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Time Travelers - Town wins! Time travel mechanics rarely used!


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

1. He hasn't responded to me yet, so there was no need to ask him unless he has ignored my question. If he hasn't responded, then if you were still interested then it wouldn't bother me to ask him (and it'd help too). It's not necessary at this point.
2. If you had no idea, why didn't you ask him yourself? I didn't exactly know why he wanted my take on it, but I answered because he asked. I wasn't giving advice to anyone, I was giving my thoughts on it. My play isn't based on that. What do you think I should have said? What do you think of Nabe not responding to that?
3. Preliminary reads? Expand on that.
4. Yes but that shouldn't change your read on them completely. What is your read on SK now? If you were to vote someone, who would it be? Also what are your thoughts on Kawaii?
5. I don't like it being no where because of you unvoting Soup so quickly. I just didn't like it because initially, you voted saying you were fine with pressuring Nich and Soup, and it rings bells to me, that you unvoted since they gave more content. Content isn't enough to find out alignment you know.

The bold, I thought you legit had other reasons to find SK suspicious, and I don't feel you really care about his content, and I don't like it. Especially since SK WAS giving content, I don't see why you would just vote him for 'not giving enough content'.

@Kawaii: You may now explain what you think about my #302.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
Right now neither is my focus tbh, want to hear more and get some answers from Reyth and DeGrey. And Prehistoric Laundry Sex Dance, who I don't remember anything from outside of pre-game.
July, I was considering voting you for being relatively bystanderish until I saw that you wanted more from DeGrey. What do you think of that?

@Nich: x1 (I assume) didn't really straw man your argument. He basically said that you shouldn't tell someone it's a pressure vote, if you're hoping to achieve pressure. He had a weird way of saying it though.

^ Who has/had SoupKat as scum? I haven't seen that view expressed for a while.
uh... I thought I saw it somewhere in there.

Kangaroo, what have you done this game? I honestly can't remember.

@SK: how in the blazes is Swiss town?

@Zen: if you haven't done anything when D1 is nearing an end I WILL lynch you, ok? Think of it as Touhou2.0


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
Magic, vg.jpg.

Kata side can read him, I just got Informed and tbh already had him as town.

Here's a Swiss iso. Note he only has one post :D
Notes as I go.

T-Block is scum.
How or why?

Nich town.
How or why?

#112 - Asidoh or X1?
Should be obvious it was me, and why would it matter?

Dislike Reyth.

(I can ask that for practically the entire post)

Laughed out loud.

If X1 taught you to play scum you could hardly not get better.

Raises a far point on Nich, but he's a ******* so w/e.
Shows he read the post X1 made, and it raises a "fair point" on Nick, but all he says about that is "he's a *******" (whatever that word is) so this is NOTHING.

#199 Word Vanz, word.

What's that guys? You wanted actual content?


Vote: T-Block

Might trip whip to a Reyth or Nich lynch on a whim, regardless of my town Nich stance. As soon as Nabe shows weakness I'm gonna get him lynched. FYI.
Still no whys. If someone else had been posting this you guys would be all over him, but it seems like half the players are like "derp swiss is town" and the other half say "how the hell can you say that?"

typical dgames


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Current questions that I've already asked, but to reiterate:

-How is Soup scummy?
-Why is Ryker so fixated on not mislynching Nick? Seems kind of fake.
*looks at playerlist*
-Why is July dangerously null to me?
Not sure how many other people found Soup suspicious or scummy, but my reasons for voting him yesterday are in my #315.

The second question I have been thinking about a lot and I've been trying to understand what exactly Ryker feels about Nich. It starts with this post:

Swiss, I know you'll deal with this real talk without freaking out and trying to take it as something it's not, so let me ask you what we should do.

Look at Nich here. He's gonna be one of three things.

1.) Scum.
2.) An easy mislynch for scum to push. As long as he isn't option #3, he's sure as hell not getting night killed.
3.) A provable obv town PR that gets forced to claim and Night Killed or, even worse with these time shenanigans, manipulated and still mislynched.

In short, he's a liability later in the game. Do we just remain confident in our ability to read him and trust town not to lynch him on our word? Do we lynch him? Do we cross our fingers and hope for a vig?

