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Twisted Fate Mafia [D3 BEGINS, DEADLINE: 3/8 at 11:59 PM EST]


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
A no lynch wouldn't be as terrible right now as it normally would, as that would buy us another day.
I honestly wouldn't recommend a NL. If the scumteam is smart they'll try to kill Ryker and that will either tell them that there is a jailer or we'll be down a confirmed townie. If the former happens we'll be in the same place tomorrow that we're in right now, and if the latter happens we'll be down a townie and still have pretty much no advantage over today going into D4. The biggest argument for a NL is to add more time to make a decision, but it looks like we'll just have another phase of silence with this level of activity.


Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
I'll be honest, my motivation to try hard slowly widdling away with this game. Playing Pokemon Blue on my 3DS sounds much more appealing.



Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
Okay, did a partial reread of the past 5 pages or so (partial being that I focused only on certain interactions). I caught some stuff on the last couple pages I need to respond directly to first:

I think I'm gauging more of your attitude and behavior more than anything, though I don't like the end of your post where you try and clunk many different scum scenarios without defining which one is the most important to you. You seem to cover all bases but are lacking in that certain quality that I see in townies, in which that they're not perfect, but you make out all your posts in such a way that you are.
The reason for lumping them all together was that J asked specifically for people to look at relationships. Generally I try to do as people ask me in mafia games, mainly because when I ask other people to do things, I'd like them to give me the same courtesy. I've actually found that someone outright ignoring questions (not just saying they are playing their cards close to their chest, which I do frequently) is a pretty good indy tell.

Xatres Xatres I was asked for a wifom answer. Gave a wifom answer. If your response (just now) is the obvious yomi 1 response to a case against you, could you have already had it planned as a response because you could easily rebut the case as "too obvious"?

**** now we're thoroughly in wifom hell.
For the sake of avoiding another mechanics discussion about the nature of Yomi, I will simply say, "Yes, WIFOM hell sucks" and move on.

Ok, with 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch, so with 3 scum, that means they need to get 2 townies on board a wagon they create out of 5. They just need to be 40% successful in convincing us to mislynch and we're done.

Does anyone here think we're likely to not fall for it?

I'd like to hear everyone chime in on this (which means 2 people will respond sometime between now and tomorrow night...)
What is the likelihood that you see of us killing scum toDay?
Honestly, I'd say about 50/50. If town swings my way, we lose. If town goes with someone between J / TSYK / Spak, I think we have a pretty good chance of hitting scum.


Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
Vote: J

I'm not going to post a wall, because people have been walling back and forth on this issue for almost two Days. The cases have been made, and I have nothing really knew to add. I'm fairly convinced at this point that there is scum between J and TSYK, and I wouldn't be shocked at all if they were partners, TSYK setting up a bus. I could also see J and Spak being scummates (setting up their arguments toDay to look TvS). The most common denominator in these reads is J. I think he's the safest bet at this point for avoiding a mislynch.

Here's a short version of my reasons, which you can look back through other people's posts to find in more detail. These are roughly in the order in which I find the most damning.

1) J has intentionally misrepresented the truth. Look at his interactions with Maven, and you'll see him lying about no one making a real case on him (then backtracking and saying no one "alive", which was also false), and by insisting he's not defending TSYK, while calling him town at every opportunity.
2) J has showed up two days in a row, post-lynch, pre-flip, lamenting town's choice.
3) J has been defending TSYK all day, buttering up to the newbie.
4) RR is dead. All WIFOM aside, the biggest threat to J died last night. He benefits the most from the death, plain and simple.
5) From an activity standpoint (and this could be a misconception) it seems to me that J has flurries of activity when he's being attacked directly, then has slunk into the background when the pressure's off. This could easily just be laziness (not an uncommon factor in this game) but I think it's important to mention.

Null-tell) J continues to use that freaking "odd", "interesting", and similar vague, noncommital langauge that I hate. But I've come to associate that with ALL his play, town or scum. I just feel the need to bash him for this at every opportunity. >:(

If it turns out that TSYK, J, and I are ALL town, then GG guys. But I'm pretty sure at least one of them is scum, so we won't be seeing the scum pile on the votes just yet.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2015
Honestly, if you guys are only calling me scum because J has been partnering up with me, I've already explained why that's obviously staged to make me look scummy, and if we really were scum partners he could've easily complimented me in the PM.


Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
Honestly, if you guys are only calling me scum because J has been partnering up with me, I've already explained why that's obviously staged to make me look scummy, and if we really were scum partners he could've easily complimented me in the PM.
There are multiple possible motivations for buddying up to you, only one of which would be to make you look scummy. Most of these are wifom-inducing, but wifom is unavoidable in a mafia game.

Corps phoenix

Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2015
I am in a situation where I either believe that everyone who is town has collectively decided to make 0 effort, and that the two people who are putting in the most legwork are the scum or that the scum has taken advantage of town's lack of effort to not do anything themselves.

This poses a situation where everything xatres posts I can follow, and not only that, sometimes agree. I do not like xatres for some things but if I were to lynch to someone on principal of gut feeling and perception I would have to take the blame, and it might be something I have to make.

Spak's timing of his posts are a general disdain, and I do not fully see what's he's seeing, but I would again feel as if I'd be taking a risk.

Make no doubt that I'll be voting one of the two, but also know that I'm weighing which one. I do not believe in the idea of all town being lazy and nobody should either. I think that one of them truly has good intention in mind and thinking about it myself I would say that I could be more likely wrong about xatres than spak, and me putting a vote down casted with doubt is something I don't wanna make.


Jul 16, 2005
Vote: Xatres

I typed our hydra name like an idiot in my earlier post.

Just getting started this morning, so this isn't complete:
This is more than a process of elimination vote in some sense.
I believe that Ryker and Maven are town.
I don't believe J-TSYK are a scum team.
My hunch on J's post being genuine at very end of Day 2 is pretty strong. I think he's town.
I believe RR was killed in order to set me up to follow Xatres' logic into killing J, my other main target at the end of Day 2. This is easier to believe if my hunch on J is correct.

It's entirely possible that I've got these two backwards, but I think I'm playing the stronger likelihood here. This will go down as my worst performance ever if I'm wrong, but I'll feel a little better knowing how ****ty the entire rest of the game has been with or without my help.


Jul 16, 2005
I meant to say this is a process of elimination vote in some sense, but it's more than just that.

Also, we need to consider how we expect scum to handle the possibility of losing one of their own toDay. I think if we've got the numbers moving correctly, they will bus, but we all should consider HOW they will likely do so, and how they want to come out looking Day 4 after a bus.
Will they both be on the bus?
Will only 1?
Will they act reluctant, hoping to swing it to a townie ftw?
Will they act strong, so as to hope to ensure they can buy themselves a free win Day 4?
Perhaps 1 strong bus, one reluctant?
Maybe 1 scum will not bus, the other will?

Take a look at your scum reads (considering PoE from your strongest town reads as a reasonable scum read at this point), and try to conjugate the possibilities as you see things unfold.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Vote Xatres

Well, let's see what happens then. If there's not a hammer by the end of the day, I have it narrowed down to one of two.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2015
I believe that there are 2 votes on J right now. The fact that the scum team doesn't just place their 3 votes on him tells me that A) J is scum and we guessed right or B) The scum team consists of all of the inactives.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
My hunch on J's post being genuine at very end of Day 2 is pretty strong.
Again, could you please elaborate on this? J's end-of-D2 post seems near impossible to be genuine if you consider the timing and the fact that a vote count stating J was at L-3 was posted 20 minutes before J posted the "woe is me" post and the hammer came out 8 minutes before J's post.
Vote Xatres

Well, let's see what happens then. If there's not a hammer by the end of the day, I have it narrowed down to one of two.
Could you please explain your reads? I asked you this earlier today and you went inactive, then dodged the question.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Vote: #HBC | J

He's deliberately avoiding Ryu's attack and Spak's points about this, twice he's claimed to have answered Ryu's attacks when this is a clear lie, he's lied about what he and others have said. J hasn't done anything in this game of value but push Ryker.

Just getting started this morning, so this isn't complete:
This is more than a process of elimination vote in some sense.
I believe that Ryker and Maven are town.
I don't believe J-TSYK are a scum team.
For a process of elimination, you're leaving out Corps and Spak, and are only examining J/TSYK as a unit? Why?

My hunch on J's post being genuine at very end of Day 2 is pretty strong. I think he's town.
I find this hard to believe. That post?

[QUOTE="Dastrn, post: 20972413, member: 20028"I believe RR was killed in order to set me up to follow Xatres' logic into killing J, my other main target at the end of Day 2. This is easier to believe if my hunch on J is correct.[/QUOTE]

You believe they killed RR just to set you, personally, up?

