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UCLA VII: AVALANCHE - was too good, does no one do shout-outs anymore? WOW

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
OMG! more reason to keep it Brawl!
This has also been posted at AiB. You'll definitely get a great turnout, no joke.

Just do Brawl.

Also, for the record. How the **** do I keep changing my opinions? Sure I've changed it before in a short period of time but for the past few weeks, I've come to the conclusion that Brawl is great game with much to offer and a bright future. I've yet to change my opinion. In fact, I've become a vocal and avid supporter of Brawl since then.

But whatever.

Like I said, Keep It Brawl!!!
lol, so since you last changed your opinion, you haven't changed it since? :chuckle:


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2007
Mission Viejo, California
Ok i'm here just to voice my opinion on this debate here. Melee is a great game and it will always be fun. I've hosted 4 tournaments now and 3 were melee. All of them were great and enjoyable. But last week I hosted my first brawl tournament and went on to see how well this would turn out. I had a turn-out of 63 entrants for brawl which was the biggest attendance rating i've had ever because I hosted in a Hotel/Inn and it also helped because it was a ranked tournament in So-cal.

I believe that this tournament will have a major sucess if it's run as a brawl tournament because it is a bigggg tournament and second Everyone would go including the noobs to the tournament scene and the bad *** pros.

Melee will also have a sucess but not as much as a turnout as a brawl tournament would be. This is my opinion.

If this is brawl then i definately will go to this tournament. If it's melee then it's a maybe because i know i will never be as good as Zhu's Falco so i cant even compete.


Smash Master
Jul 14, 2006
Los Angeles (818 Panorama City!)
Alright, here me out, I kinda want this to be a Brawl tourn. I'm all for Melee on this, but I'm going to give this monthly to Brawl because I'm curious to see how this will turn out. I think I posted on this thread earlier on how a Brawl tourny of this scale can easily break any past monthly attendance. I'm wondering if there is even going to be enough time to finish the whole thing. As for Melee players, don't forget that we still have Pomona coming up.


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2007
Mission Viejo, California
One quick question, sorry it doesnt relate to this thread but i was wondering how do u get those little icons of the characters at the bottom left of ur post? sorry bout the post just wanted to know :)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2007
K-Town, LA, CA

Brawl is like a chess match. May be intense for the players but spectators will be bored and think, "**** how long will it take" Brawl tourneys (small ones) i went to so far haven't had as many shouts and excitement as melee tourneys did :C


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I think Aesis should stick with Brawl. A huge tournament could really help Brawl out alot.


Smash Master
Jul 14, 2006
Los Angeles (818 Panorama City!)
pretty sure brawl = checkers, melee = chess.
Brawl = Chess
Melee = Blitz Chess (alot more fun)

Edit: make it Brawl! I want to hear Aesis say at the end of this tournament "Hosting this Brawl tournament lasted so f***ing long because people didn't bring setups and this wasn't as fun as any previous monthly!"

I'm going to vote Brawl! Don't come at me saying that I didn't give Brawl a chance!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 22, 2006
818 cali
let's go for melee... brawl is fun, for only about 5 min. i mean come on there's some tricks but the gameplay is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow. just not enough competition or even the suspense of a great battle. i love the rush and feel of accomplishment whenever you win a tough melee match and how one can easily tell the difference bet. a casual player and a **** talker. melee all the way ^_^


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
It's super easy to DI out of though, and it's like 20% reliability to kill someone. =\

Edit: I vote Melee.
Yeah I know..I was just kidding. hahaha

No, I think Festizzio was the only one in the nation that played MKSuperCrappy, LOL. Everyone else who played it is in Europe.

OMG..I used to play that game. Not competitively or anything, but I played it a lot. I had fun with it. Hehe.

By the way Kevin you can get that icon by going to your preferences on your control panel.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
What flaws? What are you talking about? I don't even know you and I hate you already. ****...
Logic Flaw: Your opinion can't be trusted as you apparently change it quite often, going from brawl to melee then back to brawl. You stated yourself that the only reason you want Brawl is because RIGHT NOW you like Brawl, but that may change in the future.

