New update is pretty cool, me and my friend was thinking of a SniperWolf AT that would have been similar to Snake's FS.
Krystal's won't be similar.. At least I hope not. I would suck at targeting :/
I wouldn't worry about that. It seems more like a Falco or Wolf thing. I don't know what Krystal's could be. Maybe a dino stampede?
For the Snake codec thing, this is what I came up with:
Snake: Hey Otacon, who's this blue fox? She reminds me of Fox McCloud.
Otacon: That's Krystal She's part of the same team of mercenaries as Fox is. Fox rescued her from an army of evil dinosaurs and has since fought with him in space.
Snake: I guess I should be careful of blaster fire, then.
Otacon: Actually, Krystal prefers to use her magic staff for combat rather than a blaster.
Snake: She traded highly advanced weaponry for a stick that sparkles.
Otacon: These aren't your cheap parlor tricks, Snake. She can cause a small earthquake and even freeze you solid with that staff!
Snake: Than I'll be sure to hit her quick and hard before she pulls a rabbit out of her hat.
I notice I'm a little late to the party, but Krystal 4 Brawl!