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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Okay this going to go down a odd path but how is his move set not coherent?
Sakurai literally admitted that he basically just gave K.Rool stuff heavies don't typically have. The moves don't complement each other very well in competitive play either which shows as K.Rool doesn't really get to have many good combo options because of this. Hell I'm convinced Sakurai realized this which is why he gave K.Rool an armour gimmick, which also hurts him pretty bad in competitive


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Sure we can all say Peach AND DAISY is the best in the game because everyone else is right now,
Can we all please remember my girl is a character thank youuuuuu.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I honestly think RE3 had the most gruesome death scenes in the series. Jill could get a parasite shoved down her throat, get thrown around like a ragdoll until the screen fades black, get vored by an overgrown frog, eaten alive by a crowd of zombies...

They really pushed the envelope with that game at the time.
You think they'll tone it down for an RE3 remake?


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
I think K Rool should be higher than what he is but i see why people think bad of him now. Honestly this game needs a lot more tourneys and a lot more labbing before we can even come close to a consistent tier list. Duck Hunt and Bowser were considered the best when 3DS came out and look how that turned out. This game just was way too many characters and match ups to be able to accurately decide who's good and who's bad yet. Sure we can all say Peach is the best in the game because everyone else is right now, but didn't we just say that about inkling? And Pikachu? In fact, isn't Pikachu being BELOW Pichu a somewhat prominent belief? Like honestly, this tier list thing seems kind of pointless at the moment.
Its kind of hard for me to relate to the :ultkrool: is bad low tier mentality cuz I'm at 3.7 million GSP with him so.... I don't know

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
also dunno if this got posted, but an average of all recent pro tier lists

kinda hurts to see my boy done so dirty but i guess that's the price of losing a back air
see, even pros think Villager is better then Isabelle

Sure you can ask, but out of curiosity, if you think no one will care, why are you mentioning it here? (Also, I do care.)
Okay, ask away.
because most of these posts by me get looked over but alright.

My question was why do you think God didnt take mercy on me and killed me early in life when I felt out the window as a baby
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Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
Its kind of hard for me to relate to the :ultkrool: is bad low tier mentality cuz I'm at 3.7 million GSP with him so.... I don't know
Having high GSP with a character you play against online randoms does not mean they aren't bad. I beat most people I meet with kirby, but that does not mean he is suddenly isn't a bad character.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I'm aware of some slight differences between Samus and Dark Samus(Up-Smash starts lower, Uncharged shots starts lower, faster roll animations), so would these minor differences be considered when applying them to tier lists? And I'm not sure what differences Peach and Daisy have gameplay wise.

Having high GSP with a character you play against online randoms does not mean they aren't bad. I beat most people I meet with kirby, but that does not mean he is suddenly isn't a bad character.
True, but he is saying that he hasn't seen K.Rool get bopped on so much at the moment.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
also dunno if this got posted, but an average of all recent pro tier lists

kinda hurts to see my boy done so dirty but i guess that's the price of losing a back air
:ultlink: = A, :ultgreninja: = A, :ultlucario:= B, :ultsonic:= B, :ultmewtwo: = B, :ulttoonlink: = B, :ultyounglink: = A, :ultpit:= C, :ultmarth: = A, :ultsimon: = B.

That's about it for my mains. People have really been sleeping on Greninja's potential for no reason, but he has the results. Seeing Link that high also is a good thing for me, but I'm not shocked.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
:ultlink: = A, :ultgreninja: = A, :ultlucario:= B, :ultsonic:= B, :ultmewtwo: = B, :ulttoonlink: = B, :ultyounglink: = A, :ultpit:= C, :ultmarth: = A, :ultsimon: = B.

That's about it for my mains. People have really been sleeping on Greninja's potential for no reason, but he has the results. Seeing Link that high also is a good thing for me, but I'm not shocked.
How do you have 10 mains

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
isabelle had so much potential, but she needs a few more buffs to be viable IMO

1. Fishing Rod should go through shield
2. Down B mine should stay longer
3. Faster run speed
5. More range on her smash attacks and more kill power on Up smash
i cant agree on 4 enough, that jab is absolutly horrible. I think her down B should just be all around changed to something different. idk what but anything is better then that rocket
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Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
There's absolutely no way :ultrosalina: is bottom tier. Anyone who says that is probably looking at the nerfs she got and assuming she's bad because no one plays with her competitively.

