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TWEWY Mafia | scumbags victorious


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swiss, I really don't understand why you would NOT want the FBI agent to counterclaim against Cello. I get that you say you wanted to try to protect Cello from the Night Kill, but the fact is that no vanilla townie would ever claim FBI agent... what good does that accomplish? It pretty much guarantees a mislynch as well as outing the real FBI agent. Even if the fake claimant retracts, it narrows down the NK pool for the FBI agent.... no SK would claim FBI either, that's suicide... and Cello is obviously not mafia.
Because I knew Cello WAS the FBI agent, so there couldn't have been a CC. Yes, it narrows down the NK pool, but AWAY FROM A CONFIRMED FBI AGENT. Also, how does what I did 'guarantee' a mislynch - it left us free to lynch whoever we think is SK.

I can easily see the SK responding like this to earn townie points or whatever, but I think it was already obvious to most of the town before you said anything... they just didn't feel the need to pretend Cello might be lying as you did... to "protect" him.
This makes no sense.

Also, why as SK would I go to so much effort to change the lynch/investigation pool from what it was to including Afro - when it made no difference to the chances of myself being investigated. Working upon the assumption Cello was not the FBI agent (reasonable considering his claim) why exactly is what has just happened an SK tell?

In addition, part of your plan was "investigate Cello"... why didn't you tell the FBI agent to investigate someone else after Cello's claim... since you said you knew Cello was town at that point and was trying to protect him?
Delv...as soon as Cello claimed, he was dead. Why would he get a night action? Also, if Cello "wasn't" the FBI, then the plan remained the same, investigating myself after an Afro lynch. There would be no reason to change this.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
With 8 Alive it takes 5 to lynch!

Swiss: (3) X1-12, Cello, Sworddancer
X1-12: (2) Delvro, -Joey-
Delvro: (1) Ryker,
Afro Horse: (1) Swiss

Not Voting: (1)
Afro Horse

A deadline has been set for Midnight on the 15th Feb EST (10am AEST). That's about 5 Days!

Sho-Miniamoto/Ryker: 3
Afro Horse: 1
Swiss: 1
Sworddancer: 1
X1: 1

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
So, since I know someone asked me this earlier, the main reason I voted Swiss was to see if Afro (or anyone else, for that matter, but mostly him) would abandon his previous stances of who he thought to be scum and jump on the wagon as well. He didn't, but that just means he didn't take the bait, not that he's not scum.

One thing I did not like though is how Swiss lashed out against the reverse of his own plan. If he was confident in Afro sk then why not go along with it?

@Swiss: Gambit? You mean the thing where you tried to save Cello from the nk? If so, that reflects your alignment in no way.

Cello claiming doesn't really matter on my views of your alignment. All it really means now is that I can take his opinions as genuine which I already was.

Swiss, exactly how are you going about narrowing Afro to the sk again? Forgive if you already stated this but it has been kind of hard to keep up with your views.

Would you say that Afro also could be mafia? Why?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I didn't lash out as such against the 'plan' Swords, rather the fact that Cello just turned around and said 'NO U'. Had we done my plan, we would have been in an ace position (unless I was SK, in which case it was still pretty good).

@Swiss: Gambit? You mean the thing where you tried to save Cello from the nk? If so, that reflects your alignment in no way.
No, rather my forcing Cello and Afro SK lynches/pressure rather than sitting back and letting the FBI go over my head (unless I already KNEW Cello was FBI, and this is an incredibly ballsy gambit).

Swiss, exactly how are you going about narrowing Afro to the sk again? Forgive if you already stated this but it has been kind of hard to keep up with your views.
He's played incredibly safe, like Delvro. Afro has consistently lurked, avoided taking strong stances and erred on the side of caution. I don't think he is mafia is because I'm relatively certain mafia is X1/Sho. I forget why exactly I have these reads, but I'm confident in them. Also I think it unlikely Afro is mafia because there is no player I can see as his buddy.

