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Tucson, AZ Social/Rankings Thread (Updated 5/7/10!)

For our Tucson Power Rankings, how should order be decided?

  • Panelist system

    Votes: 30 40.5%
  • Challenges system

    Votes: 17 23.0%
  • Weekly Round Robin results

    Votes: 27 36.5%

  • Total voters

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Omg! <3 That match is amazing! Armada is my hero in Melee! He is the Peach player I look up to, as well as Light lol. :-p


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
i dont know if you know it or not but once along time ago peach was called ''princess toadstool'' and nintendo changed that **** in mario 64. F nintendo for changing her name. maybe cuz its too shroom related lol. also ive been meaning to say this. nice perry platypus Twin A u ever stop rockin that avatar ima take it. :laugh:
Lol he took it before I did. That's what I get for introducing him to that great cartoon!

phineas and ferb sucks
I hate you now. But alas. You're asian. Remember what we got you saying in maryland lol?

I ****ing love sailor moon. Don't hate.
Old school awesome show. That and DBZ used to **** Tsunami on CartoonNetwork!

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
arise, chicken.
arise, chicken.

edit: *** jane already beat me to the athf reference
edit2: except the link is dead :)

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
As far as you remember? So not only do I beat your lesser characters, I can also beat your mains. You’re right that you’ve beaten me with Fox, but you forget that I’ve also curbstomped him as well. Every character you’ve beaten me with you’ve also lost with. So don’t go running around thinking you’re awesome and the best when clearly you have a losing record against someone who is currently ranked #8 when you’re supposed to be #4. You don’t do nearly as good against me like Xander, Jackie, Chris, and Sean do. They are the only ones who can beat me more consistently than anyone else.

When it comes to you saving your Sheik against me for tournament, it’s kind of silly, actually. Sillier than me. You can’t prove your better than me if you can’t even show that you win more matches 1 vs 1 against me, because you haven’t. I have the lead on you. Also, what is the likeliness of us facing in tournament? You don’t even attend many tournaments to begin with unless they are in Tucson, which isn’t very often. The last tournament you went to in Phoenix, you could have entered, and you chose not to. How can you prove your good if you don’t even enter? Might as well bring out your Sheik against me and prove you’re as good as you say you are.

At this last tournament, I beat Joey, Tag, and Shiv. The only people I lost to were Sean and Chris. I got 5th place, and that’s really good considering I’m #8 in Tucson and not even considered Top 10 in AZ for Melee. Hell, I placed higher than you, Xander, Rusty, and Shiv, and all four of you are supposed to be better than me. Step it up! I know I have.

While that’s nice that MBR is debating that rule, I will continue to follow whatever rules TOs put in place for tournaments. I don’t have to go back to a level someone previously won on. And you know why? Because I don’t want to and it’s in the rules! However, there may be cases in the future where I will agree to go back to a stage, but it’s really all situational.
So until we fight again and you prove you can beat me more consistently than I beat you, put your e-***** away and tone down your online ego. ;)

On another note…
If you want to seriously be my doubles partner, we should play each other more often. I bet Armada and Aniolas play each other quite frequently and they know each other’s playstyles pretty well. That should be us! We can also work on team strategies and combos too. :)
*shrug* I don't agree with your post but you can think whatever you want. However I think a few things should be noted.....You can only 2 stock Chubbz, you can only 1 stock Sean McCarthies Marth, and last time I watched, Tommy was consistently beating you. So I definitely agree you are much better than me, I can't even beat any of them at all. All of them 3 stock me so you're definitely better than me.

My only goals at this point anyways are to train Chubbz to get good enough to start whooping peoples ***(which is already starting to happen, he's getting mad good). And to be able to at least do 25% of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_a7KspmX8w

On another note, and this is especially after fighting Sean's Peach, Joey I wholeheartedly agree 100% that Peach is a really stupid ****ing character.


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
Next time, you guys will fight in tournament right off the bat. Any objections?

Anyone who wants to claim a specific recorded video or two or however many, make it known exactly what video it is. Currently, I will only be uploading the ones complete with tags plus the three doubles matches Xander requested (Xander/Shiv vs. TT/Mr. J; Sean/Tai; Jeff/I). It takes a long time to sync the stuff, but I'm gonna work on it right now at least until my roommate wakes up so I can play a tiny bit of Call of Duty before my mom arrives in Tucson. I will be deleting the videos by next weekend, most likely. Claim them if you have a burning desire before then.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008

peach isn't that good against falcon

fox ***** peach

you guys are just *****es

i agree that peach is stupid as ****, but she's not that amazing

she's still worse than marth, and not much better than falcon


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.

peach isn't that good against falcon

fox ***** peach

you guys are just *****es

i agree that peach is stupid as ****, but she's not that amazing

she's still worse than marth, and not much better than falcon
shes also better than puff and ics.

they're mostly complaining because shes a dumb ***** if you screw up.

