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~Touhou Mafia~ The Girls' Have Been Robbed - Independent Marker Victory

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
EBWOP: I also don't mistrust him that much. I have doubts about his alignment but I still moderately believe his claim. The voteblock is the only thing that makes me think it's antitown and even then, that's stretching it. I'd rather leave him be.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I would Vig Nix, honestly. I actually don't think AA is a good shot because there are better targets but killing that slot probably wont do too much damage so *shrug*

I disagree with WL. If you think about it, that making fun of people power was a scum power from NBC, that kingmaker thing is chosen by scum at the start of popcorn voteblocking isn't exactly protown. Again, there are better targets but I wouldn't mind him either.

Or Sold (if hes not lynched today).

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Vote: Mentos

We can always hit Sold tomorrow, I can't let Mentos rest. That's just from today alone, I don't even know what kind of scummy **** he's been busting all up in this thread.

'Sides, Sold's reactions today don't seem that scummy to me. I dunno if it's the way I'm reading them or the fact that I have't been around for a majority of the game but Stew's reactions just seem townish to me.
Bolded is +10 respek points. Running blind proves time and again to be the best town tell.

I also agree that Sold's reactions toDay have been town.

Heh I don't know when exactly between now and Friday afternoon I'll be able to respond decently in full, but not too concerning to me. Don't go wasting a lynch on me though, may as well be productive with the day
Lol this guy

I do think that everybody voting Mentos should check out my Mentos post. I want more than the implicit agreement I'm getting from people voting.

Asdioh, what changed your mind on Mentos?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I disagree with WL. If you think about it, that making fun of people power was a scum power from NBC, that kingmaker thing is chosen by scum at the start of popcorn voteblocking isn't exactly protown. Again, there are better targets but I wouldn't mind him either.
No, this is probably what I'm trying to say. While he has claimed, I don't think any of his abilities are protown and if Gova flips scum, I certainly as hell would expect Rockin to go next or at the very least be inspected again. You're right, none of his abilities sound protown. I just don't want to waste time investigating him at the moment. He's a known quantity and, from the sounds of it, isn't that dangerous.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Well, I remember thinking he was town D1, but people like OS deterred me. Of course I expected scumreads, he just made his first post of the Day, well after the Day started, and then disappeared without giving scumreads? His reasoning RE: Soup was bleh.
was talking about Rockin there and just noticed that I messed that up.

Nabe, mentos has been a scumpick for me most of the game, albeit a small one because he just hasn't stood out to me. If people want to lynch him, that's fine by me, because I can't say with complete confidence that my other scumpicks are better lynches. I still want to know if anyone is implicated upon a mentos scumflip, or townflip, or if I should just vig Nix regardless.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
So Kuz/WL, does making it between Nix/Sold so scum have some wifom sound good? :p

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
They say I'm the best with a gun in the West, and I think I'd have to agree.
Meet me at high noon, outside of the saloon, and draw if you wanna test me.

Let's do this, Mentos. Legit PbP style (good thing it's only 20 posts). I'm too lazy to do #Number links, but I'll put collapse boxes on everything to at least make it not kill the entire page.

/confirmed despite already confirming in voice XD
Just a confirming post. Nothing to see here, move along.
Nah, Gamzee sure is though
Just a RVS post. Nothing to see here, move along.
So, I noticed this game was up last night right as I was about to go to sleep, and was like "meh, I'll come post in the morning before work." Then I slept in till 20 minutes after I was supposed to be at work >_> Don't have time to read everything tonight, but I'll be reading everything and putting up a post soon as I wake up tomorrow :D

Incidentally, ohai everyone, long time no play
Yeah, I'll believe it. Everyone gets johns, I should know. Nothing to see here.
Yay all read up!

Well, looking over so far, first and foremost, when did it become common practice for everyone to start listing off who they feel is town? Pretty sure that's worthless early game, yet everyone seems eager to jump out there and throw their town reads out just so they don't get accused of not giving stances. Definitely a bleh way to play IMO.

J has caught my eye. Not really for being scummy, but because he has blatantly stated that he's going to be lazy this game and play differently. I'll be keeping an eye out to determine his motivations for making this switch and if it negatively impacts his pay.