I dunno, I feel he's pretty high on the "free player" list. Definitely playing worse than I recall him being.
These bolded parts give me the feeling that Ryker is okay with a Nich lynch, which makes sense if he believes the first is true. The second option is strange but I guess thats the part that adds to him being a liability. But I'm still struggling with what the fact that he is a "liability" even means. Does that mean Ryker advocates we lynch him? If not, what does it mean?

Then here:

I actually don't like Ran. If I vote Nich, will you make sure that you investigate Ran tonight? ;|

Still have only skimmed the part before my first post. Don't plan on rereading it more in-depth until Raziek is around.
He talks about/jokes about voting Nich, not really sure what the tone of this is but once again I get the feeling that he is not too concerned about keeping Nich around which is reinforced here:

That's cool. You're not someone I'm really concerned about. Judging solely based on your play here (I don't give a **** about your record) I think you're either scum or going to be mislynched unless a claim saves you. I think you're a detriment. What would you do in my position where you have a player you think is a toss-up for scum and going to be a problem either way? How would you avoid a possible mislynch?

Would you be mad if Tom said he was going to treat KevinM as town at the start of the game?

Do you really think an FoS from you is going to affect me at all? Why should I be worried about a scummy player who isn't even voting me? Ran/Nabe, I also want your take on this.

I'll hold the who's posting information because it doesn't concern you.
Where he seems to be leaning more towards Nich as scum or as an unsaveable mislynch sans a claim. That's why this post makes no sense to me:

This is why he's going to have to be lynched, TBlock.


The person you need to respond to about a case is TBlock. Be analytical. Look at his argument and see the reasoning behind it. UNDERSTAND the case and why it has merit. Assuming you're town for a sec, which you're making harder and harder to believe, no one else can see your role PM. It's not obvious and you getting lynched in this exchange is not going to magically make your reads hold more weight. In fact, it's going to make your reads disappear and no one will care anymore. SO AVOID THAT.
Here he talks as if he believes that Nich is town that is on a path to being mislynched and that he is trying to help him avoid that. I honestly don't understand how this all adds up, before he said that Nich was either dumb or scum, scum or easy mislynch that could be saved only with a pr, he called him a liability...so what is the real motivation here? If he thinks he is scum then he should be in support of his lynch. If he thinks he is an easy mislynch then we go back to the "liability" argument and then why is he trying to save him? And he has shown no inclination that he believes it is the last of his three options earlier proposed, and if it is then how does Ryker plan to help him?

And this is where I hit my roadblock trying to figure out Ryker. What is his motivation right now in regards to Nich? I would like to hear from him some answers and explanations in regards to his interactions with Nich because I honestly don't like what I see.

Also, I might not be the best person to answer your last question but I'll give it a shot. My reads have not been very solid over the past two days and I admit that. Yesterday due to the Nich/T-Block disagreement I had Nich leaning scummy, T-Block leaning town, and SoupaKat somewhat suspicious. Nich has improved today and I'm feeling better about him, he's null town and T-Block is still leaning town for me, SoupaKat is also fine in my book as long as he keeps giving reads and scumhunting. Reyth and DeGrey have drawn negative attention from me today and those are the players that are leaning scummy for me. Reyth has promised information and I have specific information I want from DeGrey and I'll go from there with those two. Everyone else you can assume is null or town.

Kawaii Kangaroo

Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2011
Kangaroo, what have you done this game? I honestly can't remember.
What an odd question? Feels like an accusation almost :c. I've done some poking and said what I think. Waiting for my womanly side read up before I decide what direction wii head.

Swiss' reads seem to line up quite nicely with my own, so I'm ok with him for the now. Like everyone else I'm eager to here more from him.

@Ran I'll get to you now.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
You know, Vidya.jpg, I don't like you. You are being hypocritical when it comes to your voting July thing. You say you would have voted her for 'sidelining', yet you never addressed her about content or her reads. You haven't even said anything about Reyth also sidelining. You have about Zen, but that is besides the case. I don't like you saying you would have voted her for that.

Btw, I also feel Swiss if town from his intro post. Why don't you like his play?

