them.
:ultwario: - Another one of my favorites. He playstyle is very fun and wacky, and just seeing him move is entertaining! He is also my Wahfu. Charles Martine also did an amazing job with his voice.
:ultpalutena: - Palutena is what got me into Kid Icarus. She just seemed like such a fun character! After I played Kid Icarus, I enjoyed the character even more. I kinda just kept playing her until I got good at her. She's very fun to play as well, and her voice over performance is outstanding.
:ultisabelle: - ACNL was my very first Nintendo game, and after I played that game, I've been hooked on Nintendo ever since. (Yes I know I am late.) She is also wholesome and I would die for her. She's also just my favorite character in any form of media, period.

So basically I kinda just go with characters I like the most. and when one I like even more gets announced, I play them until I get good at em'.
You all main characters because you like them? Ha!

I main them based off of how comfortable I am with them.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Pac-Man has always struck me as being very lacking in representation. I get that they’re trying to represent the Namco arcade, but come on, barely any references to Pacman World in his moveset, the only spirits are from the earliest games, no Pac-Man music from later games? At least give us back Pac-Maze.

my guy
Seriously. It's so disappointing how little content Pac-Man World has. I think literally the only reference to it is Pac-Man's up air being the Flip Kick.

How is this song nowhere to be found?

Deleted member

Aight fellas, got a question for you guys on the boards.
Who do you main, and why? I'll do mine as an example.

:ultkirby: - One of my favorite Nintendo characters, and he has a fun playstyle that I enjoy. Kirby is honestly one of my favorite video game franchises as well.
:ultyounglink: - Another one of my favorites. He's my favorite Link iteration as well. I also voice him in a machinima, and when you voice a character, even not officially, ya grow a liking to them.
:ultwario: - Another one of my favorites. He playstyle is very fun and wacky, and just seeing him move is entertaining! He is also my Wahfu. Charles Martine also did an amazing job with his voice.
:ultpalutena: - Palutena is what got me into Kid Icarus. She just seemed like such a fun character! After I played Kid Icarus, I enjoyed the character even more. I kinda just kept playing her until I got good at her. She's very fun to play as well, and her voice over performance is outstanding.
:ultisabelle: - ACNL was my very first Nintendo game, and after I played that game, I've been hooked on Nintendo ever since. (Yes I know I am late.) She is also wholesome and I would die for her. She's also just my favorite character in any form of media, period.

So basically I kinda just go with characters I like the most. and when one I like even more gets announced, I play them until I get good at em'.
:ultfalcon:-because he’s from a dead series I didn’t want to leave him out. so yeah
:ultpeach:-because I really like the turnip that you can cancel an opponents recovery to the stage her neutral b which is better than a fe characters counter and of course She floats
:ultsonic:-it’s not because I’m a fan of sonic it’s because he’s a bit more powerful like his neutral b which I can spam at people and avoid projectiles with his speed
:ultpalutena:-I’ve noticed she recived a buff and greninja my former main got nerfed so hard so I sticked with her and she’s doing pretty well
:ultpiranha:-P L A N T


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
Aight fellas, got a question for you guys on the boards.
Who do you main, and why? I'll do mine as an example.

:ultkirby: - One of my favorite Nintendo characters, and he has a fun playstyle that I enjoy. Kirby is honestly one of my favorite video game franchises as well.
:ultyounglink: - Another one of my favorites. He's my favorite Link iteration as well. I also voice him in a machinima, and when you voice a character, even not officially, ya grow a liking to them.
:ultwario: - Another one of my favorites. He playstyle is very fun and wacky, and just seeing him move is entertaining! He is also my Wahfu. Charles Martine also did an amazing job with his voice.
:ultpalutena: - Palutena is what got me into Kid Icarus. She just seemed like such a fun character! After I played Kid Icarus, I enjoyed the character even more. I kinda just kept playing her until I got good at her. She's very fun to play as well, and her voice over performance is outstanding.
:ultisabelle: - ACNL was my very first Nintendo game, and after I played that game, I've been hooked on Nintendo ever since. (Yes I know I am late.) She is also wholesome and I would die for her. She's also just my favorite character in any form of media, period.

