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Tier List Speculation


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
I'm personally having trouble with him not because I disagree with his opinion, but because's he's being really rude about it. Like seriously, what's his beef with Strong Bad? Did SB 3-0 him in a money match sometime or something? And why is he so closed-minded? In his very first post on the topic, he generalized all Melee players, insulted almost every Mario player, insulted Project M players in general, etc etc.
He's also overestimating himself by a LOT. I'll be willing to accept his input if he actually manages to follow through on his threats to curbstomp Strong Bad. Until then, T_E, you won't get any sympathy from me.
Strong bad doesnt live in texas and the nearest nationals I can think of are evo or mlg or hopefully texas showdown if theyre willing to have smash but none of these will hold pm I think, so lucky for strong bad he was able to weasle himself out of another dilemma. Also strong bad cant 3-0 anynody when hes that mad bad, but if you really think i cant bend this scrub over and dominate him in ways youd never imagined then id like you to provide me the tag of any other notable pm smasher and ill take them on. They probably wont be as bad as strong bad obviously but itll prove a point none the less. Ill play better with a blindfold on honestly because nothing gets my smashing juices flowing more than knowing im going to style all over strong bad so the moment I pretend im playing him itll be over for anybody

btw i made this account from being a lurker after seeing all the close minded spacy hatred and bcuz melee satirical posts all intended to wound any and all melee players interested in bringing their fox/falco into a new competetive environment. You cant blame me for being salty about that, its been like 6 months or so and I still see it all the time. The mario stuff is just me venting because watching you guys try to figure out mario is like watching velma try to find her glasses, the worst part of scooby doo


Smash Cadet
Nov 26, 2013
South Pasadena, California
Strong bad doesnt live in texas and the nearest nationals I can think of are evo or mlg or hopefully texas showdown if theyre willing to have smash but none of these will hold pm I think, so lucky for strong bad he was able to weasle himself out of another dilemma. Also strong bad cant 3-0 anynody when hes that mad bad, but if you really think i cant bend this scrub over and dominate him in ways youd never imagined then id like you to provide me the tag of any other notable pm smasher and ill take them on. They probably wont be as bad as strong bad obviously but itll prove a point none the less. Ill play better with a blindfold on honestly because nothing gets my smashing juices flowing more than knowing im going to style all over strong bad so the moment I pretend im playing him itll be over for anybody
Actually I think I have a better idea. How about you stop trying to weasel out of living up to your bragging? If you're going to make bull**** claims like you could 'dominate' Strong Bad, than you better be ready to live up to it.

Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
Spacie main is only attacking Strong Bad because it's the only name he knows at all, and for some reason really wants to justify how little he wants to learn a new game, and learning just about anything is too hard for him.

Pluck that log from your own eye before talking about other people's playstyles.


still here, just to suffer
Feb 1, 2012
Not exactly like fox, but someone packed with the crazy funness that fox provides. I said earlier i would play wolf if didnt look so ugly and have such janky uairs. Not interested in diddy at all and simple is the name of the game when it comes to hopping so thats a no to his djcing. And pit is literally nothing like fox. I said earlier somebody fast and technical, someone who has the tools to outwit and outlast his opponents with pure speed like fox can. Pit has a tiny ddance, medium runspeed, and superman recovery. His arrows are more falco/peach than fox and if armada plays him, hes not really technical to play. The only thing fast about him are his sword slashes and all tech skill that can come from that is simply fingering your controller. But I will promise that Ill help expand the wolf metagame if you make him not look so scary
Yeah Pit was a stretch, but those arrow combos man. So interesting.

I'm not sure if you're referring to Wolf's actual appearance as scary, or his moveset. If you're talking about his moveset then at one point I would've agreed with you, but I realized that giving him things like a sexkick and the spacie bair kinda take away from his character. I'd rather have New! characters than samey ones.


Nov 19, 2009
VA baby whe' you at
T_E, stop being a baddy, if you can't play hard characters like Lucas just go back to Melee homie. :cool: And when a guy can drop 1000$ when he calls someone out, you can't ***** out after a bunch of weak talk or that's all it will ever be.

"If you want to beat someone, **** 'em up!!"