This s the weakest post I've seen from you and it looks like you threw it up on the spot.

Dastrn is definitely back into play as possible scum team, in fact I'm considering it more and more likely.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Someone give me a strong reason to town-read Dastrn that isn't "Because he talks", because i'm coming up blank

Ryker I'm gut-reading as town but do not like his play.

Spak I'm town-leaning right now. He's either scum trying to hedge his bets, or he's town whose a little too self-conscience about being seen as scum. At least that's how I'm reading him, he hasn't done much that's actually scummy. At the very least, nothing to warrant a lynch today.

Corps...well I don't know what to even say about Corps. He seemed really against me, I refused to engage, and he just essentially left. I put him as null, though he has been buddying with J

TSYK is also null. If J is scum I don't think he'll be null anymore. Recently he's been playing better, but it's still hard to tell when someone is brand new to the game, and the game is this game.

Xatres I'm semi-liking. I relate to his point about how "no one engaged him", I felt that back in Day 1 /early Day 2, I'm also semi-surprised at how he took full credit for the Gheb lynch, I considered myself at fault for pushing it earlier.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
I am in a situation where I either believe that everyone who is town has collectively decided to make 0 effort, and that the two people who are putting in the most legwork are the scum or that the scum has taken advantage of town's lack of effort to not do anything themselves.
From my own mafia experience, it's almost always the last situation


Jul 16, 2005
My current scum team theory is xatres/spak/corps, but xatres is top of my list now.

Yes, I believe it was a setup for me personally. Xatres is hard for me not to follow, and I think he expected to be able to convince me with his "yomi 1" logic. scumXatres would definitely have planned around convincing me to vote with him toDay, and thought carefully about how to ensure he had my vote. After all if he (plus his scummates) had my vote, they only needed 1 more townie to be convinced and the game was over.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2015
TSYK is also null. If J is scum I don't think he'll be null anymore. Recently he's been playing better, but it's still hard to tell when someone is brand new to the game, and the game is this game.
If J is scum am I scum or am I town? What if J flips town? What am I then?


Jul 16, 2005
Don't forget how tight xatres and I are. I have a natural inclination to want to trust him, and we process things in similar ways. We have lived together as adults, worked together, hydra'd, MMO'd, etc. for a long long time. I expect him to plan very hard on trying to beat specifically me if he's scum.

Ok, so think about this: Isn't it far too obvious for a scum-J to remove RR, who was pushing hardest for his lynch yesterDay? Why would scum J make the obvious move? The only reason I could see is if he is either scum setting his teammate Xatres up for a clean hard bus so he could remove himself from the game and semi-clear J (who, don't forget, was Xatres' strong TOWN read at the end of Day 2, and is now Xatres strong SCUM pick.)

Is J that weak of a player, that scumJ would simply pick off whoever was targeting him when he was in the hot seat?

Or is that a pretty good indication that someone wants us to think that? I know this is some wifom, but it's some general wifom where the wine is either in front of J OR it's in front of ANYONE who thought of this idea. It's not a hard idea to come up with, is it?

So ask yourself what's more likely: that J decided to make the most obvious night kill possible and skip out on a claimed and quasi-confirmed townie, eliminating one of my biggest scumreads (RR), or that ANYONE ELSE in the game made that same play with the goal of setting J up for a lynch?


Jul 16, 2005
Yes, I'm aware that I've been back and forth on Spak, and he's definitely the lowest out of that group of 3. He's made some pro-town plays, and I believe I've even made a case for him being town in Day 2. I think it was during that moment when I said something to the effect of "maybe I'm losing my mind, but I'm rethinking things this way..." stating I believed Ryker was town, Spak was town, Maven was town, and was swinging towards Gheb/J or something similar to that. I think J responded with something like "yeah, you're losing your mind."

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I am honestly dejected whenever I look at this game and I just continue to be at the fact that people say I am not doing anything nor have I done anything when I most certainly have. There is also the point where people are asking me to respond to cases I have already responded to but then they say "well you forgot sub-article B under header F right under the italicized and in small print" which is quite annoying to respond to if I am being point blank. Then people saying I am buddying TSYK when I have not even been doing that. I have simply stated that I do not find him as scum and people are saying "well you SHOULD be finding him as scum for his actions" which is bull as well because since when is it scummy to have your own opinions on people's posts?