Other than that, nothing has really stood out to me so far. I am interested to see how this back and forth between Swiss and OS moves forward, been a decent read so far.
No stances thus far, alright. I'll just say that him not taking a stance on the OS(scum) and Swiss back and forth could be taken as a scumtell.
Haven't had time to read everything, need to get to sleep. Did want to respond to Rockin though. You know probably as well as anyone here that I don't put every little detail of what's happened in a game in my posts. I noticed those things you mentioned, but didn't really feel the need to mention anything outside of what I did yet. Slow and steady at the start of the game :D

I do have some more to say now, but until I've read every post I don't want to say things that are countered by later occurrences, so I'll have to get to that after work tomorrow.
Yeah, more johns. Nothing to see here.
Bleh, was just about to get read up, but work and dealing with my little nephew afterwards all the walls I gotta read look like a bunch of blur to me. Tomorrow afternoon will be 100% read up and, from the bits I've managed to read the past couple days should have a pretty decent idea what's going on.
I can actually confirm that mentos got roaringly drunk at his Nephew's birthday party. Nothing to see here unless you like drunk mentos.
I'm pretty confident in my read of Rockin, and it sure isn't a scum read. Not voting him and probably won't today. Quite frankly he's playing townie Rockin pretty solid and I'll stand behind that. He should probably be prepared to claim soon though, he's getting pretty close.

I apologize for not being here this weekend, especially with the deadline so close. I give forewarning I will probably not post much tomorrow, as I have to close at work and won't have too much free time. I'll get something but not too much, and I'll be here at least the last few hours before deadline if we stretch that far.

Looking like I have to make a choice between OS and J. Honestly I was all set to vote J, then I saw the claim and now I have to consider things. His role is 100% confirmable, and would be kinda broken on the scum side with a smart player. As much as I was considering that way, this really hurts my trust in that read, and I'm leaning toward letting him have the night to confirm his ability. If it doesn't happen, he's scum. And if going forward from there he can't prove his ability to use it on others, we have him and two scummates lined right up. I'm thinking J living is a best option.

OS I want to think about a while before I decide if I'm going to vote at all today or not. Quite frankly his play has been off from anything I've seen from him before, and something I've done as scum(focusing on mechanics, basic game facts, random tidbits of advice followed by a bigger post when I've been called out enough). I think my vote will land here, but I want to look back over his posts before I make that decision.

As for everyone else? I play cards face down, and there's no need for me to flip any more toDay. It's highly unlikely any other than these three will get lynched in time for deadline, so I'm not going to put any other views on the table until it becomes worthwhile again.
In paragraph 1, he says he feels Rockin is town for meta-reasons. I really don't know Rockin meta so I can't say anything there, it doesn't matter.
Paragraph 2 is just an apology. Again, nothing to see here.
Paragraph 3, says he wants J to live because his role is pretty much confirmable town. I can't pick at this logic and that's why I hate it, but I won't get on him for it.
Paragraph 4, says he's thiiinking OS(scum) is scum. But he wants to make sure he's got his read right. Let's see how he follows up.
Paragraph 5, I actually agree with this but it's not a town or scum tell.
It's a very real possibility, as it always is with me. I don't vote just to get a lynch others want through, and since the choices are rather limited right now it's very possible I won't place a vote a single time D1. Nothing new, nothing strange, just the way I play the game. I still might vote OS though, just not positive how I'm going to move on that front. Not voting Rockin though, and unlikely to vote easily-confirmable J.
I'll speculate and say that this means he's very open to the idea of a no lynch. I don't care if he apparently does it every game, it's the situation here that mattered. In this game there were three wagons being chosen from, no side seemingly able to win out. By not taking initiative on any of them, I do think we can blame Mentos for the No Lynch that started town off at a disadvantage. I don't think mafia planned to get a no lynch, but I do think they certainly wouldn't mind it and would definitely like to encourage it, like what Mentos did here. I'll reach even further and say that Mentos was part reason why J was shot. He recognized that J had a good and confirmable role, and knew it was legit since he was scum.
Zen is horrendous at everything.

