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Tier List Speculation

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005

So I'm pretty much solidifying my statement that Link beats the spacies now...
He has that death touch on them, out of quite a few setups, can force them to approach, and outzones them pretty well. He also kills them easier, overall, than they kill him, all things considered.

I've been wrecking the FFers around my area, but I'm kind of in a box, so I wanted somebody else to do well against the high level...
From what I've heard, Nick beat ColBol's fox & Wolf_ beat M2K's Fox. I think this is starting to show the truth.
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Smash Cadet
Aug 2, 2012
I'm going to make an extremely conceited, yet also honest post, which will probably garner me a lot of hate, but here goes anyway:

Me and other top players use spacies a lot because we have played the character for years, and years, and years. I'm talking 100s, usually 1,000s of hours. When you make a character almost identical (Except you don't need to have as good of a controller to move them fast because you only need to push the control stick like half-as-far to register a dash as you do in melee, which is really neat/nice), people are going to move onto those characters.

There's a reason I choose to play fox, falco, marth, sheik/zelda, Mario, Mewtwo, etc.

I've messed around with them since SSBM was released. I've been playing all of these characters a lot since ~2002. Pretty much 12 years. And I probably messed around with them more than anyone. I've logged MANY 100s of hours into a -LOT- of characters. Some of the above are just naming a few. I'll probably mess with more in the future, but what I've done is already done.

Doc was my first main before tourneys in 2004 so I use him quite a bit in the past. I've even played all top docs in dittos (besides shroomed) and 4 stock mid % pretty much all of them. That's just a ditto and one example but the point is I'm very good with the character due to all previous time with him. I started with Fox/Marth (mostly Fox) in tournaments starting Feb 14, 2005 at KOTC, where Zanguzen beat me by 1 stock twice. Next tourney I beat him back with doc by 3 stocks. This stood out cuz it was my extremely early days.

Fox/Mewtwo/Marth (and recently Sheik) are some of the characters, in all my ~10k hours playing Melee, that i put the MOST time into. The transition from melee to pm is VERY easy since the characters are basically identical, and mewtwo is no longer low tier garbage. I use those characters due to all the skill automatically transferring, then I focus on the new PM differences/MUs so I can improve myself for that game, starting from an EXTREMELY good starting point, thanks to all my time messing around with melee.

I got lucky; I had/have a HUGE advantage that I messed around for fun with so many melee characters. I won't lie. I had no life. I played alone all the time, just to entertain myself. I tested so many countless things about smash. It's just absurd what I tried to do.

http://smashboards.com/threads/ssbm-statistics-list.30064/ for an example to prove I am not lying lol.

From dedicating 9 years into smash, I have grown to understand smash, theory-craft, practicality, and a LOT of things to a VERY advanced level. I think I may have played smash in total more than anybody, even if just by a bit. But that's just a guess. With theorycraft (esp during the brawl days when I cared about the game a lot like early 2010, or 2007 days when I was completely obsessed with being the perfect melee player with marth/fox) it becomes WAY more.

People just see results, and think "this is how things are". Or they see "top melee pro using their best characters from melee, where the skill all transfers, so these must be the best characters once again"

i say NO lol

There are so many underrated characters with VAST potential. Link is freaking incredible, but until Lord HDL comes and gets into his prime and plays this game, you guys won't see what his true potential is really capable of. You're just seeing the "true" potential of characters top melee pros play. I'll name the top 5 melee pros as examples, PP/me with marth, mango with spacies, me i guess me with sheik when i use her and maybe doc, my mewtwo (Even though taj/kdj's mewtwos fail from what I've seen; they both lost to ally's ike and then I beat him last month 3 stock low % same MU, or 3-0d dehf's spacies after taj lost both games, or 2 stocked the link that 3 stocked kdj) who I've logged just as many hours into as Fox (my most two used PM characters by far), PP's falco/marth (even tho he basically never plays PM), Hbox's puff (even though he never plays PM), and any top melee pro who just goes and uses the same character, is going to have the advantage of their character basically near-mastered already, outside of some MU experience and small differences.

