Above we see Mario's Nair connecting with Shulk's BSC animation of lunging mid-air. the BSC takes the hit with Super Armor.
Now Mario's Nair emits a visual effect likely to be the move connecting & starting the hit-stun. Anything after the Nair would most likely be the sex-kick properties staying out. Again, Shulk's Super Armor granted by BSC gives none.
Now this time frames later, Mario's hurt-box is literally inside of Shulk's hurt-box, while Shulk's Monado doesn't have a active hit-box yet. His Monado happens to also be completely behind him while still lunging with BSC. Those visual effects express the knock-back happening here, but again, BSC's Super Armor ignores everything.
This is literally what happens as quick as I could with slamming my spacebar for pausing at 0.25 speed. But here's the interesting portion! Shulk's BSC airborne at that on-hit apparently has Mario Cape properties! It's undeniable when you see Mario's entire motion & direction face the opposite still using Nair due to it's sex-kick element staying out longer. The oval yellow out-line is showing that yellow glow around Mario & the Monado, probably being the "Cape proc", not sure what the yellow flare visual effect is for (Arrow hinting bro

), but the high-lighted light red is the Monado finally active & out. So at that moment, BSC airborne capes you.
Spamming Spacebar, I get capture this moment, where the move is now doing % damage with the jagged appearing 19%, 15% being dealt to Mario's current 4%. As odd as it may look, it's natural for Mario to be facing left after being dealt % damage, as proving the Monado's hit-box starts overhead & is shown with the light-red high-lighting to be the general area of where the BSC airborne hits. It even further proves that around the starting portion the Monado is the Blade portion more-less, which is hitting Mario's back first, which is why it deals 15% in mid-air.
Answer stops here, the rest is for fun.
Still in hit-stun it looks like since Shulk is moving forward while Mario isn't going anywhere, hence hit-stun. This is where BSC starts to lunge farther horizontal distance.
Spammed that spacebar so quick I got this. The cutting slash crescent visual effect foretells perhaps that is the general launching direction Mario would go. Regardless it looks cool.
Here I'm just showing the general area of the BSC's hit-box with the red high-lighting. The red that I didn't high-light is also a hit-box I'm assuming.
Jeez Mario, why don't you just stay in hit-stun forever.

Nothing really happening too different, except Shulk is slowly moving while Mario isn't due to being in hit-stun. The area Mario's hit from is the trailing slashing red visual effect given off from the Monado swung during the BSC animation, apparently. Nothing else to really show because it would get too deep into other details of other topics. And I'ev done enough for a one question getting answered. Sorry but thank you for reading.
What happens right after the last picture. The outside red high-lighted line seems to be the very tipped hit-box of the BSC, the white arrow possibly being his 2nd best tipped hit-box & anything past that is the blunt blade portion of the move. Idk at this point.
For show. The greencircle near the ground is the very tipped hit that I'mg uessing it is. Look closely & you'll see a green triangle showing basically what the 2nd tipper hit-box could be, & the the rest being the blunt blade portion of the attack. It's peculation as Idk the hit-bubbles of Shulk's attacks let alone this one move in every frame-by-frame action.
The image below is something I made from something extra I did for the Q&A thread.