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Try Hard 4: Live Free or Try Hard (December 1st) AZ (Last one)


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
oh yeah i forgot the most important shoutout!

angel the yoshi player -


youre ****ing amazing jesus christ


Smash Hero
Jul 29, 2008
Ba Sing Se, EK
seriously, no other set, COMBINED, got as much hype as gg7 vs angel.

i remember i was running over there cuz i heard crazy yelling and i think tai was like "its just a ****ing friendly"

good thing i wasnt just like "oh.." and walked back because that last game i saw... wow. i cant wait to see the whole thing on youtube


Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
1: Axe: Thanks for driving, you ****, etc etc. Shut up and quit thinking everyone hates you. They don't. No one hates you except for Mango.
1: Taj: Good stuff against Jeff, otoo-san
3: GamerGuitarist7: I wanted to jump off a cliff after game 2, but then I realized that a platform would've spawned and prevented me from doing so LOL. Oh well, no johns. I picked the stage, and you would've had an advantage in game 3 anyway, even though I feel like I usually do well vs Falcon on DL64 despite hating the stage. Lol, i love you, *****
4: Super Serious Kyle: I would've ***** your **** if you didn't john so much and piss me off to go Fox.
5: Okami: Thanks for hosting, recording, etc.
5: Tai: I hate you. In all seriousness, I think overall, you played pretty well at this tournament, but you just let small things get to you (SDs and the FoD platform). Learn to keep your head in the game, you stupid ****ing kid.
7: Tag: We didn't really talk/play much except for that last set, but it was tight. Keep going to tourneys.
7: Rubyiris: Good stuff vs me. Your Falco does homosexual things against Marth. Either that or idk how to fight Falcos that don't throw themselves at me at 120 MPH
9: Whiplash: You impressed me more than anyone else at this tourney. Keep practicing; you definitely have potential.
9: Teach me how to Duff0
9: Shiv: Thank you for dying for my sins
9: Girku: You're pretty good.
13: Eef: I didn't play you, but apparently you hang with Girku and Angel, so I guess that says something.
13: Aberz: Good matches
13: M3ds: Good matches
13: V3ctorman: Make my combo video <3
17: TommyDerMeister: Nice to see you, as always.
17: Angel: Good stuff...? I only played one friendly vs you, but apparently everyone else is impressed, so *thumbs up* Use a real character
17: Bom: I don't remember who this is.
17: Tipper: GGs in pools
21: Sunnyside: Sup? I didn't really talk to you or play you at all.
21: Cooper: Sup Ty
21: Frosty: Lol, first tourney. Just keep playing, and you'll see improvement.
21: Agent Iron: *******
25: Book: I don't remember who this was
25: Mark: I don't remember who this was
25: Jane: I love you, Jonny
25: Paul: I don't remember who this was


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Axe: You should always try... People don't hate it when you win. Thanks for the ride, again!!
Taj: Robogeisha is the most memorable trailer I have ever encountered haha
GamerGuitarist7: We're kinda ***** to each other and its fun
Silly Kyle: Haha GG's. Get into LoL you ****!!
Okami: GG's toom you played really well. I'll get you next time. Thanks for the discount at the Cellar
Tag: Didn't really play but nice to see you
Rubyiris: GG's. It's almost like I only use Marth for spacies nowadays
Shiv: Nice to see you as always, my savior
Girku: It's always awesome to have new players come. Try to stick around!
Eef: ^^
Aberz: ^^
M3ds: ^^
V3ctorman: It's disappointing to see you down here when you can most definitely take top 5 with Falco =[
TommyDerMeister: It's been a while. STUPID
Angel: Interesting Yoshi
Frosty: paper mache... or raditz!
Agent Iron: Use your main ha
Jane: you're the best!


Smash Cadet
Jul 22, 2006
1: Axe ($63.00) You got way too freakin good man. Those matches we had on FD were awesome i had a blast. actually surprised i won a few games lol. keep reppin that AZ and kicking more ***! GL in all your future tournaments bro.

1: Taj ($63.00) i hate you. no but really i think i suck **** @ this game when i play you lol. good stuff ur reactions are too **** superhuman quick. btw cadderly was a bad mage.