I want your 2-3 scum picks now.

Vote: Videogames.jpb


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
nah it's not, I just gave you a thumbs up a post ago, see?
It's because I seem to have a horribly short term memory, especially in a game where I have to catch up with a bunch of unfamiliar hydras and players. I literally cannot remember a single thing you've done.
That holds true for a couple other people, I'm sure.
And then there are people like Zen, who literally HAVE done nothing, and will probably continue to do nothing for as long as we let them.

Kawaii Kangaroo

Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2011
@Ran: Actually I think I understand what you're accusing July of, just don't really agree with it. I can see why July voted Soup real early like that, and why she was totally fine retracting it later on.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
nah it's not, I just gave you a thumbs up a post ago, see?
It's because I seem to have a horribly short term memory, especially in a game where I have to catch up with a bunch of unfamiliar hydras and players. I literally cannot remember a single thing you've done.
That holds true for a couple other people, I'm sure.
And then there are people like Zen, who literally HAVE done nothing, and will probably continue to do nothing for as long as we let them.
This is mine.

I think it's the first time I've EVER failposted in a hydra'd game :(


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
@Kawaii: I didn't. I wanted her to fully explain why she was fine letting him go after explaining she was suspicious of him for some of his actions. I just didn't like that she said that she was suspicious of him, and then says that he wasn't really a scumread to her.

Btw, thoughts on Video.jpg?

You'll most likely get Mod votes. ;o


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA

1. He hasn't responded to me yet, so there was no need to ask him unless he has ignored my question. If he hasn't responded, then if you were still interested then it wouldn't bother me to ask him (and it'd help too). It's not necessary at this point.
2. If you had no idea, why didn't you ask him yourself? I didn't exactly know why he wanted my take on it, but I answered because he asked. I wasn't giving advice to anyone, I was giving my thoughts on it. My play isn't based on that. What do you think I should have said? What do you think of Nabe not responding to that?
3. Preliminary reads? Expand on that.
4. Yes but that shouldn't change your read on them completely. What is your read on SK now? If you were to vote someone, who would it be? Also what are your thoughts on Kawaii?
5. I don't like it being no where because of you unvoting Soup so quickly. I just didn't like it because initially, you voted saying you were fine with pressuring Nich and Soup, and it rings bells to me, that you unvoted since they gave more content. Content isn't enough to find out alignment you know.

The bold, I thought you legit had other reasons to find SK suspicious, and I don't feel you really care about his content, and I don't like it. Especially since SK WAS giving content, I don't see why you would just vote him for 'not giving enough content'.

@Kawaii: You may now explain what you think about my #302.
1. I don't care, it's important to my read on DeGrey so I asked him myself.

2. What I meant is that I thought it was a stupid question on his part, and I had no idea why he thought it was important enough to ask you about it. I don't know what I expected, personally it would have been one line, "FoS's are weak in terms of pressure"...something like that, wasn't meant to be a big deal like I just didn't want to see it persistently. And like I said I think its a stupid question so it doesn't bother me that Nabe didn't answer it.

3. Preliminary reads as in the reads I had in the beginning of the game based off first impressions, limited interactions, etc that are subject to change as I scumhunt and gain more info.

4. My read on SK is pretty null, SK and I will be alright as long as they give reads and scumhunt. If I were to vote someone right now it would be DeGrey but I want info from him, specifically clarification of his interactions with Nich and why he is concerned about getting a read on you. My vote could also end up on Reyth depending on how I feel about his catch-up post, but we'll see. I like Kawaii so far, they've gotten into the fray of things a little today and have been commenting on current events, feeling null town so far.

5. That's fine, I feel like as long as Soup posts and is active I can get a pretty good read on him and my vote staying there based on those one or two reasons from early and for pressure was not necessary. I am obviously still reading them but my vote doesn't have to be there to do so.