We could push one/both of the scum to L-1 and LPM, but if we have the scum team correct, they have nothing to gain from claiming.

Tempting to flip over to Delv as SK ahead of Afro. Indecisive, which is partly my fault for skimming this game far too much.

Gloss over the logical fallicy that scum are effectively indie, and vice-versa.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Wow... a lot has happened.
Scumtell, equivalent to commenting on a Night flip.

It took me about 15 seconds to realize that Cello would never falsely claim FBI as town, and I know that Cello is prone to falsely claiming as town.
What made you realize this?

I still feel confident that X1 is mafia. However, I'm comfortable with hunting for the SK at this point, since I have a handful of people that I very seriously doubt to be the SK. Swiss is definitely not one of them.
Why do you think X1 is mafia? Who are the handful of people that you don't think are SK?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Afro has consistently lurked, avoided taking strong stances and erred on the side of caution.
Lurking point is validish, we haven't posted much. But it seems rather silly to say that we've avoided stances -- I seem to recall that our slot's second post in the game was me saying flatout that you and Delv were mafia. My stance hasn't changed since then.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Or saying "x should die today" is just as good. Haven't seen that from you yet... unless I'm forgetting something?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
If you sons of digits end this phase before I catch up (internet will be on in my house tomorrow) then I won't bother.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Forewarning - My laptop has just broken. I may not have internet access except for brief intervals in the mornings for a while.

@ Mod - be on the lookout for replacments, I cannot guarantee I'll be able to play. Apologies to players.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Ryker said:
Alright, you half-wit hectopascals. I'm gonna simplify this equation, but reading the entire game on a phone would be so zetta slow. So if any of you second rate radians have a variable I should be solving for, speak up.
Is saying "zetta slow" a posting restriction for you? Or anything else for that matter.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Giving the SK a posting restriction to say things that Sho typically says in the game would be a pretty self-incriminating restriction.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I can agree with that, but it may have simply been something like "must say slow" and they both decided to indulge. After all, "the SK would never do that" WIFOM.

Also, what do you think of Sworddancer?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Why did SephMasa (Sho/Ryker) call my asking him "@Sho-Minamimoto: Why shouldn't we believe you aren't Sho-Minamimoto?" WIFOM? There was nothing to back it up (what I said), but he specifically decided to misuse that term in an effort to make me look aggressive. Heck, he didn't even form it as a question. It was "Leave it to Cello to start us off with out daily dose of wine. I have just as much chance of being Sho as you do." I even said then that from his perspective, that didn't even make sense.

And actually, now that I'm thinking about it, HE was the one that knew that I was talking about the SK, wasn't he? Even though the flavor says otherwise.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Afro's not voting anyone?

Afro you think we should be going after the SK but arn't actually goign after anyone. What's up with that? Who's the sk if not you?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Delvro, Afro, Sworddancer/Zim, and /BSL: I think you guys are my town.

I am the FBI Agent, on top of being clearly town.

Afro made an accusation against 3 different people, something that I don't think scum-Afro would do, of either alignment. It simply did not further any possible scum goal. Also, during the confusing time that was my claim, they did not immediately act. They (each in their own way) attempted to learn what they could of the situation. Heck, they both even split on believing whether I was telling the truth, and NOT in a way that would be...unreasonable isn't quite right. Unexpected?

Delvro argued that town would claim mafia when cornered, something that I heartily disagree with, but that I think I understand how he came to the conclusion of (lynching the SK means that we only lose one townie instead of two when the false claimaint is lynched. But these are townie thoughts), and in any case would not have done as scum. Also, Delvro doesn't have any single thing that he can point to that indicates that he is Town. Scum-Delvro would have tried to prepare something. I also like that he kept his post #16 intact, where we can more or less see his thought process unfold. If he intended to go along with what I said in an effort to buddy up, then why not have his thoughts in their final form? #16-17 both feel natural to me, like he's thinking instead of going by plan. And if he's thinking Anti-SK, then he isn't SK. We'll deal with the potential of him being mafia later (he isn't). #228 is just too genuine.

