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Twin Christmas Parties 3+4 Mafia {The Matryoshka Scandal.} ~ Over! Who had the merriest Christmas? Who got lumps of coal?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Votecount 1-8

10/18 to lynch.

Rajam [10]: Overswarm, Raziek, Red Ryu, PrivateJoker-Brown, Ranmaru, Jdietz43, Chuckie, Kary, Circus, Le Bateleur
Potassium [1]: Rajam
July [1]: J
Raziek [1]: Le Bateleur
No Lynch [1]: JTB

Not voting: Sworddancer., July, Ryker, soup, Potassium


[collapse=Vote Log] Circus > Rajam
Overswarm > sneakytako
Ranmaru > Le Bateleur > sneakytako
sneakytako/Rajam > Red Ryu > Overswarm > Unvote > Overswarm > Unvote > Overswarm > Potassium
J > July
Le Bateleur > Raziek > Rajam
Private-Joker Brown > sneakytako
Raziek > sneakytako
Chuckie > Le Bateleur > sneakytako
Jdietz43 > soup > sneakytako
ѕoup > Le Bateleur > No Lynch > Unvote > No Lynch > Unvote
JTB > No Lynch
Kary > Rajam
Potassium > soup > Overswarm > Rajam > Unvote
Red Ryu > Potassium > Ranmaru > sneakytako > sneakytako

The majority have decided on their lynch.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Night 1!

As everyone munched on already stale cake and drank flat punch, the predicament began to sink in. Many people talked in small groups to themselves, with people they thought looked like good conversation.

Then, slowly, the groups fused like amoebae, and began to talk more of their situation and what had befallen them. And as they talked, a name bubbled to the surface atop the discontent and floated there on high words and hard truths.

As light left the lonely skylight above, the small groups were one group, many of whom thought they had figured out what was going on. People pointed their fingers, the majority to one man.

"Please don't do this," he said, "please. She'll be all alone. My girl." He said nothing for himself but that.

The crowd had no ears for this. They tore open his present to learn more about him. But inside, there was nothing but a rope, at the end of which was tied a noose.

Blood rushing in their ears, they hung him in the light of a sickly green moon.

Rajam was ???, Town Amnesiac, Male.

Night 1 begins now and lasts 48 hours. Send in any Night Actions by November 11th at noon, EST.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Theme Reveal!

Congratulations, players! You've all remembered who you are. Welcome to Persona Mafia! You were all at a Christmas party at Club Escapade on Tatsumi Port Island when somehow, you all lost your memories... the details are still hazy.

What you do know is that Mr. Edogawa's body is still hanging from the rafters. Someone killed him... someone evil, right? So your town had best find them and sort 'em out.

  • Rajam was really Ryotaro Dojima, Town Jailer.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Day 2! 8/15 to lynch!

The first morning light shines in, illuminating the club in a gentle glow. Mr. Edogawa's corpse almost seems to be smiling.

Two fresh bodies lay dead on the club's floor.

Potassium was Naoto Shirogane, Town Consulting Detective.

Le Bateleur was Shadow Yumi, Shadow Inquisitor's Aspect.​


Private-Joker Brown
Chuckie (Kataefi/vanderzant)
Red Ryu

Day 2 has begun! With 15 players remaining, it's 8 votes to lynch!
Deadline has been set for November 18th at 7:00 p.m. EST.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
So chuckie was Le Bateleur? :grin:

vote: Overswarm

Lettuce kill him!

If it wasn't midnight on a sunday I'd be more elaborative!! good night and good morning in 7 hours!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Maybe. I like my vote on Raziek a bit more however. I don't think I'm gonna get into mafia right now tonight however.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
D1 is a literal crapshoot. Welcome to the real start of the game, gents.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
You mean welcome back to D1.

RVS? Mafia NK Analysis?


Mafia NK Analysis:

Why Potassium??? (That's my analysis)


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
OS, what do you think scums numbers are like this game?



