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Time Travelers - Town wins! Time travel mechanics rarely used!


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
Kaptain Kangaroo said:
Originally Posted by TB
DG was being anti-town, but that doesn't make him scum. That's the best way I can put my stance on DG, and I've been consistent with that.

Do you even realize what you are saying in the first line?
You are so off here. There IS a distinct line between atni-town and scummy.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
@Degrey: this would normally fall under "flavor speculation" but since your role is pretty much based around it, I wanted to ask you something.

Mod confirmed knowledge: There is someone with the ability to bypass protectives who is out to kill a certain person. My advice? If you think there's someone who could be traveling through time to kill you, then lie about your flavor. Be imaginative. That, or we could simply not claim flavor. We're assuming an indy.
Have you been thinking of a character that can travel through time, is intent on killing one specific person, and is powerful enough to go through doctor protections? And is most likely an indy? Think of some popular shows/movies/etc. that have some aspect of time travel on them, and which one would you say most likely fits for this?
I'm hoping you at least have a guess, I don't see any anti-town implications from guessing, so I don't see why you would refuse to answer (like you often do for stuff)
I just want to see if your guess matches mine.

@t-block: have you noticed the way Ran has been tunneling me to the exclusion of all else? His read on me is wrong, and his smug confidence in my alignment disgusts me. I don't trust him with that role AT ALL.
And I believe him because from the sounds of it, that is a role that will be verified by the mod upon the start of a new Day, so I don't see why he would fakeclaim it.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
I already know your guess is the same as mine.

We're masoned and talked about it in the QT, remember?

btw J you've been posting very J-like recently and I don't know what to think about it.

my god I need to reread some and also focus on the players I wanted to focus on (remember when I said I'd do a Nick iso? LOL OK) and I'm completely dreading it.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
@Degrey: this would normally fall under "flavor speculation" but since your role is pretty much based around it, I wanted to ask you something.

Have you been thinking of a character that can travel through time, is intent on killing one specific person, and is powerful enough to go through doctor protections? And is most likely an indy? Think of some popular shows/movies/etc. that have some aspect of time travel on them, and which one would you say most likely fits for this?
I'm hoping you at least have a guess, I don't see any anti-town implications from guessing, so I don't see why you would refuse to answer (like you often do for stuff)
I just want to see if your guess matches mine.

@t-block: have you noticed the way Ran has been tunneling me to the exclusion of all else? His read on me is wrong, and his smug confidence in my alignment disgusts me. I don't trust him with that role AT ALL.
And I believe him because from the sounds of it, that is a role that will be verified by the mod upon the start of a new Day, so I don't see why he would fakeclaim it.
I've got an idea.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
I know I know but I can't find it and I have been like speed skimming that game. Sorry Zenny. I found a post where you said "If you're town J, I swear." and your constant going back and forth and back and forth on my slot until I apparantly convinced you others were scummier then me.

And no you don't. :chuckle: But carry on. (i'm in J mafia mood atm with this game.)


Side-note to any and all:

Why the hell is July suspicious btw? Everyone keeps bringing up "Yeah man July, she's so suspicious and scummy looking." "I don't like July it seems." Like where is this stuff coming from? I have absolutely 0 problem with her and she is my second strongest town read behind Zen. I am honestly flabbergasted as to how people are reaching such a conclusion. I've gotten a massive amount of reads from her, a good solid case on DeGrey from her, and also a consistent path of scum-hunting and questioning. Show me where.


I need a re-read.
Though I did want to comment on this.

J says July is town, so she must be scum :troll:


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
@Reyth: Weak sounding? The point was that we shouldn't clear him from that. It wasn't meant to push him.
Right. Well I didn't mean anything bad towards you there. I just agree with you that I think a scum Ran becomes far more unlikely if his role is true.

I have seen town totally auto-lose for outguessing the Mod though in combination with a brilliant gambit from scum. The role was scum day-vig. Most players assumed it was too powerful for scum to have. The gambit was that D1 a player vigged his own scum team mate! and there were 3 scum teams!!

Anyway we are in a similar situation with his "hanging judge" role.

I'm leaning towards Ran conf-not scum.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
Hey Kangaroo, if you had an ability like Ran's, and you could use it on two people toDay, to force the lynch to be between those two, who would you choose?


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
I have seen town totally auto-lose for outguessing the Mod though in combination with a brilliant gambit from scum. The role was scum day-vig. Most players assumed it was too powerful for scum to have. The gambit was that D1 a player vigged his own scum team mate! and there were 3 scum teams!!
@Ryker: remember me in Utrick'd?

