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TWEWY Mafia | scumbags victorious


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
With 8 Alive it takes 5 to lynch!

Swiss: (2) X1-12, Sworddancer
X1-12: (2) Delvro, -Joey-
Delvro: (1) Ryker,
Afro Horse: (1) Swiss
Ryker: (1) Cello

Not Voting: (1)
Afro Horse,

A deadline has been set for Midnight on the 15th Feb EST (10am AEST). That's about 4 Days!

Sho-Miniamoto/Ryker: 3
Afro Horse: 1
Swiss: 1
Sworddancer: 1
X1: 2
-Joey-: 1

X1 gets a prod, Joey gets a prod.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
ok so when swiss is town with cello he has no problem with making deals to get who he wants lynched, look at NBC. Yet here he just argues, and argues over the unimportant stuff -why?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
So, if I'm right about X1 being scum - I'm a dead man!

Sweet play Cello. MLG.

Why is Ryker SK in his own right, regardless of the Swiss/X1 scum team that is so obv.

Also, you know that FBI outing, not following your plan stuff way back when? Yeah. I'm mafia now? Thought a scum would have wanted an inno on their head.



Ordering a new laptop today, so hopefully don't need to replace out.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Vand: My vote is on Ryker, from post #494.

@Joey, Delvro, Afro, and Sworddancer: Vote for Ryker, please.

@Swiss and X1: You both realize that this would have been the last day if not for the replacements, right? And yet, you're BOTH just saying that Swiss is Town rather than telling us the opinions that you should have formed. I gave a comprehensive explanation of my views (other than on Zim/Sworddancer, but that issue has been thoroughly explored), and what do you give in return? Flak that your own reads implicate Swiss.

I mean, X1 is arguing on Swiss's behalf...considering that he thought Swiss was the SK until my accusation of X1/Swiss mafia, that's pretty weird at least, don't you think?

As far as addressing your concern about Ryker, Swiss, I already have. Ryker doesn't need to have any evidence against him because there is ample evidence that NO ONE ELSE IS THE SK. I've presented my beliefs and shall follow them to their logical conclusion. If you want to convince me that Ryker isn't the SK, please try.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
So what's his alignment? Mafia? Fine.

It doesn't matter with whom. Even if one of my town picks is his partner, then that STILL means the others are NOT the SK. That JUST leaves Ryker.

Put your vote on Ryker or explain why someone else is the SK.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Remember that you aren't looking for scummy thing's Ryker's slot has done, you are looking at evidence that everyone else ISN'T the SK.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Cello, I have a very hard time believing that X1 and Swiss are the mafia after X1 came into this game tunneling Swiss. In this set up it seems super ballsy for scum who doesn't even have a nk to bus each other at all.

Cello, would you agree with:

Swiss is leaning scum (either mafia or sk) but could still be town.
Sho/Ryker is highly leaning scum (either one) and is unlikely to be town.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Sworddancer: Sho is still the most likely scum, so put your vote on him. If he flips mafia, then lynch Swiss toMorrow. If SK, then we'll deal with who the mafia is in the Morning.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
...bad vbe from ryker. His flavor comments, as well as contradictory sayings.
@ryker who is scum?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Sworddancer said:
Cello, I have a very hard time believing that X1 and Swiss are the mafia after X1 came into this game tunneling Swiss. In this set up it seems super ballsy for scum who doesn't even have a nk to bus each other at all.
But no one HAS bussed anyone. Swiss only put his vote on X1 after 3 other players had, Delvro, Joey-, and myself. Even THEN, he IMMEDIATELY unvoted saying that we should go after the indy first. He put his vote back on when I said that we would investigate his indy pick, Afro. And IMMEDIATELY tried to push attention back onto Afro AGAIN, saying that it was silly to not go after the indy first. Every time X1 was close to lynch, Swiss tried to take us away from that course of action while simultaneously saying "Yeah, X1 is scum". And X1 hasn't said ANYTHING against him FOR that.

Somehow, he came to the conclusion that Swiss is the SK because he was "willing to lynch dead weight in a game that can be lost with two mislynches". That's it. He says NOTHING about ANYTHING else concerning Swiss before he comes to his SK conclusion.

And what of Swiss's response? It's basically, "lol no". And that's it. He then proceeds to try to LEAD THE LYNCH AWAY FROM X1.

So, again, they aren't "bussing" each other. They were trying to get an SK clear on Swiss to paint him as "mod-confirmed" Town. And failed badly, because they didn't think I was the Agent.