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
T_E, where are you in Texas? If you're close to low tier city, you should hit it up and get to know some of the guys there. If you're in their area that means you're in a top PM location. Competing with some really great players there would be a privilege I'd envy.
Missed this one sorry. I live in katy tx which is an hour away from houston. Ive played at a smashfest once but it was for melee and i havent really done anthing else since then. I see some results threads every now and then with pm results along side melee but I havent been able to go and i dont want to drive any farther than houston unless its an international, and plane tickets are expensive. Ill go to my tournament eventually though, in both pm and melee


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
T_E, stop being a baddy, if you can't play hard characters like Lucas just go back to Melee homie. :cool: And when a guy can drop 1000$ when he calls someone out, you can't ***** out after a bunch of weak talk or that's all it will ever be.

"If you want to beat someone, **** 'em up!!"
Lol i have other un smash related needs that would appreciate that money. I wouldnt risk a 1000 dollar MM on anyone except strong bad. Plus tian was obviously either just wanting to make a name for himself or wear tafokints down with the broingness of sheik dittos


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
OK, seriously... what's wrong with spacies getting a shine nerf and a few ceiling increases to make stage picks more important? Fox and Falco still remain largely the same and it's not like these changes are largely horrible. If you don't like the newcomers play the spacies, but I'm gonna keep playing around with the other 38 potentially tourney viable characters.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
Yeah Pit was a stretch, but those arrow combos man. So interesting.

I'm not sure if you're referring to Wolf's actual appearance as scary, or his moveset. If you're talking about his moveset then at one point I would've agreed with you, but I realized that giving him things like a sexkick and the spacie bair kinda take away from his character. I'd rather have New! characters than samey ones.
i dont mind the canonball but wolf is such a tryhard and its evident in his moveset animations. It looks like hes over compensating for something (probably regrets from his past life as a gay porn star judging from those chains and leather) and I just cant take him seriously. Fox and falcos more steely calm personalities make them just that more entertaining. And his uair does not make sense and never will, nominated for worlds ugliest attack animation. I dont have anything wrong with what hes trying to accomplish with his attacks, its just they are presented in a way that deeply offends me, thats all. I promise that Ill drop this is wolf gets some new attack animations that better match what hes doing and dont look so awkward and if he gets a new alt costume as well


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
OK, seriously... what's wrong with spacies getting a shine nerf and a few ceiling increases to make stage picks more important? Fox and Falco still remain largely the same and it's not like these changes are largely horrible. If you don't like the newcomers play the spacies, but I'm gonna keep playing around with the other 38 potentially tourney viable characters.
i dont care about the higher ceilings, shine nerf, or weaker lasers, what I care about is that you people even considered doing these things to fox and falco. Its more the intentions than the aftermath, like literally nobody cares about those changes except fox with his lasers. whats the point of making it easy to shdl if you make them do 1 damage each


Smash Cadet
Nov 26, 2013
South Pasadena, California
i dont mind the canonball but wolf is such a tryhard and its evident in his moveset animations. It looks like hes over compensating for something (probably regrets from his past life as a gay porn star judging from those chains and leather) and I just cant take him seriously. Fox and falcos more steely calm personalities make them just that more entertaining. And his uair does not make sense and never will, nominated for worlds ugliest attack animation. I dont have anything wrong with what hes trying to accomplish with his attacks, its just they are presented in a way that deeply offends me, thats all. I promise that Ill drop this is wolf gets some new attack animations that better match what hes doing and dont look so awkward and if he gets a new alt costume as well
So you're basing the entire character around his appearance? Seriously?

I dont have anything wrong with what hes trying to accomplish with his attacks, its just they are presented in a way that deeply offends me
This is seriously like the second best post I have ever seen


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
So you're basing the entire character around his appearance? Seriously?


This is seriously like the second best post I have ever seen
Yes man, I cant be alone in thinking that ugly chars are less fun to play. Mario looks so athletic and interesting and makes me proud as a mario main that in a douchey world like ours he would take the time of being to try to better himself and get in shape. Also I know you probably hate melee tops tiers, but would marth or falcon combos be as exciting if they used wolfs animations? No, because we like combos because were getting to see something awesome. Unawesome animations kill something that would otherwise be pretty exciting, which applies to other non smash related stuff like movies.

