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The ULTIMATE Probable Playable Characters In Brawl Analysis Topic!(1 week til Brawl!)


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Well, personally, I can't wait til Sakurai resume updates again, because I feel that when he starts updating again, we will start to get good character updates due to the game being so close to its Japanese release, we might also get the charater selection screen, which is the most important thing to keep in mind when making a probable roster.

Also, voting in the forum awards ends in four days, so if you like my analyses and the contents of this topic, and have not voted for me yet, please do so.

Oh, and have a happy new year. :)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 13, 2007
I see your topic is being reposted on GameFAQs. Yay!

EDIT: Rereading it as you post, commentry:

I'm surprised there is no mention of the Torchic Pokeball in the Blaziken section.

Unfortunately for Kumatora, Lucas has taken Ness’s moveset, which means that she would have to be a clone of Lucas in order to be playable. I expect Kumatora to show up either as an Assist Trophy or a regular trophy.

I'm not sure I actually agree with this. Ness had PK moves he didn't have originally, what's stopping them from doing the same here?

The Bulborb from Pikmin has also been confirmed as a trophy.

Irrelevant, but someone pointed out to me that a Fiery Blowhog trophy was in the Coin Launcher update.

I kind of think you have the Tom Nook/K.K thing backwards. People have proven that other fighting games, like Street Fighter, simply switch characters when they're playing with that character in an arena where they're normally in the background. Also, by thaat logic, it'd be impossible for two players to select Mario, as then you'd have two of the same character on the stage.

Mach Rider had a Melee trophy?

And that's all.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
Well, personally, I can't wait til Sakurai resume updates again, because I feel that when he starts updating again, we will start to get good character updates due to the game being so close to its Japanese release, we might also get the charater selection screen, which is the most important thing to keep in mind when making a probable roster.

Also, voting in the forum awards ends in four days, so if you like my analyses and the contents of this topic, and have not voted for me yet, please do so.

Oh, and have a happy new year. :)
Me too, but I'm not so sure he's going to update the secret characters before the release. Don't forget about him saying he'd update the site "just like smash fist" in the Samurai Panda thread. If he gives us anymore characters before the 24th, I think they'll be either starters (which seems doubtful considering the long drought) or the not-so-juicy unlockables like Luigi and Jigglypuff.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I see your topic is being reposted on GameFAQs. Yay!

EDIT: Rereading it as you post, commentry:

I'm surprised there is no mention of the Torchic Pokeball in the Blaziken section.

Unfortunately for Kumatora, Lucas has taken Ness’s moveset, which means that she would have to be a clone of Lucas in order to be playable. I expect Kumatora to show up either as an Assist Trophy or a regular trophy.

I'm not sure I actually agree with this. Ness had PK moves he didn't have originally, what's stopping them from doing the same here?

The Bulborb from Pikmin has also been confirmed as a trophy.

Irrelevant, but someone pointed out to me that a Fiery Blowhog trophy was in the Coin Launcher update.

I kind of think you have the Tom Nook/K.K thing backwards. People have proven that other fighting games, like Street Fighter, simply switch characters when they're playing with that character in an arena where they're normally in the background. Also, by thaat logic, it'd be impossible for two players to select Mario, as then you'd have two of the same character on the stage.

Mach Rider had a Melee trophy?

And that's all.
I just finished reposting it.

Also, I don't think Torchic really affects Blaziken's chances. I still think the most Blaziken has to hope for is Pokeball status. Besides, Pikachu being playable didn't stop Pichu from joining the roster. ;)

Also, I expect that if Ness does return he will either be Luigi-fied clone of Lucas, or have a moveset that is more true to the abilities that he had in EarthBound. Also, recently there have been rumors to suggest that Ness may be returning as a playable character (ChaosZero).

Also, there is a reason why I have not ruled out an Animal Crossing character, and that is because Sakurai does not play by the rules.

And finally, yes there is a trophy of Mach Rider in Melee. Mach Rider has also been recently confirmed to be a sticker in Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 13, 2007
True true. Just seems kind of odd (to me) to have two different Pokeball Pokemon from the same evolutionary line when there are plenty more to pick from. Was the case in the previous games, too.

Though now that I think about it, we have both Snorlax and Munchlax as Pokeballs. Disregard this. :)

The AC thing is merely opinion. We won't know until the game is out, really.