July, I was considering voting you for being relatively bystanderish until I saw that you wanted more from DeGrey. What do you think of that?
I think that's understandable, I really haven't taken as much heat or gone head to head with people as much as some other players, but I will challenge people like DeGrey if I feel I am disatisfied with their stances and I will get my opinion out there, just have to give me some time to get in the fray ;)


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
Here he talks as if he believes that Nich is town that is on a path to being mislynched and that he is trying to help him avoid that. I honestly don't understand how this all adds up, before he said that Nich was either dumb or scum, scum or easy mislynch that could be saved only with a pr, he called him a liability...so what is the real motivation here? If he thinks he is scum then he should be in support of his lynch. If he thinks he is an easy mislynch then we go back to the "liability" argument and then why is he trying to save him? And he has shown no inclination that he believes it is the last of his three options earlier proposed, and if it is then how does Ryker plan to help him?
I like this. It's what was confusing me as well. Do you think Ryker has, or had, the intention of focusing on Nich for much longer toDay?

You know, Vidya.jpg, I don't like you. You are being hypocritical when it comes to your voting July thing. You say you would have voted her for 'sidelining', yet you never addressed her about content or her reads. You haven't even said anything about Reyth also sidelining. You have about Zen, but that is besides the case. I don't like you saying you would have voted her for that.

Btw, I also feel Swiss if town from his intro post. Why don't you like his play?

I want your 2-3 scum picks now.

Vote: Videogames.jpb
Reyth was sidelining? Add him in to the "people I can't remember" list, particularly since I've never played with him. All I remember is he agreed with me early on, which gave him some townie points at the time.

I'm saying I would vote for July for that because I've seen her do similar things as scum in the past. Post a bunch of walls while trying to look town, but in reality give very few reads or legitimate votes. Right now, however, I like her questioning of Degrey's motives.

Why don't I like Swiss' play? He has done nothing, with the pretense of doing something. Am I saying he's scum? Not necessarily, there's no way for me to know from just one post. Can I meta him? Not really, I've only played him when he was hydra'd with Ryker, and when he was town in Touhou, but replaced out very quickly. In Touhou, he actually did quite a bit more, but it's early on here so I can't compare yet. Just saying that I REALLY dislike people writing him off as town because he gave some generic reads.

As for scumpicks... I'm not sure right now. Most recent bad feeling I got was from DeGrey, who I want to see more from before I decide. I generally ignore Ryker and let him do his thing before I get a read on him, but he's smelling worse than usual already.

My vote's on Nick, and I haven't really discussed that with X1 yet. Judging by the fact that he didn't change the vote or even suggest doing so when he was here, and even went to point some stuff about Nick out, I assume he agrees with it. I think him or T-block might be scum, but almost certainly not both.

Early on I wanted to think that if Nick flipped scum, then I would be looking at Nabe next because earlygame stuff like http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=13056413&postcount=121 made me think of scum trying to scold and distance from their buddy early on, but I definitely wouldn't consider Nabe scum from something like that alone, especially since I was reading Nabe as town aside from that. X1 disagreed with me making connections like that, and said Nabe looks town for talking about how Soup's fast responses feel genuine.

tl;dr if those scumpicks aren't good enough for you, I'll give more definitive ones by Sunday, unless something pops up tomorrow that puts someone in my definite scum list.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
@Kawaii: I didn't. I wanted her to fully explain why she was fine letting him go after explaining she was suspicious of him for some of his actions. I just didn't like that she said that she was suspicious of him, and then says that he wasn't really a scumread to her.
One thing that I think you are trying to push and it's not the case is that I am fine letting him go, as if I left him off the hook and I'll never consider him suspicious or keep an eye on him or change my read on him ever again. Just because I took my vote off him doesn't mean I can't still keep my eye on him, but really my weak vote on a weak suspicion I had the first real day of play didn't have to stay there.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
Might as well respond to this now while I'm at it.
Anyway, to summarize, I'm feeling it's suspect that video's managed to go along with the crowd in every major argument so far, and basically manage to look aggressive without actually saying anything controversial. The only thing he's pushed me for is my universally derided pressure vote, he's prodded T-block about how various parts of his logic don't make sense, and yet he's left his vote on me for my one post, completely disregarding everything I've done.
At the very beginning of the game, I was "in the action" like I mentioned earlier. All reads given were my own, I wasn't going along with any crowd. If I happened to be beaten to the punch, and noticed, then I would give some town points to the poster (examples Reyth and Ranmaru) for thinking along the same lines as me.