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
*shrug* I don't agree with your post but you can think whatever you want. However I think a few things should be noted.....You can only 2 stock Chubbz, you can only 1 stock Sean McCarthies Marth, and last time I watched, Tommy was consistently beating you. So I definitely agree you are much better than me, I can't even beat any of them at all. All of them 3 stock me so you're definitely better than me.

My only goals at this point anyways are to train Chubbz to get good enough to start whooping peoples ***(which is already starting to happen, he's getting mad good). And to be able to at least do 25% of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_a7KspmX8w

On another note, and this is especially after fighting Sean's Peach, Joey I wholeheartedly agree 100% that Peach is a really stupid ****ing character.
LOLOLOL :laugh:

You crack me up, Spencer. <3


peach isn't that good against falcon

fox ***** peach

you guys are just *****es

i agree that peach is stupid as ****, but she's not that amazing

she's still worse than marth, and not much better than falcon
What are you talking about!? Peach is the best character in the game and she is AMAZING. <3


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I got a date at Cheesecake Factory after I get off work at 9pm so I might show up late. Or not at all if things go well.


In other news, I would pick up Samus to rep her since nobody is good enough with her in AZ except the pros. Butttt she has to be campy and I hate 6 minute matches. I think Falco and Falcon are the only characters I play aggressively successfully. Maybe Ganon too :p

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
okay kyle

you're worse than spencer and joey and the only reason you win is because Peach is a broken S-tier ***** who takes no skill


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
Jackie, Samus has 6 minute matches mostly because she has ****ty combos that don't kill fast and when she recovers it takes years. You can be aggressive it's just a little slower.


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
However I think a few things should be noted.....You can only 2 stock Chubbz, you can only 1 stock Sean McCarthies Marth, and last time I watched, Tommy was consistently beating you. So I definitely agree you are much better than me, I can't even beat any of them at all. All of them 3 stock me so you're definitely better than me.
Seriously Spencer. Tone your act down. It's one thing to say something straight up to someone's face, like, "Hey, Kyle, I think I'm better than you." But it's crossing the line to bring other players into this. Who cares how much someone can beat on another person. Maybe Chris does better than Scar against Jeff. Does that mean that Chris is oodles better than Scar? Perhaps, but not necessarily.

STOP bringing other players into this. All you're doing is hurting people by saying how bad they are in your eyes. Don't do this anymore. It's really REALLY frustrating to see "Kyle, your matches with Rob are wayyy too close to think you're as good as me." It's like you're blatantly saying, "Hey, Kyle, you suck; and Rob, you suck even more...plus, I'm awesome."

So quit doing this, jerk.

Iron Dragon

Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2005
Seriously Spencer. Tone your act down. It's one thing to say something straight up to someone's face, like, "Hey, Kyle, I think I'm better than you." But it's crossing the line to bring other players into this. Who cares how much someone can beat on another person. Maybe Chris does better than Scar against Jeff. Does that mean that Chris is oodles better than Scar? Perhaps, but not necessarily.

STOP bringing other players into this. All you're doing is hurting people by saying how bad they are in your eyes. Don't do this anymore. It's really REALLY frustrating to see "Kyle, your matches with Rob are wayyy too close to think you're as good as me." It's like you're blatantly saying, "Hey, Kyle, you suck; and Rob, you suck even more...plus, I'm awesome."

So quit doing this, jerk.
LOL Kyle got a laugh out of it, why can't you. I'm mostly not arrogant anyways, I just feel that enough people don't give me credit where credit is due to be given. Even when people who are RANKED HIGHER THAN ME/BETTER THAN ME like CHRIS AND XANDER say that I'm definitely #4, for some reason people have a way of completely overlooking what they said. So you know, when I DON'T get credit maybe I come off as being a little cocky when I ****ing DEFEND MYSELF. Seriouusly, why is it that I can't even defend myself without having people say "You're just being cocky" even though other higher ranked players are usually the ones that stand up for me first?

And now that everyone wants to act like I'm some big ******* maybe I will be one to fit your peoples' image of me. Because truthfully, I'm not, I'm nice but I don't think a single person in AZ except my brother,Chris, and Xander even give me as much credit as I feel I deserve.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
hey thats exactly how i feel! how can you people say that toro is better than me when we've never played before that pisses me off and before everyone thought i was only at like enriques level! spencer does the same exact thing i do i know how he feels you know its not cool when someone says oh your gonna lose or how are you losing to whatever its not fair to judge someones skill without actually knowing it i actually hide alot of things from you guys thats probably why you people dont think im any good. its alright spencer i think your good.
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