And thanks brah, glad you like my opinions


still here, just to suffer
Feb 1, 2012
i dont mind the canonball but wolf is such a tryhard and its evident in his moveset animations. It looks like hes over compensating for something (probably regrets from his past life as a gay porn star judging from those chains and leather) and I just cant take him seriously. Fox and falcos more steely calm personalities make them just that more entertaining. And his uair does not make sense and never will, nominated for worlds ugliest attack animation. I dont have anything wrong with what hes trying to accomplish with his attacks, its just they are presented in a way that deeply offends me, thats all. I promise that Ill drop this is wolf gets some new attack animations that better match what hes doing and dont look so awkward and if he gets a new alt costume as well
Well the PMBR is pretty happy with how Wolf turned out, so I really doubt he is gonna get any changes, not that I don't want any.
his idle animation is just gross


Smash Cadet
Nov 26, 2013
South Pasadena, California
Yes man, I cant be alone in thinking that ugly chars are less fun to play. Mario looks so athletic and interesting and makes me proud as a mario main that in a douchey world like ours he would take the time of being to try to better himself and get in shape. Also I know you probably hate melee tops tiers, but would marth or falcon combos be as exciting if they used wolfs animations? No, because we like combos because were getting to see something awesome. Unawesome animations kill something that would otherwise be pretty exciting, which applies to other non smash related stuff like movies.

And thanks brah, glad you like my opinions
Well, you probably aren't alone in thinking ugly characters are less fun to play, but you probably are in thinking that Wolf is ugly. Seriously, Mario looks worse than Wolf, if anything.
And Marth combos would be more interesting because Marth's animations are incredibly unenergetic and boring IMO. Falcon combos would never look better using anyone's animations because Falcon is true swag tier. Where are you getting that I don't like Melee top tiers anyway? Fox and Capt. Falcon are my go-to characters when I want to practice tech skill using someone other than Lucas, and I play every single one of the Melee 8 except Peach and Marth.


Smash Cadet
Nov 26, 2013
South Pasadena, California
Well, you probably aren't alone in thinking ugly characters are less fun to play, but you probably are in thinking that Wolf is ugly. Seriously, Mario looks worse than Wolf, if anything.
And Marth combos would be more interesting because Marth's animations are incredibly unenergetic and boring IMO. Falcon combos would never look better using anyone's animations because Falcon is true swag tier. Where are you getting that I don't like Melee top tiers anyway? Fox and Capt. Falcon are my go-to characters when I want to practice tech skill using someone other than Lucas, and I play every single one of the Melee 8 except Peach and Marth.
EDIT: I just noticed this, but:
Mario looks so athletic and interesting and makes me proud as a mario main that in a douchey world like ours he would take the time of being to try to better himself and get in shape.
How do you even write this stuff? Seriously, every post you make is awesomely hilarious.

EDIT EDIT: Ugh, accidentally double posted and Smashboards won't let me delete it.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
T_E do you hate the fact that Sheik and Marth have changed slightly from Melee as well, or should they be untouchables too?
lol wtf I thought you guys didnt alter marth at all, I have a melee friend who went over to a friends house and was telling me some of the stuff he liked doing with marth wouldnt work in pm like popping chars off the ground with dair etc. I told him that he was exactly the same and what he was feeling was probably just the extra 1 frame window or new weight and fall speed numbers on the newcomers. I vouch for you guys and it ends up I was just another sheep following the pm hivemind ggs.

Also I have little sympathy for sheik since she's been the bane of my melee "career" and kills all chances low-mid tiers would have at placing better in melee, but its only fair to leave her alone as well


Jun 28, 2005
I vouch for you guys and it ends up I was just another sheep following the pm hivemind ggs.
Come on guys. This sentence and now the new avatar. I think it's pretty clear what's going on here and we should just stop feeding it.

Real talk Kirby is fun as hell, top 20 for real. Not sure about 15.


Jun 28, 2005
That's true. I almost made my friend ragequit because of inhale. I'm trying to work it more into my DDD play as well.

I think that it really helps DDD because, when I was watching Apex, I noticed that Fly kept coming down with aerials, as DDD's are wont to do, but he kept getting shielded. If he had mixed in more inhales on the way down I think it would have worked really well. It's a good mixup -- the opponent can't just sit in shield when DDD is above them, expecting an attack and possibly a shield-grab.

Same goes for Kirby but to a lesser extent since he has a lot more options in the air already.


Hologram Summer Again
Jan 16, 2013
Tri Hermes Black Land
The best part is that it still retains all the utility (or most of it, I think it has decreased range) of DDD's inhale, but it also allows for the acquisition of traits that can totally change a matchup. Kirby can get shdl, solar beam, nayru's love, fireballs, and a whole slew of other things.

And hats :3

Also nair is really good, the only complaint I have with kirby design-wise is that 90% of the time the best thing to do in the air is nairplane.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
Come on guys. This sentence and now the new avatar. I think it's pretty clear what's going on here and we should just stop feeding it.

