Squirtle suffers from terrible design syndrome. Small, fast, slippery, low priority, awkward jump height and fall speed, light armor on half of his moves, turnaround hitbox. The alternative to a really mediocre character with that kind of build is, well, Sonic pretty much. Like any other polarising design, Squirtle lives in extremes.
How is Squirtle's design terrible? I think he's one of the most fun character designs in any Smash game. I like that he is a small, fast, slippery critter with light armor and a turnaround hitbox. It's unique, which is what Smash has always been about. If you think Squirtle could use some buffed hitboxes or a slightly different jump height, then I can get behind that, but I don't think he needs any changes that significantly alter his play style or overall design. I very much don't want to play Demo 3 to find that he doesn't play anything like he does now, and it's not because I've put a bunch of time into him. If anything, I don't want him drastically changed because I am looking forward to exploring his current design.
Whoever is in charge of making his changes should do this:
- Give him a useful DA. Either give it some decent KB so you can push people off stage with it (nothing ridiculous), or make it so he can pop people upwards with it into a combo (preferably the former because Withdraw and utilt both sort of cover the second role already).
- Dair needs to work more like Mario's by sort of sucking the opponent towards him, and a bit better priority couldn't hurt. As it is now, it's just too easy for the opponent to (not even intentionally) DI out of it. As an alternative, it could work more like Jigglypuff's or Fox's drill where it pushes the opponent into the ground. Maybe even making it a meteor like Kirby's dair (or 64 style spike?

- Nair doesn't really do anything at all for him, atm. Aside from being used to break through certain recoveries with the light armor, I have a hard time coming up with any scenarios where I would rather nair than use any other aerial. I would like to see it become a reverse sex kick (just put a small water-blast at the end with increased KB and slightly more priority). The beginning, weak part of the nair will help because he desperately lacks any sort of horizontal combo game, and of course the end of the move could be used for edgeguarding, finishing off combos, or even zoning by doing something like FHing and ACing it so the end comes out right before he lands.
- Water Gun is just weird... He can zone with it sort of, but even that doesn't really work because it doesn't even do damage half the time. Then there's the whole part about charging it making it worse. Everyone's recoveries in P:M are way too good for the push back to ever really accomplish anything. Idk what they can do with it, but I wouldn't be upset seeing the entirety of the move scrapped.