I got lucky I spent so much of my time with mewtwo before he was announced in PM. Easily over 1k hours logged into that character and I get to play a near identical just improved one for PM so that transition was easy. Prob played him bout 100 hours now I'd say. Fox/Mewtwo are all I really play most of the time in PM. I've basically almost already fully mastered those characters; due to how long I played them already in Melee (not to mention in PM also). And I require Fox for hbox so I've logged tremendous time into fox recently from melee but I no longer need a good controller to use him well thanks to PM using the Brawl factor that you don't need to push the control stick as far to initiate a dash (esp dash-backwards the way you aren't facing) frame perfectly which is important at top level play.

As far as I've seen, even the worst of characters (like toon link and kirby? idk) can become good enough to win (although they may or may not need to be improved a bit; yes a BIT plz stop with MASSIVE tweaks just do very tiny ones plz aka what was done from sonic 2.5 to 2.6 was just dumb).

I didn't even want to vote on the CT tier list because not only do i not trust any of their uneducated opinions, but as much experience as I have from fighting so many people and traveling everywhere, I don't fully trust my own either. And when people aren't sure what to do they are just merely going to look at tourney results, and/or say the top melee chars are automatically the best again even though the worse characters (Link comes to mind for me immediately) are made -WAY- better.

I don't trust anybody's tier lists really, except my own for melee. Falco > Fox > Puff > Sheik > Marth > Peach > ICs > Falcon > Doc > Pikachu > Luigi > rest barely matter. Something either exactly that or very close to that, for me. I was against tier list stuff in general due to how uneducated most people are about most of the list. I don't even feel fully comfortable with ordering the worse characters in an exact order, despite how much I know about the ENTIRE melee cast.

tl;dr there are a lot of really good, unexplored characters. Mainly the melee top tiers are mostly already explored/mastered to the extreme, but the new ones not nearly as much (or not by as skilled of players). I don't care if that's "shot's fired", because it's my honest opinion. There is no Link that has mastered Link as much as any melee top pro has mastered their character. The way I see it, most of these new characters are capable of so much. inb4proveityourself which I've done many times with old claims (I said sheik was the best in 2009, people said prove it, so then I did for a while, people said to use puff if she's so broken, and i required her in order to win both Rom6 and Rom7 teams). I'm trying to explain why I choose melee characters myself (12 years of experience basically) for now, and why I believe there is so much potential with so many other characters. You can say "I could become the best if i was using a better character" from melee all you want, but unless you're Axe or Amsa, it is hard to take such statements seriously. I'm pretty much top 3 with every char in the cast from melee due to my basic fundamentals/understanding of smash/time spent playing many characters, so I can actually make this claim for myself, but I'm not going to take the randoms who main Roy and stuff seriously when I'm basically the best or 2nd best roy/GW/pichu/etc from melee while barely playing those characters outside for fun.

The ACTUAL reality is that those characters (the lower tiers) are MUCH LESS EXPLORED BY TOP PLAYERS THAN THE TOP TIERS FROM MELEE ARE.

Same is true for the brand new characters (Pit Lucas Ivysaur Wolf etc).

The reason is because why would somebody like DrPeePee spend all his time using Roy when he can be using Falco/Marth instead? He would be WASTING HIS TALENT to do that. So he invests his time and therefore specifc skillset into mastering the viable melee characters. This does NOT mean you need to make his melee mains crappier in PM with each update. (not saying anyone will; just saying in general).

The game is so new and unexplored still, because not many top pros use the new characters or have mastered them yet. Armaada for example has told me he did not play Pit very long, but is still immediately very good with him. Now it is true that I think pit is an amazing top tier, but imagine if his full skill would transfer from his melee peach for instance. We probably wouldn't be beating his pit at all because he would have invested so many 100s/1000s of hours into the character already with most of the skill immediately transferring almost completely. This does not necessarily make X character to be a certain level, you have to consider how mastered a character is already. I think spacies get comboed to hell and back for instance, and I just played Kels Fox with my mewtwo on oro's stream and beat him taking only 45% (the other games were all 2-4 stock still though, but I also 3 stock 30% in the mewtwo ditto). Mewtwo i think is good right now, but also not great. He's a good design i think. He's about mid-high tier imo, atm. He's pretty low/mid tier vs floaties, cuz his combo game lacks, but he's high/top tier vs the fast fallers it seems, cuz that is where his combos shine the most.

