Well I hope everyone enjoyed their time today. We still have a lot of work to do to make sure it continues to be awesome.
Joey Levin is going to be the person in our group to help make sure that things stay in order. If you have any questions feel free to ask me, but Joey will likely help you with them as he learns.
I'm going to keep making sure that things for the tournament on Wednesday works out. Also, we need to make sure we have huge organized lists of people, email addresses, wii ownership, easily portable televisions, and cars. This will be essential for large scale Saturday tournaments. Going to be crazy, but I couldn't have been happier with the way today turned out.
Thank you Durand for making a thousand calls for me today, helping to set up, and being my right hand man for the day, I really appreciate it. Not to mention the good poster design that is surely in the homes of at least 200 people.
Matt and Tom, thanks as always for helping to set up and making sure we got everything to the quad. Thanks for still kicking my *** in melee. Matt make sure you got to the soonest possible Treasurer meeting. We need to set up an account so we can collect dues. I was thinking just a standard $5 to be a member. This way we will be able to make a more private list, so people do not have to worry about just another person looking up their phone number.
Be sure to thank the guys at Game Stop, that Wii set up was sooooooo pretty at the quad. I feel like we should make the headlines for how pretty our set ups looked. I think we did a really good job, and I think we made at least my dream come true for actually Smashing the Quad.
Good stuff to everyone. I'll talk to you all while I'm gone, but I can't wait to be back at school. Tournaments, bar crawls, and whatever else will be a plenty.