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Twisted Fate Mafia [D3 BEGINS, DEADLINE: 3/8 at 11:59 PM EST]

Corps phoenix

Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2015
If you look back at my reads, he was a scum lean at the end and throughout the latter half of the day. I wasn't trying to defend him, but I was playing devil's advocate to give an alternative perspective.
So you were chainsawing.

Corps phoenix

Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2015
Maybe chainsawing isn't the right word here, or maybe it is. It's like you chainsawed Kantrip by defending him in light of SlickWylde asking you then immediately retracted your read and turned it around on him. Double standard maybe? The best thing you can do is explain where you're looking now given that you were wrong regardless.


Jul 16, 2005
Ok then. Make a case against Spak. We can handle having 2 candidates and having to choose between one or the other.

Seriously. What's your best case against him. Go at it hard.

I'm gone for the next 2 hours or so, and I'm willing to be convinced.

My priorities toDay, in order:
1. Avoid a No Lynch
2. Hit Scum
3. Hit an inactive

I will do whatever I can to make sure #1 happens. I prefer 2 over 3, but I can be sold if the case is solid. Make a case.
I'd like to know what happened here.

Gheb and RR were talking about swinging to Spak, and I stated that I was one of what appears to be many who were willing to still consider him a lynch candidate if they would just put a case together. Both then completely ignored the idea of a Spak case for the rest of Day 1. We had a chance to swing the vote if we needed to. Lots of us didn't like Spak's slot, and were willing to be convinced if a fair case was made that perhaps we should swing the wagon from Kantrip over to Spak.

I'm wondering why a town Gheb and a town RR would be talking about a Spak case but then ignore the opportunity to pursue it further when presented the opportunity. I can see the motivation for scum Gheb or scum RR, especially when they knew they had a PR dead to rights.

Can either of you explain why you didn't pursue this? I bet the numbers would have been there to swing the vote. We were organized enough throughout most of Day 1 to manage getting 7 on board with one or the other.

Gheb, you even just flat out dipped out when Maven challenged you on something rather than responding, without giving an excuse.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
My timezone is my excuse. I live in central europe and usually have to go to work between 7am and 8am in the morning. I "flat out dipped" because that's what I always do around midnight in my part of the world.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Also make no mistake, I have absolutely no remorse for lynching Kantrip. I have explained my point of view and there's only so much I can do if 75% of this game's roster are either inactive or just sheep whatever course the few active players dictate.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
You got no care for Ryker? What do you think of the posts he made toDay?

#HBC | J #HBC | J

I think it's premature to exclude TSYK from a lynch list. What pro-town things have come from that slot to have you not consider him an option whatsoever at this point?



Jul 16, 2005
You're making assumptions based on what I haven't said. My post wasn't an exhaustive summary of my entire view of this game. It was what I'm currently up to.

#HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry Given the late start to toDay, can we have an extra day or two allotted for Day 2? Maybe until Sunday night?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I stood on Kamtrip because I still thought there was a good chance he was scum.

I was wrong so whoops? Dastrn you asked for a spak case and at this point, I really really do not like the slot after a Kantrip town flip.

His defense of Kantrip reaks of scum trying to get then credit on his flip. He doesn't really have a solid direction either when I know he should know better.

Reading J v Ryker soonish

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
If you look back at my reads, he was a scum lean at the end and throughout the latter half of the day. I wasn't trying to defend him, but I was playing devil's advocate to give an alternative perspective.
Why did this change again?


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
I'll post more later but I'm definitely getting Traitor vibes from Maven.

Expand on why "traitor". You seem to think it's important enough to be your first post so you should find it important enough to elaborate on
I'd like to know what happened here.

Gheb and RR were talking about swinging to Spak, and I stated that I was one of what appears to be many who were willing to still consider him a lynch candidate if they would just put a case together. Both then completely ignored the idea of a Spak case for the rest of Day 1. We had a chance to swing the vote if we needed to. Lots of us didn't like Spak's slot, and were willing to be convinced if a fair case was made that perhaps we should swing the wagon from Kantrip over to Spak.

I'm wondering why a town Gheb and a town RR would be talking about a Spak case but then ignore the opportunity to pursue it further when presented the opportunity. I can see the motivation for scum Gheb or scum RR, especially when they knew they had a PR dead to rights.

Can either of you explain why you didn't pursue this? I bet the numbers would have been there to swing the vote. We were organized enough throughout most of Day 1 to manage getting 7 on board with one or the other.

Gheb, you even just flat out dipped out when Maven challenged you on something rather than responding, without giving an excuse.
Can you explain why you didn't pursue it?


