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The Wofl House (Video Thread)


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Videos of my Wolf for the first time in a while~ All from Nikefest 4

vs. Tesh :sonic:

vs. Nike :marth:

vs. Zero :sonic:

vs. Tesh :sonic:

The main differences between my friendlies and tourny matches that were recorded: My friendlies matches that were recorded were before the tournament started. My tournament matches that were recorded were right after I got 3 stocked twice by Gnes, so after something like that I was feeling pretty bad and I was way out of it for a while. That started wearing off in my set vs. Tesh though.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I know dude lol wtf do you need to be an *** about it though? Stop being such a hypocrite - if you're not a nice person don't act like you are one IRL and if you are nice then don't be an *** on the boards to people who actually like you. Troll people who you don't care about and who don't care about you unless you want just everybody to dislike you *smh*



Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
I know dude lol wtf do you need to be an *** about it though? Stop being such a hypocrite - if you're not a nice person don't act like you are one IRL and if you are nice then don't be an *** on the boards to people who actually like you. Troll people who you don't care about and who don't care about you unless you want just everybody to dislike you *smh*

But.... =( is it not funny? Ofc I'm not serious, although you seem take it seriously. Apparently, my 25th place at the last tourney wasn't enough to show you this wasn't serious. But now you know ^^

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
It's wasn't really funny =/

I usually have the ability to laugh about myself if something is actually funny ... but eh, who could've told via the internet? 0_o



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I agree, but people don't grab enough in general. I'm playing way better than I was, and it seems I only lose to grab based characters (Olimar/IC's) BECAUSE I CAN'T FAKING GRAB THEM, either that or I've played Fino/Lux at the last like 3 tournaments I've entered.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I grab a lot and get praise for it by good players.

I just suck at everything else.


Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
:wolf:'s grab is just one of the best because his Dthrow is godlike. It setups, forces other characters into bad positions, and does 12% (3rd most powerful throw if I recall correctly). Only thing bad about it is when you do it when your opponent is like at 0.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
By 3rd most powerful throw, do you mean 3rd most powerful Dthrow? Cause Bowser, Kirby, Olimar, Snake, MK, Sonic, Lucario (With Aura), Ganondorf, Wario, Zelda, D3, Mario, and Luigi all also have throws that do 12%+ Damage.



Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Shpongle Falls
stop it with the **** tier advice guys come on :p

instead of "practice ur recovery" think like "diddy can cover wolf's recovery options really well so you need to consider which aerials he's set up for, whether or not he can stuff you with a banana setup if he's getting you close to the edge and thus need to save your second jump, and always make sure to consider where the platform is when you recover. if you have time, reverse a laser so you can at least put up sort of a fight back to the stage, but only worry about this if you're recovering from up high, say, diagonally from the corner. sideB cancels should be reserved for only when they've dedicated themselves to an off-stage push against your recovery. space sideB well, keeping away from the stage if they're going to hit you out of it and getting in close if they stay on stage."

you lazy ****s <3

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Alright tekkie, here's my advice on the vs Diddy video:

~0:28 ~0:36
Don't jump in front of your opponent so much. If you make a jump input Wolf is in the air from the 8th frame onward - Diddy is in the air on the ~6th frame and his bair hits on the 4th frame. By that time you've been in the air for only two frames [and airdodge has a startup of 2 frames] and all his aerials are faster than yours. In other words: he can cover all of your options in that situation on a very simple read. Wolf's jump escape is a lot more situational than that of the other spacies because he jumps much slower. Against characters with low lag on a jump and quick fair/nair/bair like Diddy, MK, Toon Link etc I prefer to roll or try to anticipate *his* commitment to an aerial.
In that ~10 seconds you got hit by a fair [10%], an utilt [8%], a grab [13%] and another fair [10%] - more than 40%!

~0:43, ~1:03, ~3:09
Gotta punish these powershields - you could've usmashed all of them. It's really not easy to learn but if you wanna become a good Wolf you probably won't find a way around learning it anyway. That thing is free 18% on a powershield and counters almost *any* cross-up in this game and it puts the opponent into a really ****ty position as well.

Don't focus too much on the bananas. They can be helpful at times but don't give them higher priority than fighting Diddy himself. ~2:30 was a good example where - you commited to a long-lasting move like fair to get the banana in front of you while seemingly not realizing that Diddy was just waiting for that behind it. You could've just ignored the banana and retreat / fire a laser or something.
Really hard to critique accurately because after the first stock you kind of just kept walking into the trap and failed to make any good decisions.



Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2008
Wolf's dthrow is above average at best. Fthrow and uthrow are textbook average, and his backthrow isn't bad but just dumb. His grabrang is mad booty and I wish it wasn't so.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
So since I'm too lazy to give critiques as of late... who wants to critique me? :awesome: Not my best of matches, but this is actual tournament play and I would highly appreciate any and all critique sent my way <3


Things I already know, but should be pointed out until I get it because I'd really like to get decent at Brawl before APEX rolls around:

- lol trying to dair camp on the YI platform, it's too high up for that unless I'm on the sides when they're slanted down, that was silly.
- Shine when platform camping because it beats all of his options. Also shine his jab crap. I think our jab goes through if he tries jab grab but I really suck at dealing with rapid jab and I think we have time to shine out there.
- Stop sucking against SH dair. Beat it with shine. Shine, you idiot :mad:
- React quicker to jab cancels and pick fast options that can compete, such as not usmash OoS.

- When he pulls out a grenade and I'm jumping into him (especially on the ground, and shields right after), jumpshine seems like it'd be helpful. So many explosions that I didn't need to get hit by... but that also leaves me open to punishment like utilt... :/
- Dance around his jab/tilt range better. Those things are ****ing stupid :glare:
- End of last stock was intense bad decision-making on my part. lol.

- ADing into the ground all the time is stupid.
- So is fsmashing all the time. Way too autopilot over there :/
- Be quicker on punishes.
- Don't hide in shield as much.
- Space SHFF bairs better, it's a bit too high sometimes and whiffs, which is obviously bad.

EDIT: On the topic of grabs, dthrow is **** and if we could force air releases Wolf would move up a tier imo.



Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
-When he jab cancels, jab back.
-Don't shine when he SH dairs you, there's a lot of lag that goes with it and you'll most likely just eat another dair.
-When you platform camp, you want to move around more and do other moves. Standing in one place and repeatedly dairing just made you eat A LOT of unneeded percent. Shining helps too. XD
-Laser more when he's off stage. If you can read his phantasms, it could mean a stock for him.
-It doesn't apply to all Falco's, but baiting an up-smash is a nice tactic when you're approaching kill percent. If they whiff it or you shield, it's pretty much a free anything haha.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
30 seconds in: Ishy-"What's the get up and shoot button again? I haven't played brawl in ages?" I'm surprised at how slow you are moving that early on, is this guy really good?

A minute in: I think you could have lived there with better DI. I too have problems getting off the platform on YI, I don't like platform cancelling on that stage, I do it on accident all the ****ing time :/

In general, you need to be moving/1 hopping a lot more than you are, especially if you want to platform camp on this stage.


In brawl I'm finding you should always tech, maybe not techroll. In melee I find that since it's so fast people expect you to do something else, sometimes laying there is smart, but not when getting drillshinepillared

2 minutes in: NAIr!

212: Oh god no...

220?: When you shot that laser at him, if he air dodges thats a free fair...or even kill if your D-smashing skills into ledge grab are good enough :)

vs snake

When watching this on video, I can't believe you taking damage that quickly with the c4 and stuff, but that happens to me against joker too :/

422: get off the platform!!!!

Sexy side B kill

Don't roll against snake at high%'s, you're dead!


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
OH WAIT now I remember. When he SH nairs me, at low %s I can nair him before his second dair comes out. But if he goes for a fsmash instead, I get pooped on (see 2:50 :x) what do I do to best couter Falco's rapid jab though, do you recommend learning to SDI through it and bair?

Yeah I was definitely a bit scared at the beginning lol. It's that obvious? xD and my DI is poop lol... at 4:22ish, do you think it would've been a good idea for me to roll left after the grenade hit my shield to avoid the utilt?

Thank you for the advice guys :)



Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
I typically don't try to challenge his dair like that. I just try to get away by AD'ing or jumpshining. As for his rapid jab, sometimes you can SDI away from him and get a free fsmash, but that's only if he doesn't hold shield soon after the jab starts. (I think anyhow) Other than that I really just SDI away and choose an option from there instead of eating more percent trying to SDI behind him haha.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Ishy, I would have recommended Jumping OOS to the nearest other platform, probably the one to the left, and I would have probably baired back down to the actual stage platform.


Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009
SDI above or behind or away, whichever you think you'll be able to get away with lmao. If they don't stop the rapid jab after I think it's 5hits before you can stop it? If you SDI away and they try to keep rapid jabbing you can fsmash them. If they cancel it you can't though

IMO best is to SDI away, less DMG, less risk. Obv gotta mix it up sometimes but it's the best option

From the vid, seems like your really dependent on platform camping. Don't be so scared. You should only go up if he gets really close or if he starts to camp to get him to come close. You should still try to get some hits in with your safe options, and sneak blaster shots in when he's far away. If you just stay on the platform your a sitting duck to most of his attempts

D Who?

Smash Journeyman
May 4, 2010
Auburndale, Florida
4:24-4:26 made me laugh really hard.

Utilt FOR THE KILL! lmao

I guess the only thing I can think of for the tidbit of video is say, learn ISSDI and angle your shield down whenever you're above snake.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009

D Who?

