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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)

Which title should we use?

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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Job 134

Boss Sphere Only:

Hegemon Husk Edelgard

Edelgard would appear and tower above the characters

Edelgard has high defense and a few simple abilities, Edelgard will slam one or both of her fists down, grounding anyone hit, She can also shoot lasers in any direction, She can grab and throw an opponent near her.

Boss Raid Only:

Emperor Bulblax

Emperor Bulblax is from Pikmin, The boss has 2 phases

The First Phase Bulblax stands in the background and attacks the main stage with powerful Tongue Swipes and Whips, To deal damage you have to wait for him to get closer.

The Second phase Bulblax enters the main stage and continues the assault of Powerful Whips and Swipes but this time you can damage him at any point and yellow bomb rocks fall from the sky
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Raid Boss: Akuma

The secret boss that kickstarted the fighting game tradition, Akuma has been a mainstay in the entire Street Fighter series, only challenging the player in Arcade Mode when they've done exceptionally well. In Smash Infinite, you can only encounter Akuma after getting at least 9.0 in any character's Classic Mode without dying no more than 3 times.

Opening: The camera first focuses on the character on the stage they're on, almost as though they were in a 2D fighter. Suddenly, a dark figure plummets from the top of the screen and lands on the ground with meteoric force. He glares at his next challenger as he says, "我は、拳を極めし者。うぬらの無力さ、その体で知れい!" (I am the master of the fist. Know the powerlessness of your body!) as he stomps the ground and assumes his signature stance before preparing for battle.

Attacks & Behavior:
  • Akuma is a different boss in the sense that he's as big as Ryu and Ken, but much faster and only relying on health.
  • Akuma's AI is heavily aggressive, never missing an opportunity to dish out pain.
  • Akuma uses majorly his normal attacks from Street Fighter IV.
  • Gohadoken: Akuma will fire a purple Hadoken in front of himself.
  • Shakunetsu Hadoken: The fiery variant of the Gohadoken that hits multiple times.
  • Zanku Hadoken: An aerial variant of the Gohadoken, Akuma will fire two downwards-angled fireballs from mid-air.
  • Tatsumaki Zankukyaku: A Tatsumaki that blends the multihit properties of Ken's with the power of Ryu's.
  • Goshoryuken: A Goshoryuken that, like Zankukyaku, has the power of Ryu's Shoryuken and the multihit properties of Ken's.
  • Hyakkishu: Akuma will leap into the air with a red flash in his eye, then follow up with one of the following attacks:
    • Hyakki Gozan: Akuma will perform a sliding kick that can trip the player on hit.
    • Hyakki Gosho: Akuma will perform a meaty downwards palm strike that meteor smashes the player on hit.
    • Hyakki Gojin: Akuma will whirl in mid-air and perform a downwards-angled dive kick towards the player.
    • Hyakki Gosai: Akuma will grab the player's shoulders, flip them over himself and throw them with brute force.
    • Hyakki Goho: Akuma will fire a Zanku Hadoken.
    • Hyakki Gorasen: Akuma will freeze in mid-air and perform a stationary Tatsumaki Zankukyaku.
  • Ashura Senku: Akuma will glide towards or away from the player like a ghost.
  • Shun Goku Satsu: Can only be used once every minute when he reaches 10% of his health. When this activates, Akuma will gain his own version of the "Final Smash Activation" flair that all Fighters have, and charge towards the player with Ashura Senku. If this lands, he will perform the Shun Goku Satsu on the opponent, barraging the opponent with lightning-quick strikes in the darkness, and instantly KO the player, capping it off with his signature finish screen where he faces his back towards the camera, the "天" symbol emblazoned upon it.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Where do Mii Costumes fall in this equation?
Good question I wanted to add a cuphead boss to this game as a boss spere

Anyway to avoid double posting here is my raid boss


Plasm Wraith
Pikmin Series
Location: Formidable Oak

The Final Boss of Pikmin 3, this creature kidnapped Olimar and forced the protagonists to escape a hollow den while he tried to consume them in a giant amorphous indestructible form, with multitasking being a main point of Pikmin I think having the party in smash doing specific roles in an attempt to make this boss susceptible to attacks.

At first the party lands down into a den like maze cave, it's rather large and labyrith like and is filled with strange and hostile monsters such as red bulborbs and blowhogs, eventually the map shows a strange beacon that one of the characters needs to collect, after collect the Plasm Wraith forms into his mysterious lifeform, an indestructible blob that can create illusion and manipulate all the available elements in pikmin 3 (fire, water, crystal, electricity), as the character holding the beacon is the one being chased by the blob the other characters need to open gates and solve puzzles to lure the monster outside the den, as the cave is randomly generated you need to be very careful.
If the beast catches the player holding the beacon it will consume them and try to take it back to its home where it will be an automatic game over. You can escape by completing puzzles such as breaking doors or causing lights to grow platforms.

In this form the wraith has the following attacks:

Fire Puddle: If the player is captured it could protect itself by using one of many elemental attacks, this attack transforms it into a thick flaming puddle of red slime

Electric Feild: It become twice as fast and gains a stunning feild as defence for a short time

Enemy Spread: Concerts some of its body into enemies from the Pikmin Series such as Bulborbs and Snitchbugs, by defeating these enemies you can slow it down and recapture the beacon

When escaping the true fight begins, the plasm wraith is quite large at first and is impervious to direct attacks, instead you need to destroy the cores it launches to damage it. The following f cores are.

Fire Core: a core surrounded by the above mentioned fire slime, will explode if not taken out soon enough.