I also am dejected at the fact that the laziness of this game is what is going to end up being the town's downfall of another ML if my slot is lynched because that equates to 3 final day lynches where no one really decided to change their opinions and is manipulated by scum to just "stay on track" and look where that has gotten us? I'm tired of responding to the same points over and over again due to players not reading the game nor looking at things in depth. Just look at my wagon because the cases presented against me from Sparky/TSYK/Maven are weak and full of holes.

There are 3 votes on me and I'm going to even it up to 3 votes on Xatres who has been a scum-read of mine all day. The fact that Dastrn/Corps/Ryker who are town-reads supports this decision also makes me even more content to lay my vote down. The votes seem to have fallen in a way that is completely a 50/50 it could go either way where Xatres or myself will be lynched toDay on 4-4 a piece. (Sparky/TSYK/Maven/Xatres) vs. (J/Dastrn/Corps/Ryker). Looking at the wagons you can even see the stronger sides and the "whys" even bigger. The wagon on me is weak, has always been, and the players on my wagon are the players who have been playing poorly and/or are scum. Simple as that. The "clears" are split down the middle and the fact that Maven has decided to join Sparky/Xatres in the end just disheartens me because it shows that he was being false when he said he was going to redeem himself from his earlier poor play in the beginning of the game. TSYK doesn't really know what's going on half the time in thread and has this convoluted conspiracy theory that I am trying to set him up as my buddy if I were to get lynched and flip scum? Then Sparky who is capitalizing on the weakness of this town which is inactivity is coming in at the twilight hour to try and lynch my slot with weak claims and over-done remarks to where he just tries to regurgitate RR's case on me and slaps whatever he can to the point of exaggeration as his case against me. Xatres is pretty self-explanatory as to why his vote is on me.

I'll be around, but I have rehearsals and a brief photo shoot later tonight so I will see if I can be on my phone to snipe things if need be, but yeah.

Vote: Xatres


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Don't forget how tight xatres and I are. I have a natural inclination to want to trust him, and we process things in similar ways. We have lived together as adults, worked together, hydra'd, MMO'd, etc. for a long long time. I expect him to plan very hard on trying to beat specifically me if he's scum.
To be honest, I'm getting that vibe from you

I am honestly dejected whenever I look at this game and I just continue to be at the fact that people say I am not doing anything nor have I done anything when I most certainly have. There is also the point where people are asking me to respond to cases I have already responded to but then they say "well you forgot sub-article B under header F right under the italicized and in small print" which is quite annoying to respond to if I am being point blank. Then people saying I am buddying TSYK when I have not even been doing that. I have simply stated that I do not find him as scum and people are saying "well you SHOULD be finding him as scum for his actions" which is bull as well because since when is it scummy to have your own opinions on people's posts?

I also am dejected at the fact that the laziness of this game is what is going to end up being the town's downfall of another ML if my slot is lynched because that equates to 3 final day lynches where no one really decided to change their opinions and is manipulated by scum to just "stay on track" and look where that has gotten us? I'm tired of responding to the same points over and over again due to players not reading the game nor looking at things in depth. Just look at my wagon because the cases presented against me from Sparky/TSYK/Maven are weak and full of holes.

There are 3 votes on me and I'm going to even it up to 3 votes on Xatres who has been a scum-read of mine all day. The fact that Dastrn/Corps/Ryker who are town-reads supports this decision also makes me even more content to lay my vote down. The votes seem to have fallen in a way that is completely a 50/50 it could go either way where Xatres or myself will be lynched toDay on 4-4 a piece. (Sparky/TSYK/Maven/Xatres) vs. (J/Dastrn/Corps/Ryker). Looking at the wagons you can even see the stronger sides and the "whys" even bigger. The wagon on me is weak, has always been, and the players on my wagon are the players who have been playing poorly and/or are scum. Simple as that. The "clears" are split down the middle and the fact that Maven has decided to join Sparky/Xatres in the end just disheartens me because it shows that he was being false when he said he was going to redeem himself from his earlier poor play in the beginning of the game. TSYK doesn't really know what's going on half the time in thread and has this convoluted conspiracy theory that I am trying to set him up as my buddy if I were to get lynched and flip scum? Then Sparky who is capitalizing on the weakness of this town which is inactivity is coming in at the twilight hour to try and lynch my slot with weak claims and over-done remarks to where he just tries to regurgitate RR's case on me and slaps whatever he can to the point of exaggeration as his case against me. Xatres is pretty self-explanatory as to why his vote is on me.