Smash Journeyman
May 4, 2010
Auburndale, Florida
I believe you, really I do. I wasn't saying that you're bad. Falco and Snake are hard characters to learn how to play against. You don't have to prove anything to us, just yourself.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
Houston, Tx
matches from NikeFest 4

Mistakes were made so lets point them out:


- start of match where i take that 38% is a lack of SDI on my part (rite?) so i need to react better to it, tho i forgot that diddys can chain their utilt like that; not use to that bcuz most diddys i play pull out their nanas first

- after getting comboed i should have (imo) mounted a counter offense since afterwards he had no nanas but instead i jump away which allowed the diddy to get his nanas out

- @ about 20 secs in i do a b-reversed laser which the laser does hit him, but also put me in grab range, instead maybe the better option was to throw the nana i had in my hand

- @ 45 secs i ledge atk while a nana was next to the ledge....wtf??? dont do that >___>, i was fortunate that the diddy grabbed it, but he threw it back and it ended up making me SD. What i should have done was ledge jump fair to attempt to grab the nana and it also puts and atk out there so if the diddy wanted to try some atk my fair may have hit him

- [1:04] i get diddy offstg, but i go for the nana that was on the moving platform, instead of continuing edge guarding a nanner-less diddy, got to remember to kept pressure on diddys offstg if they dont have any nanas on them

- [1:17] i felt i coulda attempted a gimp with shine or hugged the ledage as he recovers.

- [1:48] poor use of scar, nvr scar when they r on the ground shielding, i tried to catch him in his nana pullout animation. Scar when ur opponent is in the air or closer to the ledge if they r on the ground, from wut i've seen if they r rly close to the ledge and if the shield ur scar attempt, the scar atk pushes them offstg

- [2:57] horrible punish.......:c

- [4:49] up throw for mixup; diddys dair is not that good so i tried to get a juggle gmae going to rack dmg, but its hardd to followup an up throw, shoulda just either dthrow or fthrow, especially since he had no nanas once again


- [0:00] is castle a decent cp for diddys? i was thinking frigate would be good. i would have taken him to brinstar but he banned it

- [0:41] 1st sd this match....a shine was suppose to come out (does this happen to u guys alot?), dont give up if u sd like that, i kinda did at that point =/

- [1:10] i swear i need to learn to watch for dthrow techs, i know wolf has frame adv. can can dsmash if they tech in place like that but i nvr expect cuz hardly anyone does it vs. me

- [1:47] accidental side-b, was suppose to be another scar....this has been happening a lot to me lately...

- [1:56] another accident..fuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~~

if i hadnt sd twice maybe i woulda won the second match...i was kicking myself losing too cuz i've been playing with gnes for a while...guess playing the best wont automatically make u better
also i shield too much, rite? not good against diddys


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I'm convinced none of you guys know how to handle the diddy match-up.
A. Wolf has a reflector
B. Wolf has a blaster
C. Wolf can get your banana and hold onto it forever and still hit you with blaster and shine, no other character can out camp diddy like this.
D. Wolf is like the 3rd easiest person to banana lock, so don't let Diddy above you when he has a banana.
E. SDI gets you out of a lot of bad scenarios.

matches from NikeFest 4
You need to level up your in game speed. I watched your matches and you are standing in shield and not mixing up your movement and are slow. Standing still or limited movement is a bad thing, your opponent doesn't have to guess what you are going to do next. Having tech skill and in game knowledge is great, knowing how/where to punish is good, but those are in scenarios where A beats B and B beats C and C beats A. When you are in 20% success areas where you may not hit, knowing when to AD behind back on stage to get better positioning or actually trying to hit that bair is not something you can learn by posting videos and asking for help (which is great, btw).

:toonlink::drmario:You need to be faster! FASTER! Work on Mix ups.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
C. Wolf can get your banana and hold onto it forever and still hit you with blaster and shine, no other character can out camp diddy like this.
Ice Climbers can. They can be in control of both bananas at once, leaving Diddy with no bananas to work with at all, and they still have Blizzard, Ice Blocks, Squall Hammer, and Fsmash.



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Well, I don't include IC's in anything I ever discuss, 1 grab=death. They change the way the game is played. Diddy can't just throw a banana and run in to **** people up like Diddy does other people. So, I guess you are right, but most normal, non-1 grab=death characters.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
A lot of top characters change the way the game is played. Pretending that one character doesn't exist because they change the game in a different way doesn't really make sense.



Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Ice Climbers can. They can be in control of both bananas at once, leaving Diddy with no bananas to work with at all, and they still have Blizzard, Ice Blocks, Squall Hammer, and Fsmash.

hahahahahaha i would love to see that. lol! poor diddy


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
btw, someone needs to take over this thread.

I knew i shouldn't have given it up in the first place =/
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