Link was bad design, you guys just made everything OP as hell. What the hell at a 12% lagless grapple that leads to kills, a lagless grab you can spam from a distance and usually not punish, dash attack comboing everything, jab being automatic combo to grab which leads to chain grabs or KOs, up B OOS or grab OOS both being a good 50 50 mixup on owning someone that touches your shield, insane recovery but also super heavy on top of boomerang comboing to everything, that's just super buffing everything from a melee mid tier and that's not good design.

All that was was trying to make worse characters better so that average smash players can pick up the character and upset really really good players who choose to use their best characters from melee. (Sorry but the truth is if you're a pro player in melee and/or brawl esp melee, then you are most likely just a really good player in general, and it's pretty unfair/dumb to want to punish them for that reason).

If you're "-only- good at PM", and you use a new gimmicky character, then your character is most likely either
a) secretly amazing/underrated
or b) no one knows the MU
or c) some combination of a + b.

You shouldn't be PUNISHED for wanting to use the same character you use from melee just cuz they were a good melee character, just like you shouldn't be so heavily rewarded for picking up the newest ridiculous character before he's fixed (2.5 sonic, 2.6 Ivy/Link iirc, etc). Big tweaks are also a little ridiculous, they should be minor adjustments a little at a time for the most part. In general, I would say pretty much leave the good melee chars alone, make the worse chars a little better (mewtwo/mario were a good example of what you guys did right, even though some moves like Confusion are still pretty useless compared to powershielding for example), leave top tiers alone (fox was made a LOT Worse than you guys think even already for example; laser camping is basically pointless because the damage you get from it is usually not worth the stage-control you lose from it, unless it's a super long stage vs a slow character on like pokemon stadium; I'm the run-away fox from Melee so I can really feel how much worse it's become. I'd highly prefer you restored fox to his regular melee self, but I know it's just insane to be asking here to do that since there is so much spacie bias since melee pros [mostly spacie players] can transfer their skill level over that way, and god forbid that happens), otherwise the melee pros are just going to be unhappy + might quit the game + that's unfair to do; they're just using a VASTLY more mastered character and they aren't stupid if they're a top player, they CHOSE a high/top tier (anyone from falcon to spacies on the tier list) because they want to win, so they INVESTED most of their melee time into a VIABLE character, so then that gets to immediately transfer into PM. This does NOT mean "X character is X good because Melee pro [aka very good player in general] did well with their main", which most people fail to understand.

Basically there are a lot of extremely good characters, but the most unexplored ones (by the most skilled players anyway) are the newer ones to me. I understand lack of MU knowledge against them to a degree, but that isn't more important than their actual untapped potential, imo. Which most characters aren't nearly there yet because godlike players from melee (or brawl but honestly mostly melee since pm is generally a lot more based on melee than brawl by far) use those characters because they would rather use characters they already mastered from melee, and they shouldn't have to be punished for that.

edit - btw, tiers seem a LOT Closer (even bottom to top diferences), than they were in Melee or Brawl. So I can see bottom tiers being quite close to as good as some top tiers in this game, where I absolutely could never see that in Melee or Brawl, so it's good success so far imo.
Sooooo much this. Everybody in the UK seems convinced that Fox is amazing in Project M (note: everybody in the UK mains Fox in melee, that's barely an exaggeration) and I tried making this argument (developed meta + practice and experience with character =/= broken character) but they were having none of it. Frankly I think they are mad and I look forward to when I can remind them that it was clear Fox was NOT OP ages before they cottoned on.

tl;dr Mew2King is too right on this, ya'll need to know your Smash.