All read up, apologize for the absence(silly transformice!). Post coming up very shortly with responses to some of OS' comments in his early day post on me, as well as on the events of the day since then. Just checking in since I don't know how long it's going to take to type XD
Again, nothing to see here. I have no idea how many times I've had to say that but ugh.
First things first, I owe OS some responses, since I'm not Zen and don't suck :D

In response to my comments on his back and forth with Swiss. It turned out decent, gave me a better read on both of you, however, it was cut shorter than I expected and didn't give quite as much as I'd hoped. Still decently useful though.

I think you took me too heavily on that comment. I said he should be prepared to claim pretty soon, because while he was at L-4 at the time it seemed like he might be getting closer, and with day getting close to an end if he wasn't prepared to claim and all when it came apparent it was necessary, it could have resulted in what I still feel would be a mislynch. I was not asking for a claim, simply trying to remind him to be ready to do so if it seemed like we were going to get a late rush.

To the first paragraph, let me re-quote J's roleclaim.

From this description, it's not X has to follow y, it's if X changes votes Y must follow, if Y changes votes X must follow. It is a two way street role, and therefore both parties MUST be notified. Therefore, he couldn't skate by two days using his scummates, unless he "linked" them together, and if he showed he could only target those two, we would catch 3 scum for one. Granted you're right it could have been a "target the death" or "roleblock" claim, but I was leaning scum on him before the claim so I would have seen that as more evidence.

Second paragraph falls in line, I felt he was scum before the claim, so situations like that would seem suspicious to me over anything. Admittedly it would be a risk, but I felt at the time that given my thoughts on the game, it was likely a scum claim if he was unable to prove himself in the coming couple of days. Wouldn't have trusted him at all late game if he'd been unable to use his power and lived.

Final paragraph, the power, despite you saying you've used it for scum, seems like a much more reasonable town role than scum role. Obviously you can't, but when you have a role that requires two separate parties to be notified, which is therefore confirmable, and you feel the role is a town role, it makes sense to believe that succeeding=town.

I did get around to it, just didn't post verbally the results. The fact that I didn't vote you tells you the answer, I thought about things and my opinion was that you weren't really all that scummy, especially not enough for a late day push. The second part, it was mostly the fact that you had a couple of posts that seemed to talk solely about mechanics and basic mafia advice, which irked me a little bit.

Ok, so that's it for OS's pbpa of my D1, let's move on to D2.

Asdioh's gambit was terribly executed. While I've seen a similar gambit used decently before, he flipped his cards very early. However, there are pluses in that if we believe Asdioh, JTB is cleared from being mafia. Soup, who I was leaning scum on, has put up a claim that is pretty solid(could still be SK, but definitely not mafia barring a counter-claim on killing Gord coming up from someone who hasn't posted much), taking early day attention away and letting us spread out. Plus, he was thinking to not use it at all going forward from what he's said, so this allowed us to give him advice on how to use it which is a plus for town.

Really not a whole lot else has gone on today, and there's not too much more to comment on. Well, outside of a little bit of where I'm looking right now. Just for the sake of simplicity, quoting the playerlist for my own use.

Looking at the playerlist(strikethroughs are people who are either myself, or people with claims that I'm not planning on lynching today. I've got some town reads too, but once again I feel it's redundant to go around pointing out everyone who I think is town. AA has a lot of total absence to make up for, and S2 could use some more content and READING THE GAME! That's not to say they're the only ones who I'd like to see more from, but they stand out for their own reasons. I'm inclined to go along with Kuzi right now pushing Smarg, as that seems like the most reasonable push atm, but we've got a lot of time and there's already some pressure there so I'll see how things play out for a little bit.
Responds to OS's PbP. Now on Day 2, he's saying that he thinks that OS is town and that what he saw as scummy isn't really as scummy as he thought D1. Basically D1 he said "I'm alright with an OS lynch but I won't push it" incase it actually happened, then D2 when OS was in no danger of getting lynched he was like "yeah you're actually town."
Justifies himself not pushing J. Fair enough, doesn't matter.
Then at the end, he posts a list of people who are cleared (and himself). Name drops inactives. Says he might just follow Kuz because the Smarg push is "reasonable." What a vague term, what a stupid reason. Anyways, he basically hasn't thought anyone is scum, and it's early-mid D2 now. Says he has town reads but that it'd be redundant for him to put them out. Well, okay you'll get to that later in the game. But up to this point your stances read: "Confirmed people are confirmed, Rockin is town." I guess 1 is better than none.
True that Nabe :D

Zen sucks the big one.