Water Core: a slowing circle of water surrounds this core, if your not quick the Wraith can convert it into suffocating slime

Crystal Core: A cube of crystal surrounds this, it's quite strong but is weak to smash attacks and explosives, using the spawning rock pikmin will break it quicker, the more its shattered the more damaged crystal shards it scatters.

Electric Core: This core hovers and realses a shocking stunning feild of electricity, projectiles are very recommended.

It can also realse various types of slime to impede the players

Sleep Slime: a silver slime that dissipates into a sleep gas

Smothering Slime: a gold slime that buries that characters

Pollen Slime: bronze slime that gives players flowers.

Finally it can fly in the air giving the following attacks:

Skewer: it uses it's two tentacles to snag a player and it needs to escape of risk heavy damage

Body slam: it slams into the ground causing a shock wave and tossing gold slime (smothering slime), if tiemd right you can stun it and realese a bunch of non elemental cores.

You defeat it by destroying and many cores as possible and then it disintegrates once and for all.

As the pikmin series is known for teamwork having the players gain a detailed goal rather than a straight battle would fit well as a raid boss.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
The 104 Building
New Raid Boss

Hades (Kid Icarus)

Hades is arguably the most powerful character in the Kid Icarus mythos, capable of effortlessly destroying the Three Sacred Treasures and only losing to its successor, the Great Sacred Treasure, thanks to intervention from Medusa and a recharge from Palutena. Between this and him serving as the final boss of Kid Icarus: Uprising, Hades is more than worthy of the title of raid boss.

Hades is fought on a large stone cliff in the Underworld (an image to get an idea for what the Underworld looks like is provided). He is on the right of it, and the left side is a walk-off.

Due to his immense size, Hades is always standing next to the cliff and looking towards it. Think that one attack of Tabuu where he temporarily grows giant to shoot eye lasers, except Hades is giant the whole fight (and he's obviously standing beside the cliff as opposed to phasing through it). He may also need to be slightly smaller than that for his animations to fit on-screen.


  • Hades snaps his fingers and summons several random Kid Icarus enemies which fly past him towards the cliff. Enemies include:
    • Monoeye: Behaves as it does in Smash Dungeon.
    • Zuree: Behaves as it did in Smash Run.
    • Daphne: Behaves as it did in Smash Run.
    • Mahva: Behaves as it did in Smash Run.
    • Souflee: Behaves as it did in Smash Run, except it spawns a useful item if KO'd before it escapes--could be a strong healing item, a Smart Bomb, a Bomber, a Metal Box, an Ore Club, and potentially more.
    • Komayto: Behaves like the Metroid Assist Trophy, except slightly slower and it can be damaged and knocked back by any melee attacks.
    • Mik: Behaves like a Monoeye, except it attacks by whipping its tongue instead of firing a projectile.
  • Hades pulls back an arm before punching the ledge in front of him, launching a purple shockwave that crosses the ground. The punch itself does huge direct damage, but it's hugely telegraphed.
  • Hades sweeps his arm and summons floating balls of light that each fire projectiles. They fade away after a few seconds.
  • Hades crosses his arms in front of his face, then quickly uncrosses them as his face shoots a huge laser that crosses the whole screen. If he uses this attack, it'll usually be after his summoning move--the laser damages his troops, but those who survive may attack players in the tighter space they have.
  • Hades turns into a giant tornado that pulls players towards him with windboxes. The tornado also periodically shoots projectiles.
  • Hades pumps his fist before shooting a large, almost bullet-hell-esque barrage of projectiles from his face.
  • Hades crushes his hand into the side of the cliff before a series of drills rise out of the ground. (The drills are visible poking out and displacing dirt before they actually gain hitboxes.)
  • Hades pulls his hand behind himself before slapping forward.
  • Hades holds out his open hand and shoots a series of tall shield-like projectiles that do not deal damage, but push players backward. These are destructible.
  • Hades wags his fingers and does a "tsk tsk tsk" sound before summoning a pillar of flame on the opposite side of the screen from him. The pillar slowly grows across the ground before fading. Hades is much more likely to use this move if a player is spending a lot of time on that side of the screen projectile-camping.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021

Boss Sphere
Cagney Carnation
As one of the most iconic bosses from Cuphead, Cagney would really give the roster of bosses a unique face

Cagney would spawn on either the left or right side of the stage like his boss fight, he would be similar fo his first phase with him launching acorns that would ricochet off the floors and ceilings and shoot a gaint boomerang seed.

He could also morph his head into a gatling gun and shoot seeds that would spawn a series of plant minions, blue seeds create nipper plants, purple seeds create flying plant mouths and pink seeds create armored flying plant creatures that would launch projectiles

Overall simple but effectuve


Smash Lord
Dec 27, 2014

Mother Brain
Metroid series

This form of Mother Brain come from the Super Metroid and her attacks are the hyper beam from her eye, the shots and bombs from her mouth and othe attack like flametrhower. But she could in the Super Smash Bros. series to use her hands and her feets.
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Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Raid Boss

Final Fantasy Series
(Final Fantasy VI)

The main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI and arguable the most iconic boss in the series alongside Sephiroth due to his unique appearance and manic yet dark personality who, in the story actually achieve his goal of successfully destroying the world with he himself has been considered to be hardest in the series to beat being the most powerful wielder of magic.

