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Tucson, AZ Social/Rankings Thread (Updated 5/7/10!)

For our Tucson Power Rankings, how should order be decided?

  • Panelist system

    Votes: 30 40.5%
  • Challenges system

    Votes: 17 23.0%
  • Weekly Round Robin results

    Votes: 27 36.5%

  • Total voters


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Attention AZ:

Sad to say, my military career, MIGHT be coming to an end. I have "Karataconus" (vision problem) and "Autism" (symptom with no proper diagnosis)

Anyway, chances are about 50/50, that I'll be getting out of the military, with retirment benefits.. WOOT.. I plan on moving back to Phoenix/Tucson, but I'd rather not live by myself.. I wouldn't mind it, but I'd rather not... I feel like i've come to know each and everyone one of you.. Each in ways that i wouldn't be able to explain, and I greatly appreciate it.

If I do get out, I'd enjoy having a roommate, even though, i'm nowhere near any financial trouble..(woot military) I'd like to stay "well prepared" as long as possible...(i.e. multiple months, years).. I have 150 business days to acquire the same military job, in the civilian world, and last time I remembered working in a hospital pays pretty solid bank! ^^

I plan on gettin something like a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apt, you know the minimum "liveable requirements that have all the benefits, laundry room, electricity, water, roofing, Im pretty simple. Either way, if anyone is interested, please don't hesitate to message me, or send me a PM whatever you decide to do.. IF nobody would like to roomate that's also fine.. I'll either end up living alone, or maybe moving somewhere else... I just wanted to throw the opportunity out there just in case someone doesn't enjoy where they are staying.. Of course there'd be some rules, i'd like obliged.. mainly: (I like a clean place) that's about it. I'm not picky at all.. Just I'm ready now, and just in case someone is in need of financial assistance or "wants: a roomate, something, I'm offering my boat... I think it'd be nice..

I could also get my smash plans, back on track, I feel like i've left Jeff, and I can't let him prove all by himself...There are still some goals i'd like to keep too.. I haven't played this game, with anyone rather good since i've joined... about a year of "worthless" lvl 9 practicing... really not beneficial to me, yet I have to keep my game top notch... not gonna lie it's pretty tough.., and I want to keep my promise too.. I never break my promises

Anyway just msg me, or PM, whatever you wanna do, I'd like to come bak to AZ, but if not I guess i'll hav to think of somethin else... either way, it'll be great.. I hope some of you may show interest! ^^;
See you all soon "maybe" "hopefully"


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
The only problem with my controller is that the analog stick doesn't center properly since it's too lose/broken in. I'm looking into how to fix that. I might just totally replace the analog stick tbh.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Tucson: Who wants to smash over the next few days? I want to get in some HARDCORE practice.

As an FYI, my phone was turned off since Debi didn't pay the phone bill. Contact me via PM/AIM/MSN/Yahoo.

I might be willing to bus places. Depends on how my funds look. I want to smash so badly.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
Vman, if you were to move to Tucson, you should keep the spot open until around February 22nd, 2012

That's when I'm allowed to move out of my house. (When I turn 21)

It's also a hint that my birthday was just days ago.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Jackie, I guess I have a newfound respect for you considering how nice you reacted to me being somewhat of a **** haha.

I'll just quickly point out a few key things that I'm remembering you said. And for one thing, in a way yes I do see what you mean about the Forrest situation and all, but at the same time, I still stick to that I think it depresses people even more. And to be honest really, if people are going to be "whiny, sissy, crybabies" as you say, then just don't play against them. Really, it's as simple as that, tell them straight up "If you're going to act like a little ***** then I don't even have to play you". Considering where you are on the PR Jackie, it should be a privilege for people to play you, especially because you do have work and school so much. Don't be afraid to put the elitist foot down, because it can be utilized ya know =P.

Your post not being aimed at me....Okay, I believe you, but be careful how you word things or where you aim your words at. While in one way I felt like it wasn't aimed at me, in another way I felt offended because even the smallest things you said in your post seemed like they could have included me as well.

I may also take the time to say that while you do get motivated from your losses, and that you don't get visibly upset or be verbal, what I mean is that I think on the inside you get just as frustrated as myself sometimes.

Also, if you could, could you clear up exactly what you meant/said here(below this sentence) because it sort of confused me(cell phone johns? =P).

