So before Three Houses releases, I wanna play a FE game to completion to get hyped for it. I don't have time to really commit to playing
more than one, though, since I'm cutting back on videogames for the next few months for our Youtube channel.
Here are the candidates:
- Awakening, just 'cause I really like it and can switch the parents/kids around again. Beaten it four times though.
- Shadows of Valentia, because I've only beaten it once. Really like it though.
- Path of Radiance because I started a new playthrough shortly before moving out in August and never actually went back to continue it.
- Thracia 776 because that game is ****ing hard and, I dunno, give myself a challenge that makes Three Houses easy by the time I get to it.
- Shadow Dragon because it's the best version of the original.
Thoughts, FE fans?
got any input?
EDIT: Just to clarify, I have beaten all of these once before. I know what they're like. I just can't decide which experience I want before Three Houses drops.