I don't get mad at anything people do, but there are some things that when it happens I can't help but chuckle a little bit and go "Oh you cheeky little c***". The main ones would probably be multi-taunting, taunting after I SD and taunting when it looks like I'll die but I still recover, although I laugh a lot at that last situation.
As far as my personal disrespecting goes, I don't do all that much. When I get a kill I usually just stand there doing nothing, or maybe practice SH Nairing to pass the time. However, if I play against someone who does the previously mentioned taunts, I will probably taunt after I kill them.
I don't taunt in the beginning of the match, but I don't attack you if you taunt. If you blatantly SD I'll SD myself to level the playing field and make it feel like I actually beat you, not that you threw it.
As far as indirect things, if you leave after beating me once I'll be bothered but I understand that maybe you had to go or something. If you copy my character I don't mind and I especially love if I get to learn something new from you playing them. I do get really confused when someone just suicides a game after I'm beating them and then doesn't even leave the lobby, like why do that?
I know it sounds like I have good habits but I'll point out my bad ones too. I main ZSS and Sheik, and both chars have diving Dairs. If I edgeguard you and you're definitely going to die on last stock and I have 2 left, you better believe I'm diving off, hiting you with dair and dying.