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Posting because I posted in my other game:

I will get to this tomorrow, right now I'm going to play counter-strike. I don't really feel like posting right now and I'm not going to overload myself with mafia.



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'm around.

Explain the vote, Soup?

Had a busy week and didn't really have time for mafia. Murderbush was similarly inactive.



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
OS, what do you think scums numbers are like this game?


I ****ing know.

I figured out the entire setup. If I'm right on this, town has a huge advantage right out of the gate.

Read very, very carefully. I don't know if I have all the pieces together and this phase is by far the most important of the entire game. Soup is right that toDay really is the start of Day 1.

(courtesy of Sworddancer during my re-read)

There are 6 anti-town players.

La B, an inquisitor, and then likely four mafia. Three mafia and another indie is possible but I doubt this severely.

Nabe said:
There were 12 presents under one, and 6 under the other, all wrapped identically in red paper with white ribbon. Everyone grabbed a present at random.
Twelve town.

Six anti-town.

Nabe told us the setup in the opening post and blatantly so.

reader said:
Wait, La B flipped inquisitor. Why do you say La B AND an inquisitor? What's an inquisitor?
An inquisitor is a serial killing cultist.


An independent role that attempts to kill someone every Night, and then recruits them if they don't die. We already had a jailer flip; I'd imagine there are other protective roles here that are meant to enable the Inquisitor.

We had TWO flips: Potassium and La Bateleur. Mafia obviously killed one, but why did the other die? Who would kill Le Bateleur? Mafia wouldn't waste a kill on that slot no matter how weird it was; it wasn't a threat to anyone and was a huge distraction during the Day phase.

Chances are the vig won us the game on N1 by killing Le Bateleur, chuckie's puppet role. I couldn't find a "mafia aspect", but I'd imagine that it's kind of like a hepalien type thing. It's important to note the role wasn't "inquisitor aspect" but "inquisitor'S aspect". That's possessive, meaning that slot was an "aspect" to an "inquisitor".

In short, there's an inquisitor role that was linked super strictly to Le Bateleur.

So now that we know the setup has this inquisitor role.... how do we find out who the inquisitor is?

Easy! It's indie hunting time except with MORE DATA than a normal game.

There's two main points and a lot of minor ones.

The two main points:

1) Connection to La Bateleur

2) If independently aligned players exist, they will have more information than the mafia, who will have more information than the town. As town, strike a balance between conservation of information and cooperation towards the theme. -Nabe

So someone with a strong connection to La Bateleur.... and more information than both mafia AND town....

I wonder who that could be.

Vote: Chuckie

Opening posts:

Vote: Le Bateluer

I hope wii won the Overswarm lottery :chuckle:

I'm guessing Potassium is Kantrip?
omg WAIT! i'm at work and want to get involved in this!

it looks FUN!

wii're on our 4th layer!
Chuckie was past the tarot card layer by post #81

While everyone else was stuck on layers 1 and 2, he somehow guessed the Tarot card meaning by a hanged man being in the game?

If someone acts like they have more information than they should, they have it. This is not the case of Chuckie being some savant, this is a case of Chuckie trying to earn town points by showing the theme to everyone. No one else has this information. NO ONE.

Chuckie immediately has a focus on La B at the start of the Day. Chuckie decided to translate the name and found symbology in this:

nabe said:
As one, you and seventeen other people snap awake and find yourselves on what looks to be the floor of a nightclub. No music is playing, no sounds can be heard aside from the collective breathing of the room. Dim emergency lights sparsely illuminate the room, occasionally flickering. You're not sure as to the size of the room...

Nearby, in what seems to be the center of the room, are two tables each laden with food, treats, a bowl of punch... it looks like you were all having a party. A Christmas party, judging by the two Christmas trees set up on the stage nearby, surrounded by presents.

