So I just finished making a video demonstrating peach being either regrabbed or followed up with an aerial at percents 0, 30, and 65 (not 70 because that is when I said the regrab ends, so I just demonstrated for 65 in the video including for the guaranteed easy no trade aerial follow-up on DI up and away, even though the regrab on DI away might actually barely work at 70). I'll link the vid once it's on my YT. It's really crappily shot with a plain camcorder on my CRT so there are bars going down the screen but if you pay attention you can see the changes in color for hitstun.
Suggestions for the vid name btw? I'm thinking "I Told You So" but that seems a bit immature, so how about "Surprise, DThrow is good"
This took like 2 hours so no I'm not going to demonstrate this on other characters for you. If you can't trust my testing methods after this then you are beyond hope
Ahh, my intuition was thinking of the wrong DI. Indeed up and away can get punished. However, I just tried this with down and away, which was the DI that I was thinking of. You have to be frame perfect, but you can get a regrab at 0%. No regrab options after that %. No followup options outside of regrab at any % (Dash attack whiffs at 0%). Peach is always out of hitstun before she hits the ground, so if she's frame perfect she can nair or double jump and not be forced into the tech situation. Assuming human error and non-optimal DI, you should be getting tech chases off of dthrow, but nothing else if your opponent DI's down and away.
I was getting super confused at first, but then it started making sense. I was thinking of down and away, which is the optimal escape DI for her dthrow, not up and away. I think dthrow still serves its purpose, but it's still quite a ways away from being really good. If they mess up their DI, there are indeed followups, but like I said, there are no followups after the first regrab (You have to be frame perfect, once again) at 0%. I could post a video, but I hope you believe on this one or will test it yourself.
Sheik players. >=[
Anyway, how much does ZSS gain from having a positional advantage / having opponents offstage? Her great DD + falcon uair + strong spacing moves would lead me to believe that she gets quite a bit.
BTW, just throwing this out there; Bowser gets no guaranteed followups whatsoever from his throws except against [semi-]fastfallers, and I don't really consider it a problem - the stage position gained (as well as the damage) is invaluable. I don't know if that's a valid mindset to apply to ZSS, just pointing out that not every character necessarily needs a hoo-hah.
Positional advantage is a pretty big deal to ZSS, imo. There's the obvious "throw them off the stage" positional advantage which fthrow and bthrow do well. Forcing opponents on platforms is super deadly, too. She has uair and nair, which are moves that love to scoop people off of platforms and start a combo. She has the safe tech chase option of up-b. And she can just do the normal waveland regrab thing. Pushing players past the 2/3 portion of the stage is really valuable, too. Especially on a stage like PS2, corner them past the side platform and face backwards. Spam bair and they're trapped in a very scary corner situation. Their mobility options are super limited and you can use the platform to place bairs in all sorts of awkward locations. Throwing them out of center stage is also its own reward, too. She gets the mileage she needs from her throws, for sure.