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Trigun Mafia (GAME OVER! TOWN WINS! Night Actions/Results/PMs posted!)

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I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
Guys, I'm really sorry that I was inactive the last 2 mafia days >_<. There are no real excuses but the only thing I can say is that I've been working my *** off lately, and I needed my spare time for sports/relaxing.

But since I only needed to work that much for a short time, I have more spare time so I'll be active again. I understand if you guys think of me as suspicious for lurking, I would've thought the same, so it's up to you guys if you want to lynch me for it or not. All I'll say is that I won't be inactive anymore.

I just need 1 day to catch up again, then I'll post my 2 cents.

Again, my apologies.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2006
Normally, but I know for a fact that mafia don't.
Give us your reasons or I'll assume you're mafia.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
After reading that, I want Kevin to die for no reason other then for him being both stupid and ignorant. Though I don't think he's mafia. It reminds me of Pythag.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2006
True, but this time I'm not going to defend Kevin.
FoS: KevinM
Sorta seems a little too outright scummish for a mafiat with any sort of intelligence though.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
After reading that, I want Kevin to die for no reason other then for him being both stupid and ignorant. Though I don't think he's mafia. It reminds me of Pythag.
I'm neither stupid nor ignorant Eor, are you perhaps pissed that i've formed an opinion besides the one that you have that people seem content to blindly follow?

When Ronike posts i will give you my reasoning, its not like i have a hammer vote sitting on him. Until then i prefer to just keep my vote there.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Um... what? Care to tell me why you voted for me? God, this pisses me off so much as I can only get on to post in the mornings in my media classes, which is kinda a waste of time. Therefore, since I doubt thine reasoning will be that great,
Vote: KevinM
For being stupid, ignorant, and not realizing how to play this game. Note the fact that I have reasoning. Now, if it turns up you DO have a reason for voting me, I will remove my vote. Its just I dont think you do and you were hoping to get me lynched somehow...


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
That is why I think Kevin is like Pythag. Pythag still doesn't make sense to me, if it turns out that Pythag really was just "trying something new", I'll be shocked. So I think Kevin is doing something like that.

are you perhaps pissed that i've formed an opinion besides the one that you have that people seem content to blindly follow?
Yeah, I'm angry at everyone that votes for someone other then who I say

You voted without reason, then absolutely refused to tell why in a condescending and jerkish manner. Not telling your reason is dumb, and by refusing to tell us any reason, you're being ignorant and not realizing you're just tightening a noose around your own neck. The end


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Ok good to see your active now, I'll give you my reasoning Ronike, its more suspicion then anything else, ease your mind and your OMGUS vote, which i guess i deserved because of lack of information, you will get it although at this point I can't post tonight, i just had some mouth surgery so i'm tired. I'm going to bed but i promise you all information, i'm sorry for antagonizing a bit but i did what i felt i needed to do.

You'll get your information, and if you can refute my suspicions that at least i'll be relieved. Thanks and good night all


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Ok, I am as active as I can be. I am grounded and can only post at school, and only when absolutely necessary as I have other stuff to be doing. Now I have to post tomorrow too because you didnt post your reasons... I would be angry, but sonic was announced, so Im not!!!


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Ok here we go, as you all have obviously figured out, i voted for Ronike, seemingly out of the blue.

Ronike i've watched your play style since the beginning of the game, actually i've been watching each and every player, so don't feel alarmed that i've gunned at you for the start. However you ring the most suspicious in my eyes as i watch your play unfold. You've been extremely inactive in the game, for various excuses that show up, granted you should be able to at least post consistently. You've been on vacation, you've been grounded.. etc etc. Granted this is all based off something that you MAY not be in control of so thats not the only reason for that vote.

When you have posted, you've made little to no posts of substance, and normally its an agreement vote with Eor. These votes you've made however have been at convenient times in which they will not be noticed as suspicious but kept at a low point so it appears you are there but the votes are merely inconsistent bandwagons. These votes are normally put it when its obvious that the Eor train is destined to destroy the player, as is what happens when a power-player makes a vote. This can be expected but you're vote placement and inconsistent posts are a main point of suspicion. The people you've attacked have been either A. Under Eor's watcheful eye, or B. Lurking and/or inactive i the thread.

