Getting that much mileage off of a single move that outclasses most of his other options is clearly not very good game design.
Have Spacies been adequately dealt with to the point that we need to talk about Link's ****ing Boomerang right now?
No seriously, this is getting ridiculous. I can understanding wanting to be somewhat faithful to the Melee portion of the fanbase, but why are the people that only care about Project M, who are most faithful to this game and would still play it whether or not it had Melee Fox's and Falcon's exact moveset, expected to put up with this crap in a game that purports character balance as a primary goal? As long as the spacies remain this toxic, stay as this metagame-defining force, character balance will be nothing but a joke without a punchline.
Letting the spacies have their mindless, flowchart nairshines and their pillars and their dominating neutrals is a serious slap in the face to every player that has to work every inch for every percent and stock that they get. Every Lucario that has to work his fingers as fast as he thinks, every Jiggs that has to fish for the tiniest of mistakes so she can try play perfectly and get a stock off it, every Ganon that has to input frame perfect powershields when his opponent can run away and keep hitting Y + B like his other buttons are broken. Tell me what makes the melee fanbase so special and so dear to this game that their characters are more important than everyone else's and the only change their precious spacies recieved was one they didn't notice until the changelog.
Maybe asking the Melee community to assist this one in its growth made sense at one point, but it's been repeatedly ignored, belittled, put down or outright derided by prominent members of that very community. Project M has not flourished because of Melee players, it has flourished
in spite of them. You're not going to get the Scars of the world to take the game seriously, please stop trying. And stop expecting the Project M players to bow to the whims of a community that doesn't even respect them.
So you know, maybe once the actual, most toxic elements of this game are finally addressed, after we've all resounded "What took so long?!" then we can complain about Link's goddamned boomerang.
Which. Is. Fine.