Being a Raid Boss he comes in 2 form, the first one being in his iconic harlequin appearance known as "Garish Clown" in Dissidia, serving as the first phase. The second being the form that he takes as a final boss in the original game, known as his "God" form.

the battle takes on top of Kefka's Tower, the ground will suddenly vigorously shake and break off which transition into the location where you fight his Final form which is up in the sky that almost look like heaven with the platform modeled off of the Statue of God

The 2 music that plays accompanied each respective form will be a new remix of 'Kefka' and 'Dancing Mad'

All of his attack, just like his current state of mind, is unpredictable favoring attacks of the long range variety which forces you and your party to dance round for the sake of his amusement, he usually positioned himself being in the center of the stage which makes for an easy target. his size is fairly medium not too big and not too small.​
This section is where it gets more interesting, his position is now changed and instead located on the right of the screen which harkens back to his original final boss battle and grew much bigger.
The battle opens up with his iconic laughter echoing despite his figure has yet to appear, during his appearance he will happily taunt the player as well as making weird and mocking gesture.
He hunches back and heavily breathes, his face look pissed before he transcended with bright lights from the sky engulf him along with the stage.
All of his attack are mostly taken from his appearance in the Dissidia game with some element taken from his boss fight in Final Fantasy XIV, he favor mostly elemental magic with some of the pattern constantly reversed:​
  • Blizzaga Blitz - an ice magic meant as a keep away tool, it surrounds Kefka with many giant ice shards emerging from the ground below him as he floats in midair.
  • Plip-Plop Meteor - he summons several small meteor in a straight line starting from the edge of the stage.
  • (Zig-Zag) Firaga - a homing fire spell that, upon contact explode in flames.
  • (Snap-Crackle) Thundaga - a thunder spell, it struck in an instant in random places, the amount is between 2 to 4 times.
  • Physical Attack
    • using his dagger he will teleport to background and lock onto a specific player before he throws his dagger toward the screen and catching it right before surpassing the stage as he yawns.
    • he will momentarily disappear and right as he make an entrance perform a horizontal slice as he cackle
    • Teleports on either side of the stage and jumps up high in the air and right as he drops down he tilt the stage slightly downward toward the bottom blast zone with his 2 feet and will turn back to normal once he withdraw his foot
    • he performs a somersault kick that launch player to the side blast zone behind him
    • delicately picks up one of his robe and swipe it side to side
Drain - like the namesake Kefka will regain a significant amount of HP while you lose some
Havoc Wing - Kefka deals 4x the damage by thrusting his 4 wings forward at the same time
Bio/Poison - inflict a lingering poison damage by launching poisonous goop that immediately explode, leaving a puddle on the ground for a short amount of time
Trine - a spell that makes the player silenced or unable to attack for around 10 second, this move is unavoidable
Ultima - an unblockable spell that deals a ton of damage, it targets a specific location and explodes similarly to the Smart Bomb
Forsaken - Distort the screen for a period of time as well as dealing a small consecutive damage while it does
Heartless Angel - makes an illusion where instead of actually dealing 999% damage to Parallel the move reducing you to 1 HP, instead it will just mess with the character UI, fitting for his dark humor

Alternate Costume 2: Black (Revolutions)
Color 1: Beige
Color 2:

I added the Beige swap to the Revolutions outfit as I felt that this was more appropriate given the costume.
Almost forgot, I think that costume is not from Revelations and instead from Resident Evil 6 since he doesn't make an appearance in that game (as it is the prequel to RE5), at first I thought this is based on movie Leon which is called Damnation and Degeneration but in actuality, no. He actually has 2 costume in that game, one with and without jacket, for me I prefer picking the jacketless appearance since it is not too similar to his RE4 design
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Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2014
SMCU Express
View attachment 320863
Mother Brain
Metroid series

This form of Mother Brain come from the Super Metroid and her attacks are the hyper beam from her eye, the shots and bombs from her mouth and othe attack like flametrhower. But she could in the Super Smash Bros. series to use her hands and her feets.
Would Mother Brain be a Boss Sphere (smaller, summonable during battle like Rathalos) or a Raid Boss (extremely powerful, similar to previous submissions like Kefka and Akuma)?


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
Almost forgot, I think that costume is not from Revelations and instead from Resident Evil 6 since he doesn't make an appearance in that game (as it is the prequel to RE5), at first I thought this is based on movie Leon which is called Damnation and Degeneration but in actuality, no. He actually has 2 costume in that game, one with and without jacket, for me I prefer picking the jacketless appearance since it is not too similar to his RE4 design
My fault entirely, RE wiki listed it as his Revelations design so I just went with it.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Boss sphere only:
Team Hooligan (Sonic the Hedgehog)

Art by Nibroc.Rock
Fang (purple jerboa), Bean (green woodpecker), and Bark (yellow polar bear) are a trio of antagonists from the Sonic the Hedgehog series - Fang first appeared in Sonic: Triple Trouble, whereas Bean and Bark debuted in Sonic the Fighters. Fang was a rather recurring character before the release of Sonic Adventure, and you could even consider him a main cast member for the Classic era, but Bean and Bark disappeared from the gaming world as quickly as they came - outside of a "joke character" spot in Fighters' Megamix at least - until Sonic Mania, where the Heavy Magician Boss created illusions resembling these crafty hooligans.

If seperated from the other 2, one hooligan alone could pass for a regular assist trophy - however, they're sticking together no matter what, even bad guys wouldn't wanna leave their friends out! Upon being summoned, the 3 of them split up and scamper around the stage. You can take out one and the other two will stay, same with if two are taken down. When only one remains that hooligan will go into "pinch mode" and get a more powerful form.

Bean throws bombs - he can either throw them upwards in an arch similar to Simon's axe, roll them downwards like bowling balls, or throw them into the sky which will make them land on a random part of the stage. Pinch mode Bean throws bigger, more powerful bombs.

Fang bounces around on his tail - if he stomps you you'll be spiked - and bares a popgun which shoots corks, those corks are basically regular old projectiles - though, they go through foes so a single cork can hurt more than one foe. Pinch mode Fang swaps the corks for actual bullets (or sci-fi bullets should the ratings board complain), which fly faster, come out quicker, and are more powerful.