B could be related to the Kada incident in which you voted on him with weak substance and then when he would post you would take it away, as was all the other small votes that you made. Defended votes were immediately relinquished. I don't know if that came from stupidity or just poor planning of a vote OR unfortunately a scummy hopeful vote.

Like i said Ronike, i have nothing but suspicions, if you're able to alleviate them for me that would be wonderful, but until then i'm sorry to say that my vote stands.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
KevinM, can you link to those posts? This is a long mafia game and I don't really want to go search for those, I haven't noticed what you said about Ronike, so I'd like to review them for myself


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
For you Eor anything ;)

Yeah but of course

Ronike said:
Kada, Im holding you to that. If you arent active by next friday, Im votin on you... cause your inactivity is beginning to irritate me
Pythag said:
Yeah, Pythag is really not contributing at all thus far, nor is he telling us reasoning. Ive warned him many a time, and frankly Im getting sick of it, but Ill give you one more chance. Ecplain yourself within 24 hours, or Im voting on you.
Ronike said:
Yeah, hes pretty much as inactive as the next, and suspiscious to boot, so if hes hasnt explained by tomorrow night, Im votin on him. Its good to know I wasnt just paranoid, cause I was suspiscious of him, but didnt say anything for previously stated reasons.
Mentioning Chill in a bandwagon

Ronike said:
Ill just vote at the deadline on whoever is gonna die if I vote
Another rather suspicious announcement

The thing Eor is that he NEVER warned people about this.. he would just say he's warned them on countless occasions as if to pull people over for a gang-up on the inactive player. I was not the first to notice this slip-up.

Chill said:
So I went back through the topic because I know Ronike has said things like this before. Notice where he says he warned him many a time. Well, I started at the beginning and read right up to this post and nowhere did I see him warn Pythag. To be sure, I looked again and again. I didn't see anything. So if you did not warn him why would you say you did? It looks to me like you wanted to take advantage of the situation for a lynch.
However on all of his accusations of inactivity its followed within the month that he's going on vacation himself and can't post.. and when he turns the vote he places is either on an inactive, or someone that is most fairly going to die with no hopes, like in the case of Jiano or Liggy


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Look, I dont have time to defend myself today, otherwise I would go back and get posts. But I cant, so deal. And I did too warn pythag look back around pages 10, 11, 12. As for Kada, I already explained myself for that and the next one is out of context. I was saying I wasnt sure out of TWO people who I was more suspiscious of, but I was suspiscious enough to llynch either, so I said I would lynch the one with more votes. And the warning Pythag I already covered. Look back at the last time I defended myself. Now, thats the best I can do, cause Im out of time....


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
:O Oh schnap. Some actual reasoning. That's not Eor's. Anyways... does anyone feel like taking off their votes on me?

btw, can someone refresh my memory? Is smashman still in this game?

As for my opinion on Ronike, Kevin's reasoning is kinda true... he's been as full of fluff as I was. XD

Sonic = meh cuz less other 3rd party characters will be in maybe.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2006
Yeah... camo-man's less active than Ronike. To me, it seems like Kevin's trying to shift the focus off of him. I'm a little suspicious of Ronike, but camo's still not proven himself to me.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Well, even though I dont really have time for a coherent defense, here goes some stuff.

I do have my own ideas:
Quote too long, follow the arrow thingy
Ronike said:
Ok, I cant get direct quotes from KH, so Ill just put all the posts into one. Not in any particular order either.
Originally Posted by Ronike View Post
1. unvote: common My vote is wasted here, common isnt getting lynched (though I still dont trust him), so Ill move on to others. Frozen is really masively lurking/inactive, so Frozen, I give you (use random number generator...) 5 days to come back

2. Yeah, like I said, when I made that post, I was exhausterated. I now have caffeine in me and am ready to go. Sorry about that. Nothing new though, if PoH doesnt show up by the end of the weekend, Im inclined to lynch him to get the game rolling

Originally Posted by commonyoshi View Post

I am willing to take a chance.
Well You are an idiot then, or you are just mafia. Seriously dude, why are you so adamant about a name claim if you are town? I wont vote you til you defend (or ignore it), but I am really suspiscious of you right now.

