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Thinking about getting into competitive Yu-Gi-Oh


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
So my last night my friends and I broke out our old Yu-Gi-Oh cards last night and made some decks and played several games for nostalgia. I have to say, the game's actually a lot better than I remember it being. Right now I'm pretty unsatisfied and disappointed by MTG's current sets and meta game so I'm thinking about going to competitive YGO as an alternative.

So if there's anyone here who's into competitive YGO would you mind giving me some pointers on the current meta game and such?


Smash Lord
May 31, 2010
Vancouver, BC
Not satisfied with Zendi Block, M11, and Scars?

I mean... personally, my gripe with YGO is that they ban cards so that the only viable decks are combo-aggro usually. I remember taking the time to build a Last Turn deck that I thought was pretty sick, and apparently, it was just too sick, because Last Turn was soon banned. All that remained in the format was a synergistic aggro deck. Even in current standard format MTG, there's at least more variety than that.

But I guess it's your choice after all. My recommendation would be to learn the synchro system if you haven't already, and catch up with the new cards and the new ban list.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Not satisfied with Zendi Block, M11, and Scars?
Mostly Scars, M11 was alright and Zendi was pretty cool. Right now I'm temporarily going though a brief rage quit due to Scars.

I mean... personally, my gripe with YGO is that they ban cards so that the only viable decks are combo-aggro usually. I remember taking the time to build a Last Turn deck that I thought was pretty sick, and apparently, it was just too sick, because Last Turn was soon banned. All that remained in the format was a synergistic aggro deck. Even in current standard format MTG, there's at least more variety than that.
Interesting. So they pretty much limit the type of decks you're aloud to build? That's a shame, it also looks like the best way to win (from what I've been reading) is through an archetype deck.

But I guess it's your choice after all. My recommendation would be to learn the synchro system if you haven't already, and catch up with the new cards and the new ban list.
I'm pretty familiar with some of the newer stuff, I'm still kind of 50/50 on if I'm going to go out and buy new cards though.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
Don't do it.

I have experience in competitive YGO, and it's not fun. YGO players just may be some of the worst people to spend time with and to get a decent deck you have to spend like... 300 dollars.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
You can build a decent deck for thirty dollars (Machina Gadget). Last format, you could build arguably the deck of the format (Frog FTK) for same.

Or you could spend hundreds of dollars just a set of Pot of Duality.

All depends on what you want.

If I were the OP, I'd play some YVD and get advice there.

@violence: Last Turn was a combo deck, what are you talking about? Burn's totally viable ATM (although people would rather run archetypes or DARKs), Exodia still works although it's not necessarily top-tier (a guy won a regional tournament with one a few months ago). Things in YGO generally get banned/limited when people complain about them TBH--and stall gets complained about a LOT more than anything else save FTKs. (FTKs are first because you literally can't win the majority of the time unless they draw poorly and/or you draw something sidedecked. Stall is second because nobody likes 40+turn duels.)


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2007
I will never tell. :D
So my last night my friends and I broke out our old Yu-Gi-Oh cards last night and made some decks and played several games for nostalgia. I have to say, the game's actually a lot better than I remember it being. Right now I'm pretty unsatisfied and disappointed by MTG's current sets and meta game so I'm thinking about going to competitive YGO as an alternative.

So if there's anyone here who's into competitive YGO would you mind giving me some pointers on the current meta game and such?
No. Just, no. Personal experience taught me that Yu-Gi-Oh! is the worst business move anyone can make! Me and my friends have an inside jokes about this game, that's how bad YGO's economy is. Every time a card was reprinted the value plummeted to GARBAGE. We called it, "Getting Konami'd."

That's right. When your cards are finally worth nothing... when your deck moves from tier 1 to GARBAGE tier... when your deck/s are no longer usable.... YOU JUST GOT KONAMI'D!

