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Toad Discussion

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
he's right you know... ultimately the only think that will determine whther or not we get toad is whether or not there is space left for him as a PC.


Smash Ace
Sep 30, 2007
Yet you keep offering precedent crap to support you're statements, get it through your head that Toad WON'T be in Brawl and stop being an idiot.
I'm offering evidence to support my claim because without that evidence, I would be doing exactly what you're doing - *gasp* making unfounded claims!

Seriously, please refrain from insulting me when you continue to make claims that you have absolutely no way of verifying.


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
I'm offering evidence to support my claim because without that evidence, I would be doing exactly what you're doing - *gasp* making unfounded claims!

Seriously, please refrain from insulting me when you continue to make claims that you have absolutely no way of verifying.
Offering proof that has no relationship to the topic whatsoever is the same as having no proof but using a little of common sense to know Toad won't be playable, so there, don't reply, we should be off to argue something actually worth discussing and not a DECONFIRMED character like Toad.


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2006
You say that as if the SSB series is known for making a great deal of sense.
It doesn't make sense that Ness and Zelda are using moves that they didn't use in their own games. It doesn't make sense that characters who never meet in-game are duking it out with each other in SSB/M. It doesn't make much sense that you can have two Marios wailing on each other. But no one cares about these logical inconsisties because you're not supposed to be focusing on these minor (in the world of Smash) issues.
I was talking about common sense. Not video game sense.
One word:
Falco was revealed on the Melee website long before the game even came out. <_<

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
You keep saying that Toad has no chance of being playable, yet you have absolutely nothing to prove this claim, so until you do come up with something other than your own personal opinions, Toad continues to have a chance.

Just for the reference, Peach isn't using a Toad, she's using the Toad.


Smash Ace
Sep 30, 2007
Offering proof that has no relationship to the topic whatsoever is the same as having no proof but using a little of common sense to know Toad won't be playable, so there, don't reply, we should be off to argue something actually worth discussing and not a DECONFIRMED character like Toad.

My evidence is the whole precedent thing I've been referring to for a long time. I'm only bringing up all of these other outcomes that are happening for the first time in Brawl to show you that you shouldn't be so certain that this'll never happen. That's not proof, that's bringing up past events to get people to stop being so certain of things.

Read, comprehend, respond.

I was talking about common sense. Not video game sense.
Don't really see how you can necessarily draw a distinction in this case. To you, it makes no sense, logically, for there to be both a playable Toad and non-playable Toad in the game; if that's the case it shouldn't make any sense, logically, for a character to be fighting a mirror image of themselves. I mean, surely if Mario fighting Mario makes sense in the video game world, two Toads being in Brawl makes just as much sense.

Falco was revealed on the Melee website long before the game even came out. <_<[/QUOTE]

Just for the reference, Peach isn't using a Toad, she's using the Toad.
I'm aware; already covered that.


Smash Cadet
Oct 30, 2007
Because there's already a precedent for a playable character being part of another's moveset?
Stubborn mother****er! What more proof do you want? Stop being a stupid idiot and come to your senses for once, even if that was the case, what's his chance 0.0000000000000001? Imbecile!


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Oh, dear me...

When I said "Let idiocy reign," I never foresaw such a tragic turn of events!

First of all, it's so nice to see my Kinopiophilic (;)) companions stand up to the trolls that love to inhabit these hallowed halls. Kudos to Fawriel, Circus, Andrew14j, and EPX2 (among others) for holding down the fortress, so to speak. It's really nice to see people defending our right to free speech--or free discussion, as it were.

Secondly, I must directly address vesperview and Megatron: if you hate this thread so much and want so badly for it to die, why post? Permit me to explain something, and forgive me if it goes over your heads. Whenever someone posts in a thread, the thread is automatically sent to the top of the room in which the thread was originally posted--in this case, the Brawl Character Discussion room. This signifies that a new post has been made, and the thread is thus "bumped" to the top of the room's listings. Please note that this occurs every time a post is made in a thread, including this one. This means that even when YOU post, the thread still goes to the top of the listings for all to see! Therefore, by continuing to post and harass the SWF members who still frequent this topic, you are in turn contributing to what you deem to be such a huge problem. Simply put: if you don't like the topic, don't post in it!