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Maybe chainsawing isn't the right word here, or maybe it is. It's like you chainsawed Kantrip by defending him in light of SlickWylde asking you then immediately retracted your read and turned it around on him. Double standard maybe? The best thing you can do is explain where you're looking now given that you were wrong regardless.
I was asked for a read from Slick, analyzed the Dastrn interaction (giving Kantrip a null/town lean if I remember correctly) and then Gheb posted his wall on Kantrip. I went to look at Gheb's wall, played devil's advocate because Gheb was addressing literally everything from a scum!Kantrip perspective, and then I said that after fully analyzing the situation, I said that Kantrip was a weak scum lean. I never had a super strong read on Kantrip and he was weak scum the entire time after the wall on Gheb's post.
Why would you claim this?
I agree. This will be crazy suspicious if you aren't jailed or dead by D3.
His defense of Kantrip reaks of scum trying to get then credit on his flip.
1. For the love of all that is good and holy, I wasn't trying to defend Kantrip.
2. If I were trying to get credit for a flip, why would I vote for him?
3. You are saying that I would have benefited from a town!Kantrip flip, and you want me dead because of it. If Kantrip were scum, however, you would be saying that I was trying to defend my scummate and you would want me dead because of it. You can turn anything into a reason if you look at it with a scum mentality.
Why did this change again?
What do you mean by "change again?" It's the same thing I said earlier (#479).

Vote: @The Man From Delamar until you come in here and actually give your opinions on the game at hand. I find it a bit sketchy that you are conveniently here for the flip after providing nothing all phase even though you were back from V/LA for over a day.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Maven89 Maven89

It has to do with the way you chimed in at the end of yesterDay. Specifically the timing you decided to show up out of nowhere after not doing **** all Day and bring mine and Dastrn's name to the table. At that point it had alread become pretty easy to see that neither of us two had a realistic chance to get lynched so I'm not sure what the point of that was other than to make things more messy than they already were.

I may dig into some specific posts of yours but I remember having the impression that you more or less *knew* that Kantrip was going to flip town and tried to link players to him last second, which is nothing town gains anything from.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Also, at this point I'm like 90% sure Spak is town and have no idea why people are reading him as scum. Just look at his response to my case on Kantrip, sheesh.



Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Maven89 Maven89

It has to do with the way you chimed in at the end of yesterDay. Specifically the timing you decided to show up out of nowhere after not doing **** all Day and bring mine and Dastrn's name to the table. At that point it had alread become pretty easy to see that neither of us two had a realistic chance to get lynched so I'm not sure what the point of that was other than to make things more messy than they already were.

I may dig into some specific posts of yours but I remember having the impression that you more or less *knew* that Kantrip was going to flip town and tried to link players to him last second, which is nothing town gains anything from.

I did feel like I knew Kantrip was town because the claim that he flip flopped was false and he had claimed a PR, I had faith that showing this could result in people unvoting him and voting someone that was scummy. People rather just give up, though.

But why traitor? Why not just mafia? How is pointing to those responsible for the lynch not helping town?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
You got no care for Ryker? What do you think of the posts he made toDay?

#HBC | J #HBC | J

I think it's premature to exclude TSYK from a lynch list. What pro-town things have come from that slot to have you not consider him an option whatsoever at this point?

Would you honestly say TSYK is a valuable lynch candidate for toDay? It's not pro-town, but more town vibes because I also see people more likely to be scum then him. For toDay's sake, I'm fine with the 5 names I've allotted myself to investigate and look into more rather than add more than half the game into the lynch pile. He doesn't reach the requirements to be considered for a lynch especially when slots such as Ryker/Maven are still around. That's what I mean by my lynch list. I have other people I want to look at and wouldn't cry over if they were gone.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
You mentioned me yesterday and still mention me today, but you don't have any questions for me?
Getting to it, but honestly I'm more focused on Ryker. You're more of a side-mission.

Here's one: Why is it when I look at most of your questions they either A.) Go nowhere after you ask them or B.) Seem rather pointless and lip-service questions?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
#HBC | J #HBC | J

Ryker claiming roleblocked mean nothing towards your read on him? You think he'd claim such as Mafia out of the blue?
Yeah, it does mean nothing considering it's a null thing to claim since there are too many variables surrounding it. If anything, I dislike that he claimed RB in thread because it seems out of place and unprompted. If town, why let scum know he actually was a PR and nailed it right? If town, why would he out himself as a PR even though he had no one coming after him especially as a first post into the phase.

Logically, he gains more as scum to come into the thread and claim RB because there is very very little town influence to claiming RB first post D2.

There are a lot of variables though that revolve around the fact that the set-up is open and both sides could have an RB, but it depends on what we choose to believe. Ryker doing this does nothing, but muck things up more and makes things confusing.

Also if he were to claim RB as town, he could also have been jailed which is a town role and would essentially out our doctor if so.