3: GamerGuitarist7 ($14.00) Thx for everything man. Ur a monster now. i remember 4 stocking your noob *** years ago. lol. I'll definitely keep playing and hopefully our yuma crew all gets better from this tourny so i can actually get better. btw falcon is a fgt i hate him.

4: Super Serious Kyle- i had a great time hangin out w/ you dude. ur peach is a lot better than i expected. i wanted to play you in brackets but it didnt happen >=/. lookin forward to playing you again sometime in the future. p.s. downsmash.

5: Okami- ur fox is pretty good in dittos. ur the only one that actually beat me in fox dittos. btw brinstar is effin gay.

5: Tai- had tons of fun playing against ur marth in those friendlies. u were also TONS better than i expected. crazy what a marth does to me when he reacts as fast as you and spaces well. i can learn a lot form playing you. good **** man hope to see u beat gamer's *** in the future =p.

7: Tag- god**** puff! those were some intense matches we had. ur a really chill guy. wish i had a puff player to practice vs so next time we can have some more intense matches, but i live in yuma so.... ya i'll just have to play it by ear again.

7: Rubyiris- i pooped on you in those friendlies lol. nah but srsly u got tons better than the last time i played you, centuries ago. ur falco is pretty impressive keep it up.

9: Whiplash- b@dd1e n00b.

9: Duff0-dont remember if i played you or anything sorry :(

9: Shiv-only really got to play you in teams but saw u had a decent fox. m3dz said he had some good matches w/ you tho. keep playing fox!

9: Girku/Eef- had some good teams matches vs you guys. way better than i expected. whichever one played falco vs me in brackets those were very close matches, few mistakes lead to your loss tho =/. hope to see you guys in the future after this and see how many improvements there are!

13: Aberz-l2p

13: M3dz-captain obvious-million question man: l2p

13: V3ctorman- i wanted to do some singles with you but we didnt get a chance. your yoshi scared the hell out of me tho lol. thing is beast with those double jc aerials. our teams matches were pretty good too. great stuff.

17: TommyDerMeister-youre pretty funny, didnt really play you but you were a cool person to meet.

17: Angel- if this is the yoshi sensation all i gotta say is god****. you make me wanna play yoshi, along with others i'm sure lol. that epic dair spike you did to chris gave me a quarter chub no lie.

17: Bom-tipppaaahhhhh

17: Tipper-gj in teams u have a pretty solid shiek. btw dont let okami go brinstar anymore yaaaa.

21: Sunnyside- dont remember you sorry :(
21: Cooper- dont remember you sorry :(

21: Frosty- ur falco can use some experience but i think in time u will become a solid player. keep it up.
21: Agent Iron- dont remember you sorry :(

25: Book- ur samus can use some work but keep with it. it was good but has room for improvement that only experience can fill. i'm sure u'll be tons better by the next time we meet.
25: Mark- yea boii hasnt played in years and still made it to brackets! lol
25: Jane- ur a really chill dude. keep sporting that ganon! tech chase Fair!!
25: Paul- dont remember you sorry :(


Smash Champion
Mar 29, 2009
20 miles south of Irvine, SoCal
The funny thing is that Tip is the one who randomly put on Brinstar and Pokemon Stadium on our list of randoms along with the 5 neutrals about 3 and a half weeks ago, so we've been practicing those 7 stages ever since. :p

kid tipper

Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2008
brinstar was our super secret strategy. Totally my idea, I have no regrets. shoutouts to everyone you guys are all an awesome community. Especially my pool, you ****ers were way too good.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Shoutout to the Falco mains, and the Flagstaff/Yuma players:

Having people specifically hunt me down to play, or ask for Falco advice made me VERY happy.

What made me even happier was when M3dz would ask "Hey dude, are you sandbagging?" when he was doing well, or beating my Fox.

I'm really not that good at this game, so people approaching me like someone who's good really made for a great day.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2008
Flagstaff, AZ
I could try to remember names and attempt a "Shoutout", but I'm terrible with names so... thanks for the matches Everyone! (My name was Angel, the nobody who used Yoshi :p)

In Gerneral though, I'm grateful to all of the people at the tourney. The gernerous amount of support really gave a Huge confidence boost to try even harder to improve my game with my favorite and "negligible" character.


