i've been working on a luigi matchup for ya...
i'll try and give it to you by the weekend...i just don't want it to be too long XD
EDIT: Alright, i got the matchup done.
Here's a draft of it:
Alright, so luigi is a real crazy one for all nesses of the world. First of all, notice the way that luigi walks, attacks, and even taunts. Its extremely fluid, and he has some very quick actions that take a while to get back into to position. It's interesting to pair such a floaty character like ness with luigi, because they are extremely contrasting.
I'll first consentrate on the attacks of luigi. I've noticed that the real ness killer is luigi's fair, the chop. Luigi's arm and hit box shoot out amazingly fast, which is what makes it difficult. The only attack while ness is in the air that can cope with that is nesses nair, but its hitbox is way more condensed then luigi's hitbox. Luigi almost always hits with this attack. Luigis second attack that is weird to get used to is his usmash. It seems simple enough, but it is difficult because luigi has the ability to continue sliding while he is attacking. This makes the timing to counter the attack very difficult. The majority of luigi's other attacks are simple to avoid when you need to. You should never be hit with luigi's dash attack with ness, its amazingly simple to avoid.
With any disadvantages against luigi, there are also some advantages. The easiest one to see is luigi's funky recovery. With pk thunder to pull them down and then the a jump off the edge to a neutral air or even a spike can help. Once he is out far enough, there is almost no way for him to het back. Of course, you can absorb luigi's fireballs when ever you have the chance.
For free for all battles with a luigi involved, not too much focus needs to be on the luigi, but perhaps on finding where he will be at any time. You see, luigi's playing style varies largely on how the luigi is playing, wheather he is offensive or defensive at the time. In a free for all, luigi's style dramaticly increases to just a melee to anyone near him. This can give a simple but large advantage to a ness, who can focus easily on luigi.
EDIT: I'll just stick to this post, so i dont waste any...read it really quick and tell me what i need to change.