Furthermore, what reason do you have to post in this thread, anyway? Many Toad fans--myself included--have accepted the fact that Toad is essentially deconfirmed and will probably be excluded from the playable roster in Brawl. And yet even for those who still hold out hope for what is still technically possible (remember that "possible" and "likely" are not synonymous), what good does it do you to bash and flame them? Methinks that you aren't quite altruistic enough to post in hopes that you might cure them of what you might call their "delusion." No, I believe that your intentions are far more dastardly than "saving" someone from their false hope; I think that you just enjoy being cruel. And that pains me to see people being harassed in such a way.

I am disgusted with the two of you. Your arguments, however valid or invalid they may be, have all been presented before, and, quoth Rhett Butler: "Frankly, my dear, [we] don't give a ****." We--the regular inhabitants of this thread--will continue to post here and discuss our favorite mushroom hero as we please. In other words, we will continue to post here regardless of your blatant ignorance and defiance of basic etiquette as defined by these forums.

I will resume my pending trial (Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations -- Case 3: Recipe for Turnabout), but I hope that my message has been made clear. Thanks, and I hope everyone had a happy Halloween. :grin:


Smash Hero
Dec 20, 2006
New Pork City, Colonel Mains: Ness, Luc
And frankly I don't care if it goes to the top page because I post on it, since when is that a problem? It makes absolutely no difference towards the final outcome of the game, you the inhabitants of this thread may post exactly what you please, so do the people who don't support the character and believe this:

Is enough proof to deconfirm Toad as a playable, I don't hate Toad but anyone with common sense can come up with that conclusion, he won't be playable.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
doesn't mean we can't WANT him to be playable.

I play toad in every game in which he is an option... which reminds me:

Toad and Birdo were in mario tennis, but not mario power tennis.... why?


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
doesn't mean we can't WANT him to be playable.

I play toad in every game in which he is an option... which reminds me:

Toad and Birdo were in mario tennis, but not mario power tennis.... why?
Agreed: there's nothing wrong with a little wanting. ;)

No idea about MPT. I was actually REALLY disappointed with it, and Toad's exclusion was a big part of it. Considering that he and Toadette were shown on the bracket in the opening cinema, it seems as though he was originally intended to appear as a playable racqueteer. Let's just hope that he isn't pushed aside for Mario Tennis Wii--whenever it is released!

(And way to represent Ohio! Go you, Mr. Hedgedawg.)

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Aeris.... foolish boy.

Your statement about Toad's exclusion in Power Tennis shows you have a biased arguement about wanting him in.

(I'm implying that he's not getting in no matter how many ***** you suck, but hey, it worked for Sonic with sega so you should give it a shot)


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Aeris.... foolish boy.

Your statement about Toad's exclusion in Power Tennis shows you have a biased arguement about wanting him in.
Well, Aeris is clearly a Toad fan. I don't think he's ever tried to hide it. But I don't think it's at all unreasonable to be disappointed that a character you love is absent from a game that he or she probably should've been in. Biased? I guess, but aren't all people who truly support a character out of love biased?

(I'm implying that he's not getting in no matter how many ***** you suck, but hey, it worked for Sonic with sega so you should give it a shot)
Wow. Totally unnecessary. I hope you think you're clever. Though it doesn't really matter how clever you think you are because Aeris will always be a better person than you.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Well, Aeris is clearly a Toad fan. I don't think he's ever tried to hide it. But I don't think it's at all unreasonable to be disappointed that a character you love is absent from a game that he or she probably should've been in. Biased? I guess, but aren't all people who truly support a character out of love biased?

Wow. Totally unnecessary. I hope you think you're clever. Though it doesn't really matter how clever you think you are because Aeris will always be a better person than you.
I think Mario should be in Brawl, ergo I must be biased right?

Totally uneccessary? I was taking a slick shot at Sonic is all. No need to insult my slick point, that Sega kissed up to Sakurai for Sonic.

