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The ULTIMATE Probable Playable Characters In Brawl Analysis Topic!(1 week til Brawl!)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Pop Star
I agree with Kenji, (minus the LOL part) they could have an entirely different moveset, and if you ask me, they deserve another representative
Oct 12, 2007
Yeah, Ike sure replaces Marth.

Heavy and slow versus light and fast.

I guess we don't need Sheik, since Bowser fills her niche so very well.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
well i do know this, falco and marth and roy are clones.
Correction: Falco and Roy were clones. Marth was the original from which Roy was cloned (just as Fox was the original from which Falco was cloned).

retro gamer 6 said:
i heard that clones would not return in brawl.
You heard idle speculation, then, because we have nothing but such to indicate that.

retro gamer 6 said:
as for marth and roy, ike replaces them.
Ridiculous. Roy he can easily replace, aye - Roy was just an add for Fire Emblem 6 in Melee anyway, and Ike is a more recurring, popular character than him. Marth on the other hand is the series' single most iconic character, with three games to his name, and the most popular character of the series in Japan. Ike is a recently-introduced character with two games to his name and enough popularity to be Marth's peer in that area, but he couldn't possibly replace Marth, any more so than Falco could replace Fox.

retro gamer 6 said:
if they were in, they be clones of him.
You clearly know nothing of Ike's abilities, then. Take a look at his sub-forum. Hes slower and stronger than Bowser, with moves that bear little resemblance to Marth or Roy's (2 standard moves are similar, one special, counter, is the same). Marth was quick and light, while Roy was a more mid-weight character. They wouldn't even need to change either of them to put them in and have them not be clones of Ike - just cut-and-paste from Melee and either would be golden in that regard.



Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007
well i do know this, falco and marth and roy are clones. i heard that clones would not return in brawl. and i think it should be that way.
While there is only slight evidence supporting this, it has not been proven to be true. The only reason people say there will not be clones is because they are combining two of Sakurai's statements and "no clones" seems to be the logical meaning.

as for marth and roy, ike replaces them. if they were in, they be clones of him. i hope these 3 don't return
One character with a moveset different from both Marth and Roy replaces both of them? You may as well say Vaati will replace Ganondorf.

I don't expect both Marth and Roy to return, but it's an odd situation with those two. I doubt Sakurai is totally oblivious to the hardcore crowd, and knows that Marth is one of the top characters in the game. At the same time, Roy was a fan favorite for the casual crowd. I doubt Marth would come back without nerfs, and since Roy's playstyle was popular, and I suppose my fear is obvious.

Marth will return, due to his general, non-Smash related popularity and importance to Fire Emblem, but he will play more like Roy to please the larger fanbase. Kills all of the birds with a single stone: Nerf Marth, give the general fans their Roy playstyle, and have the most popular character.

It is especially bothersome if there are only two FE swordsman (which I would prefer at this point, although I don't want them to murder Marth like that). Will he take both extremes, with Ike as powerful and slow, and Marth as fast and weak? Or have Ike as a powerhouse and another character as a more mid-range fighter...

Also, in response to Chronobound... I don't think Lyn getting AT supports Eliwood nearly as much as Sothe getting AT supports Micaiah. Sothe is Micaiah's Marcus, and they were never really competing. Lyn and Eliwood, on the other hand, were (technically). Lyn had the larger fanbase and got AT, I doubt a less popular character would get playable. Hector nearly rivaled her in popularity, but it's died down so much, and I don't expect him to get it.

I also don't think he will place much reliance on Japan only characters (there was a mention in his journal about that, although it was not directly related to FE). If anything, that hurts even Marth and Sigurd's chances, mostly Sigurd though since Marth now has plenty of international fans (and an upcoming international game). That is what kills Leaf more than anything; 99% of his fanbase is from Japan.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
well i do know this, falco and marth and roy are clones. i heard that clones would not return in brawl. and i think it should be that way. i'd prefer wolf over falco. fox is just like falco, only better. as for marth and roy, ike replaces them. if they were in, they be clones of him. i hope these 3 don't return. lucario is a must! i'd love to see him in brawl as playable so hopefully he'll be playable. and isaac and megaman and bomberman are a must! i love their games and i think they be perfect for brawl. please nintendo, do it!
I disagree, sir.