Smash Cadet
Jul 22, 2006
Shoutout to the Falco mains, and the Flagstaff/Yuma players:

Having people specifically hunt me down to play, or ask for Falco advice made me VERY happy.

What made me even happier was when M3dz would ask "Hey dude, are you sandbagging?" when he was doing well, or beating my Fox.

I'm really not that good at this game, so people approaching me like someone who's good really made for a great day.
He says that to anybody he's beating. Not taking anything away from you but ya he does ask that question all the time, and it gets annoying.


Smash Cadet
Jul 15, 2009
If your stupid Wii doesn't read ANY discs, how can you fix it without having to send it in? My friend gave me his broken Wii and wanted me to homebrew it and give it Brawl -
Anything I can do without having to turn it in? Ain't payin' no $80 lol

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
Alright, I don't have time for full shoutouts right now, but I mostly just wanna give 1 shoutout in particular:

Angel - Your Yoshi.... Wtf man... Holy crap! I could not believe my eyes when I saw it. I wasn't there to see your matches against Silly Kyle, but Okami called me and told me that you had taken a match off of him with YOSHI. I thought he was just messing around with me, but then I saw your Yoshi for myself... Absolutely unbelieveable. I always thought that if I have never heard of someone, ESPECIALLY in AZ, then they can't be that good. I was wrong. Your brothers are very good, and the thing that blows my mind the most is that you are so amazingly good with a character that almost everybody thinks is worthless. Well, this so-called "worthless" character just destroyed everyone! You are probably one of the top 10 players in our entire state. I thought there would be no other Yoshi ever to be anywhere near V3ctorman's level. Thank you so much for blessing us with the presence of your amazing character. How on earth did you get so good with a character like that by only playing your brothers!? You remind me so much of SV, in that we were independent from the rest of the smash community and played any characters we wanted to without people saying "this is a bad character. Don't play him". I'm actually very glad that you didn't meet all of us earlier because you probably would have gotten peer pressured into playing a "good character". It's players like you who make me want to keep playing this game. Thank you so much for coming. You are incredible!


Smash Rookie
Feb 9, 2009
Flagstaff, AZ
Eef who never posts wants to try some shouting out :)
axe: I wanna thank you for letting me play so many matches with you, though for most of them, I got the feeling you weren't really trying...but I think ur an awesome person and ur a lot of fun to play against, loved playing you, loved talking to you

vectorman: great friendlies, youre a lotta fun to play and an allaround cool person. Hopefully our matches and the presence of my brother influence ur yoshi.

Taj and silly kyle: both of you literally walked on top of me and I feel like I could have done better, I'm sorry I didn't. I hope you don't think I'm a worthless player after our matches.

Xander and gamerguitarist: even tho I did moderately well when I played u guys, (gg in friendlies, Xander in brackets) I feel like I could have done much better, I apologize for that...

Everyone who was there: I really had an awesome time with everyone I played and even though I assume most of you are thinking -great yoshi... His brothers are somewhat adequate I suppose- I'd still like to thank all of you for the great day and making me enjoy melée a lot more than I have before... I hope to go to more of these tournies in the future and I hope to get at least a little bit of recognition.. Thanks to all of you

Bacon Isai

Smash Cadet
Sep 11, 2010
Shoutouts even though I didn't enter:

Nick/Jane: Thanks for the fries
Spencer/Xander/Rusty: Thanks for the controller
Angel: Thanks for the matches

Y'all are cool


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2007
Flagstaff, AZ
I just pretty much wanna thank all of you for making this tournament so enjoyable to me and my bros. You were all so nice and friendly and I appreciate all the advice I got from everyone. I'm pretty happy and grateful to finally meet and play everybody.

GG7: Thank you sooo much for those friendlies you did with me against my falco and mario. I could feel the knowledge and experience oozing into me lol. You were really nice too, and seemed content to play me for a while just for my benefit. You're an awesome guy and smasher. That falcon is beast =D

Okami: your friendlies helped me out a bunch too. thanks a lot for the sheik experience. your fox is also incredible. I really needed that :p

Tai: Playing you was probably the highlight of the day for me lol. Thanks for destroying my falco in pools. definitely needed that. and good stuff on coming back and destroying my mario in game 2 in bracket. I got a long ways to go before i can compete with your beautiful marth :p

Axe, Taj, Kyle: didn't get to play you guys in singles at all, unfortunately. I really wanted to pretty badly lol. you guys were all awesome doodes and friggin beast at melee though. Can't wait til next time.