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
He has a point, even though he's an idiot. If Sonic can get in, then what is keeping a complete **** *** character like Toad out? If Brawl can have some idiotic blue hedgehog with terrible personality, I'm sure they can have Toad just as much.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Aeris.... foolish boy.

Your statement about Toad's exclusion in Power Tennis shows you have a biased arguement about wanting him in.

(I'm implying that he's not getting in no matter how many ***** you suck, but hey, it worked for Sonic with sega so you should give it a shot)
Ah, but wanting in and of itself does not mean that I have not accepted that Toad will probably not be in Brawl beyond the non-playable realm. In fact, if you had taken the time to read my post in its entirety--which you probably didn't--you might have noticed that I openly acknowledged that Toad's chances are slim to none at this point.

Would I like to see Toad as a playable character? Of course! Do I find it likely given the circumstances that seem to prove otherwise? Nope.

My argument had much less to do with Toad's status in Brawl than it did about the behavior of people that troll this thread--you, for example. I could have just as easily posted a similar rant in, say, the Gardevoir thread with the same effect. The posters in this thread have a right to discuss Toad in an environment free of ridicule. Criticism is accepted to an extent, certainly, but the posts of the aforementioned members were just rude. I simply chose to state my case in this thread because I am more familiar with the regular posters than I would be in, say, the Gardevoir thread. My "bias" toward Toad only played a part in determining in which thread my post was made, save a few minor details within the context of the post itself. It's about the right to discuss without harassment, not about how miserable the world will be without Toad on the playable roster.

I remember that you came into this thread with a similarly annoying attitude a few months ago. I was equally as nonplussed by your "humor" then as I am now. Then again, your reference to "****-sucking"--an activity from which I will happily abstain--is just about as hilarious as your topic supporting an enormous rapper for Brawl. (I'm implying that no matter how many posts you make, you will be no funnier than the day you came onto these forums.)

Clear enough for you? Hopefully so. If further clarification is needed, however, I might advise you to read my post and/or posts in its/their entirety so you don't jump to conclusions again.

P.S. - Thanks for the support, Circus. :grin:

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
He has a point, even though he's an idiot. If Sonic can get in, then what is keeping a complete **** *** character like Toad out? If Brawl can have some idiotic blue hedgehog with terrible personality, I'm sure they can have Toad just as much.
Stop being cocky and an ***.

Ah, but wanting in and of itself does not mean that I have not accepted that Toad will probably not be in Brawl beyond the non-playable realm. In fact, if you had taken the time to read my post in its entirety--which you probably didn't--you might have noticed that I openly acknowledged that Toad's chances are slim to none at this point.
I just wanted to say, you completely ignored my posted picture on the day Peach was confirmed. By the way, I skimmed through it.
Would I like to see Toad as a playable character? Of course! Do I find it likely given the circumstances that seem to prove otherwise? Nope.
That seems kinda... contradictory.
My argument had much less to do with Toad's status in Brawl than it did about the behavior of people that troll this thread--you, for example. I could have just as easily posted a similar rant in, say, the Gardevoir thread with the same effect. The posters in this thread have a right to discuss Toad in an environment free of ridicule. Criticism is accepted to an extent, certainly, but the posts of the aforementioned members were just rude. I simply chose to state my case in this thread because I am more familiar with the regular posters than I would be in, say, the Gardevoir thread. My "bias" toward Toad only played a part in determining in which thread my post was made, save a few minor details within the context of the post itself. It's about the right to discuss without harassment, not about how miserable the world will be without Toad on the playable roster.
One who doesn't support the idea of Toad being in Brawl cannot be defined as a troll.
BTW, You need some tl;dr. Hell, I'm not even reading what that says.

I remember that you came into this thread with a similarly annoying attitude a few months ago. I was equally as nonplussed by your "humor" then as I am now. Then again, your reference to "****-sucking"--an activity from which I will happily abstain--is just about as hilarious as your topic supporting an enormous rapper for Brawl. (I'm implying that no matter how many posts you make, you will be no funnier than the day you came onto these forums.)
You say I have bland humor but describe Biggie Smalls as an enourmous rapper? Nice going, not to mention people do joke character threads, but I will make a serious character thread right after I'm through of your constant *****ing about Toad.
Clear enough for you? Hopefully so. If further clarification is needed, however, I might advise you to read my post and/or posts in its/their entirety so you don't jump to conclusions again.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
That seems kinda... contradictory.

