i think for a casual gamer, advanced techs basically serve no purpose. in my case however, a couple of my friends used to get together and play melee a lot a few years back. things were really competitive, because thats just how we are, so naturally we looked for ways to win. this was how i arrived at advanced techs. the more we played, the more we competed, the more we sought for ways to speed up our play and to make ourselves more powerful.
i dont know how many people on these boards play sports, but its much the same thing. when you're in 4th grade playing soccer, its all fun and kicking a ball around and ****. but when you get older, if you play competitively, then you realize you have to grab shirts while the referee isnt looking, hold people inconspicuously, etc. at higher levels, thats just the way the game is played.
also, edgehogging was put in by the developers and has its own dedicated bonus. and if you go in the section of the game where it tells you all the bonuses, it will actually list exactly what to do to gain the extra style points. forget dirty, the devs thought it was stylish. hence, its own style point bonus. i understand that you may personally think its a dirty tactic, but to each their own.
But I don't mind those who have chosen to explore the game that...extensively, I just wanna know which way the opinion scale tips on this board.
the brawl boards will probably have a predominant percentage of people saying that adv techs are not needed, cheating, or unhonorable exploitation. asking the same question in the melee discussion will probably get you flamed by competitive players who say there's nothing wrong with these tactics and they are absolutely commonplace. then the thread will promptly be locked, or else die on its own very quickly.