If Fox is like Falco, only better, then Wolf is like Fox only, only on the opposing side. I mean, Wolf even bears a resemblence to Fox (albeit not a very strong one, but much stronger than Falco) and fulfills the same basic role his the team (i.e. the leader). I would also say that simply because Falco was a clone in Melee doesn't necesitate him being a clone in Brawl, as is true of G-dorf.

Also, I had some things to say regarding Roy and Marth, and the uncertainty of whether or not old clones will be returning/new clones will be brought in, except that Zevox already said them, and said them well, and I don't like being redundant. :cool:

Too bad MM is temporarily deconfirmed, or is it even temporary anymore. I mean the game has "gone gold"
I wouldn't term it as temporary. I mean, the only reason that we've been given to believe it was a temporary issue were his comments regarding how there was still time for Nintendo to contact him before the game was released. However, if he's not involved in the making of the game, how would he know if there's still time or not? :p

Of course, there's always the idea of post-release downloadable content, but I don't know if I expect that.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Pop Star
I had this weird Idea where if you unlock all of the brawl fighters, your allowed to play as the melee selection


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
While there is only slight evidence supporting this, it has not been proven to be true. The only reason people say there will not be clones is because they are combining two of Sakurai's statements and "no clones" seems to be the logical meaning.

One character with a moveset different from both Marth and Roy replaces both of them? You may as well say Vaati will replace Ganondorf.

I don't expect both Marth and Roy to return, but it's an odd situation with those two. I doubt Sakurai is totally oblivious to the hardcore crowd, and knows that Marth is one of the top characters in the game. At the same time, Roy was a fan favorite for the casual crowd. I doubt Marth would come back without nerfs, and since Roy's playstyle was popular, and I suppose my fear is obvious.

Marth will return, due to his general, non-Smash related popularity and importance to Fire Emblem, but he will play more like Roy to please the larger fanbase. Kills all of the birds with a single stone: Nerf Marth, give the general fans their Roy playstyle, and have the most popular character.

It is especially bothersome if there are only two FE swordsman (which I would prefer at this point, although I don't want them to murder Marth like that). Will he take both extremes, with Ike as powerful and slow, and Marth as fast and weak? Or have Ike as a powerhouse and another character as a more mid-range fighter...

Also, in response to Chronobound... I don't think Lyn getting AT supports Eliwood nearly as much as Sothe getting AT supports Micaiah. Sothe is Micaiah's Marcus, and they were never really competing. Lyn and Eliwood, on the other hand, were (technically). Lyn had the larger fanbase and got AT, I doubt a less popular character would get playable. Hector nearly rivaled her in popularity, but it's died down so much, and I don't expect him to get it.

I also don't think he will place much reliance on Japan only characters (there was a mention in his journal about that, although it was not directly related to FE). If anything, that hurts even Marth and Sigurd's chances, mostly Sigurd though since Marth now has plenty of international fans (and an upcoming international game). That is what kills Leaf more than anything; 99% of his fanbase is from Japan.
Interstingly enough, Eliwood is the most popular lord from FE7 in Japan. In Japan, Lyn is the least popular by far.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Females who have a realistic shot of getting in:
Dark Samus (technically, DS is female)

Villains who have a realistic shot of getting in:
King K. Rool
Dark Samus
Masked Boy
Black Shadow
Sorry but where is Vaati has a good shot better then Midna way because he has been in 3 games and Minish Cap was more then likely the first of the Legend of Zelda(in order of time and not when made) as it called link the hero of men and as Ganondorf(Ganon) is not even mention. So that would make him the first antagonist Link had.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Sorry but where is Vaati has a good shot better then Midna way because he has been in 3 games and Minish Cap was more then likely the first of the Legend of Zelda(in order of time and not when made) as it called link the hero of men and as Ganondorf(Ganon) is not even mention. So that would make him the first antagonist Link had.
Unfortunately for Vaati, none of the games he was in were a big-budget Zelda, with two of them being developed by Capcom. While Midna was in only one game, Twilight Princess was one of the biggest budget Zelda games to date, and so far has the most content in Brawl, with Wind Waker being second.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Unfortunately for Vaati, none of the games he was in were a big-budget Zelda, with two of them being developed by Capcom. While Midna was in only one game, Twilight Princess was one of the biggest budget Zelda games to date, and so far has the most content in Brawl, with Wind Waker being second.
Non of the games Vaati was in was developed by Capcomit was Flagship what was Capcom, Nintendo and Sega.