Bark slams into the ground with his fists, which will damage anyone who's caught in his fists and cause anyone nearby to trip over. Pinch mode Bark uses Rock Free Fall from Sonic Battle, giving him a projectile - nearby foes will still trip over when he picks up the rock.

I'm not sure if they'd use their modern designs from the Archie comics, or their classic designs. I'd prefer classic designs though.

Team Hooligan are cult classic Sonic characters who's comebacks have been long awaited, and few cameos have been much celebrated. They (or Fang at least) would represent the 8-bit Sonic games, which have a devoted following. Additionally, most of Sonic's rep in Infinite (and Smash as a whole) has been themed around the Modern era, which has generally been less critically acclaimed.
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Smash Lord
Dec 27, 2014
Would Mother Brain be a Boss Sphere (smaller, summonable during battle like Rathalos) or a Raid Boss (extremely powerful, similar to previous submissions like Kefka and Akuma)?
I only suggested Mother Brain, I write it because you mentioned Kefka which I did not mention. Besides, do you think that Mother Brain is not a good choice even in this form?
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2018
So... what we gonna do about Shantae's Mii costume?
I'd assume we'd either give it who the character who just missed out (Ryu Hayabusa) or do a re-vote to find Shantae's replacement, leaving out Ray-Man and Reimu. I'd prefer the re-vote, as Shantae was overall winner (loser?) of the 3rd party mii costume ballot.
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Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Of course the first time we have to deal with Ultimate stealing our thunder was with a Mii Costume lol
Considering this is the first time something were shown in Ultimate save to say that she can be replaced by Hayabusa, the third character with the most vote. We already promised to replace the fighter with the other one that has the most vote so we can apply that here too.
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Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2021
The Flat Eric cult
May submit Raid Boss later, but I'm not giving up on this boss submission!
Not sure what to do for a third party boss, I'll try to to think of one later. As for the first party boss...
Job 58: RoboBrood

Although the boss has to be monstrous, I would count this one as a monster because the Broodals are a type of species in Super Mario Odyssey that isn't a human, and the robot itself has a monstrous form, so that's my opinion. Now onto the fight!

The arena is a large platform similar to the one where the original fight takes place.
For the attacks, there will probably be more, but these are the concepts I've taken from the original boss and some other ideas: (I may update the list later)
  • The RoboBrood stomps its feet around, burying anyone who was stepped on. This attack happens anytime the RoboBrood moves (It's how the RoboBrood walks), although sometimes it does it while stationary.
  • It shoots out bombs (the same kind that appears in Bowser's Kingdom). Not much to say, it just explodes and deals damage.
  • It shoots out a Pokio. It behaves like in the game, and stabs out its beak.
  • The RoboBrood grows jets on its legs, flies up, and falls back on the ground, similar to King Dedede.
  • A broodal comes out and attacks. Here are the Broodals that go out:
    • Spewart jumps out of his dome, stretches out his tongue, and creates a smaller poison floor, similar to those in several spirit battles.
    • Rango jumps out and then stands on his dome, where he throws his hat like a boomerang that goes around the Broodals legs and goes back to Rango.
    • Hariet quickly jumps out, takes off her hat, and uses her hair to throw bombs that explode into a firey explosion!
    • Topper jumps all the way to the ground, grows hats out of head, and spins around while crouching.
The way to defeat the RoboBrood is to attack the domes that have Broodals in it. Each dome has its own, smaller health bar. After KOing one dome, the RoboBrood falls, but the remaining domes are protected with a metal barrier. Once KOed, the RoboBrood explodes into fireworks.
The Roborood would be boss sphere exclusive.


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
So Shantae is eligible now again right? It's weird because if that Mii Costume was shown before the job prompt even happened, then she would have never have been eligible to be submitted for that job in the first place. And we've added "deconfirmed by DLC" characters before like with RE.

And obviously its impossible to "deconfirm" her now with a Mii Costume since she already has one in the real game.
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Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2014
SMCU Express
I only suggested Mother Brain, I write it because you mentioned Kefka which I did not mention. Besides, do you think that Mother Brain is not a good choice even in this form?
Sorry for the miscommunication!

Our current task is to suggest two bosses, one which will be able to be seen in battle like Rathalos and one that is a large boss in a new mode. I was curious on where Mother Brain would fit. I think Mother Brain has a possibility of working well as a boss. Just wanted to know what type of boss she would be.

I mentioned Kefka as an example for the large boss in the new mode.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
So Shantae is eligible now again right? It's weird because if that Mii Costume was shown before the job prompt even happened, then she would have never have been eligible to be submitted for that job in the first place. And we've added "deconfirmed by DLC" characters before like with RE.

And obviously its impossible to "deconfirm" her now with a Mii Costume since she already has one in the real game.
After some deliberation, it was decided that Shantae will remain within a Mii Costume in Infinite. This Shantae costume will appear as on-disc Mii Costume This is because Shantae was already decided upon as a Mii Costume and being confirmed as a Mii Costume doesn’t change her status. Moreover, it’s kind of sneaky to lift her ineligibility status and then doom someone who was considered “safe” due to a technicality. We will keep her Mii Costume as is along with song for Infinite. The only way we could have backpeddled was if she was confirmed as the last fighter.

This situation also brings to like something we will eventually decide as we get closer to launch date which DLC Mii Costumes we will promote. Unlike Smash 4 > Ultimate; not all of them will be featured as DLC and some will either be included as on-disc content or, if they win a submission round, as a new fighter. We may be deconfirming some characters in the future.