I think the rest is reaching and I don't really see the need to respond to it.

Nick, I think you've addressed this a little, but what are your thoughts on DeGrey writing you off so early as "scum or a mislynch," as if you couldn't survive the rest of the game as town without being a liability? Do you think he's town that's genuinely concerned about you being a liability, or scum that's trying to set up your mislynch in a way that won't look incriminating to him?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I like this. It's what was confusing me as well. Do you think Ryker has, or had, the intention of focusing on Nich for much longer toDay?
I honestly think he might have had to intention to keep focus on Nich for longer toDay, but what bothers me is that I'm not even sure of what he wants from this attention on Nich. What he really wants, not what he says which is that he wants to help him not be the D1 wagon.

The first time that I read through it, even when he said he wanted to help Nich, I got the feeling that he wanted Nich lynched because he was scum or dumb, or like he said originally, that he was a "liability". Reading back through it I still think that he has created a lot of confusion around Nich and contrasted his earlier claims of "scum v. dumb" with "I'm trying to help you", and I just don't like it, I don't fully understand where he is going with it and I want him to explain it.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
lol dude I'll be sure to get in this. I wanted to give scum some time to prounce about as if they have some chance of winning before I come in tarnish that hope and their very existance.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
No it isn't. Anyone can give content, you have to think of motivations and not just "Oh he's posting alot and giving effort he's town". You should know better than that.

Why? Because I didn't like Vidya saying he'd vote July for sidelining when others are doing the same, and while he hasn't addressed July about that earlier. He's not trying to figure her alignment out, I am. What's your problem?

And please call me Ran. D: <


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
lol dude I'll be sure to get in this. I wanted to give scum some time to prounce about as if they have some chance of winning before I come in tarnish that hope and their very existance.
In my experience from at least past couple games, scum love to hide in the background for a good portion of D1.

For example, I took page-by-page notes of D1 for pulp fiction, and to my shock, I noticed that I didn't even mention a single member of the scumteam until page 6 (on 40 ppp). And all I said about that player on page 6 was "I don't even remember when that guy voted for x player." I think because it was an RVS vote.

For another example, you, and most of the scumteam, in Touhou. As per OS' plan.

Content when you can would be great, but if not then I will lynch this Zen without hesitation.

Rab, we still think you're town but please think before you post, saying that content doesn't determine alignment is bad, along with switching your vote within a small period of time, why? I didn't see anything as to why you stopped pressuring july.

the FoS is a warning
You said you didn't like me, and he voted me, what's not to like about him?


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
****ing Zen lol

Guys, if you post off-hydra, don't just quote it. Copy paste it so that it shows up better in searches and stuff.

I'll catch up after my shower


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
Why? Because I didn't like Vidya saying he'd vote July for sidelining when others are doing the same, and while he hasn't addressed July about that earlier. He's not trying to figure her alignment out, I am. What's your problem?
I assure you I am trying to figure out July's alignment.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
And I use my vote however I like. I feel I have pressured July enough. I like to spread it out.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Btw Zen YOU BETTER GET IN THIS. I want your thoughts.


Smash Rookie
Jul 20, 2011
Beyond the brink of disaster, next to starbucks

See: vote switch, there wasn't much resolution to it, but I'm dropping it anyways because ran.


Whatever you post is content. this is content, but it matters what kind of content also, don't forget that, you also weren't specific, all you said is content doesn't determine alignment, but it matters what that content is.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I was specific. I said "Content isn't enough to base alignment" meaning that it shouldn't be the only thing to look at to base reads. Seeing as that she had other reasons for suspecting you, she only unvoted because she got more CONTENT from you, thus I didn't like that.

Example: A replacement replaces in, posts a PBPA, and gives reads and votes. You didn't read it, you skimmed it. Do you consider that town? That was my point, I am sorry I wasn't clear.

If you still don't understand, I will agree to disagree because I feel there are other things to focus on besides bickering about that.

We can get back to your thoughts on Videogames.jpg


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Okie dokie.

Hey Ronike is viewing. Hi Ronike!

