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The Tunes Official Crew Thread - Legit the best crew in the world.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Man wtf at my post popping up so much lol my roomate is sleeping and I just burst out laughing when I saw it lol

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
back on topic (lolz)

if im not mistaken the debate here is if brawl will become more competitive than melee?

bottom line, its impossible to tell now.

HOWEVER! it will most likely never become a BETTER competitive game. since brawl is becoming more appealing to the public especially with fawken good the wii is selling now, theoretically, more people should be going to tournaments and trying to get better. so if local melee tournaments are on average of 45 people (rough estimate with plenty going as low as 20 or as high as 60), with the largest being a lil over 200 people, and say Brawl's average is around 70 for a big local and topping 300 for a national, then in a sense it's a more competitive game. there are more people involved, and larger pots to win.

however, as the way it seems now (theres a chance it can change but its not likely), melee will always be a better competitive game, just not more competitive. Melee tournament attendance will only decline at this point, and it really can't get any higher than it is. However things like the semifinals/finals in a melee tourney should always be more impressive on the edge of your seat battles compared to what brawl will be.

so yea, summary: (technically it could change but heres what i think) Melee will be a BETTER competitive game, yet Brawl will be a MORE competitive game.

i personally just like brawl now more myself as i like the characters, the stages, and all the new stuff. that, and iv been playing melee since it came out in 01. i still enjoy playing melee and im staying competitive for both as im one of the few ppl (thx to maining samus in melee) where brawl doesn't rly mess up my melee game and vice versa. however it is annoying how unbalanced melee is right now where it seems like there isn't much i go with samus, but w/e. i just hate hearing ppl who main higher tier chars dissing me for being samus.

no johns, lets just all play all smash and all have fun. play whichever game u like, but dont discriminate others for their choices.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
bottom line, its impossible to tell now.
I disagree. It is already apparent that even if the metagame evolves really far, there are already too many flaws for the game to be as competitive as Melee. The GAME being competitive, not the tournament scene (which I may add I have said time and time again was not the point of this discussion), which will be competitive and we all know it.

M2K said:
brawl is a highly luck based game compared to melee, which is based on your actual skill

brawl you get punished for hitting them, meaning the only way to hit them safely is to do campy gay moves which is not fun, and anybody can do it equally

the increase in skill you can get due to game mechanics far limits you to what you can do contrary to melee which had near limitless possibilities for

also there's a point where mindgames and luck collide, playing bad players it's still highly luck because they do random things and just BUTTON MASH and can hit you back if they time it right a lot of the time due to no hit stun, and for a competitive game you want as many guaranteed things as possible to **** the opponent. ****** people is hardly even possible due to trading hits, unless you're like Ike who hits super hard, or Pit or Olimar who just endlessly camps you, or something along those lines.

this debate is pointless, no matter how much depth we find in brawl, it WON'T make up for what was taken out already.
For all these reasons.

However things like the semifinals/finals in a melee tourney should always be more impressive on the edge of your seat battles compared to what brawl will be.

so yea, summary: (technically it could change but heres what i think) Melee will be a BETTER competitive game, yet Brawl will be a MORE competitive game.
Again, it feels like you are just throwing out random words without really knowing what you or anyone else has been talking about. Better competitive vs more competitive? That can only possibly make sense to you. You should define both words (or maybe even use two different ones!).

There are too many events with non-guaranteed outcomes in Brawl for it to be as competitive as Melee.

The tournament scene, however, which has NOTHING to do with the innate competitiveness allowed for by the game, which we SHOULDN'T even be mentioning, will admittedly be impressive. That was admitted way back when. So no one is arguing this, so no one should mention it.

im one of the few ppl (thx to maining samus in melee) where brawl doesn't rly mess up my melee game and vice versa. however it is annoying how unbalanced melee is right now where it seems like there isn't much i go with samus, but w/e. i just hate hearing ppl who main higher tier chars dissing me for being samus.
Only you and Chocobo would say something like this.

no johns, lets just all play all smash and all have fun. play whichever game u like, but dont discriminate others for their choices.
Another Classic Chibo. Wow @ your use of discriminate. I don't think it's quite gotten that bad.


Smash Hero
Oct 25, 2005
Under a dark swarm
Due to the fact that Brawl is gonna be heavily online, the amount of new people going to tourneys will decrease dramatically. This will leave only the elites in tourney, which means that the size of tourneys will be drastically smaller, and the pot size will be smaller thus causing elites to care less than they would about tourney competition.