Boss submissions lasts five more hours. Please submit one Boss for Boss Spheres and another Boss for Boss Raids. If a submission is not specified by this time, we will assign a category for it.
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Smash Lord
Dec 27, 2014
Sorry for the miscommunication!

Our current task is to suggest two bosses, one which will be able to be seen in battle like Rathalos and one that is a large boss in a new mode. I was curious on where Mother Brain would fit. I think Mother Brain has a possibility of working well as a boss. Just wanted to know what type of boss she would be.

I mentioned Kefka as an example for the large boss in the new mode.
Two bosses? Unfortunately only for the Mother Brain I found to put like Rathalos, but the new mode you mention, which one is it?
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Two bosses? Unfortunately only for the Mother Brain I found to put like Rathalos, but the new mode you mention, which one is it?
Boss Sphere is a new mechanic introduced that’s similar to Assist Trophies but also like the items Dragoon or Daybreaker. Spheres much be collected and then combined to summon a Boss who will then begin attacks players on the stage. These versions of the bosses, which includes those like Dracula, Master Hand, etc, are weaker and not as powerful.

Boss Raid is a new online mode where bosses are can be fought against by a number of players. These bosses are vastly more powerful with the potential for expanding abilities and techniques.

We are including one boss for Boss Sphere and one boss for Boss Raid. Two total.


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
After some deliberation, it was decided that Shantae will remain within a Mii Costume in Infinite. This Shantae costume will appear as on-disc Mii Costume This is because Shantae was already decided upon as a Mii Costume and being confirmed as a Mii Costume doesn’t change her status. Moreover, it’s kind of sneaky to lift her ineligibility status and then doom someone who was considered “safe” due to a technicality. We will keep her Mii Costume as is along with song for Infinite. The only way we could have backpeddled was if she was confirmed as the last fighter.

This situation also brings to like something we will eventually decide as we get closer to launch date which DLC Mii Costumes we will promote. Unlike Smash 4 > Ultimate; not all of them will be featured as DLC and some will either be included as on-disc content or, if they win a submission round, as a new fighter. We may be deconfirming some characters in the future.

Boss submissions lasts five more hours. Please submit one Boss for Boss Spheres and another Boss for Boss Raids. If a submission is not specified by this time, we will assign a category for it.
This raises another question for me actually. If I remember correctly all ATs are returning still, so if someone like Shadow, Spring Man, or Alucard doesn't get voted into the base game are they considered out of the running for DLC? Feel like it's worth mentioning since that fan rule held up, and I'm pretty sure it's more than just a fan rule for at least the first wave of DLC.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
A theme I'm noticing with the Raid Bosses so far is that they are all really powerful, canonically. Which makes sense, since Raid Bosses are so difficult to beat. But this is a game series in which Kirby is constantly low-tier, so I see no reason to not have a canonically weak Raid Boss.
Or at least...that's what he wants you to think.

RAID BOSS: TOM NOOK (Animal Crossing)

I'm positive that I don't need to share who Tom Nook is. Probably the most popular villager from Animal Crossing (at least, pre-NH), Tom Nook is the real-estate raccoon who also happens to own a shop in pretty much every AC game. He seems like a nice guy-gives you a place to stay and welcomes you with tutorials and the like. Even when he lets you know that you owe hundreds of thousands of Bells in debt, he still offers to let you pay over time...

His boss battle starts off with a cutscene, which can be skipped if each player individually down the X button. It's a first person perspective, and we're in Nook's Cranny, specifically its appearance in New Horizons. Tom is standing in front of our view, next to displays of a kitchen counter and an arcade machine. He starts talking in the lovable, text only, gibberish language of Animal Crossing.
Tom Nook: Let's just check your debt here and...yep, 78,000 Bells! Now please, hand it over.
Two dialogue options pop up-one for "What?" and the other for "I don't have that many!" The second one is chosen.
Tom Nook: Huh? Oh, my pardon. Yes, that's fine. You can just pay it over time, no rush my friend!
Two more dialogue options-one for "Oh, okay!" and the other for "No way!" The second option is chosen again.
TOM NOOK: "Hahahahaha! That was pretty funny! Don't tell me you're being serious.
You can't just get a shiny new house built for free...wait, you are serious?
Okay then. I didn't want to do this, but I suppose I'll have to remove you from the premises.
We switch to a camera angle displaying the boss arena-which is a large-ish walk-off set inside NH Nook's Cranny. Nook jumps back, and Timmy and Tommy come out from the sides of the stage, looking gleeful. They themselves are the first phase of the battle.
Timmy and Tommy act as sort of mini-bosses who attack simultaneously and work in conjunction with each other. Their behaivor is very similar-they are aggressive and hyperactive, very fast, and their attacks are no joke in terms of damage, knockback, and startup-however they suffer from very low health compared to other Raid Bosses. Tommy, however, does like to jump more than Timmy, and Timmy is slightly faster.