As you try to come to grips, you realize that you don't seem to know any of these people. Did you drink too much last night? Everything is a haze. You can't remember who any of these people are. Thinking about it... you can't even remember who you are. It must've been some party for everyone to pass out on the floor like that.

Under one of the tables, there's a present.

The presentation is very nice.

Under the box is a card, made from everyday paper. The front is messily scrawled with the message, Happy Holidays. Inside, there's a longer note written in the same hand.

Season's greetings!

I've decided to take an active role in these proceedings. I know you won't mind too terribly. I'm really looking forward to seeing the result.

I hope you'll all enjoy this present greatly. I know I enjoyed putting it together.

- N

Someone opens the present. Inside is only one thing: another piece of paper, seemingly torn from a notebook, with one word written on it in deep, dark gouges of black ink.


Everybody turns as one to see what they hadn't noticed. There is a second floor, a sort of balcony with a bare steel staircase leading up. It's very dark. You all spread out to look for a light switch.


...Illuminated in the multi-coloured club lights just above the second floor is a body, a man. Hanging from the rafters by a noose, he is quite clearly dead.

Everybody runs for the doors. But not a single door will budge, even to hard shoulders slamming against them, nor will they break. There are no windows. There is no discernible way out.

You look at everyone in turn, and they all return your wary glance. You must be connected to these people somehow. But one or more of these people must've committed this murder, and you're locked in with them. If you could only remember who you are, or who they are... but for now, you'll have to make do with democratic mob justice!
It didn't even say "hanged man" like the tarot card. It said "a man hanging from the rafters". Nabe didn't say "hanged man" until his opening post for Day 1 after Chuckie was already on his 4th layer; chuckie votes for La B in his first post and says he's on his 4th layer immediately after.

Chuckie knew, and Chuckie played the long con by trying to get town on his side. It worked too, until La B flipped; Chuckie was the town bro. He made sure we thought it too.

@Mod: To clarify this rule, can you confirm whether or not alignments will be revealed upon death, assuming the true theme has not been announced?

Chuckie's two halves just had a brain explosion! It was something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsTRxXvQY0s

Wii realised that if flips aren't shown upon death we need to figure out this theme as quickly as possible!!

Our only other condition is we wait until everyone has posted. Wii have a reason for this as well :chuckle:
Again, Chuckie comes in with some incredibly useful material by figuring out some obscure aspect of the setup.

And again:

"Woh, why does every-one want me dead! I didn't kill that guy!"

I jump up and start shaking the people who voted for me!
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 4 (4 members and 0 guests) Chuckie, Le Bateleur
both of these posts were at 7:34 pm on the dot

The odds of those two posting at the same time with Chuckie posting AFTER and saying "I see you viewing this thread" are slim to none. La B hadn't posted before this simultaneous posting spree in some time; this is NOT random chance. This is telling a story, planting an idea. That idea is that Chuckie is not La B.

Chuckie and La B then talk to each other about the most random **** back and forth. This time they aren't posting simultaneously; about a minute or so apart back and forth as if they are just taking turns.

Which is exactly would occur if someone was posting in two different windows one after the other.

There's even more evidence.

(Nope! o.o That's so weird tho! I thought it meant The Battler like Super Smash Brothers... I guess I need to get a new username...)

(Does anyone know where the option to change usernames is?? ^__^;; I can't find it! Sorry I'm such a noob...)

Go look at this post. It was edited two minutes after being made.

Please don't edit posts in mafia games. It's very serious, because otherwise players could go back and change anything they've already said to cover up. Instead, do an "Edit By Way Of Post" or EBWOP, writing a new post to correct any mistakes. Again, first and last warning as this is very important.

Nabe wouldn't do this. There's no way that Nabe would post, edit it, and then chastise himself to put on a ruse that we had already figured out. What would be the point from a mod standpoint?

Chuckie controlled Le Bateleur

And you know what REALLY pisses me off about all this?

