I left a youtube comment but youtube is gay...
Definitely down throw more. You have sooooo many options with that. Here's a few:
1) follow/regrab
2) follow/ftilt
3) follow/utilt
4) fsmash behind you if he rolls behind you
5) jab jab jab if he just lies there
6) dair if he just gets up
Cook your grenades better:
I like to shield drop one, pick it up, short hop, throw it down, airdodge to pick it up, and then throw it.
Make it a point to have a C4 top of a platform. It's hitbox is huge.
Keep track of where all your bombs are
idk if you do it out of habit cuz u mained ike or cuz it was an accident but dont fsmash lol
focus more on killing with Utilts than with explosives when they're past 100ish (130 for DK)
Nair more. You need to full hope it for the last one to come out, insta double jump nair for an auto cancel
Don't spam airdodge when you're trying to land, pull out a grenade or something.
The C4 takes practice to actually hit a smart player with by detonating. you can just keep it out there as a mindgame too.
down smash is good for zoning off the stage
FTILT MORE. I cannot emphasize this enough. It does 21 damage! It doesn't normally kill well relative to snake's other moves anyway so use it to rack up damage. It still does like 16 if it's diminished.
Try to Jab-ftilt. It's sexy.
Use bair when appropriate too. You could try to land with a back air too. it's retardedly broken...snake's
head is a hitbox for it.
Don't boost smash so much. It gets predictable and some characters can **** it.
C4 yourself to recover high to not get spiked.
there's ways to make a fortress around snake too. i'd rather show you that in person though
Edit: A good trap is to put grenades on both sides of your opponent (it's possible) and to just hold A. if they don't jump in time they get ***** by 2 nades, otherwise their shield gets *****, or they roll into your AAA
Moar edit: the first hit of the ftilt can trip. if you notice that happens, redo the ftilt. That's an extra 9-10 damage.
so uh...hope this helps