So, let's look at the two main lynch candidates for today.

Soup: Claim is very easy to fake as long as he is able to kill at will and non-compulsively(SK). I don't think things are quite as bad as people were saying, but as I said above, it's a very easy claim for a non-compulsive SK to fake. If the lynch swings this way I'll put my vote there, if not I'm fine with letting him live a bit with his actions at town's direction.

Smarg: Pretty sure I'm fine with this lynch. If the claim is legit, unless scum are idiots they wouldn't let a non-roleblockable cop live, so chances are pretty decent we wouldn't get any more investigations. I don't know her all that well, but I know she's been around for a while, long enough to know that the ONLY cop results that matter are guilties: the exact opposite of what she seems to be aiming for, which makes me question the claim a lot more.

Similarly, as has been said, we have a claimed JOAT with a confirmed sane investigation, and an un-counterclaimed SOLE vanilla townie. In a game with that many PRs, tossing in a sane, unblockable cop seems pretty OP. All of this is on top of the points that were brought up to bring her to claim range, many of which I thought were decent. Pretty happy with a Smarg lynch right now.

That's pretty much all worth saying right now, except, well,

Vote: Smargaret

@Sold ninja(yay preview post), and Nabe who I forgot, Rockin's town, why you still want to lynch him?
Only looking at the two people everyone else and their mom have looked at. That wouldn't be so bad, but the reasoning. He's just looking at their roles. It's as if he doesn't even care how people play. I'll also speculate that he wants both of these persons dead because of how dangerous they are to the mafia faction. I like how he's so open to "swinging" onto either wagon, whichever everyone else wants. Indecisive as always, Mentos. Wait, I didn't think that was characteristic of Mentos. I'll meta that I've never thought Mentos was the kind of person willing to waver his opinion for the majority... but I've only ever played with Mentos-town.
Welp. Nothing to see here,
Bleh this game is hard to read... D3 and we're debating... If there's such a thing as scummy inactives>_>

Soup, your plan to pick someone of your choice doesn't help us whatsoever. We already KNOW you aren't the mafia. Why? You killed Gord and were uncounterclaimed. Saying "If I kill a scum I get to live" is exactly the situation you're in RIGHT NOW. You listen to town, and probably soon it will be decided to remove the risk of your role from the game. If you listen to us until then, you've done your job.

I don't hold any of the cop investigations, or the no kill last night, with more than a grain of salt. As usual, inno's must be taken that way, and while I lean BP stop for the lack of a kill, we also have two people who have claimed PR's protecting them last night so we can't even deduce who would be cleared.

On to talk about something that actually matters instead of ranting about how much of a waste the day has been so far. I'm currently wanting a Sold lynch. This is mostly because he has not been active, and when he has posted admitted that he has skipped part of the game at times, and at others skimmed. Really out of everyone left, he seems the best target for a lynch today. All the other inactives, myself included, seem to at least be willing to read the whole game, he doesn't.

So yeah, Sold lynch my top choice for the day, and if not, probably Nabe.
Here he does exactly what I lashed back on him this day phase. He really actually does want to lynch me for being useless. Not for OMGUS, not for tunneling, not for my spontaneous knowledge.
Didn't realize this was opened back up, posting in a little bit.
Nothing to see here.
Ok, so yeah, hey guys :D Soldie, why choose me for the inactive vote you threw down? I'm not saying it's a terrible vote choice and you should feel bad, but "Mentos disturbs me" could use some elaboration, especially when you've been talking mostly about Rockin today.

Speaking of Rockin, I still think he's town. His move yesterday didn't really help my read, and I'd probably vote him if town wanted to go that way now, but quite frankly if I recall correctly I've seen him do, well, nearly the exact same thing as town before. *looks up to confirm* yep, Spider-Manfia, Rockin was a one shot vig who had been restricted to one post for the day, came in out of nowhere and shot without any input from the town. Was a long time ago, but the precedent makes me a bit more willing to accept it as a townie mistake.

Sold is, as far as I'm concerned, still a good lynch. Woulda preferred him yesterday and he's probably my personal #1 lynch choice right now. He has been as, if not more, inactive than me, and has made it blatantly obvious several times that he's been skimming and at times even making decisions while openly stating to have not read everything before making them. Needs to go IMO.