V3ctorman: Your falco is a friggin train lol. I heart it. I can also reallly see a lot of potential in your yoshi. and I/we really know about yoshi's lol, so I'd be really happy to see your improve more. keep at it!

Rubyiris: Lol @ our MM. Good stuff. Enjoy my $2 xD Maybe I can take it back next time P:

everyone else who I played: I enjoyed every single match I played that day. Just because i have a terrible memory doesn't mean I forgot you (if that makes sense lolll). It felt beyond incredible to finally play some new people after years and years of just my bros and a friend. I really hope we can come to tournies more often so we can get better a lot faster. So I'll definitely try to make that happen. In the meantime I guess I can work on making my tech skill at least somewhat consistent so I can give you all much better matches/competition =D

Again, thank you all for being so cool. I love this community.


Especially that Mario which wrecked my Pika on FoD! Good stuff everyone!

~BW (a.k.a. Rob)
=D lol


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2007
Sierra Vista
axe-its always fun playing you man i feel like i did farely well in our gym battle and we have actually been playing in tourny this is just weird to me but soo fun, i think your fancy :]

taj-we didnt play :[ but i saw robo geisha and i was like wtf this is awesome!

silly kyle-we didnt play :[ i feel like when we play its so intense i love jiggs versus peach.<3

gg7-you kinda ***** me this time around in pools good stuff man ill try and do better next time

tai-we didnt get to play in tourny but it was really fun playing the couple friendlies we did your marth is really fun to watch and play

okami-yeah man your marth sux jk its good but your shiek gives me the most trouble and dude you ARE good at the fox ditto matchup.

ruby-we didnt play :[

duffo-it was awesome doing bits of commentary with you but honestly i dont know what to freakin say besides hit them off the map lol!

whiplash-omg man you are the real deal you played the matchup exactly how you needed to this is the stuff that i go to tournys for,your fox is so fast and so sound are matches were my favorite at this tourny im very surprised that you dont have much exp vs puff we HAVE to play again man your awesome.

angel-we only got to play one match but it was great i love your creativity

yuma-it was awesome getting to play you guys,call your work and get those days off! :]

spencer-we didnt play :[ we need to falco ditto!

shiv-we didnt play :[ omg our matches in teams were so intense i was on the edge of my seat!

timmy-wow man just wow,i cant even say how impressed i am with you in teams you did amazing i am so happy about how we did escpecially for this being our first time ever doing teams <3

sorry if i missed anyone but dude i cant see any names so this is hard lol

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
How does November 13th sound for the next one?
I think the 6th or 13th are both acceptable.

However, you should probably hold off for a few days and see if Tony wants to host... or Tony can just end up hosting the next one that Yuma and Flagstaff can go to, since Phoenix is more central to them than Tucson is.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2007
Flagstaff, AZ
Mmmm I'm going to start asking around for a ride just in case it does happen in Phoenix.

Not that we won't try to go to a Tucson one again :p

Silly Kyle

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ
This was a phenomenal tournament!! It was definitely run better than the last one for sure. Great turnout!! I really hope future tournaments continue to be this size or bigger if possible lol. I just wanted to say that I love the smash community!! This community brings me a lot of joy and I have made some great friends through this network of nerds. Haha, geek it up all day!! <3 Go :peach: !!!!!

1: Axe ($63.00) – I feel kinda bad because we didn’t play at all this tournament, not even friendlies!! :( You should definitely go all Peach at the next tournament because your Pikachu/Falco is on a whole other level lol. I wish I had the opportunity to play you more… you and Tony just seem to get better and better playing together. Thanks for liking my Peach <3

1: Taj ($63.00) – Wow, whenever I play you I feel like I have no options lol. Seriously, you shut me down in like every aspect. I don’t even know what stage to fight you on because all the counterpicks with the exception of Brinstar work in your favor haha. I guess I will have to put in more work on the neutrals. I’m going to try and have better reaction too!! But seriously, I need advice. What does my Peach need to do to take it to the next level? How do I fight Marth? x_x

3: GamerGuitarist7 ($14.00)
– It was fun teaming with you. Despite getting 3rd, I felt like we could have done better. I wish I was better in doubles, but whatevs. Next time we need to make sure Phoenix doesn’t take the top 2 spots and that Tucson does even better next time. Also, I don’t think I played very well in our set in Loser’s Semifinals. And you’re a ******* for lying to me saying you wouldn’t ban FD and then do it!! Betch. Haha, but it was totes fun smoking with you. Let’s get some practice in soon!!

