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Thinking about getting into competitive Yu-Gi-Oh

Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
So my last night my friends and I broke out our old Yu-Gi-Oh cards last night and made some decks and played several games for nostalgia. I have to say, the game's actually a lot better than I remember it being. Right now I'm pretty unsatisfied and disappointed by MTG's current sets and meta game so I'm thinking about going to competitive YGO as an alternative.

So if there's anyone here who's into competitive YGO would you mind giving me some pointers on the current meta game and such?
Play Legacy
Drop 50-100 (Legacy Burn, Death and Taxes) bucks, or, if you're feeling pricy, a little more (Legacy GObbos is probably around 200 if you skimp a little on the duals, 14-land.dec is also fairly cheap...) on one legit deck
It is good with very few replacements until... well, forever
Game is waaaaay less scrubby and ****ty than yu-gi-oh

Seriously, YGO doesn't have 1/10th of the depth, resource management, or interaction magic has (elfball vs. countertop >>>> YGO-and that's TWO ****ING DECK TYPES OUT OF LIKE 200!!!). It also has ridiculous power creep (in magic, you have to buy new decks all the time for standard and extended because they rotate; in YGO, you have to buy new decks all the time no matter what format you play because that deck you were playing is simply no longer viable at all or got the **** banned out of it-Monarchs, Crystal Beasts, and Lightsworn say hi) which makes it a very, very expensive game to play well. Oh yeah, and not to mention that basically any card which is going to be good in YGO, along with almost all of the staples, is probably a super/ultra rare and will run you quite a lot of money.

**** Yugayho. Play Magic. :awesome:


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Magic is such a lucky game in standard with mana. Literally half the time with a normal deck one player will be suffering from flow or screw. So that's half the matches written off right there. Other than that, there's no bluffing in magic, since your mana is right there, nothing goes face-down, and instants make up a lower percentage of decks than traps do in ygo. There's also very little opponent interaction, with most games being either 'I go off and win' or 'I counter a piece of your combo/mainstay of your deck' and win. RDW is an exception here, but that deck is practically mindless in its own right. You just look at the top right and lower right and play the highest ratio in your hand :bee:

Legacy is better in terms of skill, but it's really stale, being an eternal format and all. Also, currently one deck (Survival of the Fittest) is the unstoppable S tier of the meta.

Yugioh is like playing the control mirror in magic, except both players have unlimited mana. It's really beautiful to watch compared to typical magic. Two skilled players matching each other play for play, with one misplaced Gottoms or one bluffed Starlight Road being the difference between victory and defeat. It's also packed into about 10 fewer turns, since the clock is much sorter in ygo.

Dang I miss that game since I took up magic.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2007
^ @ What everyone else said. Simply put, if you're gonna want to play Yu-Gi-Oh competitively, you're gonna have to, eventually, spend some money.

And, lol the current meta-game format.

It seems like Graveeepers and Plant Synchros are ruling this format.
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