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2014
I think they should remove all healing and make solar beam charge faster to compensate.
This would make Ivysaur even more powerful. The heal is a nice side effect, but solarbeam is the real reason you're using neutral B.

If you want to nerf Ivysaur a bit the better choice is to reduce her weight or kill power.

Hax lost to a diddy and got 5th this weekend. He said diddy was dumb.
I definitely find this to be a bad attitude. Brawl / changed Melee character wins = they're dumb, bad design, etc. Unchanged Melee character wins = all skill baby.

That's not to say there aren't some characters who have design issues, but a lot of people are way too quick to complain about the new stuff.

Truer words have never been spoken (nothing against the guy with the sig but more about people complaining about top tier in melee and then transferring over those complaints as if they apply 1:1).

I've been standing my ground about falco in particular not deserving the #2 spot for the past 15-20 pages in this thread.
You might not have seen that particular post, but M2K doesn't actually agree with you, he said he thinks Falco is still one of the best, in particular better than Fox.

I am definitely starting to agree with you on Falco though, I just think he's really not that versatile and not that well suited to fighting some of the new characters. I am, however, still very convinced that Fox is top tier, probably the best in the game. Unlike Falco, who has a few specific strengths and equally many weaknesses, virtually everything about Fox except his recovery is among the best in the game.
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Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2012
West Chester, Pennsylvania
So, the salt is there because all the tech that melee pros/players have grinded out for years is equated by Brawl players and newcomers in a matter of months (weeks in some cases).
And yet I see brawl players in PM using things like RAR and other stuff from brawl and PM as well as the stuff from melee. Meanwhile I see melee players largely only using the melee and PM techniques. Of course it's going to be equated quickly if you don't bother to learn one side of the game. It's like fighting someone who can wavedash/land in a competitive manner without being allowed to do so. Just saying.
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Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
Stupid question: why does everyone keep calling Ivysaur 'her'? I know quite a bit about Pokemon, but I wasn't sure how this suspicion arose. If it's actually been pointed out factually as this particular Ivysaur being female, feel free to point this out. Also, I'm confident the Pokemon are usually in due to being so iconic (or the particular ones) but I was never sure who actually owned the particular Ivysaur in question.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Stupid question: why does everyone keep calling Ivysaur 'her'? I know quite a bit about Pokemon, but I wasn't sure how this suspicion arose. If it's actually been pointed out factually as this particular Ivysaur being female, feel free to point this out. Also, I'm confident the Pokemon are usually in due to being so iconic (or the particular ones) but I was never sure who actually owned the particular Ivysaur in question.
Japanese voice actress was female. That's why.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
Japanese voice actress was female. That's why.
I don't really see why an actors voice should make an immediate statement as to the gender of a particular Pokemon, but I see your point. Pokemon logic.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
Pikachu's voice actor in Japan and America are the same and both female. We don't call Pikachu a girl. Get out of here with that ****.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2012
Gainesville, Florida
And yet I see brawl players in PM using things like RAR and other stuff from brawl and PM as well as the stuff from melee. Meanwhile I see melee players largely only using the melee and PM techniques. Of course it's going to be equated quickly if you don't bother to learn one side of the game. It's like fighting someone who can wavedash/land in a competitive manner without being allowed to do so. Just saying.
You may be misunderstanding me. But I'm saying that the general melee player probably thinks that not me :) I'm still trying to get RAR down... its easy to do but not easy to see where it fits for me.