4. Agreed with uncle meat suspiscions. Three days til I vote on him, cause we are getting a number of people already. Didnt even think of beast, though he'd probably be town. Im nigh positive its simba though as his main attack is proud roar!

Three days later: Its been three days
vote: uncle meat
Though I'd like to wait for an event of some kind, I keep my word.

5. There is little point to witholding my vote anymore, but I have left no warning, so in four days I will cast my vote on either dot.com or jazzy, whoever needs it to be lynched
Ok thats it from KH, Im gonna take a little break and then look thru other games as well, cause Im pretty sure I did it some more, but maybe not. Actually, Im only gonna keep lookin if you guys dont think thats enough. Five is still quite a bit.
There, is that enough? Now, Im prolly gone for the weekend unless I get ungrounded. And if you dont believe me when I say Im goin on vacation or grounded, theres not much I can do. Just check my posting patterns, it follows my story.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
DF, i don't need to shift suspicion off myself, if i was worried of suspicion i wouldn't have posted the way i did, just because you think i'm worried of your baseless suspicions doesn't mean i'm not don't flatter yourself.

As for Ronike, though i could barely understand your giant wall of quotes it falls into line with exactly what i was saying. The fact that you've pushed people that have been to inactive to defend themselves. Also i can barely understand what some of the quotes are coming from, maybe break them up, but if you actually didn't have the time i understand. However you've just proven that you've been constantly on the urge of inactive and weaker players this is a rather scummy ideal. Pushing on someone that can't defend themself is sometimes known as a push lynch, you push hard enough and they make a mistake whether they be town or independent. They can't deal with pressure and it was obvious that inactive people can't defend against you.

The more i watched your play the more suspicious of you i became, and i'm finally coming out and voicing my opinion on it. Your whole game has just felt entirely scummy to me.

Just look at his quotes, inactives and weak players abound.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I have to agree with KevinM on the last part, Ronike's post is confusing. I don't even see why you quoted the first massive quote.

I'm going to go back and search to see if Ronike/Jiano/Blair had any connections throughout the game


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Replace Blair with Ligolski. I've been working on the Thing too much ;)


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I have to leave now, so I failed at finding stuff so far, just a small post by Ronike saying that he thinks Liggymonster-cent is scummy, which is good for his defense.

Anyways, where's Medio? If he said something about him leaving, I completely forgot about it.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
Sorry about the inactivness, I've been focusing on some other smashboards stuff recently. I suspicous of camo-man because of his inactivity but I've been suspicous of Ronike for the last few days (in-game). You can see the quote from me in Kevin's post and afterwards I was attacked by Jiano which makes me slightly more suspicous of Ronike.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Ok, Im ungrounded, but gonna be busy over the next few days betwixt work and homework, so Ill try to get this in while I am untired:

Yeah, I had no time to do it really, so it doesnt look pretty. However, its a massive pain in the *** to do quote pyramids, so Im not gonna. Deal. I do need to fix that first one though...
ronike said:
Sorry about being kinda inactive, Ive had a lot on my plate recently to make any really coherent posts...

So anyways, yay for no night death from the mafia. Personally, Im betting the mafia went after Eor, seems a likely thing to do without a frozen or Doc to kill night one...

After looking through all the posts from today, I personally find Spam_master rather suspiscious.

Spam said:
Just from their general posting style, and their voting reasons.

Mild FOS: Blazer(although I always find him suspicious), Kevin M, and Smashman


FOS: Kada

For extreme lurking, I feel like he's the mafia's long term player (If he is mafia at all).
Throwing suspiscions around aimlessly... never good.