One who doesn't support the idea of Toad being in Brawl cannot be defined as a troll.
BTW, You need some tl;dr. Hell, I'm not even reading what that says.

You say I have bland humor but describe Biggie Smalls as an enourmous rapper? Nice going, not to mention people do joke character threads, but I will make a serious character thread right after I'm through of your constant *****ing about Toad.

It shouldn't. In fact, I clearly stated that just because I WANT a character to be in Brawl does not mean that I think that they WILL be in Brawl. Those are two different ideas, and you aren't grasping that concept. It actually makes perfect sense.

Here's the problem with your cries of "tl;dr": if you're going to effectively argue against a point, you should take the time to read through a post in its entirety so as to gain a clear understanding of what exactly your counterargument will encompass. As far as I'm concerned, the "tl" of "tl;dr" is "too lazy," not "too long."

And, in reference to your "joke" thread, it seemed to me that you defended your choice a bit too adamantly to be truly considered a joke instead of a nuisance. I, however, did not read the thread in its entirety. Coincidentally, I didn't actually make a post in the thread, if memory serves. *gasp* Do you think that there might be a connection?!

(Also, my comment about Biggie being an "enormous rapper" was not an attempt at humor; he was a rapper, and he was a very large man. Hence, "enormous rapper.")

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
It shouldn't. In fact, I clearly stated that just because I WANT a character to be in Brawl does not mean that I think that they WILL be in Brawl. Those are two different ideas, and you aren't grasping that concept. It actually makes perfect sense.
You have a point. I wasn't paying much attention anyways.

Here's the problem with your cries of "tl;dr": if you're going to effectively argue against a point, you should take the time to read through a post in its entirety so as to gain a clear understanding of what exactly your counterargument will encompass. As far as I'm concerned, the "tl" of "tl;dr" is "too lazy," not "too long."
No. I mean that you should make a line space so that you don't make a major fact look too boring to read. Make Spaces every 2-4 lines so it's not too boring. For example:


And, in reference to your "joke" thread, it seemed to me that you defended your choice a bit too adamantly to be truly considered a joke instead of a nuisance. I, however, did not read the thread in its entirety. Coincidentally, I didn't actually make a post in the thread, if memory serves. *gasp* Do you think that there might be a connection?!
Look at Cpation Flacion, by Legola. He was adamant about it, but he turned out to obviously be joking. Looks like a certain smartass can't take humor.
(Also, my comment about Biggie being an "enormous rapper" was not an attempt at humor; he was a rapper, and he was a very large man. Hence, "enormous rapper.")
Ok. You are a dumb guy. That's not an attempt at humor; you are dumb, and are a guy. Hence, " dumb guy".


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2007
I do not see why a disagreement over whether a character should be in Brawl should devolve into a personal attack.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
There's no attack. It's just some smartasses trying to make me look dumb by not being able to take a joke aimed at Sonic.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
okay I think this is getting out of hand:

1) I agree abou MPT Aeris, I certainly hope that they didn't take out toad and toadette last minute for Petey Pirahna and Wiggler.

2) Yup that's right represent ohio.... but the only guy I know from Parma is a complete and utter... well I hate him anyway.... I'm sure you are much better though ^_^ Anyway: O-H

3) Sonic is in no way a parallell situation to this one. (and sonic is cool to anyways... don't see why half the forums are so bent out of shape about it)

4) Biggie, Aeris is right. You are not funny. You never have been any time that I have seen you.... maybe you are off making truly witty posts in threads which I do not see, but everytime I see you you are sophomoric and lewd. I beg that you remove yourself from this thread so as to not further disturb it.

As for toad's chances, they are grim, I'll be honest. But not as grim as some say... I mean, for all the "deconfirmed" characters, he's the most popular by far. And he had the biggest chance of any of them before his "deconfirmation"... personally I was pulling for Lady Lyndis, but an AT is pretty definite.