Nabe I've got no problem with right now. Not necessarily town, but not feeling the scumpoints there.

Gova's claim could really fly for either alignment, and it's not like claims can really be entirely trusted anyway. Given the mods of this game, I'd say it's 100% likely that scum have safe nameclaims, so flavor doesn't mean jack. The role itself is an alignment ambiguous role(seen both the making fun of and voteblocker effects given to mafia and town before, kingmaker not so much but if it's an uncontrolled result it could make sense). This doesn't mean Gova's scum, but don't rule him out of possible lynch/vig shot over a claim that could go either way.

Let's see, what else we got? AsianAussie? I don't remember anything about his playerslot because he's been so absent. Swiss lands himself here too. Don't think I've seen hard stances outta either of them all game(and yes, I know Swiss was replaced, but since Seph has yet to post content it still holds true). Swiss has the inno going for him though, and albeit godfather possibility there's really nothing to go on to say that that's the case.

Kuzi also has an inno, and I'm currently inclined to believe it. Haven't seen any reason to think he's not townie.

Still buying Asdioh's claim, however not a terrible lynch since we really have no evidence whatsoever that he's legit.

Laundry's jailer claim was decent, but at the same time the claim to have jailed Swiss twice is meh. Still a candidate.

Zen claims sole vanilla townie, un CC'd but very possible a safeclaim he's riding out. Hasn't done jack all game. Very much a lynch candidate.

Nix is, well, Nix, and probably one of my most null reads in the game at this point.

LYNCH!(aka the GO DIE tier):

Would vote(aka the willing to lynch, but not preferred tier):
Seph if he can't produce content
Nix(simply for being null)

Should live(through today at least tier:D):
Seph if he can produce content

The "will never be lynched because he's so town" tier

Oh, did I mention it was high time to let reads flow like water? Cuz it's about that time. Let's pose as a team and get **** done town!
Here he repeats his obvious stances he's had all game. He wants to lynch me and AA for being useless, although he's kinda building up on that "out of nowhere knowledge." No I haven't been more inactive than you, despite missing an entire day phase. His town reads are again the cleared people + himself. This furthers the point that Mentos hasn't even been trying to scumhunt. I remember earlier he said that he had other town reads and didn't want to drop their name, but where are they now? Also, as Laundry so kindly pointed out, his "Rockin is town, but I'll vote for him!" is unbelievably scummy. Why would anyone be fine with lynching their own town read unless their mafia and are just fine with any town lynch.
Oh, and Kuzi, I almost forgot. The actual role "witch" is not the one you described, that was just a different power assigned to a name which happens to be an existing role. The standard witch role is they select a target to hex, and if any town aligned roles visit them they die. I've seen it done as replacement for night kill or additional to night kill.
Flavor stuff. I'll call this nothing to see.
Well, the similarity is in his trigger happiness. Yes the situation is different, but I'm not surprised to see him "fire a shot" earlier than it really should be
I really don't know who he's referring to here. I guess it's a response to Asdioh but I don't know which part. Doesn't matter.
Heh, let me get this case finished in LA Noire and I'll get a response for ya buddy. Quite frankly should be simple.
Nothing to see here.
Yes, you were definitely the progenitor of that idea, that's why when you mentioned it you said

So it's ok for you to repeat something that is not directly related to you, yet when I do the same pointing out that it's an understandable choice but the content connected with it wasn't there it becomes scummy? When it was a vote on me? Pot calling the kettle black buddy boy.

Not useless meta. The situations were very similar with Rockin having the ability to make a kill at will, and he did so early in the day. I don't base myself on meta, but it both points out that he has taken similar actions when given the ability to kill someone in the day, and also gives reasoning why I'm still maintaining a town lean on him. And yes, where D1 I was unwilling to vote him just to get a lynch, I'm now more willing to.

Really, not in anyone's best interests? You've been talking about Sold yourself for a while, and had your vote on him before me. So it's not in anyone's best interest to go after Sold, which is exactly what you were doing earlier? That seems like an odd combination.

He hasn't seemed townie. Even when he's posted it hasn't had much content. I'm leaning scum, and I'm positive I won't be able to trust him in LYLO. Therefore, I want him gone.