Originally Posted by spam_master View Post

To me this sounds like Spam is just trying to make himself look not suspiscious. He did after all vote on DF, who was in almost the same boat as Pythag. He really might as well voted for Pythag with us, and I even believe he said he was torn between the two and just decided to go after DF for some reason... So no, you didnt really tell us. If you had, you would have argued for him like DF did to start.
Spam said:
Once again my seathing hatred for gotmink is rising.
Originally Posted by spam_master View Post
maybe.......you....should.....come....up...with... ....some...theories........or..ideas....so.......t hat...other........people.....can......get.......a ...feel........for..............where..you......st and.
And I am srsly not kidding because I srsly just don't like you.
Pointless anger always angers me, plus it looks suspiscious. But what makes it even worse is:

Spam said:
I was just kidding, jesus.

I just get a little ticked of by your play style gotmink, it's like you only stop in to vote, and if you were mafia nobody would ever know because you never talk or contribute unless someone puts pressure on you or your supporting the group concensis.
Well now you are just wimping out cause some people started sayin it was kinda suspiscious. It'd be alright if it hadnt been a complete and total direction change, but it was and therefore is suspiscious in my eyes.
This combined with the "bad vibes" Im gettin from his general posts leads me to believe he is mafia, so...
Vote: Spam

But please dont everyone gang up and kill him like what happened in SPM...
Better? I picked it becuase it shows I had ideas of my own! Plus, Spam was not in the slightest inactive when I did that, so how the hell does it count as attacking an inactive?

The second quote is me arguing the kada, and inactive in general, lynch threat. Its the same here. The second is my main defense from the last time I was attacked for the same reason. The third is not, I repeat NOT FROM THIS GAME!!!! I was told to find numerous examples of times I had done that in the past. All those attacks are FROM KH. Not this game. The only inactive I "went after" was kada, and I didnt as I said before. My list of votes is this: KevinM, Liggy, Jiano, Spam, Pythag, Blazer (I think this was a joke vote, but maybe not), and Chill (also joke). These are the ones that frozen counted at least, but any others obviously were not on long at all, and thus were not counted. Thats only two people that have been townies that I have truly voted on, and everyone voted for pythag. So how exactly do I always vote the inactives?

Um, yeah. If you want more, let me know.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Oh, I forgot. Though it infuriates me that you are bringing up mostly old or invalid points, I can see some validity in your reasoning, though I dont like how you are kinda trying to redirect attention. So, unvote: kevin


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
Anyways, where's Medio? If he said something about him leaving, I completely forgot about it.
I'm still here. I'm just staying pretty quiet because I don't have much to contribute right now. Honestly, I'm still having trouble reading people in this game, and therefore I'm more hesitant to draw conclusions even when other players might be able to.

I will say that KevinM's claims against Ronike still don't have me convinced, but are looking a lot more plausible now than when he first started posting about it.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Glad to see you're still here

Anyways, I did some more re-reading, I couldn't really find much. Jiano basically cleared Spam_Master and Diamond Falcon, so they're townie. Commonyoshi praised Jiano in a smart way, but Blazer did the same, and it was during a low point where Jiano posted, so it might not mean anything.

All that i've seen still leads me to Camo-Man.


Was the post where we were wondering why no one died on day 2. Well, the mafia was predicatable, and people were bashing them. I see this as the "They're never gonna catch the killer, he's too smart!" statement from the killer himself. Or maybe Camo-man pushed for them to not lynch Eor, they did anyways and so I'm alive.


After I posted my "Jiano/medi" accusation post. Almost all of my posts were against Jiano, and I said "I'm mainly suspicious of Jiano" in it. Yet he ignored Jiano (who was mafia) to go to Medio.

And he still doesn't post in an intelligent way.

I'm keeping my vote on him.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
DiamondFalcon said:
Yeah... camo-man's less active than Ronike. To me, it seems like Kevin's trying to shift the focus off of him. I'm a little suspicious of Ronike, but camo's still not proven himself to me.
At least Eorlingas is attacking me with reason... >_> You're saying that inactiveness makes you more likely to be mafia than the next guy. Have you ever thought that I might still be a student and I'm busy with school, as stated multiple times in the past?