And I'm going to have to boot up Melee and check this. I could've sworn I read somewhere one was planned but not included. Same time I first heard the story of the black Roy fan. >_>

Why so there is. You're completely correct on it looking awesome :)


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
True true. Just seems kind of odd (to me) to have two different Pokeball Pokemon from the same evolutionary line when there are plenty more to pick from. Was the case in the previous games, too.

Though now that I think about it, we have both Snorlax and Munchlax as Pokeballs. Disregard this. :)

The AC thing is merely opinion. We won't know until the game is out, really.

And I'm going to have to boot up Melee and check this. I could've sworn I read somewhere one was planned but not included. Same time I first heard the story of the black Roy fan. >_>
Funny story, the actual reason Dr. Mario was included in Melee was because Sakurai loved the remix that his team made from that game. He also really loved the music from Mach Rider which is why he included a remixed version of it in Melee. Also, when Sakurai was asked who his favorite Smash character was, he said Captain Falcon, and he also said that Mach Rider was his second favorite (however, I don't know why he said that as his second favorite considering Mach Rider is not even a playable character).


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
"Ridley would just be another face in Brawl’s freak show crowd."

... So that's what you think of them as? Lol, jking.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
Long Beach, California
I don't King K. Rool is even that popular in the polls for Brawl. People in Japan don't really like DK or the DK series really. That kind of explains why they took out DK for Kirby and Wario in the Jump Festa demo.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Pop Star
K rule is a conundrum, being the main bad guy of the DK series but thats also his downfall, does DK really need a 3rd fighter
Oct 12, 2007
DK is pretty popular through its life, but the last couple of generations have just been terrible for this series. Kirby and Metroid have lots of room to play catch-up.

Deleted member

A. not a mascot

That was Smash 64. This is Brawl.



B. starred in one game, as a sidekick.

Wrong, Geno played the biggest role in that ONE game with Mario, Peach, Bowser and Mallow as the SUPPORTING CHARACTERS

C. had a small cameo, that you probably don't notice until you watch the credits.
Still counts as an appearance.

Great Roster, btw.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Too good to be on second page....
Anyhow ChronoBound:Do you know whats the situation of King.K.Rool in Japan?
K. Rool is actually quite popular in Japan, at least more so than Dixie.

Also, there are only three more days left until voting in the forums awards ends, so if you enjoyed this topic and have not voted for me yet, please do so.
Oct 12, 2007

Mario is not a supporting character. A supporting character is someone who supports the main character. Mario, Bowser, Peach, Mallow, and Geno all have their own motives for fighting. Bowser wants his castle back, Mario wants to save the day, Peach wants peace in her kingdom, and Mallow... well, he doesn't have a motive besides wanting peace and being loyal to Mario, but the fact remains that the sole motive of the game is not repairing Star Road.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I agree, after DK 64, the series started to go down the tube. If we get 3 reps for DK, then K. Rool will get in.
Its kind of funny how everyone says Star Fox is worthy of three representatives, but think Fire Emblem and Donkey Kong don't deserve three. Yeah, if Donkey Kong does get threee representatives, the third one will almost certainly be K. Rool.
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
Its kind of funny how everyone says Star Fox is worthy of three representatives, but think Fire Emblem and Donkey Kong don't deserve three. Yeah, if Donkey Kong does get threee representatives, the third one will almost certainly be K. Rool.
well star fox is still putting out goods games. Dk not so much. And i have no idea about fire emblem as i have never played one.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
well star fox is still putting out goods games. Dk not so much. And i have no idea about fire emblem as i have never played one.
What? Last timke I checked, Adventures, Assault, and Command were disappointing and a step down from 64. At least Donkey Kong got Jungle Beat. Also, Fire Emblem games have been consistently great, with the second worst in the series (Sacred Stones) actually being a good game.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
In your Nintendo Wii
I said nothing about FE, In fact i'd be surprise if we didn't have 3 reps. I mean there are 10 games in Japan(4 games in America) and were about to have 11(5 in America). Althogh 4 reps is much. Star Fox isn't as great as it used to be. Actually I think the Star Fox series os over I belive.