He used ME to prevent La B from getting lynched.


Kary said:
if LeBat is someone else on this playerlist, who is it?
Overswarm said:
HOoooooooooooly crap. You just opened some doors for me. If La Bat is someone, it'd be chuckie. Classic indie hunting rule: the person who seems to know more than they should, does.

Chuckie happened to guess the tarot card theme from the hanged man and a simultaneous desire to look up a translation of a player's name who had made one post? I can buy it as it's something I would do if I had the slightest inkling, but I didn't. Only Chuckie did.

Chuckie then asks what we should do about La Bat and if we should lynch him or not, carefully playing the fence there.

I think we all know what tarot card La Bat and Chuckie would share.

My only hangup here is that Chuckie didn't DO anything about it. It's just been sitting there. I'm not down to lynch Chuckie or La Bat on a hunch, but the two existing in a close relationship is something to take note of.
I took note of it. I just didn't have any real hard evidence because I had no idea what the hell La B WAS.

Then the flip.

Puzzle pieces fit into place.

My hangup was that Chuckie didn't DO anything about it but he did. He totally did, I just didn't see it because I should have been analyzing MY OWN POSTS because that's who Chuckie used. I argued with Soup for ages about a No Lynch being stupid, I've argued with other people about mechanics for ages, and Chuckie brings me in as a buffer against lynching La B being just as dumb. I didn't pick up on it because I don't look deeply into my own intentions. This really makes me mad.

Lol at people thinking we're Le Bateleur. Now if I could just convince myself to hammer Rajam, wii could wrap this day up :chuckle:
He is obsessed with this.

So chuckie was Le Bateleur? :grin:

vote: Overswarm

Lettuce kill him!

If it wasn't midnight on a sunday I'd be more elaborative!! good night and good morning in 7 hours!
It's even his opening post of the day.

LOOK THROUGH THE DAY. The only person, the only one that La B talks to is Chuckie. That is it. Back and forth and back and forth.

And I caught him:

Chuckie and La B should both make a post at 11:40 p.m. EST
Okay, done.
Posting at 11:40 for Overswarm!!

Why would Chuckie do this?

Why would Le Bateleur do this?

If Le Bateleur was ANYONE ELSE.... why would he do this? Why would he and Chuckie both go out of their way to make the post?

Well, La B is either Chuckie or Nabe. I don't see any other substitutes here.
Posting at the same time on separate accounts is easy. Two browsers, done.

The important thing is that they fulfilled my request.

I figured you out, Chuckie. I wonder why you're voting for me.


The Day is already done.

Chuckie is an Inquisitor; he is a serial killing cultist. Since we had two deaths toNight, it is possible that he attempted to get Kantrip and failed, killing him instead of absorbing him into the fold.

But that would mean mafia killed Le Bateleur. This is possible given that mafia know more information than town; it is entirely possible that they knew that La B was important and wanted to get that slot out of the way.

But I don't know that, so I'm assuming vigilante. If there's a vigilante that killed La B and Chuckie the Inquisitor killed Kantrip where was mafia's Night Kill?

Easy! Chuckie didn't kill Kantrip. The only other possibility is that mafia killed Kantrip, the vigilante killed La B (a vigilante wouldn't have killed Kantrip with so many other options on the table), and Chuckie recruited someone.

Who, I haven't the foggiest. I'll get to that after Chuckie.

The only two possibilities that are logical. Mafia knew something was up with La B and killed them and Chuckie failed to recruit Kantrip and recruited him = we lynch Chuckie and no more indie. Otherwise vig killed la B and mafia killed Kantrip and Chuckie got a successful recruit.

We lynch Chuckie toDay. No exceptions. I don't care what he claims, I don't care what he says, I don't care what his potential recruit says, I don't care I don't care I don't care.

I highly doubt that anyone can convince me that Chuckie did not have the highest probability of being La B and, by consequence, be the Inquisitor.