Makes me mad how the most unique character and arguably toughest character to main in the game is thrown under the bus without so much of a glance. She retains a lot of her strengths from Smash 4, and I eagerly await a pro player to remind everyone of that.

Also,:ultkrool: now being considered a lower tier character is something I find hilarious. This is Smash 4 Roy all over again.
I agree that :ultrosalina:shouldn’t be that low. She’s probably somewhere in B tier (IMO). Maybe if more people play her, that’ll change.

And yeah, :ultkrool: is extremely easy to beat if you know what they’re going to do.

Deleted member

I think K Rool should be higher than what he is but i see why people think bad of him now.
King K. Rool is not the most viable character, but I agree. King K. Rool in bottom three is an exaggeration.
Honestly this game needs a lot more tourneys and a lot more labbing before we can even come close to a consistent tier list.
I agree wholeheartedly.

In the start of the game, everyone said "Fox is bad", because of his nerfs. Recently, everyone agrees Fox is either high tier or top tier. Fox in my opinion is still good, but Smash 4 Fox is slightly better.

Sakurai literally admitted that he basically just gave K.Rool stuff heavies don't typically have. The moves don't complement each other very well in competitive play either which shows as K.Rool doesn't really get to have many good combo options because of this. Hell I'm convinced Sakurai realized this which is why he gave K.Rool an armour gimmick, which also hurts him pretty bad in competitive
King K. Rool was a fun character though, I got to give Sakurai credit for a good moveset.
Also King K. Rool getting dizzy if his armor breaks is pretty dangerous.
Can we all please remember my girl is a character thank youuuuuu.
Bold of you to assume I play Peach. I only play Daisy.
Sure we can all say Peach is the best in the game because everyone else is right now, but didn't we just say that about inkling? And Pikachu?
We did. I remember when ZeRo made a video about Pikachu being the best, and then Inkling got all the hype because no one knew how to properly avoid the roller. Then we adapted to the roller, and people are saying Daisy and Peach are the best. Daisy and Peach are really good, so this is agreeable.
In fact, isn't Pikachu being BELOW Pichu a somewhat prominent belief? Like honestly, this tier list thing seems kind of pointless at the moment.
I think we can all agree Pichu is better than Pikachu. Pikachu is a wood cannon, and Pichu is a deadly glass cannon.
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
You think they'll tone it down for an RE3 remake?
Honestly, if they do it'll be for graphical reasons rather than censorship. RE2make basically only had "zombie bites the flesh off your neck from the front" and "zombie bites the flesh off your neck from the back" as player deaths aside from a couple other specific ways to die that didn't do anything to the character model. Mortal Kombat is MUCH more gruesome because they code their models to be able to get dismembered and whatnot; RE's character models don't seem to be able to get mutilated in any way. But minor characters died in much more gruesome ways because they made the model to be able to do that.

Since the vored-by-a-frog thing came back in RE:Zero in 2002, I can see that coming back. And if Nemesis is to be Mr. X-but-way-worse I can see them giving him more unique finishers as well.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I'm aware of some slight differences between Samus and Dark Samus(Up-Smash starts lower, Uncharged shots starts lower, faster roll animations), so would these minor differences be considered when applying them to tier lists? And I'm not sure what differences Peach and Daisy have gameplay wise.
Aside from some minor changes in hitboxes, Peach and Daisy are almost exact copies.

Honestly, I don't see a path for either of them to being considered the superior character. Unless something weird happens, they'll probably be tied.

Deleted member

I took until February 2016 to get an ‘official’ tier list for Smash 4, and that was with a way smaller roster. I can’t see us getting an official tier list for this game until like, late 2020. Right now, these tier lists have use in very roughly showing which characters are above average and which are below average, but it’s still way too early to base your main off of a tier list.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Speaking of RE3, rumors now are saying the RE3make and RE8 are being developed right now by two separate teams, with RE3 out next year and RE8 out the year after that.

Prepare to be annoyed by my hype the moment any of this is confirmed.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
We did. I remember when ZeRo made a video about Pikachu being the best, and then Inkling got all the hype because no one knew how to properly avoid the roller. Then we adapted to the roller, and people are saying Daisy and Peach are the best. Daisy and Peach are really good, so this is agreeable.
Inkling wasn't good because of roller. That has literally nothing to do with Inkling's strength as a character.
I play a lot more characters on the regular than people think.
A main is 1 or 2 characters that you play and have the most extensive knowledge of, and those who you are most confident in.
There is a difference between a main and a character you know how to play. I would have half the cast as a "main" if that were the case

Deleted member

King K. Rool is not the most viable character, but I agree. King K. Rool in bottom three is an overexertion.

