Unless i'm missing something, saturday's options don't really catch my fancy. I'm up for visiting team MOB on thursday, and Bronx weekly (really, this time) on friday.
lol Don i know you're happy you timed me out with Pit last saturday. Don't say sorry... say thanks. All i have to say about it is, Get ***** in chess =P
I've just now noticed that each time I place worse than top 8: 1) i lost by time-out, and/or 2) i was knocked out by a crew member. These must be my weak points ???
/jokes, good **** on Saturday... I'll hit people up soon I want to get some practice in.
... and if anyone wants to beat me in Chess, just look up the Sicilian Defense, the Samisch Variations on both the Nimzo-Indian Defense and the King's Indian Defense, the Queen's Gambit, and the English Opening. Those are more or less the only openings i'll ever go for. Also, I have been known to sometimes use King's Gambit when sandbagging. Since everything I just listed is a White opening, this also means that as Black i always use Sicilian Defense (honestly i think that IF you can perfectly camp the Queen's-side flank WITHOUT getting any tempos gimped by a Knight pin, and also fianchetto the King's Bishop early, it's almost broken vs. a lot of conventional White openings).
So, now that i've made myself easy to counter... pleeease ... i need people to play...