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Tucson, AZ Social/Rankings Thread (Updated 5/7/10!)

For our Tucson Power Rankings, how should order be decided?

  • Panelist system

    Votes: 30 40.5%
  • Challenges system

    Votes: 17 23.0%
  • Weekly Round Robin results

    Votes: 27 36.5%

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2005
Hey Rob, tell them about your new Bronzong set. Let them know about the new Togekiss and whatever else while you're at it.


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
Oh yeah! My DDZong? That teamed with my Togehug which knows Nasty Plot, Baton Pass, Thunder Wave, and Attract? Also, SkarmBliss team with GyaraVire. And then Ninjask is the lead with a Breloom. 8 Pokemon team. Bring it on, challengers. In the words of one of the best NetBattle users: "challeng me if your not a nerd, otherwise, your a nerd".

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Okay Joey....lol.

Anyone wanna smash sometime this weekend? Friday aka tomorrow is fine as well. Call me at home, 269-6140.

Smurfy EXE

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2008
Oh yeah! My DDZong? That teamed with my Togehug which knows Nasty Plot, Baton Pass, Thunder Wave, and Attract? Also, SkarmBliss team with GyaraVire. And then Ninjask is the lead with a Breloom. 8 Pokemon team. Bring it on, challengers. In the words of one of the best NetBattle users: "challeng me if your not a nerd, otherwise, your a nerd".
Battle! Routine! Set! EXECUTE!


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
joey: alright xander i hear you think you can beat all of my characters except fox. Wanna MM? im pretty sure at the tourney i used falco and falcon and marth and destroyed you and by the way i was sandbagging! alright you think your close to my level but you know what no your not. im tired of you talking ****. you also said that you can beat me in pokemon and what happened there? im a lot better than you think i am leagues ahead of you. ill use lower tier character if thats what it takes to shut you up. i dont why you always try and think little of me. im tired of it. my fox isnt even good. im never gonna use fox again i dont care what anyone else thinks my fox sucks! xander expect a MM if you keep this **** talking up.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
joey: alright xander i hear you think you can beat all of my characters except fox. Wanna MM? im pretty sure at the tourney i used falco and falcon and marth and destroyed you and by the way i was sandbagging! alright you think your close to my level but you know what no your not. im tired of you talking ****. you also said that you can beat me in pokemon and what happened there? im a lot better than you think i am leagues ahead of you. ill use lower tier character if thats what it takes to shut you up. i dont why you always try and think little of me. im tired of it. my fox isnt even good. im never gonna use fox again i dont care what anyone else thinks my fox sucks! xander expect a MM if you keep this **** talking up.
You didn't play my fox or falco with your secondaries, but you won't win with them. You'll only ever beat me if you use your mains, and you're not leagues better than me.you're slightly better than me because you play with better people more often.

I put together a **** team with absolutely no thought and you barely won 1-0. With my team anyone remotely competent should have gotten a solid 3-0 or 4-0. Maybe even a 5-0 if they savagely outplayed me or haxed. If I put a real team together I'm fairly confident I'd win even though I hadn't played a game since March 09 since the game we played last weekend.

You mad?


you played falcon against my fox and i won. i'll 2 and 3 stock your falcon next time. i'll beat any of your secondaries, trust.


Smash Cadet
Jan 25, 2009
lets have a pokemon battle again tim! that'd be fun, i am soo rusty (no pun intended) and now that i quit wow, i need another electronic form of entertainment to supply my thirst for somethign fun to do in my loads of free time. that or get a job lol
call of duty mw2 thats like all i play anymore!! haha


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
You didn't play my fox or falco with your secondaries, but you won't win with them. You'll only ever beat me if you use your mains, and you're not leagues better than me.you're slightly better than me because you play with better people more often.