One other thing to note: A lot of the NA speculation directly above stems from the idea that there is mafia and an inquisitor. I believe they are both in the game for a few reasons. For one, the inquisitor plays nice with mafia. Inquisitor can kill mafia rather than recruit them since he's a serial killer as well; this works better than a cultist. More importantly... I highly doubt Nabe's "two trees" with the 12 and 6 presents equaling over total number of players is a coincidence. After the hanging man, "The Magician", the tarot cards, the voice actors, all the detail going into this game I cannot imagine that the two piles are anything but town and anti-town.


Because I've read this Day three times now from cover to cover, I have to undercut my push here. I believe with 99.999% certainty that Chuckie is the Inquisitor. He WILL be lynched toDay.

That said, there were others. Two that stood out: Soup and JDietz.

JDietz because he happened to know the theme and said he got it "from a friend" rather than knew it himself. On my reread this caught my eye because it seems like an attempt to make sure that he wasn't focused on. At the same time, JDietz didn't gain any town points from this. I'd consider him a distant possibility, possibly mafia with extra information. Take note of his play from now on.

Soup because he advocated No Lynch so vigilantly when he damn well knew better. It's entirely possible that he was terrified of La B getting lynched and outing the true game, what with the theme coming out. I don't have enough evidence to put this together though. I'd consider this even more distant than JDietz.

Read this entire wall of a post carefully. Then read it again. Then re-read the day. Find ANY inconsistencies in my logic, find a hole. I can't find one. But it is imperative that we lynch the Inquisitor as fast as possible and chuckie is it.

I caught you, Chuckie.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
You mean welcome back to D1.

RVS? Mafia NK Analysis?


Mafia NK Analysis:

Why Potassium??? (That's my analysis)
Why do you assume mafia killed Potassium and not La B?

Also, I'm ashamed at every single one of you for not googling the mafia role "inquisitor" on the wiki.


Apr 3, 2008
I am 100% not reading the rest of the OS post because good god, but I know for a dead fact that there's no way when both Chuckie and Le B were asked to post at the same time they both agreed and successfully executed the maneuver without:

1) Affirming to the other they would do so (if they didn't both agree it would be pointless yet they posted anyways)
2) Asking any questions of the notion from either party to any party
3) Screwing it up and needing a "do-over" (I can tell you from personal multiplayer game experience that the chances of having a plan between two strangers thought up, agreed upon, carried out without confirmation or questions, and successfully done right the first time are slim to none. Not without actually being the same person and just clicking "enter" on a pre-typed message for two accounts)

Completely circumstantial evidence? You bet.

Do I care? Not at all.

Vote: Chuckie


Apr 3, 2008
Overswarm tl:dr

He's p. sure Chuckie is an indy role who controlled Le B as a puppet slot. I don't think I can fault his logic and we should lynch Chuckie today.

(made because I'm sure some of you will literally just skip the OS post. Especially considering many of you somehow managed to skip me telling you the theme and how to get your role yesterDay lol)


Apr 3, 2008
@OS: Just realized you talked about me some. Have to say the "friend" story is a true one, I can understand where you think I might have gotten additional information, but all I did was piece together information Chuckie already threw to us (the tarot cards) with a theme of a game I knew was much much more popular than the ideas you and others were throwing around. The fact I learned of Persona lore from a friend blabbing long ago is just extraneous information.


Apr 3, 2008
EBWOP: Actually I get it, you thought I was trying to offload focus on me by pretending a friend figured it out for me. I can tell you that if that's the conclusion you came to you misread. I came to the conclusion on my own after getting to layer 3 from Chuckie's tarot card hint, the information came from my own brainstuff however the original origin of the Persona lore I knew was from a friend who loved to discuss games. I just found it humorous that I was fortunate enough to have being a good listener pay off without having actually personally played any of Persona.