July, I also would like your thoughts on Video.jpg.

Reyth, you too.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
First of all some personal business.

I have severe meta clashing with the players on some issues here:

1) I voted T-Block for his night action-mechanic speculation. I have a query out to him on it and he has yet to respond. I would like to hear back to him on it before I go any further.

2) Many players have said that fencesitting a vote like Nich did, is not (and even cannot) be scummy. I absolutely disagree. How it is scummy depends on the target. If the target is town, then a fencesat vote is a way to appear as town by joining a wagon but doing it in a way that minimalizes the responsibility of that vote. It is also possibly a demonstration of newb-scum feeling under pressure because they know the target is town but still want to appear as town themselves; I disagree that the fencesitting doesn't help their case when eventually called on their vote. If the target is scum then it is a way to get onto the scum wagon for town cred while trying to discredit said wagon. Anyway, I will cover this more with Nich on my case on him because now it seems he didn't even have a proper voting reason in mind even though he declared one (a strong scum tell, and scum cog-dis).

On the Hydra issue, I am reading them as a single poster, single player. I am also 100% meta-blind on every hydra player in this game. Outside of Hydras, I have some meta on Ran and July.

Now for the reads:

Grey -- I have to agree with agree with Grey about Nich. He is obviously an experienced player and from the old school (my case on Nich is not a policy lynch however and I am voting him because I genuinely think he is scum). He asked me if I was a gut or analysis based player: I am both but I place emphasis on analysis above gut. I am learning to listen to my gut more, but its not easy. You will not find Grey scum hunting in a traditional way; he is very deeply imbedded in mafia psychology. I have to agree with him on reading Swiss in that if you have an experienced player, you CANNOT read them but through their personal reads and votes because they do not scum tell or scum slip. I will be reading Grey the same way here. Right now, Ranmaru is right -- Grey needs to vote. From what I can gather his top scum reads are Ran, Nich and PLSD. There has been little reasoning especially on Ran and PLSD. I would really like to see his top 3-4 scum suspects with reasoning before I can feel comfortable with him. Null

July -- On the surface, my initial read of July was pro-town because of her well reasoned posts (even if I disagree with the reasoning) but after my catchup, I must say that Ran has caught something with her immediate unvote of SK based on his catchup post #283. She is moving in the right direction by calling it minimalist; in many ways, it is completely vaccuous. I do not see how she would unvote with a post like that. My meta of her is as a very thorough player as town. Ran is right to call her on this. This is not the strong July that I have experienced and I will need to hear from her on this. Null to scum

KK -- He asked me if I know OS in real life; I definitely do not. I have seen early genuine scum hunting from KK. But I did not like his early discrediting of Nabe and defending of the SK slot. He later corrects this with a prob-town read on Nabe (with reservations) which I like. I also did not like his blanket statement that Swiss' entry post made sense; I didn't get that at all. He has made a very strong stance on Grey-Nich, accusing Grey of deliberately setting Nich up for a lynch; for this to be true Grey would have to be scum posturing as town and slipping out in the open. I'm not sure I can buy that and I see that as further defense of the Nich slot. I also have no record of KK voting apart from his RVS vote for Swiss (if I have missed a vote, sorry regular votecounts would be helpful). I actually don't have any scum reads for KK either. The one post though from him that I do have says that he is waiting for his "other head". I will be watching their upcoming posts closely but until then, Null

Nabe -- An obviously very experienced player. I see alot of genuine scum hunting queries; I especially like his query of Swiss. I only see an early vote on SK however and no push for that wagon at all. I also don't have any scum reads for Nabe. Its funny though that I think Nabe is town despite this! I guess I am in the same camp as KK -- I haven't disagreed with anything Nabe has posted (so much that it made a difference on my read of him) but now that I have read through my analysis, I too will be slow to assign a town read until I get more input from Nabe on his vote and scum reads for this game. Null to town