OS/Gord, well, their flips have been taken into account in the reads I've given. Don't feel like going into specific influence because it's unimportant. What's important are the results, which I have given.

...None? The whole point of that is that I haven't felt any reason to consider you scum. You're not necessarily town(might I point out the closest we have to a clear in this game is "One of Kuz and Seph can't be mafia), but quite frankly I don't feel you as scum, see no reason to think you are yet, and therefore you aren't an option right now. We get down a bit more and it's you or someone I'm a bit more confident in, I'll have to double check, but right now you're not on my list of people who need to die.

Yeah, it is dismissive. The claim means jack other than telling us he's the one who caused a voteblock, was a kingmaker, and made us make fun of Zen. But honestly, the only part that I really dismissed, was Asdioh's comment on the character not making sense for scum. That is the absolute least reliable thing to base a read on. And no, don't rule him out, just because he makes a role claim doesn't mean he's scum.

There's no such thing as "useless incrimination," specially not in that quote. AA is listed later at the "needs to die" point because, quite frankly, the level of inactivity means that if we get down to LYLO, we have NOTHING to work with whatsoever from either of these slots, and they are huge wildcards. As I said Swiss gets a little leniency on this matter because of the inno, but if Seph doesn't step up the slot's game, they both need to die or scum will just keep them for lylo so that we've got two complete unknowns remaining. I don't care if they're vigged, lynched, modkilled, whatever, we can't let players who have no content all game survive till a game on the line situation or we are boned.

And? He's not clear. I do NOT rule out possibilities barring rare occasions at this point in the game. I trust him more than most at the moment, but that doesn't mean he's a guaranteed townie and I'm not going to straight up say he is when he's not cleared.

Yup, I'm always open to just about any lynch at this point in a game with no clears :D People who I don't want lynched now are pretty much the closest things to a "town list" I'll have.

... What does my post count in this game have anything to do with saying it was time to start being a more open book? I play my hand very carefully early game. Coupled with the fact that I'm ALWAYS not that active until late game, and I haven't been in a mafia game for quite a while leading up to this and am still getting used to actually being on SWF again is a perfect storm for me not posting much at all. That doesn't change the fact that I'm being open now that we're later in the game and I have a more solid idea what's going on, and really this comment just has nothing at all to do with the comment you're responding to.

Yep, no one is clear and hence every avenue IS open. You offer me one person who's cleared with good reasoning to believe they are in fact cleared, then I'll close off an avenue. Till then everyone is open game.

And nope, I haven't. Honestly I don't feel like dredging through for quotes and specific arguments. If it becomes necessary to get someone I think is scum lynched over someone who I think is town enough I don't want to lynch yet I'll put in the effort, till then I'll stick with the here and now.

Yep, because there IS a negative part to his claim. However, it is one of the two decent possibilities to explain the no kill on N2, and that's why it's decent.

You then argue about the safeclaim thing, let's look at what I said again:

Note the fact that I specifically say NAME claims(as I mentioned above already), which was a direct toss to Asdioh's

I then go on to point out that Gova's claim is viable for either alignment, and so I point out not to rule him out because quite frankly the claim has no credence for alignment. Laundry's claim's got a bit, Gova's has none. Hence I hold Laundry's claim as better than Gova's.

Now if you'd kindly stop calling the kettle black and making what I've said fit your interpretation of it, we can get back to finding scum. Speaking of which.

Way to simplify things. You've admitted to skimming multiple times if I recall correctly. You've jumped in saying you haven't read more than half of what had happened, yet still have an opinion on a lynch. Your number of posts with no content far outweigh the ones with content. I don't want you lynched because you're worthless, but because there have been several times where you have appeared out of nowhere, admitted to skimming or flat out not reading, yet still seemed to know where to go. Coupled with your tunneling on Rockin a large part of the game results in me casting suspicion on you. This is OMGUS, and you chose me over other people who had called you out(prime example: Nabe) because I have been less active and am therefore a more likely success. When you can come back with something other than "well, he said a lot about stuff I legitimately did, but I don't think it's scummy so he must be scum" I'll start taking you seriously.

