ok here is my toad moveset, its only b moves but they are incredibly detailed
Speed- 4/5 Power- 4/5 Defense- 3/5 Jump- 1/5
^B- parachute hat, toad takes his hat off and it inflates like a parachute, allowing him to float as if he had an umbrella, and is canceled when he is attacked or when the down button is pushed. While on this parachute his legs flail back and forth, doing damage to anyone who touches them.
Strategy- since this move grant toad no extra height, but gives him floatiness it is best to use this after getting knocked off stage to float back, so if you double jump back and are still below the level of edge grab this move does you no good. Another good way to use this move is to jump over someone and activate it…
B>- summons mushroom, toad reaches down, pulls an item out of the ground, and throws it in front of him. Each item has a different effect, whether it is positive or negative. Move cannot be done in the air
Item list-
Poison mushroom- 5% damage every second for 10 seconds
death mushroom- instant KO
1 up mushroom- gives an extra head in stock battles, or raise score by 1
regular mushroom- heals player 20%
giant mushroom- turn giant for 30 seconds
Turnip- does 15% damage when thrown
Shrink mushroom- shrinks for 1 minute
Bomb- explodes doing 20% damage
VB- release spores, toad releases spores from his mushroom that spreads out in a cloud around him. If an opponent enters the cloud he becomes confused and his movements are reversed, meaning that up becomes down, left becomes right, and visa-versa. This not only effects general movements but button combos, so pressing VB while confused produces your ^B move. Can be used in the air
Strategy- this move is incredibly effective against speed characters, comboers, and jugglers who would otherwise have an unfair advantage over toad because of his poor jumping ability, and if you’ve ever played earthbound when you get a mushroom on your head you know how it feels to have your movements reversed.
B- hat trick, toad climbs into his enormous hat, negating all damage inflicted upon him while in hat. If done in the air the hat will spin, doing damage to anyone it hits in its decent and bouncing twice after hitting the ground. Watch out though because toad can be kicked while in hat trick mode. Lasts three attacks
Final smash- mushroom cloud, toad’s hat builds up energy and expands until it explodes releasing a large cloud of poison gas onto the field. All opponents caught in the blast are poisoned and stunned for 20 seconds.
Toads A moves are a mix of wrestling, grappling, and tackling moves which utilize his speed and power to the fullest. Oh and did I mention that he has the weakest jump in the game.