Hey everyone, sorry for being so late posting here, but I guess it's not a bad time, since the drama is finally subsiding (by the way, anyone who doesn't know, I'm one of the NB guys)
Anyway, this tournament was alot of fun for us, despite my going emo for a few hours after I was eliminated in pools haha. ("I drove 1000kms for THIS!") It was a real eye opener, as things always are when you find out that you weren't as good as you thought you were.
One of my biggest regrets is that we didn't get to stay to see the end of the tourney. I apologize for this--we didn't leave because we weren't interested in seeing matches; we left because we had arrived in Ottawa at about 3am, spent the rest of the night sleeping in my car in a Tim's parking lot, rocked the tourney, and, after being eliminated, wanted to get back on the road. lol.
So, as far as shout-outs go, I didn't play nearly enough friendlies, but I still met some cool people.
Fogel - Of course, I have to thank you for hosting such a great tournament. Seriously, where we're from, the pools are FFA... It was great meeting you too, you seem like a mellow guy. Nice job btw 2-0ing me in pools
Damax - I don't care if this makes you bust a gut man, your Sonic is awesome. I was like wtf I just lost to sonic using falco. I hope you don't think too poorly of me because of that fact (I don't know if that is what I should attribute your chuckling during matches to) I'm sorry that you don't take brawl more seriously--I know it has it's flaws, but it's still competitively viable. To each his own though, nice meeting you.
Percon - what can I say? We didn't really talk, you just steamrolled over me in pools LOL. 0-100% before I even hit you. I guess Falco vs. Kirby is just no. Me CPing snake was an act of desperation, and I STILL lost. lol nice games man, and congrats on doing well in the tourney.
Wolfblade - One of the few people I did some friendlies with. Thank you for showing me another character who I should avoid like the plague with Falco (Lucario) haha. On another note, I should have just gone PKMN Trainer for the whole tourney. I used him a few times that day and if I recall, I never lost a match using him! Also, how was your trip to the maritimes??
Thatguy - Mario ftw. You and your doubles partner worked really well together, nice job. nuff said i guess.
BigRick - hey man, I enjoyed our pool matches; props for picking lower-tiered characters (Samus, and I can't remember who else).
Sorry if I forgot anyone, but I've gotta leave for work soon. Thanks to all for a great experience. We're definitely going to make an effort to travel out of town for tourneys more often.