Real talk Kirby is fun as hell, top 20 for real. Not sure about 15.
Do you guys get trolls often? Because everything youve said so far has been really insecure lol. Nothing wrong with megaman either man i dont judge your avatar you shouldnt judge mine, and fyi megaman is rumored to be in smash 4. Hyyyyype


Jun 28, 2005
Do you guys get trolls often? Because everything youve said so far has been really insecure lol. Nothing wrong with megaman either man i dont judge your avatar you shouldnt judge mine, and fyi megaman is rumored to be in smash 4. Hyyyyype
Come on, seriously!? Rumored? Guy? Seriously?

Try harder.

Anyway I'm gonna duck out of this thread for a while, wait for it to get back on track. I know I'm not helping it do that either. So I'll just go before I keep contributing to the off-topic discussion.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
Wow, take a joke.
Anyways, it's obvious he isn't trolling. He's just very opinionated and should try to convery his opinions in more intelligent posts so he can be taken more seriously.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
Come on, seriously!? Rumored? Guy? Seriously?

Try harder.

Anyway I'm gonna duck out of this thread for a while, wait for it to get back on track. I know I'm not helping it do that either. So I'll just go before I keep contributing to the off-topic discussion.
You knew what i meant, its called context you dingus


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2013
I swear T_E is actually Papa+Stone. Anyways, the only thing of worth in this entire discussion with T_E has really just been that P:M players need to stop complaining about Melee players playing their melee characters (I understand the sentiment behind this complaint, but it's a silly complaint), and that Doc v Marth isn't an awful matchup for Doc. P:M Mario v Marth is probably fairly close to even. Also #Mario is a good character, but we already knew that.

@T_E, if you want a character like Fox, just play Fox. There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing Fox, especially if your reason is because you enjoy his playstyle.
Last edited:


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
I swear T_E is actually Papa+Stone. Anyways, the only thing of worth in this entire discussion with T_E has really just been that P:M players need to stop complaining about Melee players playing their melee characters (I understand the sentiment behind this complaint, but it's a silly complaint), and that Doc v Marth isn't an awful matchup for Doc. P:M Mario v Marth is probably fairly close to even. Also #Mario is a good character, but we already knew that.

@T_E, if you want a character like Fox, just play Fox. There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing Fox, especially if that reason is because you enjoy his playstyle.
Its harder to want to be engaged in the pm community when you play a fox and everyone seems so unwilling to accept someone who enjoys fox. I bet that any fox player looking for friendlies with other pm players would get turned down 60% out of player bias. Just look up the pm fox forum and see what strong bad and his team of nasty fox haters discouraging new fox players from playing. I dont hate any characters in pm so is it that hard for you guys to get over your fox sentiment when it obviously makes some players uncomfortable? Im just lucky im a mario main sheesh


Smash Master
Apr 15, 2008
Dallas, TX
T e come to dallas if you want to prove your worth. We have tournaments like every weekend and im sure you could get a ride with houston players like strawhat or southern gent.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2013
I bet that any fox player looking for friendlies with other pm players would get turned down 60% out of player bias. Just look up the pm fox forum and see what strong bad and his team of nasty fox haters discouraging new fox players from playing.
This is why we think you're a troll. If you aren't a troll, now's a good time to stop saying stupid ignorant crap like what I just quoted. The fox pm forum was pretty awful when fox/falco got minor nerfs, but since then its been fine.

Deleted member

Congrats T_E_, you have an opinion about something. Now the next step for you to take is learning how to post without acting like a total douchebag.


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
That's true. I almost made my friend ragequit because of inhale. I'm trying to work it more into my DDD play as well.

I think that it really helps DDD because, when I was watching Apex, I noticed that Fly kept coming down with aerials, as DDD's are wont to do, but he kept getting shielded. If he had mixed in more inhales on the way down I think it would have worked really well. It's a good mixup -- the opponent can't just sit in shield when DDD is above them, expecting an attack and possibly a shield-grab.
I used inhale a lot more at Apex than I had prior to that. Namely, I used it about as much as the risk vs. reward on it warrants. You can get punished badly as hell for missing an inhale against a lot of characters, so I don't want to use it enough so that it'll be something actively on the opponent's mind. Think of it kind of like grabbing people with Samus.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 21, 2014
T e come to dallas if you want to prove your worth. We have tournaments like every weekend and im sure you could get a ride with houston players like strawhat or southern gent.
Sure ill see if i have room in my busy schedule one of these weekends
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