See, that's what I thought at first. But then I realized just how utterly broken it makes the game. After all, wavedashing isn't necessary to win, but in MKDS, the entirety of the gameplay revolves around snaking. If you don't snake, you automatically lose and have zero chance of winning. Racing simply turns into a snaking contest--how consistently and how long you can snake.
I really can't think of any other fighter where not learning a single technique means an automatic loss. Sure, there are things that increase your skill and probability of winning (L-cancelling in Smash, FRC'ing in GGXX), but simple things like spacing, timing, reflexes, and mindgames are vastly more important. In MKDS, if you don't snake, then you're losing.
. . .besides, snaking makes my hand hurt. I don't want to suffer from rheumatory arthritis at the age of 21.