So basically I kinda just go with characters I like the most. and when one I like even more gets announced, I play them until I get good at em'.
:ultivysaur:: I was fooling around with all the characters one afternoon when I Discovered his deliciously weird hitboxes.
:ultridley:: His expressions, his movement, his Long-boy-taunt. Aside from the fact that Metroid Prime is my favourite game of all time, this guys Just plays amazingly.
:ultpiranha:: Piranha Plant! Give me likes! Piranha Plant!
:ultdarksamus:: Again, Metroid Prime is my favourite game and her constant menacing presence make her one of my favourite fictional villains. I always found Samus very intuïtive and she was the character I first beat my close tryhard friend with multiple times in a row.
:ultwolf:: I liked Wolf in Brawl for some reason because he was the last Guy I unlocked. His inclusion back in Ultimate immediately got me hyped.
:ultgreninja:: Has been my favourite Pokémon for a while so I forced myself to main him in sm4sh. Didn't go too well. Now in Ult he somehow feels a lot better even though he apperently didn't Change too much
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chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
you play characters because you're good with them? because you like them?



War Anvil

Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2011
You're all nerds
Switch FC
My mains?
:ultsonic: I grew up playing this man. Besides, there is nothing worse in this world than not going fast.
:ultpichu:I've been struggling between Pichu and Pikachu. Pichu is cuter AND somehow more powerful, but Pikachu isn't as light or self-flagellatory.
:ultrichter:Richter I find more handsome, but Simon has the most crisp alt colors.
:ultkrool:Should have been playing this bicc boi more often, but he's pretty satisfying to play! Also, it's the perfect kind of respect paid to Rare and its fans. Banjo-Kazooie next, anyone?
:ultfalcon:I truthfully only picked him up this time for the sake of a combo video project that I really should have finished in the past.

Deleted member

:ultwolf:: I liked Wolf in Brawl for some reason because he was the last Guy I unlocked. His inclusion back in Ultimate immediately hot me hyped.
:ultgreninja:: Has been my favourite Pokémon for a while so I forced myself to main him in sm4sh. Didn't go too well. Now in Ult he somehow feels a lot better even though he apperently didn't Change too much
The word "hot" should be "had". :p

Also for Greninja, that makes sense. I think Greninja's playstyle fits far better with Ultimate's fast paced action theme than Smash 4's slow party theme.
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
That’ll be me during Spring Break.

Unfortunately, I got way too many things to do over the next few weeks, so that break won’t be for a while.
im not on break. i dont have the motivation to do jack **** and the only person I can talk to about stuff is moving in with my ****ing mom who I dont like. so now I got no one and no reason to even leave bed


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
:ultfalcon:-because he’s from a dead series I didn’t want to leave him out. so yeah
:ultpeach:-because I really like the turnip that you can cancel an opponents recovery to the stage her neutral b which is better than a fe characters counter and of course She floats
:ultsonic:-it’s not because I’m a fan of sonic it’s because he’s a bit more powerful like his neutral b which I can spam at people and avoid projectiles with his speed
:ultpalutena:-I’ve noticed she recived a buff and greninja my former main got nerfed so hard so I sticked with her and she’s doing pretty well
:ultpiranha:-P L A N T

The only major nerf Greninja got was its down tilt not being as good of a combo tool. Everything else was either very minor, or an outright buff. I'd say Greninja's a lot better now than he was in 4.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
The word "hot" should be "had". :p

Also for Greninja, that makes sense. I think Greninja's playstyle fits far better with Ultimate's fast paced action theme than Smash 4's slow party theme.
Hot should be got but thanks for pointing it out


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2018
Aight fellas, got a question for you guys on the boards.
Who do you main, and why? I'll do mine as an example.