Nich -- The most prolific poster in this game. The fencesat vote of T-Block has been posted about to death. Upon my further inquiry though, Nich has denied actually having a reason to vote T-Block but yet in his voting post he calls Nich "dumb or scum"; this is severe scum cog-dis. I see a newb-scum player here trying to appear town but nervous about it, fencesitting a growing wagon but not even sure why? How can a player be "dumb or scum" for no reason? I think Nich is heavily populist minded here and afraid to take a stance and I think this is because of the weight of his scum alignment. For the people that are saying he is just newb-town, this has got to be some of the worst town play I have seen and I don't think it comes from town. I don't care if its unpopular, it is my opinion. I have found two posts in particular that I cited ITT where it appears that he knows T-Block is town; #142 and #15?. At first I just brushed this off as newb-play but now that he has cog-dis'ed on his original vote of T-Block in the first place, I hold this as evidence of him as scum. There is also the populist vote change to .jpg which I really didn't like at all; I think all the reasons he gives to vote .jpg are the reasons I am voting him and others should too. scum

PLSD -- Not sure why he voted KK in RVS but I agreed with it. Umm, and that's it? Easily could be lurker scum. We all need to pressure this person out into the open and get reads, non-RVS votes etc. Until then, Null to scum

Ran -- Had a strong call of Nich early; disingenuous and I definitely agree. Pushing me while I was sleeping and at work is classic Ran. His early vote on SK I can agree with. He asked me why I RVS'ed T-Block; simply because he was the first person in the player list that hadn't posted. He also took a strong stance on Grey-Nich; my position is the same as with KK. We agree on Grey's overall lack of performance but looking at the full playerlist, it looks like a communicable disease or something. Asks me what I think of SK voting for me while I was catching up for shallow questioning; pfffft -- accusing me of totally avoiding it while I was catching up, classic Ran. Very nice catch on July; I will need to hear from July on this. Leaning town

SK -- Openly declares a sheep vote on T-Block. Wrongly declares T-Block's vote of Nich as OMGUS. "wow interesting events"; just pings my gut and I did seem to get another gut view of SK over the TB-Nich as a sort of "scum glee" if you will, but just gut. Severe backpedaling and case reaching on T-Block; very populist. Then we have post #283 which was basically slapped together; I see no reason to assign a blanket town read to KK (even though my gut says town), so I assume this is a gut read. Says Nich is newb-town; this is an easy read to make but I would REALLY like to see the town reasoning on this because newb is not a faction. T-Block is not scum but needs more content, OK. Ran town for shallow questionnig that he follows up on OK, we agree. Swiss is town; no reasoning, just Swiss is town? From what? Grey is town for proactive; this is a meta read that I am unfamiliar with but w/e. I am scum for shallow questions (not shallow) while catching up; bzzzzt. July null for not enough content?? and Swiss gets a town read?? This analysis post is NOT genuine. PLSD null for no content (obvious). Based on the play this slot has exhibited: Scum

Swiss -- Entry post #206 T-Block scum, nich town (no reasoning). Doesn't like me (understandable at that point I had 0 content even though we appeared to agree on T-Block), Ran town, July town (no reasoning). KK crapologic (what's the read though?). Reyth/Nich good second wagons; Nich a good second wagon?? Nabe pointed out you called Nich town 3 times in one post... Odd. My suspicion has no reasoning as well. ITT Swiss seems to be getting some respect by default and only has the one post; I will give him the benefit of the doubt for him to improve and say: Null to scum

T-Block -- Huge massive night action(rolefishing)-mechanic(rolefishing, setup speculation) initial post. I see this as a potential serious attempt to guide the town in an unhealthy direction, sow confusion and town posture as well. I ultimately agree with Nabe on the fact that he gave it up; the fact is that he tried it though and his backpedal on it was pretty strong. At the very least the town was directed properly by all of the negative attention he got and quick. Subsequent to all of that, he appeared immediately better (whereas Nich appears worse and worse) and his vote for Nich was warranted. I think he appeared to be trying too hard initially with Nich but I think T-Block has caught scum and properly. I like how he called SK out on misrep on the OMGUS. Both SK and Nich attempt to float a WIFOM theory against T-Block which completely lacks merit. I like his statement about trying new playstyles. I also like his cop peek choices alot and his view on Ran. I need to see T-Block branch out more from the Nich tunnel but he seems to be going in the right direction for me now: Leaning Town

.JPG -- I have seen genuine scum hunting here all game. Proper T-Block vote. I saw his vote of Nich as sort of sheeping and there was a touch of exuberant fencesitting as well; I think the vote was well founded however. Excellent catch on Nabe and SK. I did find fault with his subsequent attack on T-Block though; because he is voting Nich but says that T-Block can't? I also disagree with the SK null read. I have stated my views on Grey-Swiss. So far, he is an overall strong asset to town: Leaning Town

Zen -- *crickets* <--- pressure or replace??

