I have basically no input on the current conversation. But what I will say is, there are ways to include representation of LGBTQ, People of Color, and other oppressed peoples through the plot itself. Certainly.
I think the unfortunate part of the conversation is that social ideologies in some of our native countries may not respect the values of other countries, regardless of our agreement with it. I can’t say for sure that it’ll happen, but then again, i’m also not the best person to say.
As a straight guy, i’m all for making games more inclusive. But if they’re going to be inclusive, they should absolutely, unequivocally, make the plots the least generic as possible. If every plot of an oppressed person is, “Look at me, i’m X and i’m oppressed” it makes that character seem like one part of a larger group.
Just because people are LGBTQ it doesn’t mean every single person is the same. I mean, even my gay brother has been somewhat negative about bi-sexual people (which I find weird but also fascinating. Several of my students partake in colorist against each other based on their skin color.
No pun intended, but these sorts of things are never black and white. Everything is in the grey area, but that makes things way more interesting.