I mean, ripple isn't wrong lol. He's blunt and comes off like he has a huge head sometimes, but he's the best DDD by a good margin. I play with Heysuess on a weekly basis, and he's amazing, but literally just watch a ripple set, like the more recent ones vs Kels. His control over neutral, how crisp his conversions are, and his general decision makings are all top notch.
Instead of just posting another tier list or vague opinions about fox/squirtle/reaction times, I'm going to try to be productive. grouping characters in a rough list of how well they are equip to deal with every situation the cast can throw at them.
Can deal with (nearly) Every situation, has strong tools for most if not all interactions with other characters:

Have good tools to deal with most situations, and have the ability to use their good tools to prevent the situations they can't cover well at most times:

Lose to some common counter-play/situations, like platform camping, getting opened up by pressure/rush down, or specific interactions that only pertain to that character's MUs (Olimar's pikmin flying around/dropping from lasers, etc), but still have the good tools to avoid those situations against some characters/un-optimal execution of them or mitigate their damage from being in them (or winning the situations they do win very hard):

Lose to simple strategies and game plans, normally related to proper CC/SDI, or just committed camping, despite controlling the situations they do win very well:

slight inaccuracies within these groupings aside, It seems to follow the trend that characters that are faster, with better movement, and less commitment on projectiles or pokes are more equip to deal with every situation in the game. Its not a tier list, but It just kinda boggles me that we can have characters like diddy, fox, wolf, m2, characters with options for any situation; in the same game as ness or kirby or DK, who win very small subsets of interactions, and their tools and flexibility overall are very cut and dry.
I was with you till this ridiculous hyperbole lol. Wolf/diddy are incredibly developed tech wise, just don't have a lot of good players driving the application of the tools (june as the exception obviously, although neon is getting there and rapidly improving every week, he took a set off axe last night)