Mikel 2

Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
No, I think there's a Starfox Wii in the making.
And I believe FE and Metroid should get 3 reps(I don't count Zamus as a rep, Dark Samus and Ridley fit the bill)

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Hmm, never did get around to that second post. Oh well, it would have probably been another essay long tome, anyway.

Chronobound, regarding your comments about FE, it strikes me that the Fire Emblem series is somewhat limited in the new content it could provide for another character. Granted, I'll admit my knowledge of the series is cursory, but my understanding is that the games are driven by in-depth stories and gameplay involving RPG elements (leveling, turn based, armor/weapon upgrading, ect), neither of which are particularly relevant to the Smash Bros. series. That isn't to critique Fire Emblem as it stands in regards to other RPGs, but in a game that thrives on variety, the entire RPG genre (and subgenre of tactics-based RPGs) could probably be represented by only a small number of characters, if only because RPGs tend to follow the same principles and conventions, and generally have less variety. Personally (assuming Nintendo actually owns the rights, and not Camelot), I think it would make far more sense to include a character like Isaac, who brings the entirely novel physics of Psynergy to the table (although, I've heard Geno is quite unique for an RPG character as well), then another FE character. In short, I don't think FE gets the short end of the stick because people think it isn't a good game series, so much as it the entire genre has less to add to the mix.
I'm not saying FE shouldn't get another character; but rather suggesting that you consider what a new character could add that Ike or Marth has yet to add, and also what a new character could add that couldn't be added by other comparable RPG characters, and factor that into your understanding of why FE currently sits lower on the totem pole in some people's minds.

Dangit, I did it again; I got stuck on one thing and forgot all the other things I wanted to say. Oh, well. Again, maybe next time. :p

EDIT: **** fonts!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 13, 2007
Personally (assuming Nintendo actually owns the rights, and not Camelot), I think it would make far more sense to include a character like Isaac...
You can assume safely, as it's stated as such in the credits of both Golden Sun 1 and 2.


Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2007
Its kind of funny how everyone says Star Fox is worthy of three representatives, but think Fire Emblem and Donkey Kong don't deserve three.
Metroid, Fire Emblem and DK deserve more characters than Star Fox.

well star fox is still putting out goods games. Dk not so much. And i have no idea about fire emblem as i have never played one.
Adventures, Assault and Command aren't good games, far worse than StarFox 64.

Donkey Kong was one of Nintendo's greatest sagas. So, yeah, K. Rool deserves to be in the game.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Well, I can't wait til the updates resume, that way there will at least be something to talk about in this topic, and hopefully more confirmations and deconfirmations. I also feel that we will be getting the real character selection screen soon. While I am glad that we will be learning the full roster in less than three weeks, I am a bit sad that there won't be anymore speculation and roster-dreaming/hoping.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2007
Switch FC
Well, I can't wait til the updates resume, that way there will at least be something to talk about in this topic, and hopefully more confirmations and deconfirmations. I also feel that we will be getting the real character selection screen soon. While I am glad that we will be learning the full roster in less than three weeks, I am a bit sad that there won't be anymore speculation and roster-dreaming/hoping.
The boards will almost die after that, except for the mass influx of trolling and flaming going on, because certain characters didn't make it. I agree though, that I'll miss the speculation, but I'll welcome the new roster, and the end of all these roster arguments. I also want to see how close my predictions were.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
There are only three more weeks left until Brawl's Japanese release (Brawl will be released in Japan on January 24).

Also, there are only two more days left to vote in the forum awards, so if you have not voted yet, please do so.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Apparently, a generic Pegasus Knight has been confirmed as an Assist Trophy according to people who attended Jumpfest. Also, a track from FE6, called "Bern Superpower", plays in Castle Siege.

Mikel 2

Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
Hey Chrono, I heard a rumor that Ray MK.....(III I think) was an AT, is that true?

And I voted for you :) Vote for Chrono, vesper and IsmaR!


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Hey Chrono, I heard a rumor that Ray MK.....(III I think) was an AT, is that true?

And I voted for you :) Vote for Chrono, vesper and IsmaR!
Where did you hear this rumor? Because I think that person may be confusing Ray for Saki, like some people did.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I don't believe it, but they said it was confirmed at Jump Fest or something...
Can you supply me with a link? The only ATs that I heard were confirmed at Jumpfest were Duster, Rosaline, Sothe, and Pegasus Knight.
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