Now bedtime, then worktime. BAIS
lol nice call out on Nabe tbh.
Big thing I have to call out though is the emphasis he puts on "Nobody is clear and thus every avenue is open." His town list consists only of people that are cleared.
Here's also where his reasoning changes from me being useless to "OMGUS, Tunneling, etc." In fact, I'll call this change-in-case a OMGUS itself. He left me as "useless needs to die" until I called him scum, and now I'm suddenly "actually scum that needs to die."
Sold, you should read that post anyway, expands on my comments most of the way. Also the last paragraph is directly pointed at you
Not actually what I meant but if it's how he saw it he kinda needed to say this lol.
Heh I don't know when exactly between now and Friday afternoon I'll be able to respond decently in full, but not too concerning to me. Don't go wasting a lynch on me though, may as well be productive with the day
More johns. Nothing to see here. "Don't waste a lynch on me" pffft. Is this AtE? I don't even know anymore.

In conclusion! This is what Mentos has done throughout this game:
21 posts
  • John. Nothing to see here count: 12, and I felt generous on some of these.
  • Analyze flavor.
  • Not take stances.
  • Support the no lynch on D1.
  • Change his stance on OS(scum) as soon as OS was in the clear, simply because he didn't like what he called scumtells anymore.
  • Be willing to go with just whoever town wanted most to get lynched, including people he thinks are town.
  • Take easy lynches or no lynches at all.
  • Change his case to something entirely different as soon as he gets called out.
I probably missed some other stuff.

About the OS-Mentos exchange: This is the only place I originally found doubts in my own case. However, isn't it ODD that OS didn't vote Mentos with his case, when OS wasn't voting anybody at all? Not to mention, OS didn't follow up on Mentos after Mentos's original response. On the other side, Mentos was fine with OS's lynch only when it was a likely lynch.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
gogdangit stew stop making me want to buddy you i don't do buddying but the aladdin card and then the bullets and buckshot thing and the huge post of information and **** that's so townie.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I really don't know who he's referring to here. I guess it's a response to Asdioh but I don't know which part. Doesn't matter.
This was mentos talking about how Rockin's quicklynch on Soup is similar to something Rockin did as town in another game... it's meta.

Looking good, Sold.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I don't really care if he claims, we don't have the time to pull a lynch out of our *** unless people are good with quickwagoning an inactive/Nix.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Wait, mentos has only voted for one person this game: smarg, a friggin' daycop. That is the epitome of stancelessness.
Thank you. I actually didn't look at his voting patterns, but this punctuates the exact point I was getting at.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Vote: Mentos
I do think that everybody voting Mentos should check out my Mentos post. I want more than the implicit agreement I'm getting from people voting.
Considering I ripped some of the quotes from it in my post where I voted him, uh


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Uh, I don't understand the Sold hate earlier. What was the reason for it and why did it seem to disappear now? I think Nix and you are town. The instances of that were early game when Nix tried to focus Smarg's and my attention on OS when we were arguing doesn't seem like something he would do as scum, but I know some people think he might be scum not aligned with OS or something and I don't get why that is either. As for you, it was when you pointed out that both OS and Gord called J's error of "Niave" a mistake and I took it to mean that you were implying that maybe they had discussed it somewhere not in thread because it seems like no one else even cared. It was also a good way to not contribute for scum bringing up pointless stuff again, because I think the first one to address it was Gord iirc. Also, make no mistake my role is anti-town. If it wasn't clear I don't know what is supposed to happen when I target someone other than the fact that it's supposed to be "unlucky". And, tbh I don't really trust Swiss' playerslot, his interactions with OS feel fake to me and that maybe they were distancing each other.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Meh, I'm lazy and don't feel like arguing my way(although I might, kinda undecided at the moment). Regardless, lynching me is quite literally wasting a day. Like, there could not be more of a daywaster than lynching me possible. So your choice guys, make today worthless or get something done?

Vote: Sold


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Well if you've bothered to soft claim so much then why aren't you claiming now? If you want to have ANY chance of a wagon switch (with this inactivity), stop beating around the bush.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Kuzi, you gotta understand, there is next to nothing as unconcerning to me as trying to save myself from a lynch. It hurts town to do it, but worst that happens we waste a day when we're in decent position. It works. Heh, and Sold tried to call my softclaiming AtE now that I finish that post of his XD
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