Kawaii Kangaroo

Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2011
J says July is town, so she must be scum :troll:
No I kid you not I'm 100% on this. And correct. :awesome:

Hey Kangaroo, if you had an ability like Ran's, and you could use it on two people toDay, to force the lynch to be between those two, who would you choose?
Tough question! There are different ways to go about using that ability. You could put someone obvtown vs. someone who you think is scum and therefore you auto-matically get that lynch. If I were to do that, I'd put either one of Zen/July up with TB. Now if you are asking for my two strongest scum-picks to do this, I'm at a toss-up atm. Right now, I'd put up TB and PLSD simply because I am still meh about you but not confident enough to put that ultimatum on your slot. (neither is my read on DeGrey anymore)

Or you could just do what Nabe did and put up two mod-confirmed townies. :troll:


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011

I'm seriously considering just ignoring you for the rest of this game. Because I am tired of telling you to read. You also have a bad strawman habit of my posts too.
Btw, I feel the same thing about you; you're like the player from mars or something.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
I did show this though. But you are trying to WIFOM my reasoning away.
I did show it though.
Deal, as long as you can explain to me how Scummy Behaviour =/= scum without WIFOM.
Why is this concept so hard to grasp? If scum has motivation to perform an action, but town also has motivation to perform an action, when that action is performed, it is a null tell in and of itself.

Yet TB, why didn't you call anyone else out on saying that for Nabe? Cuz he wasn't the only one saying that. Also you can do that by re-reading and realize that you read posts differently. If you have accepted this, why are you still trying to point out it's a contradiction?
He was the only one who said "Town on Nabe because he is a solid contributor without being in the forefront". Nobody else provided such a silly reason as "not being in the forefront" as a reason for a town read on Nabe.

I'm not still trying to point out the contradiction. I brought it up in defense because you tried to use it against me.

Please actually read what I'm saying before you respond. You're wasting my time.

Bullcrap, she had been adding and I want to see the proof behind where I did a similar thing with Nichy's posts.

@Nichy: Did you know what TB is talking about?
In a sec.

You flip in like less than 10 posts.
Yeah - I read it again and realized it wasn't so bad lol. That's all there is to it.

Do you even realize what you are saying in the first line?
Yes. There is a difference between anti-town and scummy.

It's not an exaggeration because it's there in your post. How does his role have anything to do with his timing?
I was nowhere near to swearing that his claim was true. If he truly had that restriction, he might claim now rather than after being accused of jumping on wagons and using it to justify his behaviour after the fact.

Because complaining about catching up could be done by both scum/town. Also "what?" at the second line? Yet your reasons were weak and reaching.
That's not what I was referring to at all. I was asking why Ranmaru's pointless questions should be treated as a null tell -_-

Now who's the one exaggerating/turning it back on their attacker? :rolleyes: TB, most of the time I said that, I explained why it is off-colour/odd. It's off-colour because it's such a weird thing to say if you are from the town PoV. Why does town have to "wish" for better reads?
"I don't like this one line from your 1067. The bolded bit even more so. It's like you are alluding that you know DeGrey isn't scum so he wouldn't do that. It may just be me but I dislike the wording of it."

"In this post, you say some odd things in the second line. Odd meaning you do about everything besides swear upon a bible that we should listen to DeGrey's claim and believe it's more real. "No reason to not believe him." "If he's telling the truth, his claim timing is fine" "Also due to the nature of his restriction.""

"Okay you say you wish you had stronger reads at the time which if very off colour. Though to be fair, you forgot to mention you had a strong Reyth town read as of that post."

Three places where you mention something is strange and don't back it up. Saying something is off-colour because it is weird from a town PoV is circular and is garbage. Try again?

Okay you say meta is a weak reasoning, yet you are using it for your Ryker read. Plus you are simply trying to WIFOM the point away. Grah this is aggravating. >_<"
Where did I say meta is a weak reasoning?

Yes, I am using meta here. If someone else were to act this way, I would probably be much more likely to call him scum. Is that a problem?

Again with the over-defensive/deflective nature. Alot of this post is "You aren't reading correctly" or you trying to WIFOM the points brought acrossed away. Second line, I have been showing why when I deem necessary. Show me examples of you scum-hunting because I can honestly not recall where.

Duh we are in D1 but this is possibly one of the longest D1s ever so you have to have something.
Apart from my push on Nich early, I've been asking questions to July and Ran. I've also questioned Reyth's reasoning several times, and finally got a response from DG, which I'm about to follow up on.

Sure, I'm deflecting a little of the pressure back onto you, but it's not like I've neglected to defend myself from your points. I did so, and then questioned the hypocrisy in saying my points are insubstantial.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Scum have no business adding so much to discussion and keeping an updated list of reads that can be traced back throughout the game.

What do you think of the way he jumped on and off Nich several times, and moved his vote around to many different players throughout D1?

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Scatter brained and impulsive. Tbh, I could probably easily sway him if I needed the vote bad enough. I think Swiss could as well. I dunno if PLSD could anymore after ruining their credibility with inactivity.

I think he's looking for where to be and I haven't felt that any of his flips were unnatural.