Swiss was trying to set himself up as "confirmed town" if he gets investigated throughout most of the game. If believed, then that's victory for the mafia.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Your vote is already on Swiss, you idiot. If you were actually keeping track of it instead of trying to make a self-serving statement, you'd have realized that.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I wasn't talking about literally just that second, you idiot. If you actually played properly instead of being blinded by your dumb arrogance you would actually see that. If you get Swiss to L-1 without my vote on him I will hammer, and yes, I will unvote to that effect

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Cello said:
@Afro and Swiss: If BOTH of you agree to lynch Sworddancer instead, then that is what we will do. If not, then we're lynching Swiss.
Promise me that you won't do something like this again and I will.

Also try to get others on the wagon as well besides just me.

@Afro: Yes, it does. You basically just asked him to do what he was going to do anyways. there's no point to asking just a question.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Sworddancer said:
Promise me that you won't do something like this again and I will.
For this game, fine. I promise.

I'm going to work on one person at a time. Splitting my attention is ineffective.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
SSword, judging form the fact that ryker does not have current scumpicks, how do you know he was going to eventually think of them?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Dark Horse, how long are you going to give Ryker to respond to you? If he doesn't, will you place your vote on him?

Nabe, you think the mafia team is Delvro/Swiss. Fine. You know that I'm not scum and that you aren't, and you think Sworddancer-nee-Zim is town along with X1. That just leaves Ryker and Joey/BSL.

If you think that BSL is townie, or at least not the SK, then all that leaves is Ryker, right?

if by "BSL did" you mean i knew what you were talking about, i didnt. i thought it was something completely random. i thought it was equatable to saying "Should we believe Cello_Marl isn't Cello_Marl because he's Cello_Marl? (Or isn't, depending on how you look at it)". unless that is what you were saying, in which case, i caught on.
BSL didn't realize I was talking about the SK in my original statement, and STILL wasn't completely sure by the time he made the above quote. If he were the SK, then he would have known the name Miniamoto even if he had skipped the flavor (which would be easy to associate with Sho-Minamimoto). If appearing knowledgeable/correct was his goal (which would be the case since he gave a scenario in which he "caught on"), then why didn't he just say that roles have nothing to do with names at the very beginning?

i dont understand how Zim's lack of comment on your confusing question makes him the SK. i mean.. only Sho and I commented on it.
If he were the SK, why wouldn't he support ANY notion that would support someone else as the SK? Especially since HE was being used as the baseline for "Not SK". This ties directly into my point that an SK-BSL would have been set for life, and would not have left the game.

So, Ryker is the only possible SK.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
I've actually ben wanting to put my vote on him for a while, though I haven't discussed it with nabe


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
With 8 Alive it takes 5 to lynch!

X1-12: (2) Delvro, -Joey-
Ryker: (2) Cello, Sworddancer
Delvro: (1) Ryker,
Afro Horse: (1) Swiss
Swiss: (1) X1-12,

Not Voting: (1)
Afro Horse,

A deadline has been set for Midnight on the 15th Feb EST (10am AEST). That's about 3 Days!

Sho-Miniamoto/Ryker: 3
Afro Horse: 1
Swiss: 1
Sworddancer: 1
X1: 2
-Joey-: 1



Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Now all we have to do is wait for Joey and Delvro to get prodded/catch up and move their votes.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Lol if I get prodded... do I get messaged or something? Because I didn't get ****!


Vote: Ryker

because based on the situation at hand, this is totally where my vote has to be.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I feel like there is a language barrier every time I play with Swiss. I got very little of what he was saying on page one and the No Lynch argument is dumb and I skimmed it.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
here i'll say it like this

with a no lynch
our best case scenario is that SK kills mafia tonight [20% chance]
the most likely scenario is that SK will kill a townie tonight [50% chance]
the worst case scenario is that SK will kill the investigator tonight [12.5% chance]
[investigator has a 0% of being pushed to a lynch and has a better chance of living to D2 with a clear (non-SK). the investigator also has a small chance of investigating SK. SK also has a 0% of being pushed to lynch, too.]

with a lynch (townie)
our best case scneario is that SK kills mafia tonight [28% chance]
the most likely scenario is that SK will kill a townie tonight [43% chance]
the worst case scenario is that SK will kill the investigator tonight [14% chance]
[this scenario risks accidentally pushing investigator to claim. it could also potentially net us into lynching SK. both of these are possible but have a small percentage of happening. if investigator is alive then he has a slightly better chance of investigating SK. SK also has a slightly better chance of killing investigator.]

basically, we're really banking on our investigator to live to at least D3. even with no guilty reports investigator can claim himself and 2 other people narrowing the lynch pool for SK between the rest of the people. this is assuming that investigator choices live. assuming they die we're even worse off. but we really need to let our investigator live as long as possible.
This post, though useless for reads, was nice and cleared up a lot. Thanks.
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