Jul 27, 2012
vancouver bc
people sure do dislike space animal discussion

it's almost like we've had the discussion a million times before, and every single time it devolved into complete utter horseshit where at one point space animal players were trying to tell everyone the best player in the world at the time clearly never played the game before

but no, I guess this one is more important, because the guy who thinks a full second of length in a move isn't enough time to react is in the discussion now

fuuuuuuuuck all y'all I'm going back to bed
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Ali Baba 177

Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2014
So with the time I have spent with looking at the game results and opinions, as you know I have done my best with trying to make a tier list for now. I have thought a lot and I think a lot of debate on tier lists is because people think they show or mean different things. Let me explain what at least my tier list means;

I was looking at my results for the tournament tier list and realized its not really a tier list based on skill, or potential. But it shows the likelyhood of encountering that character in a top 8 match at the next random tournament. So if I were to go fly to some random tournament without knowing who was gonna be there or where it was, lol, those are the percentages I will meet that character in a top 8 match. I think this des not accomplish what people are searching for in a tier list but does give valuable information. It shows you who is being played at a higher caliber at the moment, it shows you what characters probably have little known about MU's, and plenty of other things.

My community tier list is purely based off of the survey you guys filled out here. This shows what characters people believe have potential or are doing well at the moment, a combination of current opinion and attempts at theorycrafting. People have talked on here before about how people think different things because of different areas of play, but this survey should hopefully show a more averaged opinion nationwide. I think you can take things out of this tier list too.

I then compiled this information, with about 40%tournament, 45%community, and 15%CT/other peoples tier lists. This combined tier list ultimately shows the short term game in my opinion. It does not show who has the most potential, or imagine every character at the best of there capabilities. IT merely shows what characters will be viable in the short term, a month? three months? This list is fair assumptioning of the current 'tier list' but it is definitely easy to change. If a some new player comes and starts destroying with squirtle, not only will his tournament results go up, but peoples opinion, therefore boosting him in this method. I will post my next tier list at the beginning of May I think.

Tournament 'Tier' (APR).png


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2014
Stupid question: why does everyone keep calling Ivysaur 'her'? I know quite a bit about Pokemon, but I wasn't sure how this suspicion arose. If it's actually been pointed out factually as this particular Ivysaur being female, feel free to point this out.
The Bulbasaur line is one of the few species of Pokemon that has gender dimorphism, take a look at this page:


The female Venusaur has a yellow seed in her flower, while the male does not.

The Ivysaur in Brawl, despite her deep voice, does indeed have the seed inside her flower. You can't always see it as the flower is usually closed, but it can be seen from some angles, such as in this picture:


Therefore Brawl Ivysaur is female. It's quite possible this was unintentional on Sakurai's part.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2014
All tethers frame data(yay monkunit):
  1. Yoshi
  2. Standing - Total: 50, Grab: 11-12, 13-21
  3. Pivot - Total: 35, Grab: 11-12, 13-21
  4. Dash - Total: 49, Grab: 11-12, 13-22
  5. Neutral-B - Total: 39, Grab: 17-18, 19-21
Trying it ingame I see this is all true but I don't see any framespeed modifiers to shorten the frame count in BrawlBox. Is the 'Subroutine External: gameAnimCmd_CaptureCutCommon' some weird way of calling another function to apply the fsm? If that's true then it looks like there's an fsm of 1.5 applied at that time.


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2014
only Venusaur has the actual sex difference though
It's only visible on Venusaur in the games because Bulbasaur and Ivysaur are usually depicted with their flowers closed, but it seems fairly clear it would apply to them as well. Would you expect the seed to just vanish / appear when the thing evolves?
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Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
people sure do dislike space animal discussion

it's almost like we've had the discussion a million times before, and every single time it devolved into complete utter horse**** where at one point space animal players were trying to tell everyone the best player in the world at the time clearly never played the game before

but no, I guess this one is more important, because the guy who thinks a full second of length in a move isn't enough time to react is in the discussion now

fuuuuuuuuck all y'all I'm going back to bed
Bed...? It's 10:30 in the morning???


Nov 26, 2009
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Trying it ingame I see this is all true but I don't see any framespeed modifiers to shorten the frame count in BrawlBox. Is the 'Subroutine External: gameAnimCmd_CaptureCutCommon' some weird way of calling another function to apply the fsm? If that's true then it looks like there's an fsm of 1.5 applied at that time.
There are frame speed mods inside if the codeset not visible with psa


Smash Cadet
Oct 24, 2013
See, tier lists aren't about "which is theoretically the best character", they are about "which character is the best at what are currently considered the top levels of play". When we update tier lists, we're not saying that the old one was wrong and the new one is more accurate, we're saying that the metagame has changed and the old one is outdated. In early brawl, Olimar and and Zero Suit weren't just great characters that hadn't been learned correctly yet, they were characters that were only okay given the state of the metagame at the time. That's what tier lists are for, because that's what makes them useful.