Timmy, the older of the siblings, is armed with Nook's Cranny memorabilia flags, special cups and clothing, the whole nine yards. His attacks are listed below.​
Nook Inc. Silk RugA command grab move. Timmy pulls out a rolled-up silk rug with Nook leaves embedded all over it, which he flaps out to unroll above his head before slamming it onto the ground. Anyone caught in this attack will be, so to speak, swept under the rug. They will be stuck there for about seven seconds (five with absolute perfect mashing). During this time, both Timmy and Tommy can attack you. It's a move with short range, but it's quick and it can be devastating if the two siblings team up on you with it.
Nook Inc. Flag DanceTimmy spins around speedily with his beloved orange Nook Inc. flag in hand. Because he's spinning so fast during this part of the attack, just touching him will hurt you (7% damage, little knockback). After a few seconds of spinning, Timmy faces whichever direction closest to an opponent (up, left, or right) and nearly smashes his flag forward, almost like a smash attack, just with a startup hitbox. Getting hit by the flag at this time will do 17% damage and high knockback that kills around 110%.
Nook Inc. MugTimmy brings out a mug and brings it up to his lips to take a drink. If he successfully downs the cup, he will receive a temporary boost to all of his stats. It takes about 5 seconds for him to do so, and during those 5 seconds, any player can attack Timmy to knock the mug out of his hand. The mug will sail across the room (doing a ton of damage to Tommy if it happens to hit him) and Timmy becomes upset (doesn't affect his stats at all, he just looks angry for the rest of the fight.
Nook PhoneTimmy will only activate this move if he is at very low heatlh. That's because this attack will do major damage to almost everyone, including Tommy. Timmy himself is the only one that isn't affected.
Anyways, Timmy pulls out his Nook Phone, and after tapping a few times, a Dodo Airlines plane flies through and acts as a screen clearing attack, almost. It does 24% and high knockback, but you can knock the Phone out of Timmy's hand before he calls Dodo Airlines, so think fast.
Tommy wields tools rather than Nook-branded memorabilia. He's more focused on power than his brother. Also unlike his brother, Tommy has a tighter grip on his stuff, so attacking him won't make any of his attacks outright stop.​
Fossil DigTommy pulls out a shovel and starts to dig (don't ask how he's doing this on the floor of a wooden shop). Anyone caught in this attack will be buried. After digging for a second, Tommy pulls out a fossil and throws it forward, nailing anyone hit with 11% and decent knockback.
Fishing PoleLiterally identical to Isabelle's side b. However, Tommy will always throw the foe forward.
SlingshotTommy pulls out a slingshot and aims for the nearest fighter, before firing. It does as much damage and knockback as Villager's forward air, however Tommy can aim as well as fire up to three consecutive rounds before needing to rest for a second.
Team attack!If Tommy is at extremely low damage, he will start running towards the fighter with the highest damage. If he doesn't reach that fighter in time, he will become tired and rest, enough time to be KO'd. But if he reaches the opponent, he will build a house as in the Final Smash of Villager or Isabelle, almost guaranteeing a KO.
During this phase, Tom Nook will watch from the back of the shop-sometimes clapping for his nephews who landed a successful attack, or stomp his foot angrily when they are nailed with a strong attack. If one is KO'd they will fall down and become dizzy. When this happens, a very concerned uncle will rush over and try to nurse them back to health, and after 10 seconds, they will be revived with 20% of their full health. The only way to stop this revival is by KO'ing the other sibling, ending the first phase of the fight. So ideally, you'll want to focus on both Timmy and Tommy equally to avoid any revival shenanigans. Or, you could all focus your power on one, then you have some free time to take down the other. There are multiple ways to approach this first phase of the Raid Boss.

When both siblings are defeated, they will come to their consciousness and proceed to run offscreen to the right. You can even here the bell ring, signifying that they left the shop. Tom Nook then runs to the foreground, and the final phase of the battle begins.

The hard-working Tanuki is slower than both of his nephews, but what he lacks in speed, he makes up for in strength and especially health-having some of the most health of any Raid Boss. His behavior consists of standing on the left side of the screen and occasionally moving to the right and vice versa-doing attacks while he's on the sides. Nook is a little taller than the average fighter.​
Tanuki SpeedThis is the attack that Tom Nook does in between each one of his other attacks. A brown blur is seen speeding across the stage from left to right or vice versa. While getting hit by it won't do much damage, it will do 8% damage so it's best to just avoid it. It will break all but a full health shield.
Bellsplosion! (Version 1)Tom grabs a bag out of his vest pocket and opens it. Instantly, thousands of bells will come out of the bag at high speeds, forward, creating almost a giant beam of sorts. It can be avoided if you use your double jump and/or up b. If not, though, it goes straight through shields and deals 17% and kills fairly early around 80%.
Bellsplosion! (Version 2)Same animation as before, only this time the bells go straight up! After a second, bells fall down in a diamond pattern at a somewhat slow speed-so you can theoretically walk to weave between them, but that is easier said than done. As with Version 1, these bells also go through shields. During the Bell rain, Tom Nook will open up a Nook Inc. umbrella and protect himself. Bells that bounce off of his umbrella can hurt you as well. Also, don't try to get under his umbrella with him-he'll become angry and slap you out of there! It does little damage or knockback but it is pretty funny. Also it insta breaks shields so don't go thinking you can camp under the umbrella.
Watering CanTom here will bend over and pour water on the ground-which will cause anyone who steps on it to trip twice in a row. This will be enough time for them to get caught by Tanuki Speed-and after that attack is over, the water evaporates (fancier word than "despawns").

Well, there you have it-Tom Nook! Not exactly a villain but I think he works pretty well as a boss. Had a lot of fun making this, not gonna waste my time explaining why he should get in because I spent all my energy making the attacks.
I was gonna submit Cut Man as a Boss Sphere boss, but on second thought I'll wait until Assist Trophies get another job.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are the compiled submissions for Bosses for the Boss Spheres and Boss Raid. We had some amazing entries that clearly captured the feeling of both the Boss Spheres and the new mode, Boss Raids. We will again be going through Google Forms but, if you do not have a Google account, you may submit your votes here.

