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Tucson, AZ Social/Rankings Thread (Updated 5/7/10!)

For our Tucson Power Rankings, how should order be decided?

  • Panelist system

    Votes: 30 40.5%
  • Challenges system

    Votes: 17 23.0%
  • Weekly Round Robin results

    Votes: 27 36.5%

  • Total voters


Smash Champion
Jan 12, 2006
Glendale, AZ
dammit--one of you guys help me evolve my haunter and graveler. i'm tired of not being the best.

i have soul silver. 5868 9652 0137 1000


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Shoddy is for people who are too lazy (Most of Tucson) to train and make/create their own pokemon and put the time and effort into playing the game at a high level of play...

Playing the games, shoddy is indeed, the most "effective" way of competing... however to me as a knowledgable/professional pokemon player, it takes away from your "true" knowledge of pokemon.. Such knowledge that I've accumulated for playing for since 1998...I love when most of you (Tucson) folk try to tell me what's good/bad etc... I appreciate the help, but i can assure you I've been playing pokemon longer than all of you anyway, so the help isn't necessary. most of you use the online services to use your game strategy, while I, actually have experience and hands-on knowledge, while mostly everyone else, has recently figured out the metagame due to internet...

Of course I'm human too.. i didn't just "happen to know everything".. I had the luxury of Prima's official strategy guides to learn TM's/HM's.. Egg moves/tutor moves/natures..IV's Pokemon locations/etc...but never used a "site" to determine what moves are good for a "specific pokemon" like I'm sure most of you have, and nothing wrong with that, if you need to get good in a short amount of time... It's mostly just been 'common sense to me"

Anyway, if you want to get competetive, quick/fast, etc... can't go wrong w/shoddy...if you REALLY actually want to accumulate most of the knowledge that pokemon has to offer, you have to play the games....

Also.. I should've took a picture but maybe one day I should do it again.. but I wanted to show all of you my completed pokedex.. 999:99 game time..and the amount of pokemon I'd accumulate and maybe most of you would understand where im comin from...

Anyway much love tucson! I'll still help out as much as I can with whomever needs it, but for the most part my pokemon days are near its end but not quite yet, my time on top was awesome, (Btw, watch out for Joey/Jeff in pokemon...those are the next two people i've been training... they'll both hopefully be better than i was


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2007
In the desert somewheres
Face down, *** up.

Seriously though. I hear you Vectorman, I am the same way pretty much. I **** everyone I play in Pokemon cause I have been competing since I knew about competitive Pokemon. Ask Jeff, he's experienced playing me twice now. :p


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
lol <3 bloodhawk, yeah he's told me about you.. jeff told me you beat him pretty bad, and when i was discussing with you.. you really new your ****... Glad someone else knows their stuff too...

all in all..

**** shoddy.. and all you shoddy user noobs.. who think you know ****! <33


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
lets have a pokemon battle again tim! that'd be fun, i am soo rusty (no pun intended) and now that i quit wow, i need another electronic form of entertainment to supply my thirst for somethign fun to do in my loads of free time. that or get a job lol


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
to the people who dislike shoddy: You guys are ********. 'Nuiff said.
wait sierra vistas stupid? im pretty sure i beat everyone in tucson in pokemon i was gonna ignore it till you guys opened your mouth and tommy i creamed you when you said you were gonna **** me and you didnt beat me once and ninjask to lucario thats all im saying lol

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Tim you told me I know my stuff. I've been playing since forever as it is anyways just didn't start competitively until 2007 with Diamond and Pearl. But that is seemingly when things got proper with making certain moves Physical when they should have been all along.

I have just about everything needed to know for competitive play memorized. All of this includes natures, proper EVs for certain Pokemon which goes along with memorizing good movesets to use FOR those Pokemon. Give me a random OU Pokemon, I'll tell you a good moveset and EV spread. I can also do this to an extent with Ubers Pokemon and UU but lesser than I know of OU since I had always played that the most.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
alright spencer what should you teach a anti lead jirachi and its nature and ev's and dual cats? is he that karl guy? if so than ill say this i used gay man watch first lol i dont know but we should gay man watch ditto MM mine is ok

Smurfy EXE

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2008
Is a Bibarel with Rock Slide, Hyper Beam, Splash, and Aerial Ace any good?

It's ability is Thick Fat...

Tim are you gonna upload? :D

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
alright spencer what should you teach a anti lead jirachi and its nature and ev's and dual cats? is he that karl guy? if so than ill say this i used gay man watch first lol i dont know but we should gay man watch ditto MM mine is ok
I told you I'll give you a moveset and all if you told me the Pokemon, not what type you want. I never said I have EVERY type of good moveset possible memorized. But I do have at least ONE memorized for everything.

For something such as an Anti-Lead Jirachi though I would go along the lines of Thunder Wave/Body Slam,Iron Head,Wish,U-turn. Nature something along the lines of Impish, EVs 252 HP, 176 Def,76 Atk.

I'll tell you the purpose too for the sake of it. Your idea is to paralyze your opponent and flinch as quick as possible. What's nice about this is that you get some bulk, while also still having good attack to be able to dish out damage. Thunder Wave is guaranteed paralyzation but Body Slam can be better if you're wanting to paralyze Ground types more than Ghosts. Wish provides healing for Jirachi and general team support which is always great, and U-turn is self explanatory being a nice way to switch out while dishing out damage and making an easier way to predict.

That's just a quick synopsis. Note however that I do NOT advocate the use of this Jirachi or any type of Pokemon involved that's defensive and not hyper offensive.


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2009
. . . dual cats? is he that karl guy? if so than ill say this i used gay man watch first lol i dont know but we should gay man watch ditto MM mine is ok
Right on, sir. :3 I don't want to MM but I'll play for srsly. Next time I actually make it to a monthly. < <

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
You probably don't want 176 random Def EVs Spencer :p
They serve a purpose....lol. If you're anti-leading you want to be tankish. Unless you want to put them into special defense instead and then use the 76 from attack into Defense instead because Impish already provides well defensively then I don't see where I'm wrong....

You could also use Stealth Rock on said Jirachi if needed.

Smurfy EXE

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2008
Wha-Wha-Wha- WHAAAAAT?!

Does BloodFalcon do parkour?! 8D

What should I do with my Bibarel?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
alright spencer but i still dont believe you still im gonna ask you in person and the reason why i dont believe you is because you knew where the exact evs for every stat nobody calculates that.

Smurfy EXE

Smash Apprentice
Oct 25, 2008
What if I EV train a BellSprout?

Get Jolly Nature

Teach it

Blast Burn
Draco Meteor

Put the EVs like so...

252 in AT
252 in DEF

I think that'd work as a tank
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