So, in the current state of the metagame, the melee tops are performing better on average. This, to me, justifies a higher rating on the tier list. It's artificial, and it doesn't feel very good, but those characters have just had a really big head start. The ranking will no doubt go down with time though, as the other characters catch up to meeting their potential. It's only a matter of time.

That being said, it might be too much time, which is why I would be willing to support some nerfs to the old melee tops to encourage the development of the other characters. I'd artificially try to keep them around mid-high to high teir, staying away from top, until we feel things have evened out enough that they can be returned to their full glory. But that's another discussion entirely.
Well, your interpretation of what the list means is fine, however, when you say "melee tops are performing better on average" who exactly are you refering to and what do you mean by performing? Fox and falco were the best in melee and in PM tournaments they are not winning them (fox won 1 or 2 and I don't think falco won any... mind you, there have been dozens of tournaments since 3.0 release) and falco in particular is barely even placing in top 8 (he is nearly non existent on that list). Unless you meant something else in terms of performance.

This would make Ivysaur even more powerful. The heal is a nice side effect, but solarbeam is the real reason you're using neutral B.

You might not have seen that particular post, but M2K doesn't actually agree with you, he said he thinks Falco is still one of the best, in particular better than Fox.

I am definitely starting to agree with you on Falco though, I just think he's really not that versatile and not that well suited to fighting some of the new characters. I am, however, still very convinced that Fox is top tier, probably the best in the game. Unlike Falco, who has a few specific strengths and equally many weaknesses, virtually everything about Fox except his recovery is among the best in the game.
Yeah, Im pretty sure M2k still believes (in his opinion) that spacies are still the best, which is understandable given how young PM is. I was only quoting him because he mentioned that people complained about spacies in melee (which was certainly justified) and then carried over their complaints to PM as if they applied 1:1 when they actually don't. The frame data is the same and their play style is the same, but the cast can handle them both on and off stage much better. And yeah, falco will eventually drop in the tier list once people realized that he is soooo much easier to get off stage now than he was in melee.
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Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
Falco can now b-reverse his lasers.

This world can't take much more before the inevitable happens..


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Pikachu's voice actor in Japan and America are the same and both female. We don't call Pikachu a girl. Get out of here with that ****.
Female Pikachu have a notch in their tale, so the Pikachu in Smash is 100% male.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
Stupid question: why does everyone keep calling Ivysaur 'her'? I know quite a bit about Pokemon, but I wasn't sure how this suspicion arose. If it's actually been pointed out factually as this particular Ivysaur being female, feel free to point this out. Also, I'm confident the Pokemon are usually in due to being so iconic (or the particular ones) but I was never sure who actually owned the particular Ivysaur in question.

Ivy is what people usually nickname Ivysaur, and since Ivy is a female name, most of us unconsciously started calling her a "she" since 2.5. It just stuck.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2014
I think Power sap healing could get a rework of it only healing 3% if you have the solarbeam charged and 5% if it isn't.As well the flower should be put on a fixed rate.On the other hand Im fine with bair getting nerfed,but only if her grounded moves weren't so mediocre.Overall I do say bair is too strong and needs nerfed but something needs to be brought up to compensation for that as to make a better developed and more well rounded character with more options and not just a very few large and strong ones.
Thats all just my opinion though.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Ivysaur in Project M is canonically a female, as our website calls her such.

Also holy god the past few pages have been garbage.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Seriously though, how many of your mothers did m2k sleep with?

Only person who knows how to properly argue with m2k was Hylian outside of him making fun of m2k's past ideas about the future of the metagame and how he was wrong then, he argued facts against theory, and he won.