Speaking of genuine...

Delvro said:
I've put up with enough stupid to last a lifetime. Glad it's over.

Kill x1 tomorrow, guys. -___-
Delvro ACTUALLY thought he was dead, and still thought we'd listen to him. That's Town.

Sworddancer is Zim, and we abandoned him because he is unlikely to be the SK at any rate.

Concerning Joey/BSL, we need to think about why BSL left. He was clearly overwhelmed/disheartened/not enjoying the game. But why? If he were scum of either variety, he'd be more or less in the clear; virtually everyone was setting him aside as Town. The game would have been pretty much handed to him on a silver platter. Also, if he were scum, why wasn't he attempting to influence the game with his vote? He was Not Voting through most if not all of the game. Finally, when he actually was reading through the game, he took the time to comment on events that he found interesting. We KNOW that he didn't read ahead and cherry pick them, because he spoke in ignorance when he made some of his comments (such as when he responded to Zim's suggestion that I was contradicting myself). All that indicates Town to me, because BSL isn't good enough at deception to have planned that ahead of time.

In all cases, NOT SK.

Now look at Swiss and X1.

Swiss went along with my Anti-SK No Lynch plan, and then basically disappeared into the background. Until I said in #123, "I could see Swiss as mafia, but don't discount X1 as a possible mafia too". Then, he's SUDDENLY active. It's not too much, but it's a FAR cry from "What does playing dumb mean?" and simply letting me and Zim go at it. That was also when he started his "Afro isn't here" bit, along with "If me or Cello is alive after N2, we're SK". What better way to avoid being Night Killed than by suggesting targets to the SK, especially when his Ultimate Plan was to BE investigated (which would both ensure that he was NOT the Agent, AND that the SK would NOT be investigated)? Then, he calls Zim town. "Because Zim wasn't indie". Completely disregarded him as possible mafia, even after Delvro brought us the fact that Zim's Double No Lynch plan was Pro-Mafia. Why was he so sure, if he didn't KNOW that he wasn't mafia? But, calling him mafia wouldn't have earned him a friend.

Swiss said:
Delv, if X1 flips/claims mafia - will you accept me as non-scum? Or would this have been a bus?
Mafia. Not scum. Swiss KNEW that X1 was mafia. He even asked why we were trying to lynch mafia, rather than SK. After Delvro was being called mafia, Swiss completely dropped the subject of X1 in favor of saying that Delvro needed to die. Even when he said that he thought X1 AND Afro was scum, he was STILL in favor of Afro before X1. When he FINALLY put his vote on X1, X1 had absolutely nothing to say about him specifically, and instead talked about Joey. To add to that, Swiss unvoted at EACH AND EVERY OPPORTUNITY PRESENTED TO HIM, WHEN HE WAS ON X1. That was once when Afro said we should be going after the SK instead of mafia, and once more to vote for Afro himself, when he set up Cello/Swiss/Afro for the SK, and COMPLETELY dropped Sho. He opposed HIS OWN PLAN that would have worked out exactly the same way as he intended, but with the stipulation that he be lynched instead of investigated, and STILL hasn't provided a good reason for that.

Swiss/X1 are the mafia. That leaves Ryker as the SK.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
No, I just refuse to play TWEWY mafia without it. I will catch up in this game the same way I did in Rusty Guillotine, but do to the difference in length, I will wait until I am off this phone tomorrow. So that vote isn't going to do you much good without telling me what my predecessor did and I can't promise to explain something I didnt do. I'll so my best otherwise, but that's the promise I make everytime I replace into game.

There is your not a posting restriction post.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I don't need you or an explanation because it has little/nothing to do with how your slot acted. You're just the only person left.

And so, to wiggle out of this, you have to attack the very people I'm asking to vote you.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I don't need you or an explanation because it has little/nothing to do with how your slot acted. You're just the only person left.