Boss Sphere
Please vote for your top 3.
King Hippo (Punch-Out!) Jomosensual Jomosensual
Hegemon Husk Edelgard (Fire Emblem) cashregister9 cashregister9
Cagney Carnation (Cuphead) Glubbfubb Glubbfubb
Team Hooligan (Sonic) Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario
RoboBrood (Mario) Yiptap Yiptap

Boss Raid
Please vote for your top 3.
Enternatus (Pokemon) Jomosensual Jomosensual
Pikmin Boss Emperor Bulbax cashregister9 cashregister9 or Plasma Wrath Glubbfubb Glubbfubb (Please just vote for Pikmin boss and we will then decide between these two if it wins)
Akuma (Street Fighter) GolisoPower GolisoPower
Hades (Kid Icarus) Paraster Paraster
Mother Brain (Metroid) S Stratos
Kekfa (Final Fantasy) Commander_Alph Commander_Alph
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing) Janx_uwu Janx_uwu

You can access the Voting Forms here

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Job #135: Super Smash Bros. Infinite Classic Mode Credits
Since Smash 64, there has been credits after a Classic Mode route which involved the player shooting .....something ... at the names that scrolledpast. This has become a staple for the series and has yet to be removed for the past 22 years. Let's take aw walk down memory lane...

Smash 64

Smash Melee

Smash Brawl

Smash 4

Smash Ultimate

So what will our classic mode credits look? Please keep in mind that there are 3 requirements:

It must contain the names of everyone who worked on the project (and not just us lol)
It must involved shooting lasers of some sort
It can focus on Touhou Project. Even though the series is in the launch game, we wont be using that as a basis for the credits.

When submitting, please clearly explain this new classic mode credit, how it looks and works, and when people should vote for it.

Project Discussion: New Mii Fighters

Some time ago, we decided to add new classes for Mii's to accompany the Mii Brawler, Mii Swordfighter, and Mii Gunner. We decided to vote on them early on in the project without investigating what these classes would be and if we truly want to add them in even though they would technically take up a roster spot. Are people still game to add these Mii Fighter classes in? How many do you think we should add? Most importantly, what Mii Classes do you think we should add? Should certain costumes be shuffled to these new classes?


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Job #135: Super Smash Bros. Infinite Classic Mode Credits
Since Smash 64, there has been credits after a Classic Mode route which involved the player shooting .....something ... at the names that scrolledpast. This has become a staple for the series and has yet to be removed for the past 22 years. Let's take aw walk down memory lane...

Smash 64

Smash Melee

Smash Brawl

Smash 4

Smash Ultimate

So what will our classic mode credits look? Please keep in mind that there are 3 requirements:

It must contain the names of everyone who worked on the project (and not just us lol)
It must involved shooting lasers of some sort
It can focus on Touhou Project. Even though the series is in the launch game, we wont be using that as a basis for the credits.

When submitting, please clearly explain this new classic mode credit, how it looks and works, and when people should vote for it.

Project Discussion: New Mii Fighters

Some time ago, we decided to add new classes for Mii's to accompany the Mii Brawler, Mii Swordfighter, and Mii Gunner. We decided to vote on them early on in the project without investigating what these classes would be and if we truly want to add them in even though they would technically take up a roster spot. Are people still game to add these Mii Fighter classes in? How many do you think we should add? Most importantly, what Mii Classes do you think we should add? Should certain costumes be shuffled to these new classes?
Personally I would like classes based off archetypes such as glass cannons (Ninjas) magic point users (Mage) and Pole users (Spearman)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2018
My favorite idea is Mii Spellcaster. I love mages, and we don't have a ton, plus I could maybe make a new LoL character with it. While I'd like to add a new mii class, it might feel bad to use a roster slot on one.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Job #135:

Heaven's Lucky Invaders:

Smash Bros. is a celebration of the history of gaming. What better model to use for Infinite's credits than no doubt the game that kickstarted the genre that in turn kicked off Sakurai's gaming career: Space Invader?

At the bottom, you have a small, one-man spaceship where your selected fighter is riding in. Coming from the top of the screen, much like the titular Space Invaders, are the credits, where if you manage to shoot them all before they reach the bottom of your screen, you will be stunned momentarily before the next wave of credits approaches. The more credits you destroy, the more rewards you get, and if you clear the screen of the current wave of credits, you'll get a great big bonus! Occasionally, a Smash Ball will appear on-screen that you can shoot at. If you manage to destroy the Smash Ball, you can cause a screen-wide explosion that tags all the credits! At the end of the credits is a results screen that shows just before you are treated to something you might have missed: the Clear Movie!

Now, moving on to Mii Costumes...

I feel like if we're gonna add new classes, then yeah, a Mii Wizard or something would be ideal as a next step. HOWEVER, when I look at our current Mii Fighters, they seem to fill a Smash character archetype. We've got our close-up rushdown Brawler, our far-range and elegant Swordfighter, and our projectile-heavy and gadget-oriented Gunner. If we're gonna add a new character, then it'd have to be based on an archetype currently in Smash:
  • Mii Wizard: These guys would be projectile-focused, like the Gunner, but the projectiles are more technical and tricky to maneuver, much like with Palutena and Zelda, other witches on the roster.
  • Mii Titan: These would, of course, be the super-heavyweights of the Mii Fighters, being K. Rool-sized fighters that are all about plowing through hits and dishing out as much pain as they can take.
  • Mii Bandit: A different take on the "Mii Ninja" idea that Glubbfubb had, Mii Bandits are the speedy, more combo-oriented characters that would basically break from so much as a flick to the arm, similarly to Greninja, Sheik, and Joker.
  • Mii Duelist: A Mii Fighter that is very similar, yet very different from the Mii Brawler for one simple reason: he has the same Autoturn mechanics and Input Commands as Ryu, Ken, and Terry. This is basically the Mii Fighter tailor-made for FGC character mains.
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Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Job #135: Super Smash Bros. Infinite Classic Mode Credits
Since Smash 64, there has been credits after a Classic Mode route which involved the player shooting .....something ... at the names that scrolledpast. This has become a staple for the series and has yet to be removed for the past 22 years. Let's take aw walk down memory lane...