Also, I vote for Mario Kart DS


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
I am going to have to agree with Brawl.

While I like melee more, and everyone knows I do, I feel like going to a tournament where people will actually care. There will be less people attending a melee tournament, and even less people caring about melee results.

Melee is a better game, but for now, we should keep it at the smashfests, not at big monthly tournaments.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
Logic Flaw: Your opinion can't be trusted as you apparently change it quite often, going from brawl to melee then back to brawl. You stated yourself that the only reason you want Brawl is because RIGHT NOW you like Brawl, but that may change in the future.
You have no idea how dumb you sound, do you.... ?


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
I am going to have to agree with Brawl.

While I like melee more, and everyone knows I do, I feel like going to a tournament where people will actually care. There will be less people attending a melee tournament, and even less people caring about melee results.

Melee is a better game, but for now, we should keep it at the smashfests, not at big monthly tournaments.
Say we make it Brawl and the Smash community grows. Then a year later we realize Brawl is not good and we revert back to Melee. Will the Brawl noobs stay? No, they don't want to re-learn Melee, especially because it's so much harder to learn/be good at. Why waste time with Brawl then? I know I don't speak solely for myself when I say I care more about Melee placings than Brawl placings.

You have no idea how dumb you sound, do you.... ?

You have no idea how dumb you sound, do you.... ?
Believe me, I'm doing my best to see that you realize this as soon as you possibly can. All your "retorts" are just as well-calculated and convincing as the rest of your persuasive posts.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
if i see one more 6 paragraph essay written with tears and signed in blood, im gonna strangle someone with my controller.

i vote melee, but i'll go regardless just because i <3 alan :D


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
Say we make it Brawl and the Smash community grows. Then a year later we realize Brawl is not good and we revert back to Melee. Will the Brawl noobs stay? No, they don't want to re-learn Melee, especially because it's so much harder to learn/be good at. Why waste time with Brawl then?
It's never a waste to get conclusive evidence about something instead of just throwing it away on shortsighted conjecture. It strikes me as a bit naive that anyone thinks they can make definitive judgments the eventual future, bad or good, of the metagame of Brawl based on 6 weeks of it being out.

I just don't get why everyone is so impatient to have the final word be out about Brawl and need to have their conclusions in a neat little package already.


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
It's never a waste to get conclusive evidence about something instead of just throwing it away on shortsighted conjecture. It strikes me as a bit naive that anyone thinks they can make definitive judgments the eventual future, bad or good, of the metagame of Brawl based on 6 weeks of it being out.

I just don't get why everyone is so impatient to have the final word be out about Brawl and need to have their conclusions in a neat little package already.
I think there's enough evidence showing that Brawl isn't as good (mostly hitstun and techchasing, it kind of makes up a lot of the game), although obviously there's more to be discovered. Yeah, we didn't figure out wavedashing until we saw Japanese videos (to my knowledge), but seeing that we have a much better idea of what to look for and we have WAY more people analyzing the game and trying to figure stuff out, I doubt Brawl will make any kind of drastic change.

EDIT: What I mean is, even though it's only been out 6 weeks (plus Japanese Brawl time), we've had better tools for finding new stuff so I'm sure enough that if there was a wavedash of Brawl, we'd have found it already. /end edit

There are new techniques discovered all the time, but they're pretty small, nothing game-changing. Like... you know how Wolf can forward B through some stages while hanging on the edge? It's pretty cool, but that doesn't change the metagame at all. It's somewhat analogous to Falco being able to edgehog (in Melee) with that turn-around walk-off thing, or by running, shining, turning around in the shine, and wavedashing backwards onto the edge. It's pretty cool, and definitely useful, but it doesn't change the way the game is played, which is pretty much what Brawl would need to be considered a decent competitive fighter.


Smash Champion
May 28, 2006
If it's melee you won't come or you won't bring 3rd strike?
and 1$ sounds good
well if it's melee I'll just get ***** so I won't enter, but I might show up for ****s and giggles, plus I love dem palmdale kids, so I'll bring thirdstrike either way, but I only have one controller
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