Apr 3, 2008
JDietz because he happened to know the theme and said he got it "from a friend" rather than knew it himself. On my reread this caught my eye because it seems like an attempt to make sure that he wasn't focused on. At the same time, JDietz didn't gain any town points from this. I'd consider him a distant possibility, possibly mafia with extra information. Take note of his play from now on.
PS: I'm pissed you think I didn't earn any town points "for this". I'm not sure why you're trying to downplay the fact I'm the most trustworthy slot for outing the theme right now but I don't like the fact you're trying to make that action seem shady.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Wow that's... a big wall. I got through a pretty good chunk of it before realized how #%^*ing long it was, and skimmed the rest. I pretty much had the same thought process as JDietz about it. I thought "why the hell did they just simultaneously post like OS asked them to?" They didn't even agree to do it first, they just did it. On top of that, La Batleur didn't even get upset about being asked to prove that he wasn't Chuckie, even tho he got upset about people thinking he was Nabe multiple times. It felt extremely fake.

Vote: Chuckie


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo

Omg the laziness of people in realising a wall is just a wall and not representative of the content behind the wall is astounding!

Right Overswarm... "More information than both Mafia AND Town"... this logic was used against sneakytako who flipped Town!

More information is the least reliable tell this game because it is public information to the Town that Scum have this knowledge. To claim or hint at underlying information is to die (this behaviour is what kill sneakytako after all). What would our return be in a gambit of this calibre so early in the game? Plz be explanative here. It isn't a tell that is supported well, as seen with sneaky's flip!

What you are trying to do instead is punish us for being smart in advancing our present's layer (take note how we advanced nothing about the flavour of the game as if we had underlying information here..., all we did was tell people how to reach the 3rd layer of their present, of which there were 2 more layers to guess)...

We explained where our logic in advancing layers came from, confirmed genuine by JTB's role. This is the most important detail that defends us against this dark shade of a logic. Lettuce go into it:

There was no N0. As the recruiter you are building us up to be, we had to have made an action to recruit Le Bateleur. That or we had to have known Le Bateleur was the one we "recruited" for your logic to sustain itself (because you already established a connection between us on D1, so we had to have known he was in some way connected to us, right?). For this to be true, we would have known our role...

...thus guessing the layers of our present becomes meaningless because it would have been opened, fulfilling Nabe's "independent's know more than mafia who know more than town" rule in the OP...

JTB's ability would have exposed us as lying at this point as a result, which it didn't. It exposed the complete opposite (lol)

Additionally, the way you described our handling of Le Bateleur is distorting the reality of the situation that should be making you look bad. We didn't "just" immediately think of arcana tarot cards at all, In fact we gave a very lengthy explanation that detailed our thought process that you said "Good Work Chuckie...", something you are disingenuously shunning now. You didn't explain where we just assumed things in our post about Le Bateleur (you can't...)

Now ask yourself as a scumhunter: why would we go to our lengths in adding Le Bateleur as a friend prior to the game? Why would we out him as significant to the flavour and spotlight him in this manner ON DAY 1? The most important question: did we want to be so obvious as to commit suicide?? Don't bother answering. The answer is no! A good player (let us pray there are a few) should be able to recognise that our effort in dealing with Le Bateleur was not to out ourselves as scum as his inquisitor, rather because we're just smart players with common sense that pieced A to B to C and reached our 3rd layer genuinely (cue JTB to realise our viewpoint and oppose Swarm's logic GOGOGOG).

Oh, a final note about this: we advanced the layer process of the game which, to quote everyone in the game at the time (Raziek/Soup/Ranny/YOURSELF), "MASSIVELY HELPED TOWN"... for everyone to begin turning against us based on your logic is bad bad bad and would probably be indicative of the decline of the swf meta.

Raziek stop voting us!

Dietz stop boting us!

JOKER"!!! What are you doing?!