As for Nich in particular, he's been so balls ******** about a lot of things I don't care about the switching. This is exactly what I was talking about when I said he was an easy mislynch.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
If you mean "make me vote the way you want" -- since you are a town read I would agree.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
And you are right that Swiss is a town read as well. Btw where the heck is Swiss??


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
As far as "sctter brained" goes I wouldn't describe it as that. There is something to be said for placing a vote on someone and making a case while examining their defense for sincerity. If I get sincere town vibes from the person (especially if its a player that appeared as Nich did) I will unvote because I have been burned too many times on easy D1 lynches.

I think I was very well thought out on SK and ultimately their defense has convinced me very strongly that they are not scum and so I unvoted again.

At that point I became impulsive and I guess I was scatter brained. Losing two strong cases just had that effect on me.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
Reyth's analysis of the game seems too spot-on to be scatterbrained. He seems to remember what I've done better than I do.

Also agreed with DG's reasoning for Reyth town, thanks T-block for asking that question and then quoting it just now, I didn't notice it until then.

Though I do think there is some benefit to not CONSTANTLY updating everyone with your reads.

And yeah Kangaroo, I was basically asking for two scumpicks to lynch between. What do you mean about Nabe and two "mod-confirmed townies" ?


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
Nobody else seems to want to vote for Ran, huh? At least agree with me that the path he's on is anti-town...
Just saying, if we find ourselves being forced to lynch between vg.jpg and Nabe tomorrow, I'm gonna be pretty pissed.
Also, I just thought of the fact that what if one of Ran's targets gets NKed?

Kawaii Kangaroo

Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2011
VG.jpg said:
And yeah Kangaroo, I was basically asking for two scumpicks to lynch between. What do you mean about Nabe and two "mod-confirmed townies" ?
Oh nothing it's a joke about FF6 Mafia since Nabe brought it up recently where he put Myself(Confirmed Town Neighbor/Vote Blocker) and Cello(Town Cop) who were as close as you could get to mod-confirmed townies with the exact same ability.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
That would be a nightmare. Hey any chance Ran's ability was made up on the spot in the scum QT? I mean your question about the traget getting NK'ed and my question about how the power would be revealed to the town do throw some monkey wrenches into it.

I also remember thinking that it was thrown in as an afterthought to make his claim sound more believable; e.g. his buddies in the QT were like "oh better throw an extra ability in there that sounds too strong to be scum held".

I hope all that isn't too much tinfoil hat. I think it needs to be discussed anyway.

Kawaii Kangaroo

Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2011
It is way too much tinfoil hat.

VG.jpg, would you mind if I turn the question back on you? Who would you use Ran's ability on and why?

^TB, I want you to answer this as well.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
I wish there was some way we could force him not to use his power and I don't even know if usiong his power is even pro-town.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
VG.jpg, would you mind if I turn the question back on you? Who would you use Ran's ability on and why?
Bleck, I'm not too sure right now.

looking back at my read list, a few things have changed.

First off, I believe DeGrey's claim. I believe that someone's win condition is to terminate a certain person. Put him as leaning town, at least.
For my town reads, Reyth remains, Nabe remains (I should really read Nick's case on him but I've kind of been ignoring large walls due to the sheer amount of posts.) I no longer know what to think of Ran, except that I hate his reaction to Zen's gambit. As for T-block, I know that when X1 saw my read list, he mostly agreed but kind of thought TB and Nick should be switched, but he wasn't sure.

For my nulls, I still don't have a solid read on July or Swiss. I liked Kangaroo's exchange with Zen, but I would have to get Zen's honest opinion on KK's alignment to judge better, because it sounded like there was some meta involved.

In the scummy section, SoupKat might still belong there (not sure, should reread him as well) Zen is looking a lot better after that gambit, put him as leaning town, and PLSD hasn't done anything.

SOOOO to answer your question? I would probably use my ability on PLSD and July. At least one is likely to be scum, based off my excessive number of town reads, and putting them pressure would probably be the best way to find out.
Alternatively, I would choose PLSD and Swiss, because watching Swiss fight against a 50:50 lynch would entertain me.
I might consider SoupKat in there as well, I guess.

:3 ?


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2011
I wish there was some way we could force him not to use his power and I don't even know if usiong his power is even pro-town.
This is what I've been thinking, but obviously he won't listen to me because I'm "scum"

Sooo, anyone want me to address anything while I'm here? I'd prefer to avoid walls for now, I'm not in the mood for burning myself out.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2011
You know the more I think about it, the more I think its a scum power. After all its only a 1-shot, right?

What has brought me to think that is when I tried to think of a way to use his power as if it was a town directed vig. I then realized it does nothing but constrain our choices and in a sense "waste" a day lynch. I could see this power named "Hypnotic Spell" and be just as accurate.

Kawaii Kangaroo

Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2011
Okay I am going to get to a few things when I get back from practice later tonight.

1476 I like.

Btw @ Asdioh. Zen's read on my slot is he wants us to be scum more then he actually believes so. He's actually null-leaning townish.
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