I'll be around, but I have rehearsals and a brief photo shoot later tonight so I will see if I can be on my phone to snipe things if need be, but yeah.

Vote: Xatres
A giant wall of meta complaints and ignoring every point again.


Jul 16, 2005
To be honest, I'm getting that vibe from you
Which? The vibe that I'm trying to get Xatres to follow me? I'm trying to lynch him.
If I'm scum and he's town, shouldn't I be buddying him? We played practically holding hands Day 2. Why wouldn't I do so now?

This about scumDastrn at the end of Day 2. We had an easy lynch on Gheb set up. I had no reason to assist a swing to J, but I did so because it seemed like the best play. I could have just stuck to Gheb from the start. Instead, I swung until I saw reason to pause and turn back to Gheb. I had to make the deciding vote at the end and mislynched. But I certainly had an easier path to a mislynch if I just hadn't joined the late J wagon. I didn't need to draw attention to myself as the final voter at the last hour. I could have just sat and watched the Gheb lynch happen.

Then drunk J posted his frustration when he believed he was the lynch, and I genuinely believed him. It made me pause and question things.
So we ended up tied at the end, and I had to choose between Gheb or J. One of my stronger scum picks wanted J dead. Xatres, who I felt sort of buddied to, wanted Gheb. I teetered, and literally sat nervous on my couch that night trying to make the decision before just going for it.

I was already buddied with Xatres, and could have stayed buddied with him easily if I was scum and he was town. Instead I'm pushing for his lynch today.

Now think of a scum Xatres end of Day 2. He is reluctant to swing the wagon and wants Gheb dead. It's the easier lynch. He says he's willing to follow if necessary but strongly prefers Gheb. He buddies Ryu and I into a 3 man voting bloc to essentially decide the end of the Day.

Then, he plays a pretty basic misdirection night kill, killing off J's biggest attacker so that it would be easy to simply say "someone wanted J dead so J killed him". He brings up yomi 1, as if I couldn't simply apply that to J, known to be a good player, and suggests implicitly that the most obvious explanation is that J made the yomi 1 move but xatres never would have done so.

Xatres is right. He wouldn't make the yomi 1 move. He thought one step farther, and made his night kill to set up J for a death toDay, and relied on buddying me to pull it off.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2015
Dastrn has a great point. RR was targeting J, and now he's dead. Me, being the weak player that I am, would jump to the conclusion that J is scum. Xatres is feeding off of the weaker player's gullibility. He's using the fact that there are weak players in this game, and using that against us. He's controlling us, like we're puppets on strings. But, let's think about it. I see Dastrn's point, but I do NOT understand why it's Xatres who did it. It could be anyone in the game other than J. Heck, it could even be Dastrn himself trying to sway us to kill Xatres, so I'm not gonna change my vote just yet. I implore you to do the same. Maybe I just missed something, but I do not see why it is specifically Xatres who nightkilled RR in order to make J look scummy.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2015
If I'm scum and he's town, shouldn't I be buddying him?
If J is scum and I a town, wouldn't he be buddying me.? This same statement is what I've been asking myself all day, and Dastrn has just put it in different context. His latest post seems desperate, to say the least. Me and him are in VERY similar situations right now. J and me, and Xatres and Dastrn. I'm arguing that J is buddying with me so that if he goes down, I go down with him, and Dastrn is voting on Xatres to move suspicion off of himself, and using the fact that his vote in on him as a shield, to protect him.


Jul 16, 2005
I like that you're not only seeing the idea, but challenging individual pieces of it that aren't absolutely necessary for the general idea to be true. Good job.

Regarding why I believe it's Xatres and not someone else, it's because he was so adamant that we not lynch J Day 2 and why he's so convinced toDay, combined with the fact that he's the one player in this game who has the most reason to believe (if he is scum) that he can buddy any specific townie with a strong likelihood of success. I'm that target. No one in this game has a tighter connection than two brothers, and I believe that is being connection is being used by Xatres.


Jul 16, 2005
Dastrn has a great point. RR was targeting J, and now he's dead. Me, being the weak player that I am, would jump to the conclusion that J is scum. Xatres is feeding off of the weaker player's gullibility. He's using the fact that there are weak players in this game, and using that against us. He's controlling us, like we're puppets on strings. But, let's think about it. I see Dastrn's point, but I do NOT understand why it's Xatres who did it. It could be anyone in the game other than J. Heck, it could even be Dastrn himself trying to sway us to kill Xatres, so I'm not gonna change my vote just yet. I implore you to do the same. Maybe I just missed something, but I do not see why it is specifically Xatres who nightkilled RR in order to make J look scummy.
I certainly don't feel desperate. I want to get this right and recover from my worst performance ever, but I'm the last person to need to feel desperate, if we're just being fair to the game. I've been under no heat other than the early kantrip stuff and that all got cleaned up ages ago. Maven seems to be teetering on me, but that doesn't concern me too much. We've been back and forth before.