Unless I come off as such an *** that you get better faster, ithat whole post was dedicated just to you ------

I didn't mean to be such a large ******* to you Jackie, but sometimes your sandbagging frustrates me because you play as if I just started playing the game yesterday and have no clue what I'm doing, and it's really annoying because it makes me feel like you underrate me too much. It makes me happy to hear you say that I have gotten better and that you don't mean for it to offend me, but as said before, your intentions were perceived differently by myself and that's why I got frustrated and felt like I had to make that long post.

In any case, when you do play seriously, please know that I do enjoy playing against you even if I do get mad. And if it really starts bothering you, then just tell me, because I'm man enough that I can handle it and I can do my best to keep it quiet or I can even listen to music which would probly make me stop altogether.


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
lol i do not, but man i wanna make you some now! and for the rest of the stoney smashers to enjoy
i just dont have a place to make em... ):

but seriously i will make you some eventually, but be warned -

you will be high (VERY high, not just kinda high) for at least 6 hours

its oodles of amazingness though :>


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
haha, not because of "mary jane" as some would be quick to assume.

its actually an unnecessarily long, boring story. but i will tell you it involves spelling my real name incorrectly with only 3 letters

"jonny" turns into "jyn" which was then pronounced as "jane" which stuck


nope rob, my last name is torres :D

also, what time is the tourney starting on saturday? (earlier the better pleasee :x)


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
Yeah, just like last time I am getting there right before 12, unless my alarm does not go off, which is like .001% chance. I plan to have doubles starting around 12:30, 1; but if no one's there, I really can't start. Regardless, singles will start at 3 or 3:30. It should mean that we finish by an earlier time. And then we can go to IHOP before midnight.


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
haha ok tommy then be prepared, i will try my best to get them in your digestive system as fast as possible

ok good, i hope everyone gets there on time D: i have plans around 10pm but i really wanna play AND go to ihop with you guys.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
Id like to go to the tournament, but I am on duty this weekend, so I will have to leave at like 6:30 regardless : / Hopefully singles will be over by then

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
hey guys

so ummm....

timmy's got a pretty good chance of coming back...



OMFGWTFYESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD *dies of excitement*

turnip tosser

Smash Rookie
Aug 8, 2009
sierra vista, arizona
lol at that drama in the last pages it made me laugh. Tim good to see your back we gotta play. maybe ill stuff you in that secret black hole under the tree in poke stadium just like ol times. lol anyways its late i hope me and sv can come up on sat.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
lol at that drama in the last pages it made me laugh. Tim good to see your back we gotta play. maybe ill stuff you in that secret black hole under the tree in poke stadium just like ol times. lol anyways its late i hope me and sv can come up on sat.
You consider that drama? lol okay. It was more so just a misconception of what Jackie meant.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
hey, anyone who has Alex's number and Coop's number, should call them and let them know of the tourney this Saturday.


Smash Champion
Oct 26, 2008
Jonny Torres? that's badass

And Tommy.................................................... you're 19, you can move out whenever you want


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I still stick to that I think it depresses people even more. And to be honest really, if people are going to be "whiny, sissy, crybabies" as you say, then just don't play against them. Really, it's as simple as that, tell them straight up "If you're going to act like a little ***** then I don't even have to play you".
Don't think I haven't. But also, sometimes I drive way the **** over to someone's house to play and then they start playing ****tily or stop. That's pretty **** disrespectful to me when I waste my gas and more importantly time to drive over, just to play a few matches and have them freak out over losing and I don't get any good practice in. And it's me driving over 90% of the time. I don't smash with Kyle much and Chris is usually lazy (and used to have no job, no gas). People don't put that into consideration. I'd rather play a little sloppily than not at all after I made the trip.

Your post not being aimed at me....Okay, I believe you, but be careful how you word things or where you aim your words at. While in one way I felt like it wasn't aimed at me, in another way I felt offended because even the smallest things you said in your post seemed like they could have included me as well.
I'll word it however I want :p The only thing really could include you was the sticky trigger. If you look back at your post, you spent a big chunk of it defending how you don't do those things and I was a **** for including you in those groups but I wasn't including you so whatever.

I may also take the time to say that while you do get motivated from your losses, and that you don't get visibly upset or be verbal, what I mean is that I think on the inside you get just as frustrated as myself sometimes.
I really don't at all. The only thing that annoys me is when Sean/Chris start DD camping or Jeff starts edge stalling, but I'll still approach anyways. If I lose as a result whatever but I won't blame them for using effective strategies. I also don't rely on tech skill so I don't get frustrated about 'not playing well'. Since I'm so mind gamey, if I lose I know I was simply outplayed and congratulations to them for being a better player.