Yes non of his games was big-budget but he is more important to the Zelda series then Midna and Ice Climber was not a big game but they got in.

Vaati should be in because he would show the side of the Zelda series with out Ganon.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Non of the games Vaati was in was developed by Capcomit was Flagship what was Capcom, Nintendo and Sega.

Yes non of his games was big-budget but he is more important to the Zelda series then Midna and Ice Climber was not a big game but they got in.

Vaati should be in because he would show the side of the Zelda series with out Ganon.
Ice Climber got in because Sakurai wanted to place in a character from the NES era, and their competition were Balloon Fighter, the Excite Biker, and the Urban Champion, and he thought that the Ice Climbers would be the most unique out of those characters he was thinking about.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Ice Climber got in because Sakurai wanted to place in a character from the NES era, and their competition were Balloon Fighter, the Excite Biker, and the Urban Champion, and he thought that the Ice Climbers would be the most unique out of those characters he was thinking about.
I know that but he may put vaati in ot rep the side of zelda with no Ganon.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Pop Star
I think Vaati is out because the legend of Zelda already has a smash antagonist, ganandorph
P.S. could someone please tell me why some call him Ganon, and others Ganandorph


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
In OoT, he was a sorcerer from the Gerudo tribe, the only male one and their leader. He obtained the truforce, and it split into 3 parts, with him getting the triforce of Power.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
New York
Who is Sothe?

I did hear about the Rosalina trophy. I have a hunch she won't attack but support. Akin to Gardevior.

EDIT: Nevermind. I looked him up. He's a Fire Emblem character.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I just editted out the analyses that I made for Rosalina, Sothe, and Duster. None of these characters had much of a chance of getting in as playable characters, and I mentioned that Assist Trophy status was the most they could hope for (with the exception of Rosalina, who could have been made into an alternate costume for Peach). As we get closer to Brawl's Japanese release I feel there will be more deconfirmations, and confirmations, as to what characters make up the roster. This week is pretty much going to be dull in this topic as a result of no updates to talk about, however, I will try to keep this thread as active as possible in the interim.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
Long Beach, California
I'm saddened about Rosalina and Sothe not being playable. I can see Rosalina being in a future installment of SSB if she makes more appearances in the Mario spinoff games (hopefully Mario Kart Wii) and so she can be her own character and not a clone of Peach.

We all knew Duster was going to be an assist though.

Sothe had potential to be in Brawl, but then again, he would act a lot like Snake.

Well, anyway...I'm glad these three are somehow in Brawl and that this supports my theory that Nintendo gave Sakurai access to view their games to be released until mid 2008 so he could make some kind of advertisement for these future/recently released games.

Please let Zack and Wiki be involved someway in Brawl, as well as Lloyd or Emil (or Sora-Emil looks a lot like him), and hopefully Pac Man. I'd be satisfied if these characters are somewhat mentioned in Brawl, whether as assists or trophies, or hopefully (but not likely) playable characters.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
Long Beach, California
Oh jeez. Third parties again. In my opinion, like Link in only one Soul Calibur guest appearance, the third parties they invited for Brawl are probably going to show up only in Brawl. I hope that if they do another SSB game, they get new third-party characters. That's just me.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Unless there is another delay, I don't think there are going to be any more third-party character announcements. Really, the only third-party character I can see getting into Brawl without a huge unveil would be Geno.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 30, 2007
Long Beach, California
Hopefully, they surprise us with a Third-party and later a veteran for the Dojo's return in January.

Is Geno really that grand of a character? It be cool seeing another "retro" back in SSB but I didn't know the guy had such loyalty.
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