I think Xatres stands in the most influential position in the game right now, which you seem to be describing well in this post. You and I would both be considered likely to believe him going into toDay. Scum only needed 2 followers to get the mislynch and win the game.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2015
Probably should've worded that comparison between me and Dastrn better. I meant that we are both pleading our innocence, and I'm attacking J, and Dast is attacking Xatres, leading to two wagons for the same purpose.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
No, I meant your part about "trying to beat his brother when he's scum". I'm finding your sudden switch on to Xatres really bad, and when before you were denying your own agency, you're now assigning it to Xatres. I don't buy for a second that he's responsible for you forming a voting bloc with him,
Which? The vibe that I'm trying to get Xatres to follow me? I'm trying to lynch him.
If I'm scum and he's town, shouldn't I be buddying him? We played practically holding hands Day 2. Why wouldn't I do so now?

This about scumDastrn at the end of Day 2. We had an easy lynch on Gheb set up. I had no reason to assist a swing to J, but I did so because it seemed like the best play. I could have just stuck to Gheb from the start. Instead, I swung until I saw reason to pause and turn back to Gheb. I had to make the deciding vote at the end and mislynched. But I certainly had an easier path to a mislynch if I just hadn't joined the late J wagon. I didn't need to draw attention to myself as the final voter at the last hour. I could have just sat and watched the Gheb lynch happen.

Then drunk J posted his frustration when he believed he was the lynch, and I genuinely believed him. It made me pause and question things.
So we ended up tied at the end, and I had to choose between Gheb or J. One of my stronger scum picks wanted J dead. Xatres, who I felt sort of buddied to, wanted Gheb. I teetered, and literally sat nervous on my couch that night trying to make the decision before just going for it.

I was already buddied with Xatres, and could have stayed buddied with him easily if I was scum and he was town. Instead I'm pushing for his lynch today.

Now think of a scum Xatres end of Day 2. He is reluctant to swing the wagon and wants Gheb dead. It's the easier lynch. He says he's willing to follow if necessary but strongly prefers Gheb. He buddies Ryu and I into a 3 man voting bloc to essentially decide the end of the Day.

Then, he plays a pretty basic misdirection night kill, killing off J's biggest attacker so that it would be easy to simply say "someone wanted J dead so J killed him". He brings up yomi 1, as if I couldn't simply apply that to J, known to be a good player, and suggests implicitly that the most obvious explanation is that J made the yomi 1 move but xatres never would have done so.

Xatres is right. He wouldn't make the yomi 1 move. He thought one step farther, and made his night kill to set up J for a death toDay, and relied on buddying me to pull it off.
If they wanted J lynched why would they kill the person pushing J? To trick you, individually, on the belief that you'd follow like a robot? Why not just kill you and let Ryu stay around to push J? That makes way more sense in your theory then this idea that your brother killed Red Ryu just to trick you, and for no other reason. If they just needed a J vote, they could have left Ryu.

Dastrn has a great point. RR was targeting J, and now he's dead. Me, being the weak player that I am, would jump to the conclusion that J is scum. Xatres is feeding off of the weaker player's gullibility. He's using the fact that there are weak players in this game, and using that against us. He's controlling us, like we're puppets on strings. But, let's think about it. I see Dastrn's point, but I do NOT understand why it's Xatres who did it. It could be anyone in the game other than J. Heck, it could even be Dastrn himself trying to sway us to kill Xatres, so I'm not gonna change my vote just yet. I implore you to do the same. Maybe I just missed something, but I do not see why it is specifically Xatres who nightkilled RR in order to make J look scummy.

RR pushed J, RR got night killed. It's clear that it's because he was pushing J, the question is "was it because J is scum, or did they want to frame J"?. But this is not a question you can ever answer, no one knows, so you ignore it. RR died for pushing J, it shouldn't be a big part of anyone's push. Honestly I'm not even sure wtf you're talking about at the end, it comes off like the rantings of a crazy person
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