I put together a **** team with absolutely no thought and you barely won 1-0. With my team anyone remotely competent should have gotten a solid 3-0 or 4-0. Maybe even a 5-0 if they savagely outplayed me or haxed. If I put a real team together I'm fairly confident I'd win even though I hadn't played a game since March 09 since the game we played last weekend.

You mad?


you played falcon against my fox and i won. i'll 2 and 3 stock your falcon next time. i'll beat any of your secondaries, trust.
alright xander bull**** i played you in falcon dittos as soon as we got there after those falcon dittos which i creamed you in then we did falco dittos which i creamed you in and the tourney i played your fox with my falco which i creamed you in so yeah suck it *****! whyre are you such a *****? and yeah i am leagues better and your so stupid you have chris jackie and forward are you ****ing stupid no johns ****** and uhhhh your the one who said that you can beat me in pokemon sounds like your just *****ing out and why didnt you accept my MM huh you scared you a ***** what you really think your close to me HA! your so dumb. you know what i wont even bother with this until a tourney


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
Joey, could you at least put periods wherever they're supposed to go? It's at least funny reading Xander's posts. It hurts to read your posts. I can't tell where sentences start and end. It's easier to understand either of the following:
Many years ago "The Guy" left world and retreat to "Dungeon of Doom". Now "Young Boy" goes to defeat "The Guy" to become "The Guy" with his gun pass handed down by former "Grandfather the Guy". Go find the "8 units". Now become "The Guy".

In A.D. 2101
War was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It's You !!
Cats: How are you gentlemen !!
Cats: All your base are belong to us.
Cats: You are on the way to destruction.
Captain: What you say !!
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time.
Cats: HA HA HA HA ....
Captain: Take off every 'zig' !!
Captain: You know what you doing.
Captain: Move 'zig'.
Captain: For great justice.

Note: This post is for comedic purposes, but at the same time, Joey, please consider making it easier to read your posts. Thanks!


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Shutup.....Rob...lol...he .. can...use...periods...whenever...he...wants.....to...........I.....post.... like....this....like...alot...and....noone...complains....and if....they...do...not like...

I GIVE A **** ANYWAY!!....

Hehe.....<3 Rob

Gotta Love Joey, I love his confidence.. ^^; *cries thinking about the old Vman that Joey resembles sooo much* *sniffles*


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
man im just tired of xander thinking hes so close to me but hes not. its ridiculous he thinks hes that good which hes not hes so bad he can't even tell when people sandbag or not hes one of the easiest people to figure. but you know what this is just gonna be a waste of my time so yeah we can just settle this next time i go to tucson. IF HE ACCEPTS!

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
LOL Xander thinks he's close to Joey, that's funny.

Joey will absolutely DESTROY Xander, like...take a **** on him destroy.


This is ONLY if Joey decides to be smart and practice/play Fox. If Joey wants to be stupid and not realize that when he practices Fox it's his best character and decides to practice Falco instead, he might lose.

The skill gap between Joey's Fox and Falco is quite literally like the skill difference between Chris and Xander per se.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
ummmm you might wanna actually ask chris about which characters better cause so far he says theyre even. so yeah and wheres rusty? he saw my matches between chris or thats what tim said and so did you rob tim said you watched them too. you know how those matches went. with my falco and fox they were even but everything else got ***** except i didnt use g&w but i probably wouldve lost that.

EDIT: hey! derpdaberp how come your not on my side i did ness and yoshi dittos with you!

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
You lost with Fox because you haven't been practicing Fox lately, you've been practicing Falco.

The fact that when you PRACTICE Falco does as good against Chris when you DON'T practice FOX, shows how good your Fox really is.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Joey's Falco was his best character before I moved. As far as I know, that hasn't changed. His Falco still does better against me than his Fox does, and that says a lot considering how much I love the Falco matchup.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
YEAH! see! jeff knows what he's talking about. <3 jeff

EDIT: you know what as a matter of fact ive been practicing like normal i dont practice a character more than i did. my training is the same. my fox is not better than my falco and who did my fox beat that last tourney huh? yeah nobody. and brian knows which ones better! well actually brian thinks my marth is my best lol but yeah my falco> fox

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Joey's Falco was his best character before I moved. As far as I know, that hasn't changed. His Falco still does better against me than his Fox does, and that says a lot considering how much I love the Falco matchup.
Proving my point.