4: Super Serious Kyle
– First it was the 5th place curse in Brawl (which I overcame eventually lol) and now it’s the 4th place curse for Melee. I will get top 3!! *prays to Armada*

5: Okami – So we fight again lol. I love this circle we have of you beating Tai, Tai beating me, and me beating you! I feel like you should go Sheik against me in tournament. I also think you should play a little more aggressive against Peach and go for more grabs. Camping doesn’t seem to be working. You could potentially go Fox against me since it’s arguably one of Peach’s worst matchups, but I seem to have good matchup experience so maybe not.

5: Tai – I don’t know why you felt compelled to use Fox against me lol, even if was for my johns against Marth. You did really well and I was happy to pull a win in the end. SDs suck, especially in tournament. Work on your tournament nerves, it’s probably one of your biggest hurdles right now. It sucks to choke and if you’re playing a technical character like Fox, shaky hands don’t help either. Should have went Marth on our last match lol. But seriously, I’m going to be putting in a lot of time for that matchup.

7: Tag – You’re a hooker to play in teams!! Seriously, Jiggz is way broken in doubles. What a campy ****!! Lol. Too bad we didn’t get play at all in singles, but next time we should definitely get some friendlies in or even a money match. ;)

7: Rubyiris – I’m kinda glad we didn’t play this time around. You’re a campy betch!! You’re definitely improving and I look forward to practicing with you because you give me awesome space animal practice. Keep working on that consistency!! And that self-confidence. You’re better than you think you are.

9: Whiplash – Wow dude, I was so effing impressed with you. I was expecting a bunch of newbs from Yuma, and you impressed me the most! I heard good things about you from GG7, but I thought you’d be hella rusty. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised. I was so confused at why our matches were closer than I wanted them to be. Your tech skill is amazing and I wish my Peach was half as technical as your Fox. Your style reminds me of Jman a little bit lol. I guess it’s how you’re supposed to play Peach anyway, by camping the betch. Or else you’ll eat a big fat downsmash ;) Seriously, keep practicing dude. I hope coming down to Tucson and the tournament inspires you to get better. You’ll totes be on the Power Rankings soon if you continue this trend.

9: Duff0
– I was kinda disappointed I had to fight you in tournament. Not gonna lie lol. And I was also surprised you decided to go Falco on me instead of Marth haha. Seriously, even if you don’t like the matchup, I hate it more!! I have the biggest mental block against that stupid ****er. You’re a really smart player and what you need to work on the most is your technical skill. I know you can do it!! Just spend 30 minutes to an hour every night and you’ll definitely see improvement.

9: Shiv
– It was fun playing you in pools. Your Fox always impresses me with its insane technical skill and reaction time. Seriously, you’re a threat that’s just bubbling under the surface waiting to explode into full on ****!! I think if you played more and learned what to do in more situations, you’d be placing even higher. Maybe we can change that?? :)

9: Girku – I totally forgot to seek you out and play you. It would have been fun do our money match and I would have liked you to get some Peach practice too! We’ll make sure to put in time for matches next time you’re down here to compete!! Good job getting 9th dude.

13: Eef
– Fun matches in pools. Keep it up man!!

13: Aberz – Your Captain Falcon has lots of potential. Maybe you could be the new GG7 for AZ! Lol, and I was really surprised at how well you did in teams with Chris. Seriously, it was annoying getting knee’d in the back of the head out of nowhere!! I had a good time chilling at GG7’s house. Hope to see you in Tucson again soon!!

13: M3ds – You were a really cool dude. You have a nice Marth in both Melee and Brawl, and your Toon Link is very decent. You should come out to Tempe for the Brawl tournaments they have there. You can finally get a chance to fight some of the top players like Darklink (MK) and Kiraflax (Pit/ROB).