:ultkirby: - One of my favorite Nintendo characters, and he has a fun playstyle that I enjoy. Kirby is honestly one of my favorite video game franchises as well.
:ultyounglink: - Another one of my favorites. He's my favorite Link iteration as well. I also voice him in a machinima, and when you voice a character, even not officially, ya grow a liking to them.
:ultwario: - Another one of my favorites. He playstyle is very fun and wacky, and just seeing him move is entertaining! He is also my Wahfu. Charles Martine also did an amazing job with his voice.
:ultpalutena: - Palutena is what got me into Kid Icarus. She just seemed like such a fun character! After I played Kid Icarus, I enjoyed the character even more. I kinda just kept playing her until I got good at her. She's very fun to play as well, and her voice over performance is outstanding.
:ultisabelle: - ACNL was my very first Nintendo game, and after I played that game, I've been hooked on Nintendo ever since. (Yes I know I am late.) She is also wholesome and I would die for her. She's also just my favorite character in any form of media, period.

So basically I kinda just go with characters I like the most. and when one I like even more gets announced, I play them until I get good at em'.
:ultdoc: - Really liking him in Ultimate so far. I've always liked his moveset, except in Ultimate they actually made his attacks rewarding, not just being 1.1x more powerful than Mario's. One of the only things I dislike about him is his recovery, I hate spending 10 years to get back to the stage and usually not making it.
:ultkirby: - Just like Dr. Mario, I've always been a fan of his moveset. However, unlike Dr. Mario, he is absolute junk in this game. They even nerfed his U-Throw and removed his kill-confirm from D-air, my boy already had a hard time doing anything and they basically removed his main kill options.
Plz buff him sakurai
:ultmetaknight: - My first "favorite" character, ironically from Brawl. Loved him for the past two games but for some reason I feel "eeh" when playing him now, I have no idea why. Plus he's one of my favorite video game characters.
:ultolimar: - It's Pikmin, I love Pikmin, If you didn't know I love Pikmin then you haven't seen me before. I really like his playstyle, moveset, and gimmick. I like to consider him one of my mains, and I do use him a lot, but I don't think I'm very good at using him. He's currently No.1 on my list of people I need to practice with.
:ultcloud:- The only one of my mains from a game I haven't player or care about. I like literally all his normals, with the addition of his specials being pretty good. I also really like playing against good Clouds, to me he seems like a fun character no matter what you do with him.
:ultdk: - My favorite heavy! Nothing else to say about him, really.

Others I like are::ultlittlemac::ultdiddy::ultganondorf::ultbrawler::ultfalco::ultyounglink::ultjigglypuff::ultsheik::ultbowserjr:

Deleted member

Talking about mains? Sure:

:ultinkling: - I've already gone over this in another thread, so I'll just go grab what I said there:

I chose Inklings as my main because I adore Splatoon and the Inklings as characters. I love their personalities, design, everything: They are probably some of my most favorite characters in fiction, lol.

I also chose them because of the playstyle. They have a godly air-game and unique set-ups that set them apart from other characters on the roster, and as someone who used to main Wario, that playstyle just really clicked with me.
:ultkrool:- I've come to like the croc after 101% DK64. I love his goofy design and his moveset is super fun as well: I love blunderbuss shenanigans. His air game also reminds me a bit of Wario's with his Nair.

Also, Gangplank Galleon is a bop.

:ultdarksamus:- She represents one of my top favorite games of all time and has a slick design. I love her wraith like animations and spooky win screens, and all of her palette swaps are amazing. As for gameplay, I've always played a bit of Samus in each Smash (played a lot of her in Smash 4, actually), and the floatiness of DS just feels really right to me. Just a fun character to control with good tools and satisfying gameplay.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
I'd main them both but would probably put more time into Octolings.
If they were to get in, I would prefer that they use the missing weapon types that the Inklings don't use. So the Splatlings, Chargers, Dualies, Brellas, and a different sub weapon (I swear I'm missing a weapon type). Probably not gonna happen, but a moving shield and such would be a pretty neat idea.

Even if they ended up being echos, I probably would choose them over Inklings.

