As far as you remember? So not only do I beat your lesser characters, I can also beat your mains. You’re right that you’ve beaten me with Fox, but you forget that I’ve also curbstomped him as well. Every character you’ve beaten me with you’ve also lost with. So don’t go running around thinking you’re awesome and the best when clearly you have a losing record against someone who is currently ranked #8 when you’re supposed to be #4. You don’t do nearly as good against me like Xander, Jackie, Chris, and Sean do. They are the only ones who can beat me more consistently than anyone else.
When it comes to you saving your Sheik against me for tournament, it’s kind of silly, actually. Sillier than me. You can’t prove your better than me if you can’t even show that you win more matches 1 vs 1 against me, because you haven’t. I have the lead on you. Also, what is the likeliness of us facing in tournament? You don’t even attend many tournaments to begin with unless they are in Tucson, which isn’t very often. The last tournament you went to in Phoenix, you could have entered, and you chose not to. How can you prove your good if you don’t even enter? Might as well bring out your Sheik against me and prove you’re as good as you say you are.
At this last tournament, I beat Joey, Tag, and Shiv. The only people I lost to were Sean and Chris. I got 5th place, and that’s really good considering I’m #8 in Tucson and not even considered Top 10 in AZ for Melee. Hell, I placed higher than you, Xander, Rusty, and Shiv, and all four of you are supposed to be better than me. Step it up! I know I have.
While that’s nice that MBR is debating that rule, I will continue to follow whatever rules TOs put in place for tournaments. I don’t have to go back to a level someone previously won on. And you know why? Because I don’t want to and it’s in the rules! However, there may be cases in the future where I will agree to go back to a stage, but it’s really all situational.
So until we fight again and you prove you can beat me more consistently than I beat you, put your e-***** away and tone down your online ego.
On another note…
If you want to seriously be my doubles partner, we should play each other more often. I bet Armada and Aniolas play each other quite frequently and they know each other’s playstyles pretty well. That should be us! We can also work on team strategies and combos too.