Eorlingas said:
After I posted my "Jiano/medi" accusation post. Almost all of my posts were against Jiano, and I said "I'm mainly suspicious of Jiano" in it. Yet he ignored Jiano (who was mafia) to go to Medio.
I'm sorry I didn't follow your line of thinking like everyone else does... >_> If going along with you is whatever it takes to be not suspicious, then I'll gladly start doing it right now.

EorlingasWas the post where we were wondering why no one died on day 2. Well said:
As this is WIFOM as far as I understand what WIFOM means, so that doesn't add much to your argument of "he is inactive and doesn't post smart things like me"

btw, you'll notice that when I log in (which isn't that often, except on weekends,) I post. >_>

Lastly, before anyone decides to hammer me, let me at least role claim. =/ kthx


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I'm sorry I didn't follow your line of thinking like everyone else does... >_> If going along with you is whatever it takes to be not suspicious, then I'll gladly start doing it right now.
Way to make up points against yourself to rebuke. I said nothing of the sort, nor hinted to it. You have no shown yourself to be able to make your own points, you don't post points, you don't do anything. The only time you mentioned you where suspicious of medio was after I posted, and the entire post I had was mainly against Jiano. If you thought some of my Jiano posts were wrong, why didn't you post something? If you thought there was more to Medio then I had posted, why didn't you post something?

As this is WIFOM as far as I understand what WIFOM means, so that doesn't add much to your argument of "he is inactive and doesn't post smart things like me"
I don't know what WIFOM means, but I'm going to assume from the context that it means "Well, if he was mafia, this adds proof!". This is a mafia game. There is almost no hard proof. Everything is substantial. Which is why I'm trying to support the use of Occam's Razor in order to catch people.

And don't do a "He's voting me because I don't post like him", two of the people who post most like me are Liggy and Jiano and I pushed for both of their deaths. It's that you don't post anything at all. You do nothing. It's like you join the football team, and when you're on the field all you do is stand still, then shout "Oh snap!" when someone is tackled. It's your thing, but it makes it so easy for you to hide behind that it's almost unfair. You're not bad at this game, I mean, we have a god**** move named after you. It's that you choose to not do anything that was the main initial reason for me to vote for you.

Lastly, before anyone decides to hammer me, let me at least role claim. =/ kthx
If it will support you, roleclaim if you wish. I don't think many people are voting for you right now, so I won't ask you to until more are voting.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
XD Anyways... there's not much to really help my argument... I'm inactive mostly due to school + voleyball, so I concede that point.

If it comes down to it, I can still roleclaim. But only if neccessary.

WIFOM was explained to me in a situation example. It's comething like there's two cups in front of you and you know one is poisoned. Then you think 'I'll take the far cup... cuz he put it farther away... but he might've expected me to do that, so I'll take the closer cup. Or maybe it's double reverse psychology... I'll take the farther cup instead..." and so on. I hope you understand it... I don't quite get it myself...

And at least now I'm doing something... :D XD As to why I didn't post something, I'm pretty sure it was because I either had to go or I was working when I posted that, but I can't say for sure cuz it was so long ago.

I hope I addressed your points... now I'd like to redirect the attention... to the people who followed you: Diamond Falcon and... hold on, post to be continued. I'm checking.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
spam_master and diamond falcon, who leapt onto the bandwagon with a reason that they could have easily spotted themselves, but have waited until someone else pointed them out. I've noticed that spam has disappeared since voting... A possible reason being "I was GOING TO unvote him, but I just couldn't get on in time and you guys already lynched his townie butt"

Then there's DiamondFalcon, who seems to me, is missing the point of this violent prod by Eor. Diamond thinks it's because I'm inactive as far as I can see, but it's actually that I'm kinda active but posting nothing but un-related comments or something like that up until now.

I'd go back and check them out some more, but I've got to go soon and I probably won't be able to dig up anything big enough in the time I've got.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Ok, well though I agree that Camo's posts are either irrelevant or scarce usually, his story does support the posting habits. His posts look a lot like mine did while I was grounded: rushed and short. What I think we should prolly do is keep an eye on his activity and if we find he is lieing, call him on it. The thing is, and correct me if Im wrong Eor, this is how Camo almost always plays, so I dont see much wrong with it.
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