Deleted member

If I had to go with a solo main out of all of those characters in my signature, it would be Ike.
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Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2018
So, I'm curious, out of the Currently Represented Franchises in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, what are you most disappointed by not being represented or being underrepresented in your opinion...this is not counting Fighters, just Stages, Songs, Spirits, etc.
:ultmario:: Bowsette No Songs from Super Mario RPG..even if I always think of it when hearing King Bowser considering I first heard it in RPG.
:ultdk:: Very few DKC2 Songs despite having such as an Awesome OST..too many remixes of the same exact song..
:ultlink:: No Hyrule Castle or Lorule Castle Songs
:ultyoshi:: No Baby Bowser Battle (Yoshi's Island) Song
:ultwario:: No Music or Stages from Wario Land or Wario World (that one Shake It song doesn't count to me since its just a remix of a WarioWare song..)
:ultsnake:: No Old Snake or Naked Snake costumes
:ultsonic:: Not more Sonic Mania music (particularly Mirage Saloon Zone Act 2)
:ultmegaman:: No MegaMan Battle Network music, the MM Zero song is just a remix of Zero's MMX1 theme and not an original MMZ song (like Departure~)
:ultryu:: Any Music from a non-SFII entry..I'd have loved some SFIII and Alpha songs (like Sakura's theme)
:ultcloud:: The Entire Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series..
:ultmario:: Lack of Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi content. Plus no SMB3 stage despite all the music we have for it.
:ultdk:: Only has three stages, the DKC needs at least 2 more considering it's sold better than Kirby, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem and even Smash Bros. itself. IMO the two stages should be a Bramble stage, and a Tropical Freeze stage.
Over half the DKC series's music is the same two songs, this is awful considering the series has some of the best video game music ever. DKC should get 6-8 different songs at least, DKC2 should get 8-10 different songs, DKC3 should at least get one song, DKC:R should get 1-2 different songs, DKC:TF should get 4-6 different songs, DK64 should get 3-4 different songs, and the spinoffs should get 1-3 different songs.
:ultolimar: : Pikmin is okay in stages, from having an area from the first two and having an area for 3. However I'd personally like to see them add a stage that isn't an area, perhaps the caves from Pikmin 2 or the end-of-day/world map scene with the ship and the onions circling around it.
Pikmin's music in Smash is garbage. Three songs, Main Theme - Pikmin, World Map - Pikmin 2, and Garden of Hope - Pikmin 3, take up 7 tracks. I'm fine with Ai no Uta and Tane no Uta not returning, but the sheer lack of area music upsets me. We have Garden of Hope, Forest of Hope...... and that's it. No Wistful Wild, no Perplexing Pool, no Forest Navel, no Twilight River. We also don't have series staples such as the Pikmin 2 Boss Theme, End of Day theme, or The Impact Site.
Also Hey! Pikmin has more music than Pikmin 2, what the heck, sakurai why did you let this happen

Deleted member

Currently playing :ultpokemontrainerf:, and :ultcharizard: is pretty underrated.

:ultcharizard: can do a lot more than you think. Probably bias because I picked up the zard in Smash 4.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2018
I unironically want Octolings, I'll be one of the three people who would be happy that they're a unique character
I'm up for another Inkling moveset that uses Nozzle-noses, Chargers, and Splatlings. And perhaps an Octo-Expansion stage to go with it

But I absolutely hate Octolings' designs. Don't hurt me but I think they're gross.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2018
All Cloud players just use the same exact Advent Children alt and do the same exact stuff that it's hard for me to believe there's more than 1 actual Cloud player out there and the rest aren't just his alternate accounts and other Switches.
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Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Who's number three, any takers?

Honestly it'll be suuuuch a ****show on the internet and I'll just be sitting there like "I'm satisfied"
"Octolings would be easy echos of Inklings" - People who fail to see how much potential is left with another Splatoon character

It'll just be Isabelle all over again, with "NoBoDy WaNtED HeR", and "WhY IsN't ShE aN EcHo" thrown around, with the obligatory "DAE disappointed with no GENO and ISAAC?!" threads.

That was fun.
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