13: V3ctorman – I hope watching Angel inspired your Yoshi. Seriously, you can play flashy/technical, but you should balance it with smart/safe play too. Once you combine the best of both worlds, I think you will see some definite improvement with your Yoshi, especially against some hard matchups like Peach. Btw, your Falco is annoying in teams lol!!

17: TommyDerMeister
– 420 all day!!!!

17: Angel – WOW. Seriously, you have taught me to NEVER underestimate anyone. When we had to fight in pools, I thought I had this in the bag. I was thinking “Hey, I have Vman practice, this should be totes ez!” and then when we started playing, I was shocked. You had great spacing, good tech skill, and you played Yoshi in a way that I’ve never seen. I truly hope that you come back again to compete this time with more experience under the belt. You definitely should have made it out of pools. And OMG at 2-stocking Taj’s Mewtwo. Seriously, that was mindblowing. You struck fear in his heart and made him run to a top tier character!! I would love to see a set of just :yoshi2: vs. :mewtwo: Can’t wait to watch your videos on youtube once they uploaded, and I can’t wait to see the reaction from the smash community!! Great job taking a game off me in pools (despite my SD that match)! You played amazingly well with a “negligible” character.

17: Bom – Good times at GG7’s house!!

17: Tipper – Keep playing Rob and I know you will get better. Maybe one of these days I will join in on a session so you can get some much needed Peach practice!!

21: Sunnyside – You’re a kewl dude, keep working on that Falcon!!

21: Cooper
– Dude, I thought you would make it out of pools for sure. I guess you had a death pool and ran into some tough matchups. I really liked your Fox, and your Doc has potential too. Why did you drop Sheik??

21: Frosty – Umm… I don’t remember who you are… >.>

21: Agent Iron – Go Sheik at the next tournament. Also, work on that anger!! I guess I should too, I still yell curse words and get angry when I play good people haha.

25: Book – It looks like you’ve gotten better. Keep it up!!

25: Mark
– You were a kewl dude and it was fun playing you in pools! Ice Climbers vs. Peach isn’t the easiest matchup to fight lol. Hope to see your friend request on Facebook soon!!

25: Jane – Dude, you totally don’t deserve last. You need to practice more!! In both games. You are one of my favorite 420 buddies ever and I wish we hung out more!! Btw, you have top tier shoes!!

25: Paul – I’m not sure who you are… :o

To the Smash 64 players
– You guys were soooooooooooo chill!!! And really kewl and awesome. I had a fun time smoking with you guys!!! Thanks for keeping the lookout for us lol. I hope to see you guys again soon so we can smoke on top of the roof of that building you mentioned ;)

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
5: Tai – I don’t know why you felt compelled to use Fox against me lol, even if was for my johns against Marth.
That was the only reason lol

If you wanna john about Marth, only way I can get around that is to win without using Marth.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
13: V3ctorman – I hope watching Angel inspired your Yoshi. Seriously, you can play flashy/technical, but you should balance it with smart/safe play too. Once you combine the best of both worlds, I think you will see some definite improvement with your Yoshi, especially against some hard matchups like Peach. Btw, your Falco is annoying in teams lol!!

wow this shoutout really pissed me off. lol but i know what i should do. so yeah.


Smash Cadet
Jul 22, 2006

9: Whiplash – Wow dude, I was so effing impressed with you. I was expecting a bunch of newbs from Yuma, and you impressed me the most! I heard good things about you from GG7, but I thought you’d be hella rusty. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised. I was so confused at why our matches were closer than I wanted them to be. Your tech skill is amazing and I wish my Peach was half as technical as your Fox. Your style reminds me of Jman a little bit lol. I guess it’s how you’re supposed to play Peach anyway, by camping the betch. Or else you’ll eat a big fat downsmash ;) Seriously, keep practicing dude. I hope coming down to Tucson and the tournament inspires you to get better. You’ll totes be on the Power Rankings soon if you continue this trend.
my tech skill is aweful... lol

p.s. tag our matches were the best <3


Smash Cadet
Jul 15, 2009
I can't wait to play any of you.

Anyone live close to Avondale? Peoria? Phoenix somewhere? If so, we need to meet up and play.
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