I'll paraphrase what I sent to Nabe via PM when we guessed Tarot Cards:

Le Batuleur is naturally suspicious and one of our biggest leads. He appears directly in the middle of the player list, has expressed interest in a newbie game yet never once /inned despite opportunities arising here. He gets selected to a private game and over other newbies at that who would be better qualified at playing a game more smoothly. He looks staged. He has an avatar that references a tarot character, The Magician.

The "dead guy" was hung, a possible reference to The Hanged Man, a card with fiery connotations if it is placed next to The Sun, The Devil or The Burning Tower, all which relate to fire, i.e. the sample pm's present opening strategy of burning. Additionally, The Hanged Man represents sacrifice and resignation, which we find fitting considering the "dead guy" is the first character to go, thus sacrificing his fate to introduce the opening of this game.

Wii also believe our present opening strategy of patience may relate to the Temperance card. This card seems to represent qualities of patience, and is also depicted as female. An alternative to this is the Strength/Force card which is also depicted as female and exudes some qualities that could be considered patient, though we lean more toward the Temperance card than the Strength one.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
sorry this just our defence against such logic shade. I saw it and felt compelled to respond. Whatever questions are targeted at us will be ignored as we want to get our scumhunt on and not be forced into a position of defence


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
lol at these typos btw. this is happens when your boss is right behind you. you gotta type fasssst :grin:

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
OS writes a wall and suddenly everyone believes him. Lmfao.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
OS, Let's pretend in another world that Chuckie isn't this indy you suspect him of. What's the game plan after that?


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
well what scares us is how immediately trusting players are of people who claim to have figured out the setup with such assurance/confidence/certainty... on D2... In fact having a "plan" as is evident here is Swarm's biggest scum tell, it's why he posts those very long speeches at the end of games stating how he had a plan (lol). I bet no one has bothered to reference. Take note that there isn't enough information to figure that much out. Has anyone asked... "how does he ****ing know"? No...

How can the certainty in his language reflect what he really knows, when he should know very little as an uncertain townie that is unless he himself has underlying knowledge, be it through knowing other roles (the scum team), or a role of some kind. Though I'll elaborate on this. There are so many possibilities. his logic firstly suggests the inquisitor doesn't know they are the inquisitor... why else would we be confirmed to have opened our third layer to our role...? But next he states we have a connection with Le Bateleur, as if we knew our role to begin with. Such contradictions in this thought process...

lots of questions. sorry it's incoherent. chuckie's a pensioner now. It's not like the good ol' days.

i'm still here getting bored out of my mind drawing things for clients.

Soup curiously what is your take on Ryker? I have troubles with him mainly due to his dismissal of sneaky. I thought he would be more interceptive defending sneaky like how he managed nabe's impending lynch in Time Travelers...


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
btw just to clarify, wii're town. wii're smart and advanced the layers of our presents. done and dusted. we had no input in the outing of the flavour...

If JTB is genuine, it confirms we are working towards a role. This is a very big distinction to knowing we were the inquisitor to begin with, which is what everyone is implying (that we knew we were connected to Le Bateleur at the start of the game...)

everyone put on your common sense caps and think about this for a second


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Oh, btw, potassium may have got vigged.

Scum may have decided to off Le Bateleur in a bid to kill 2 players in one (us), as our linking was introduced on D1.

In fact this is a possibility to consider a) because potassium died first (vigs have priority) and b) Rajam, a town flip, generally regarded as a good reader, had potassium as scum.

this is speculation mind you

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Soup curiously what is your take on Ryker? I have troubles with him mainly due to his dismissal of sneaky. I thought he would be more interceptive defending sneaky like how he managed nabe's impending lynch in Time Travelers...
Non-commital. No interest to play. Same boat as J and the other players who just decided to throw D1 up.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Everyone who is voting Chuckie right now needs to give a reason.


Jun 30, 2010
an igloo
Let us take discomfort in the high amount of invisibles and guests watching this game right now... scum.
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