And so, to wiggle out of this, you have to attack the very people I'm asking to vote you.
Ninja, but yeah seems like it. I need to find the real scum if everyone is listening to you. I assume they are.

Feeling zetta challenged right now. I'll simply have to find the proof to your equation to show your flawed variable.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I'm going to have to subtract all three though. You make me want to start now even though I won't finish.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I've never played TWEWY, so...

Ah...subtract two of them and we'll iterate the...hectapascal?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I've never played TWEWY, so...

Ah...subtract two of them and we'll iterate the...hectapascal?
Zetta cool.

Also, Josh is the name of the main character's second partner and the head of the readers even though most don't know he is. He kills Sho and you find the body just before confronting Joshua.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Ryker said:
Also, Josh is the name of the main character's second partner and the head of the readers even though most don't know he is. He kills Sho and you find the body just before confronting Joshua.
OK? None of this is really relevant to your situation, except that you believe my FBI claim.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Nope. Thought you were requesting flavor with the two comments. I'm on my dad's phone atm and I don't want to catch up on OT, so there is very little I can do relevant to my situation.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Ryker said:
Nope. Thought you were requesting flavor with the two comments. I'm on my dad's phone atm and I don't want to catch up on OT, so there is very little I can do relevant to my situation.
Hopefully you won't have to waste your time and they'll go ahead and lynch you.

But, first a question: Since I am the FBI Agent, do you believe that I should have sole discretion over who should be lynched D1, as it is my life is the one at risk, and it is known that 3 of the other 7 players would prefer to NOT lynch the SK toDay?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Hopefully you won't have to waste your time and they'll go ahead and lynch you.

But, first a question: Since I am the FBI Agent, do you believe that I should have sole discretion over who should be lynched D1, as it is my life is the one at risk, and it is known that 3 of the other 7 players would prefer to NOT lynch the SK toDay?
Hell no. You've laid the ground work if you die tonight and it'll all add up tomorrow. If you want to lynch me then especially not. No one town should ever pick the lynch. I would never want to set a precedent that would give a moron a gun unnecessarily. Dumb vigis I can deal with so long as I can point the lynch right.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
"You've laid the ground work" implies that you agree with what I've said. If you had enough time to read through it and enough sense to agree with it, then why don't you have an inkling of who the scum are and what faction they belong to?

Also, if you agree with that ground work, then how would I be a "moron with a gun"?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
To he second part I said precedent.

To the first, you obviously believe so. I'm trying to point out to YOU that it's a bad idea.

Where is this line of questioning going?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I'm trying to point out to YOU that it's a bad idea.
How is what a bad idea, and how did you point that out?

Also, I'll rephrase my question.

For this game and this game only since I am Cello the FBI Agent, do you believe that I should have sole discretion over who should be lynched D1, as it is my life is the one at risk, and it is known that 3 of the other 7 players would prefer to NOT lynch the SK toDay?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Hell no. You've laid the ground work if you die tonight and it'll all add up tomorrow. If you want to lynch me then especially not. No one town should ever pick the lynch. I would never want to set a precedent that would give a moron a gun unnecessarily. Dumb vigis I can deal with so long as I can point the lynch right.
I fail to see what you don't get. You aren't stupid so what motive do you have in playing dumb?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Your only reasoning against me choosing the lynch is that it would set a bad precedent and that the person I would choose is you. It's my life at risk here, and yet you are saying that you want a scum to determine who the lynch is.

Let's say that you're Town. Of course, I want your lynch and will not deviate from that. That means there are only 4 people that are town; even if they all agree on a lynch that is not you, the 5th player MUST be scum, whether it is the SK or a mafia member.

What if we're down to the last day of this Day? What is better, No Lynch or you getting lynched?

But anyway, my real point is to show that even though you are limited by only being on a phone, you're desperate enough to keep responding to every little thing that I say.
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