Scum: Nich, SK

Not Good: July, PLSD, Swiss, Zen

Good: KK, Nabe, Grey

Town: Ran, T-Block, .JPG

I am willing to lynch my Scum today.

I need to hear more from my Not Scum, they can become lynch targets.

I am not willing to lynch my Good or Town.

Sorry, I have to go now. See you guys tomorrow!


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011


Ok finally caught up. Man this was the thread that just wouldn't die. I have alot to post and I can tell I am going to get ninja'ed the crud out of and so please understand my analysis will be frozen as of post #305. I will get to the ninja's after I am done with all of my catchup posting.

As you can see I have already been ninja'ed while typing this short post :awesome:

Now for the catchup.
I've been stabbed to death by NINJA'S :urg:


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Okie dokie.

Hey Ronike is viewing. Hi Ronike!

July, I also would like your thoughts on Video.jpg.

Reyth, you too.
I did a quick ISO on Video. Their first post addressed T-Block's mechanics question, and I think they handled it the best of the rest of the players who took issue with T-Block's first post. I can see where they were coming from even if I disagree with it. They then switch their vote to Nich after his delayed vote, and post #188 was one of the best posts analyzing Nich/T-block's initial play and asking questions of other people at the same time, all in all I'd say they are genuinely looking for info/scumhunting. A couple posts relaying meta, scoping my meta on Ran and such. Gives some reads in his #318, I generally agree with his reads there, and then we discussed DeGrey which is definitely a player I find suspicious and I'm glad he finds suspicious as well. I didn't remember much about their play until doing the ISO but I'm leaning town on them after my read. I don't feel like him saying he would have voted me for bystanding or whatever was a big deal, which is the main reason you said you voted him. Not a tell either way imo.

@Reyth: Dang O_O I will get to reading that now, but deff liking that you fulfilled your promise of upcoming content


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Sorry Reyth - still catching up. I'll answer this question now though if you want. This is done before reading past the first bit of your large post, if that matters.

Ok, I'm still catching up (on #187) but I am going to need to ask this question so I'd better ask it now:


1) Do you feel that your initial night action-mechanic speculation was anti-town (objectively; i.e. not the way you meant it but how it is)

2) If not, please explain why and conversely if so, please explain why

I can certainly understand why people would consider it anti-town, and I don't think any worse of those who do. However, I believe that if I had been allowed to continue, town would not have been worse off. I never intended to take it very far at all.

Does that answer your questions?

Kawaii Kangaroo

Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2011
@Ran: Don't like video all that much at the moment but I'm still waiting for my other head to give a woman's touch to our scum reads. I assume she is are sleeping now though, so this will likely come tomorrow :chuckle:

@Reyth: My view on the marSOUPial may seem a bit odd to you, though I'm very confident that the Kat half hasn't posted yet (and that it's just been Soup posting on behalf of Kat). I've hydra'd with Kat for 5 or so games, and know him fairly well, so I'm interested in hearing directly from this head before I affirm a solid read. I discredited Nabe because I don't like his style this game (but this apparently is how he plays), and as you've noticed he doesn't give many scum reads.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
Sorry Reyth - still catching up. I'll answer this question now though if you want. This is done before reading past the first bit of your large post, if that matters.

I can certainly understand why people would consider it anti-town, and I don't think any worse of those who do. However, I believe that if I had been allowed to continue, town would not have been worse off. I never intended to take it very far at all.

Does that answer your questions?
Well I agree with Nabe that the overall mindset should be there as the game continues and maybe I could of gotten a better read from you by not intervening but man it hit me so hard, especially the part about the vig -- I think I almost fainted.
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