Overall, sloppy and poor decision on Ryker's part and something I am not fond of.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Do you really not see the scuminess in denying personal responsibility and acting like you have no free will, or the scumminess in making a claim about vibes that might (or might not) hold up under questioning? I'm really just seeing this problem being on your end.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I think this game could definitely use a kick, but I haven't seen any leg strength out of you in quite a few games.
And the point to bringing up past games instead of this game we have at present does what exactly? I'm confused on your motive here besides trying to just say something along the lines of "You haven't been doing that in the past so what makes it different now?"

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Do you really not see the scuminess in denying personal responsibility and acting like you have no free will, or the scumminess in making a claim about vibes that might (or might not) hold up under questioning? I'm really just seeing this problem being on your end.
I haven't been acting like I have no free will nor have I denied any personal responsibility. Yes, I should have been here and taken the thread control away from slots like Ryker/Gheb from lynching Kanty. Yes, I should have been here and done more to stop someone I was seeing as town and lynched a slot like Sparky yesterDay which would have been more fruitful then toDay's thing. However, that isn't the case. If you are trying to say that I maliciously avoided the thread and wasn't around to do things when I have been very consistent on posting outside of my busy schedule, then you are silly af and it's completely circumstantial.

What problem is on my end again? I don't see what youa re getting at and basically your play from the beginning of the game has not really springboarded into anything really fruitful makes me concerned with your slot and you don't really follow up with your questions. The only thing I will say that is silly to say is the whole "is he a traitor or what?" because that's a bad route of questioning and something that I don't get is being said against you.

The fact that you are fine to side-line and pick off at things and then have this "Kanty is town guys, y'all are dumb." yesterDay, but come in toDay calling me out for having a similar vein of thought makes me think that you are not making sense and that your scum-hunting is really poor so far.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Do you really not see the scuminess in denying personal responsibility and acting like you have no free will, or the scumminess in making a claim about vibes that might (or might not) hold up under questioning? I'm really just seeing this problem being on your end.
Like, you didn't even respond to my question. You answered it with another question and turned it around on me.

Getting to it, but honestly I'm more focused on Ryker. You're more of a side-mission.

Here's one: Why is it when I look at most of your questions they either A.) Go nowhere after you ask them or B.) Seem rather pointless and lip-service questions?
Highlighting this again so it's not just swept under the rug because I'm not getting lost in a question trading game. I want to know what your point has been behind most of your questions and what has been your reasoning for your play this game. It's scattered and full of responses that add more questions than add answers and that is another reason as to why I find you scummy and more okay with your slot being lynched.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
...my comments were relating to my questions towards Gheb and Dastrn, not you. I have no trouble with your play and have you as null with a slight lean towards town due to gut. You said my questions were, essentially, useless. I was asking why you thought that, I felt my questions were clearly not useless


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
My use of pronouns was confusing. My "you" was not directed towards J, it should have been "him" to make it clearer

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Why would you claim this?
Because I don't care if I'm roleblocked for the rest of the game with this role and it lets the entire game know that there is a roleblocker in the game. By solving what the scum team does have, we know whether the traitor was recruited, which is big.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Also if he were to claim RB as town, he could also have been jailed which is a town role and would essentially out our doctor if so.

Overall, sloppy and poor decision on Ryker's part and something I am not fond of.
No, because the scum team can have up to three augments. The fact that Slick and Kantrip had an ability means there is no Jailer if I am what I am. I'm the restless spirit. I really don't give a **** if I'm roleblocked the entire game. We know there is a roleblocker. This means there is two of Rolecop, Ninja, recruited traitor, or even night Jan. If there's a Jan tonight, we know there is one of the first three. I HIGHLY doubt that you would pick Rolecop or Ninja in a set-up where there's no guarantee the do anything, so I would put good money on there being no traitor and would be highly suspect of anyone searching for one.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
And the point to bringing up past games instead of this game we have at present does what exactly? I'm confused on your motive here besides trying to just say something along the lines of "You haven't been doing that in the past so what makes it different now?"
Mostly just annoyed that you're talking about injecting life into a game that you've been doing very little for, but by all means, please continue. I don't think you have what it takes to lynch me.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Town starts out with two PRs, so all we know is that the mafia at least picked one augment. Are you confused on that, or is there something I'm not getting, because I don't understand how you can know if there's a jailer or not?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Again, can you order that list for me?
Give me a good reason as to how that will help you and I will gladly oblige. However, lemme ask this, you know who I am looking at, you know who my biggest concern is because that's where my vote is and the rest I am still researching. If I wanted it to be numbered/ordered, I would have done so when I listed my half/half list. So what do you gain from an ordered list from a list I already gave?
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