How does what he said not make sense about Fox and Falco and that their metagame has already developed and good players who have done it before will do it again? I see it time and time again locally when the good melee players who don't even play PM come in and do the same **** over and over and over again with the spacies vs people who play and have trained to be good but don't have that melee competitive mindset or experience.

That's what matters the most, is the smash experience. You guys notice that other than like 3% of the player base, 97% of the people I see top 5ing in PM were top/high/mid-high level players from not just melee, but brawl as well? Same dudes who top 5 in the other games do well in this one, too.

I won't do this, but I would like to run a PM tournament where S tier characters (fox/falco/sheik/marth) are banned along with whatever your main was in Melee so you are forced to look elsewhere and to basically proctor a different metagame manually. But it's like banning MetaKnight in brawl, a bad idea overall.

Most relevant post I read.

PM, the brawl minus that you're supposed to take seriously
You people who make this game need to make more characters "broken" to make this game more fun and to entice players to not keep playing ****ing fox and ****ing falco and ****ing marth and ****ing sheik* and ****ing metaknight. Not just the time you made Ike/DK/Sonic, you need to buff the **** out of everyone!

I agree with m2k that this game is more about matchups, and buffing more characters will do that.

*Yes, I know sheik isn't very good in this. And, yes, I don't really play PM outside of tournaments, but I do run, enter and support PM at my events and online.

Ali Baba 177

Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2014
Ivysaur in Project M is canonically a female, as our website calls her such.

Also holy god the past few pages have been garbage.
Eeh woah there horsey, my post was just trying to help out the community and give some information and analysis I have collected! Did anyone even read my post?!?!????


Smash Cadet
Oct 24, 2013
How does one determine how much an opinion is worth?
Well we don't know the exact numbers, but clearly someone who just picked up the game might not have anywhere near the same understanding as someone who's been playing for several years. It's not that M2k's opinion matters more than your's or mine, but that neither should be thrown into the garbage (since most people here have been playing for a very long time and have a good understanding of the game).

Some people here (and it's pretty obvious who they are) believe that if you don't agree with them then what you wrote is garbage (lol, maybe even that opinion shouldn't be considered garbage... even though we intuitively know it is). I still don't agree with people's opinion on placement of spacies, but i damn sure know that spacies are extremely good and undoubtably are going to be placed somewhere in the high end of the spectrum so I don't discard anyones opinion since we all agree that spacies are at the top/high tier. Where exactly are they at the top is what is being discussed and where different opinions come into play. Hell' we might all be wrong in the end, only time will tell.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2014
@Mew2King Also links jab-jab>grab is not guaranteed. I used to think it was but you can CC>roll/dodge out of it with any character I've tried. If you roll behind him you can usually punish it and spot dodge is questionable if you get the punish.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
@Mew2King Also links jab-jab>grab is not guaranteed. I used to think it was but you can CC>roll/dodge out of it with any character I've tried. If you roll behind him you can usually punish it and spot dodge is questionable if you get the punish.
This is true. Also you can reliably punish a missed grab by link with at least a grab of your own from a spotdodge or just outspacing it.
Some of his topics about Link were a bit exaggerated, but I agreed with a lot of the other stuff he was saying.
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Smash Ace
May 8, 2009
Well, your interpretation of what the list means is fine, however, when you say "melee tops are performing better on average" who exactly are you refering to and what do you mean by performing? Fox and falco were the best in melee and in PM tournaments they are not winning them (fox won 1 or 2 and I don't think falco won any... mind you, there have been dozens of tournaments since 3.0 release) and falco in particular is barely even placing in top 8 (he is nearly non existent on that list). Unless you meant something else in terms of performance.
I really don't have any evidence to back this claim up, I just assumed as such because it seems like everyone is arguing whether these characters are top tier or not. It seemed reasonable that it wouldn't be discussed like this unless they were topping. My mistake!

My point still remains I think though. I am pretty sure based on what I've been hearing that there are still many melee tops topping in PM (don't tell me I'm still making the same mistake. Will I ever learn?).
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