YEAH! see! jeff knows what he's talking about. <3 jeff

EDIT: you know what as a matter of fact ive been practicing like normal i dont practice a character more than i did. my training is the same. my fox is not better than my falco and who did my fox beat that last tourney huh? yeah nobody. and brian knows which ones better! well actually brian thinks my marth is my best lol but yeah my falco> fox
No....just no. If your Falco is better then how come when you faced me at the January monthly you used Fox and not Falco? How come you used Fox on Xander then as well?

And finally the most important of all, tell me why it is that in July last year when you started improving a lot and you played Xander in 3 $1 MMs the scores went, Games 1 and 2 of 1st MM you lost as FALCO, games 3 and 4 you won as Fox, game 5 you barely lost as Fox.

THEN even better.....the 2nd and 3rd MMs you did for a dollar against him, you used purely Fox and won 3-0, 3-0 in the MMs this included 3 stocking him multiple matches if I recall correctly.

I know that you feel you don't want to use Fox because you feel Fox is too easy and feel gay for using Fox because you consider him to be the "Sheik version of Falco" but if you ask me, that's more proof that you KNOW Fox is your best.

So as much as you may not WANT to use Fox Joey, I think you KNOW that if and when the day ever comes that you REALLY want to beat someone and try as hard as you can to do so, you WILL pick Fox.

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Just because Joey does better against certain people with fox does not mean that his fox is better. I do much better against Both GG7s Falcon and Joey's Fox/Falco with Pikachu, but have a MUCH harder time with Falco. Does that mean that my Pikachu's better than my Falco? I do much better against Forward's Fox and Vman's Falco with Falco. Does that mean my Falco's better than my Pikachu?

Joey's more comfortable using Falco than Fox in general. It seems like most of the people that he fights in tucson are much weaker against fox than falco, so of course he'll choose fox. Although his Falco is better, his fox will do better because his opponents are good against falco.

In my honest HONEST opinion, I think his Falco is his best character. I think Tim will agree with me. Both of us trained him to what he is today, so I think that we know his characters and his playstyle better than anyone else.

I say: Falco is Joey's best character.

Smurfy EXE

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2008
Why the hell is it such a big deal over who Joey's best character is?

If he thinks it's Falco (It is his Falco) and not his Fox...
Well... then let it be!

But you should all stop your bickering cause Link is the best character in the game anyways.


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
Episode 59: Volcanic Panic 1:25 to 3:23
This is the song I was talking about btw. If anyone knows the name or where to find it, that'd be so legit.

Edit: Also, if you look at Silly Kyle's avatar, if you look just at the middle part of Peach's shirt, it looks like the eye and body of a jigglypuff.

Thanks, Jackie, got it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
Why the hell is it such a big deal over who Joey's best character is?

If he thinks it's Falco (It is his Falco) and not his Fox...
Well... then let it be!

But you should all stop your bickering cause Link is the best character in the game anyways.
its alright sebastian its cause im the best lol and i used fox that whole tourney cause i played silly kyle first round and i lost and i get depressed when i play peach and i cant play falco when im sad. and how come the one time i actually use fox (last tourney) i lost badly huh and no i have been using him. my falco's better. and you can ask ANYONE in sierra vista my falco is ALOT better. if i lived in tucson you would see how much better my falco is than my fox and how much better i really i am than what you guys think and me > chris lol i think. well actually me > everyone

EDIT: yeah also when jeff was down here i did so bad with fox it just straight disgraceful but when i used falco i beat his marth and pika once and i always do pretty good against his falco.
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