So I gues his chances are small, but I can dream. Any way you slice it, he's still got a chance, though it may not be large... oh and, to my knowledge, no method of felatio can in any way effect his chances of being in Brawl. I could be wrong, I'm not an expert on the subject, but I fail to see a reasonable correlation.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I do not see why a disagreement over whether a character should be in Brawl should devolve into a personal attack.
This was the smartest post in a while right after Aeris'.
Which means something, because nobody manages to kick *** quite as calm-and-collected-ly as ol' Aeris.

Oh, and Megatron's last post deserves to be mentioned, too. Realizing and admitting that you were wrong is not something everyone can do. Well done.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
This was the smartest post in a while right after Aeris'.
Which means something, because nobody manages to kick *** quite as calm-and-collected-ly as ol' Aeris.

Oh, and Megatron's last post deserves to be mentioned, too. Realizing and admitting that you were wrong is not something everyone can do. Well done.
Aww, thanks, buddy! :grin: I feel so proud, haha.

I agree, though. If Megatron's willing to admit that he was wrong, I'm willing to ignore the fact that I felt obligated to chastise him. How about we call it a wash? :lick:


Smash Ace
Sep 30, 2007
This was the smartest post in a while right after Aeris'.
Which means something, because nobody manages to kick *** quite as calm-and-collected-ly as ol' Aeris.

Oh, and Megatron's last post deserves to be mentioned, too. Realizing and admitting that you were wrong is not something everyone can do. Well done.

Also, thanks for the acknowledgment, Aeris.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Hedgedawg, stop being a sourpuss.

Misinterpreting jokes into arguements on purpose to sound smart, then later using it against me after dulling it down isn't really funny to anyone. Aeris is one of those people who takes majority's side and tries to crush all jokes against him/her/it, I take it.

I'll stop whenever Aeris doesn't procede on with the arguement, so that we may call a truce. I don't call like regurgitating all these important facts and dumbening them down, that clearly show Toad not playable. I assure you, he has a coin toss of a chance for SSB4, though.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
You're completely failing to realize the fact that Aeris and the others have pretty much accepted Toad's not going to be playable. Maybe if you had actually read Aeris's post you would have noticed that.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Andrew; Aeris kept arguing Toad would be in Brawl, even after I put up a picture of Peach's move the day she was confirmed.

He has ignored the picture, but simply tried to counter my other arguements. That is my recollection of what happened. I won't look through simplu for that, but if you want a simpelr method, then look through my posts.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2007
Although Peach's neutral B move makes me doubt it, this is how I imagine him...

He feels as if he is "Metal" Toad--sort of a fast-faller, but like heavy too. He would have a down-b similar to Yoshi, Kirby, Bowser, etc. Quite a few moves would be headbut-based. He would have a Dair similar to Ness' and Donkey Kong's. Yea, I don't know, I just imagined him playing like that.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Andrew; Aeris kept arguing Toad would be in Brawl, even after I put up a picture of Peach's move the day she was confirmed.

He has ignored the picture, but simply tried to counter my other arguements. That is my recollection of what happened. I won't look through simplu for that, but if you want a simpelr method, then look through my posts.
<_< you think we've never seen that picture?

you bring nothing new to the table besides your poor attitude and equally poor humor.

Please either post productively or leave


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001

Also, thanks for the acknowledgment, Aeris.
Think nothing of it. ;)

Hedgedawg, stop being a sourpuss.

Misinterpreting jokes into arguements on purpose to sound smart, then later using it against me after dulling it down isn't really funny to anyone. Aeris is one of those people who takes majority's side and tries to crush all jokes against him/her/it, I take it.

I'll stop whenever Aeris doesn't procede on with the arguement, so that we may call a truce. I don't call like regurgitating all these important facts and dumbening them down, that clearly show Toad not playable. I assure you, he has a coin toss of a chance for SSB4, though.
Again, I never said that I was trying to be funny. And please recall that we're in a TOAD support thread. How is that in any way a majority? :wink: (For clarity's sake, I am a "him.")

Just because I'm making similar arguments to what you deem "the majority" doesn't mean that it constitutes some sort of pattern. In fact, the majority of Toad fans agrees that Toad has little to no chance of being playable in Brawl at this point! I am not ignoring these "important facts": in fact, I've known about them--we all have known about them--for quite some time.