Smash 64

Smash Melee

Smash Brawl

Smash 4

Smash Ultimate

So what will our classic mode credits look? Please keep in mind that there are 3 requirements:

It must contain the names of everyone who worked on the project (and not just us lol)
It must involved shooting lasers of some sort
It can focus on Touhou Project. Even though the series is in the launch game, we wont be using that as a basis for the credits.

When submitting, please clearly explain this new classic mode credit, how it looks and works, and when people should vote for it.

Project Discussion: New Mii Fighters

Some time ago, we decided to add new classes for Mii's to accompany the Mii Brawler, Mii Swordfighter, and Mii Gunner. We decided to vote on them early on in the project without investigating what these classes would be and if we truly want to add them in even though they would technically take up a roster spot. Are people still game to add these Mii Fighter classes in? How many do you think we should add? Most importantly, what Mii Classes do you think we should add? Should certain costumes be shuffled to these new classes?
New Mii fighters? Let's see...
  • Mage (lots of people want this)
  • Athlete (Takes inspiration from Wii Sports and Resort)
  • Gamer (Fights with Nintendo consoles and retro stuff)


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
The 104 Building
I feel like if we're gonna add new classes, then yeah, a Mii Wizard or something would be ideal as a next step. HOWEVER, when I look at our current Mii Fighters, they seem to fill a Smash character archetype. We've got our close-up rushdown Brawler, our far-range and elegant Swordfighter, and our projectile-heavy and gadget-oriented Gunner. If we're gonna add a new character, then it'd have to be based on an archetype currently in Smash:
  • Mii Wizard: These guys would be projectile-focused, like the Gunner, but the projectiles are more technical and tricky to maneuver, much like with Palutena and Zelda, other witches on the roster.
  • Mii Titan: These would, of course, be the super-heavyweights of the Mii Fighters, being K. Rool-sized fighters that are all about plowing through hits and dishing out as much pain as they can take.
  • Mii Bandit: A different take on the "Mii Ninja" idea that Glubbfubb had, Mii Bandits are the speedy, more combo-oriented characters that would basically break from so much as a flick to the arm, similarly to Greninja, Sheik, and Joker.
  • Mii Duelist: A Mii Fighter that is very similar, yet very different from the Mii Brawler for one simple reason: he has the same Autoturn mechanics and Input Commands as Ryu, Ken, and Terry. This is basically the Mii Fighter tailor-made for FGC character mains.
I fully second the idea of focusing on unrepresented major archetypes, and this lineup seems pretty comprehensive.

Though I'm not sure if the Duelist is necessary. Maybe just make auto turnaround an option for other Miis? Not just Brawler, but any Mii type? (Tekken has at least one swordfighter, after all.)


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
Job 135:


The fighter used in classic mode is dropped on a stage resembling the middle minigame area from Ultimate's classic mode. It functions as a side scrolling platformer. As they run to the side the names of the developers float in mid air for the player to hit. Players that fall off the stage are respawn after a few seconds. Halfway through they dive off a ledge into a freefall, where more names are able to be hit while in mid air. After running down a slope with a few primids you reach another drop and after being able to hit more names you land in a large body of water where the announcer says "complete!". The victory photo shows and then the rewards screen shows up

I guess I'd be ok with another Mii Class, but I don't feel like I need it a ton. If it comes at the expense of a character slot then no, don't feel like I want it. Feels like the 3 classes cover everything pretty well. If we have to many we do something like a heavy mii so it at least stands out a bit from the other 3
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
The only thing I have to say regarding Mii's aside from submitting one is that I think mii's should extend past just what weapons they use, say for example, Mii Axefighter was on the table, The term "Axefighter" is far too broad an unspecific, something like Mii Berserker would work better as it has more of a "theme" per say.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
I personally think we need a Mii Heavy. They would be a super heavyweight fighter with relatively slow attacks and movement speed, high weight and high damage output. Basically what Goliso already said about Titans already. I'm not too keen on the idea of Wizards personally because that would just feel a bit too similar to Gunner IMO.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2021
The Flat Eric cult
The one new Mii type I would like is a Mii based on the various Mii games, like Wii Sports, Wii Party, Wii Play, Tomodachi Life, Miitopia, and some others. I would call this the "Mii Player." I like this because I feel that it represents Miis the best way possible.


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
While I think another Mii class doesn't sound like a terrible idea in a vacuum, it would come at the cost of presumably a first party newcomer slot, although I suppose it could really be any newcomer slot. We've only got around ten newcomers left, and while the exact distribution of first parties, third parties, and echos hasn't been revealed yet, there are a decent number of both third parties and echoes, ultimately not leaving us with many first party slots left. While we do have DLC, and those fighter jobs have been largely undetermined, I think we'll trend towards third parties and newer first parties, ultimately leaving not too many legacy first parties on the table to be added.

If people want a new class such as mage, titan, or ninja, then I guess its what the people want, but I'd much rather include an existing first party over another mii class, due to it, you know, being an actual character, and allowing us to introduce supplementary content alongside them, which presumably we couldn't do with a smash original Mii class.

That being said, if we could add Matt, or some other Wii Sports character, as an actual character, and not a customizable avatar, I think I would be open to the idea, as Wii Sports sold like hotcakes so it getting a dedicated fighter wouldn't seem too unreasonable.
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