Also, if you could, could you clear up exactly what you meant/said here(below this sentence) because it sort of confused me(cell phone johns? =P).

Unless I come off as such an *** that you get better faster, ithat whole post was dedicated just to you ------
I meant that if that post pissed you off enough to motivate you to get better and prove me wrong, then you should interpret it that way since it's making you a better player.

I didn't mean to be such a large ******* to you Jackie, but sometimes your sandbagging frustrates me because you play as if I just started playing the game yesterday and have no clue what I'm doing, and it's really annoying because it makes me feel like you underrate me too much. It makes me happy to hear you say that I have gotten better and that you don't mean for it to offend me, but as said before, your intentions were perceived differently by myself and that's why I got frustrated and felt like I had to make that long post.
My sandbagging is hardly ever meant to be derogatory. Actually one of the main things I do it for is I like winning by making a comeback. I like being down 1-4stocks and winning much more than 4stocking people. That does piss people off but it is hilarious to see their face, I'll admit that's pretty douchey. Things like aerial Falcon kick against your shield, I derive pleasure by having the second hit shield stab you and knocking you to your feet so I can techchase. Even though it's stupid risky and ineffective at times.

In a deeper sense sometimes, I sandbag to caricature some of your weaknesses. Like if you keep on full jumping, I'll keep on dodging your attack and grabbing you as you land. Instead of just ****** you from the grab, I'll just stand there holding you looking deep into your eyes no homo or jab you until you mash out. That can be more annoying than taking your stock, which in turn makes you learn quicker to stop predictably full jumping.

In any case, when you do play seriously, please know that I do enjoy playing against you even if I do get mad. And if it really starts bothering you, then just tell me, because I'm man enough that I can handle it and I can do my best to keep it quiet or I can even listen to music which would probly make me stop altogether.
I don't like telling people what to do. I like making them aware of their actions, then I act myself however I feel necessary. I don't care if you get mad as long as it drives you to play better. I'll get annoyed if you start doing things like ragequitting midmatch or stop playing.

Random insight about the game for me: I don't measure my **** by how little damage I take or stocks I keep. I prefer how fast I win the match. If I kamikaze 3 stocks and **** the last stock in under 2 minutes, then I'll be like yesssssss I read them like a book. If I 4stock them but the match takes 5 minutes, I'll feel like I just outspaced them the whole match which is smart/good but not exciting whatsoever. If I 4stock them in under 2 minutes then then **** yeah that's awesome but not going to happen very often.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Jackie we should smash sometime soon. You're credited to nearly all of my improvement over the last year or so.

I promise not to get irritated when I miss waveshine usmash.

turnip tosser

Smash Rookie
Aug 8, 2009
sierra vista, arizona
i remember when i 1st heard the word sandbag. i 4 stocked b-will in like the 1st and only match i ever played him. it was real fast and when tim defended me saying i beat b-will. b-will said '' i was sandbagging'' i was like okay, if by sandbag you mean CC down smashes then yes you were sandbagging lol.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Jackie we should smash sometime soon. You're credited to nearly all of my improvement over the last year or so.

I promise not to get irritated when I miss waveshine usmash.
Edge-hop double lasers
a.k.a. fastfall single laser off the edge
run away lasers
the "Forward B"
cost you much more than usmashes that aren't at killing percents, generally.

I'm allergic to cats and the geographically inconvenient location is unappealing to me. I may smash at the U tonight, depending. I have another photoshoot this evening, but she also wants dinner ;)

When it's between:


You can guess where my priorites are. MELEE!
Yeah right.

i remember when i 1st heard the word sandbag. i 4 stocked b-will in like the 1st and only match i ever played him. it was real fast and when tim defended me saying i beat b-will. b-will said '' i was sandbagging'' i was like okay, if by sandbag you mean CC down smashes then yes you were sandbagging lol.
I sandbag that way the most :(


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
The single lasers off the stage were usually my fault anyway, lol. I'll get ahead of myself sometimes.

Like normally the input is down, up, laser, rotate controller forward, laser.

when i die its down, laser, up and by then im already dead.

Also I think most of my reverse laser suicides are because you drephen shielded me, which doesn't count.
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