You're completely failing to realize the fact that Aeris and the others have pretty much accepted Toad's not going to be playable. Maybe if you had actually read Aeris's post you would have noticed that.
*gasp* What?! Actually read posts? Who does that?! :chuckle:

Andrew; Aeris kept arguing Toad would be in Brawl, even after I put up a picture of Peach's move the day she was confirmed.

He has ignored the picture, but simply tried to counter my other arguements. That is my recollection of what happened. I won't look through simplu for that, but if you want a simpelr method, then look through my posts.
Well, that wasn't really the point of my recent posts, so I found it irrelevant. I was speaking in defense of those Toad fans who have been harassed by rude posters who come in here to goad them with "TOAD IZ DE-CONFURMED LULZ!!?!!11!"--even though most of us have already come to that very same conclusion. And even for those who haven't, or those who still hold out hope for the little guy, there is no need to bother them about it; just let them go, huh?

But since it is so important to you, the picture: I honestly don't recall getting so defensive about it. If I did, shame on me. To the best of my recollection, I believe that I was arguing for the possibility of Toad in Brawl, not the likelihood. Understand that just because something is possible does not in any way make it likely. A copy of Brawl could arrive for me in the mail tomorrow; a meteor could come falling from the heavens and crash through the ceiling and travel straight through my head (don't get too excited!). Both of these hypothetical situations are technically possible, although neither one is very likely at all. Since Sakurai never said "Toad will not be playable" or "Peach uses the famous and eponymous Toad," I suppose it still leaves a shred of hope--however small--for Toad to be playable. I think that it's a bit naïve to hold onto it so dearly, but I won't criticize those who do.

NOTE: You might want to read the last paragraph, painful as it may be, because it contains information pertinent to the topic that you want to discuss (Toad's essential deconfirmation). I'm still content with talking about the right of the regular posters to discuss Toad without harassment even after the de facto deconfirmation has occurred, but to each his own.

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Think nothing of it. ;)

Again, I never said that I was trying to be funny. And please recall that we're in a TOAD support thread. How is that in any way a majority? :wink: (For clarity's sake, I am a "him.")

Just because I'm making similar arguments to what you deem "the majority" doesn't mean that it constitutes some sort of pattern. In fact, the majority of Toad fans agrees that Toad has little to no chance of being playable in Brawl at this point! I am not ignoring these "important facts": in fact, I've known about them--we all have known about them--for quite some time.

*gasp* What?! Actually read posts? Who does that?! :chuckle:

Well, that wasn't really the point of my recent posts, so I found it irrelevant. I was speaking in defense of those Toad fans who have been harassed by rude posters who come in here to goad them with "TOAD IZ DE-CONFURMED LULZ!!?!!11!"--even though most of us have already come to that very same conclusion. And even for those who haven't, or those who still hold out hope for the little guy, there is no need to bother them about it; just let them go, huh?

But since it is so important to you, the picture: I honestly don't recall getting so defensive about it. If I did, shame on me. To the best of my recollection, I believe that I was arguing for the possibility of Toad in Brawl, not the likelihood. Understand that just because something is possible does not in any way make it likely. A copy of Brawl could arrive for me in the mail tomorrow; a meteor could come falling from the heavens and crash through the ceiling and travel straight through my head (don't get too excited!). Both of these hypothetical situations are technically possible, although neither one is very likely at all. Since Sakurai never said "Toad will not be playable" or "Peach uses the famous and eponymous Toad," I suppose it still leaves a shred of hope--however small--for Toad to be playable. I think that it's a bit naïve to hold onto it so dearly, but I won't criticize those who do.

NOTE: You might want to read the last paragraph, painful as it may be, because it contains information pertinent to the topic that you want to discuss (Toad's essential deconfirmation). I'm still content with talking about the right of the regular posters to discuss Toad without harassment even after the de facto deconfirmation has occurred, but to each his own.
QFT Aeris... if Biggie argues again, I'd have to assume that he didn't read your post or that he's an idiot
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