I agree wholeheartedly.

In the start of the game, everyone said "Fox is bad", because of his nerfs. Recently, everyone agrees Fox is either high tier or top tier. Fox in my opinion is still good, but Smash 4 Fox is slightly better.

King K. Rool was a fun character though, I got to give Sakurai credit for a good moveset.
Also King K. Rool getting dizzy if his armor breaks is pretty dangerous.

Bold of you to assume I play Peach. I only play Daisy.

We did. I remember when ZeRo made a video about Pikachu being the best, and then Inkling got all the hype because no one knew how to properly avoid the roller. Then we adapted to the roller, and people are saying Daisy and Peach are the best. Daisy and Peach are really good, so this is agreeable.

I think we can all agree Pichu is better than Pikachu. Pikachu is a wood cannon, and Pichu is a deadly glass cannon.
Yeah while K. Rool isn't the most viable character out there way down in the bottom is a bit of an exaggeration, While I wouldn't put him in A or S tier I think he'd be around C tier maybe Mid C tier. K. Rool has some weaknesses but he also can also kick our *** in the right hands.
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Most games I stick to about 3 main characters. Unless it's a team game like Marvel or DBFZ, then it'll be like twice as much since I'll experiment with teams.

Deleted member

see, even pros think Villager is better then Isabelle

because most of these posts by me get looked over but alright.

My question was why do you think God didnt take mercy on me and killed me early in life when I felt out the window as a baby
Because God loves you! Everyone is special, and you have a very special role in life, even if you don’t realize it. I reccomend talking with people in your church for more advice. Good luck!

Deleted member

Inkling wasn't good because of roller. That has literally nothing to do with Inkling's strength as a character.
It was so good it got nerfed. I know that was not the main reason why they were good, but it was a good tool.


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
Inkling wasn't good because of roller. That has literally nothing to do with Inkling's strength as a character.

A main is 1 or 2 characters that you play and have the most extensive knowledge of, and those who you are most confident in.
There is a difference between a main and a character you know how to play. I would have half the cast as a "main" if that were the case
I can't tell if you're taking my word for truth or not.

Yeah while K. Rool isn't the most viable character out there way down in the bottom is a bit of an exaggeration, While I wouldn't put him in A or S tier I think he'd be around C tier maybe Mid C tier. K. Rool has some weaknesses but he also can also kick our *** in the right hands.
His main problem is that he doesn't show up at majors and large events very much, and perhaps that doesn't lead to the best placements for him.

Deleted member

Right now I’m playing Simon and Ridley and that’s pretty much it, maybe a bit of DK too. Means I don’t have to learn as many matchups.

Deleted member

A main is 1 or 2 characters that you play and have the most extensive knowledge of, and those who you are most confident in.
There is a difference between a main and a character you know how to play. I would have half the cast as a "main" if that were the case
Yeah, but I know almost every character.
My mains are the ones that are the most fun to me.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2018
racist boot state
I can't tell if you're taking my word for truth or not.
Was I not supposed to? I just play smash with people at my university a lot, and the word "main" seems to have lost meaning for many of them. I will hear one person call 8 different character their "main" when that simply is just not what a main is

Deleted member

Inkling wasn't good because of roller. That has literally nothing to do with Inkling's strength as a character.
I mean, she’s got a lot of strengths other than her roller. Now, imagine if she was trash but she was actually amazing because if her roller. lol


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
Its kind of hard for me to relate to the :ultkrool: is bad low tier mentality cuz I'm at 3.7 million GSP with him so.... I don't know
There are people that have every character in Elite you know...

Being good w/ a bad character doesn’t make the character better (trust me)

How do you have 10 mains
If you ever see me playing in Arenas, you’d know I switch between characters way more often than most people.

Plus I play 12 characters consistently... so 10 is nothing.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Professor Pumpkaboo Professor Pumpkaboo I uh...I don't think I can answer your question.

Your here now though. You survived, you're alive with all of us. I see that as a sign that you were meant to stay in the world of the living, even when it seemed you were doomed.

Deleted member

Last time I called K.Rool's moveset incoherent I got crucified but now people see the truth
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