Source: Me.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
You can build a tournament competitive chain-burn deck for $17, and chances are some of your old cards are usable in it.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2010
Hwacheon county, South Korea
If you like card games, why not learn texas-hold-'em poker? You'll get a much better return on the time you invest into building your skill with that game than Yu-gi-oh, since texas-hold-'em is so popular (at least in the US). It's a great way to network and make friends, too - at any workplace, there's always guys getting together for poker on the weekends. And if you get pretty good, you can win a lot of money. There's a lot of strategy to it, too, unlike what some people think. That's my two cents, anyway.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
i used to play competitively when I was like 8-9 years old. I was actually great at the game, even beating 2, almost 3, masters where I lived and i attended many tournies. I quit becuz they banned so many cards and frankly just didnt have time for it anymore...

do what u want man, but if u r gonna do this, commit.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
If you like card games, why not learn texas-hold-'em poker? You'll get a much better return on the time you invest into building your skill with that game than Yu-gi-oh, since texas-hold-'em is so popular (at least in the US). It's a great way to network and make friends, too - at any workplace, there's always guys getting together for poker on the weekends. And if you get pretty good, you can win a lot of money. There's a lot of strategy to it, too, unlike what some people think. That's my two cents, anyway.
You can't build decks in poker :) That's half the fun.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
These long-*** descriptions now....wtf? I don't even understand half of that.
Back in my day, it was "GG" if you got a Blue Eyes White Dragon on the field.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
No it wasnt because that was the days when Raigeki was legal. It was never GG no matter what you had on the field lol.

If you get into YGO you should run something silly like a Hopeless Dragon deck or Koa'Ki Meiru. My old go to used to be Frogs but then other people realized it was easily the most broken decktype in the game and now its not good =\ Oh well, there's always Lightsworn. Its not nearly as good as it used to be but as long as Judgment Dragon(and Honest) is legal you've basically got a lolbroke card at your disposal.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
These long-*** descriptions now....wtf? I don't even understand half of that.
Back in my day, it was "GG" if you got a Blue Eyes White Dragon on the field.
You watch the anime WAAAAAAY too much

Besides, this is a much better example

If only they were as short and to the point as Man-eater Bug :/


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
All it is is "you need four X in your graveyard to summon", "pay 1k to blow everything else up", and "mill four at the end of the turn". It's not rocket science. (Until you Book of Moon in response to its effect and it survives. Thanks Konami <_<)

You want rocket science, take a gander at Last Turn. Oh wait, that's too old, doesn't count :troll:


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.

Go for it, you know you want to.
lightsworn is really bad now lmao.

Wow, just read the thread. Like, nobody understands YGO atm.

The metagame currently is gravekeeper's. Enjoy spending 2~300$ on 2~3 copies of Pot of Duality, another 100$ on an extra deck, and around 1~200$ for the deck + side.


Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Im fully aware lightsworn isnt that good right now. I just dont care lol. Also around 4-5 months ago i told a friend of mine who went to a tourney down south that assuming the ban list hit the powerful decks at the time Gravekeepers could become one of the strongest archtypes in the game.

The last few ban lists have made YGO really ****ing lame, there's nothing fun worth playing anymore. Personally im still really sad people finally figured out the Frog FTK/OTK. I almost cant believe it took so long for someone to break that archtype considering the first time I played a frog deck i realized i could literally just never end my turn by abusing their swapping/searching effects. Just losing substitoad was enough to make that deck entirely lame.

Also, while i never liked Blackwings whatsoever i found it both hilarious and sad at the same time that the card Starlight Road exists. It almost feals like a shot at blackwings on its own.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Hey now Dragons are still badass IMO.

Hopeless dragon is a great decktype.(Although easily trolled by certain cards, koaki meiru comes to mind)

They never really change though.

Although infernities were kinda disappointing for me :(

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Infernity is terrible dont listen to what anyone says about that decktype.

Lightsworn is still usable if you run a Twilight Deck what with the recent unbanning of Chaos Sorc. A friend of mine used to run a Lightsworn deck with DAD/Chaos Sorc/Tragoedia, but this was back before the ban list decided it hated Lightsworns.

Hopless Dragon is ok at low level but its way too slow to be really good and it gets horribly ***** if it loses control of the graveyard which is why Gravekeepers are so good right now(well that among other things)

Needs moar dimensional fissure decks imo.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Heh, I kind of wish Konami didn't appeal to timmy scrubs so much. Two sides to a coin, I guess.
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