Think about it...when you were still learning all the advanced techniques, and people were wrecking you whenever you went to a tourney, didn't you only keep going cuz you wanted to get better? It sucked paying 20 bucks to get last place, but you wanted to learn. Now you can learn online, causing that mediocre to noob range to drop out until they are within semi-pro level.

Also a reason that people go to tourneys is they wanna people from other parts of the world. Now you can just play em online. So yeah, people will still get together with their friends from around home, but they aren't gonna fly to play smash anymore. Hell they won't even drive more than an hour most likely.


Smash Master
May 1, 2006
Not chilindude829
It isn't a shame, and we don't really have to. At all. Lol. Everyones but scrubs are going to be tired of jigglypuff dittos with projectiles sooner or later, and all the good smashers who feel like you do me and m2k do vidjo can just keep playing melee until then.

Also for everyone saying brawl still has potential SO DOES MELEE. I me who's played for 1.5 years learned a new technique like 2 months ago and still haven't mastered it, and melees mad old and were still finding stuff.

Oh and I bet if there were another FC at least 200 + would attend. Melee's still got a lot of followers.
I plan to play Melee long after Brawl is out. Infact i wouldnt be surprised in a couple of months to see people playing melee, while brawl setups sit there empty.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Think about it...when you were still learning all the advanced techniques, and people were wrecking you whenever you went to a tourney, didn't you only keep going cuz you wanted to get better? It sucked paying 20 bucks to get last place, but you wanted to learn. Now you can learn online, causing that mediocre to noob range to drop out until they are within semi-pro level.
...wow, that's completely true. I didn't even notice lag until I was seasoned 6 months in and actually had some tech skill, new players probably won't even notice internet lag. Internet lag was the one reason for why I figured Brawl tournaments would even be necessary. Hmm...

Wow. Brawl tournies will have no scrubs? That is terrible. Someone let M2K know.

@ Eggm & Taki, yes there are some of us who will not stop playing Melee until we have reached our potential and so long as there's someone else to play against. Can't wait to meet you guys in tourney a few years down the line LOL.

Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
why is everyone hating on brawl, you cannot just give up on a little amonut of time, and if you do then you fail. no jokes. you just dont like it because you have bad impressions so far.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I disagree. It is already apparent that even if the metagame evolves really far, there are already too many flaws for the game to be as competitive as Melee. The GAME being competitive, not the tournament scene (which I may add I have said time and time again was not the point of this discussion), which will be competitive and we all know it.
Technically there is no way to absolutely know, but its like a 90/10 right now for Melee.

Again, it feels like you are just throwing out random words without really knowing what you or anyone else has been talking about. Better competitive vs more competitive? That can only possibly make sense to you. You should define both words (or maybe even use two different ones!).
With all the posts in this fawken thread and all the trailing off thats happened, I don't even know what people are talking about. However, even though perhaps better words could have been used, I used examples to clearly show what I meant by being a better competitive game, or a more competitive game.

Another analogy (hopefully it works and doesn't make it worse haha). Many may argue that football is one of the best competitive sports because of it's need for athletic skill, strategy for plays, team mechanics, and more. People can say that football is a better competitive game than say, Soccer. However go to Europe, and even if (US) football is a better competitive game, soccer is more competitive there due to it's incredible fanbase.

There are too many events with non-guaranteed outcomes in Brawl for it to be as competitive as Melee.

The tournament scene, however, which has NOTHING to do with the innate competitiveness allowed for by the game, which we SHOULDN'T even be mentioning, will admittedly be impressive. That was admitted way back when. So no one is arguing this, so no one should mention it.
I wasn't sure if this was also being argued or not which is why I brought it up. But yea, if a game is more popular and has more people at tourneys (online or inperson) all competiting for first place, then it is a more competitive game. Again, just not as good as one as Melee (see above analogy and last post for more details lolz).

Only you and Chocobo would say something like this.
I'm not really angry at choosing Samus. I have fun playing as her and I enjoy her play style. I'm the missile master, how could I not? It's just that it's sometimes annoying when its so tough to overcome top tiers in tourneys. It's possible though, I see it as more of a challenge. I'm not angry at maining Samus like Chocobo. What angers me however is when I constantly here people who picked high/top tier characters tell me I chose such a bad character, mainly YOU. It's bad sportsmanship, and not being a supportive friend either. I know your joking a lot of the time, but it's been said far too many times to where I don't enjoy playing Melee with you when you constantly talk about how amazing you are compared to everyone else. Just keep quiet and say good game once in a while and encourage your opponents to get better. I can't remember one time you've said good game to me.

Another Classic Chibo. Wow @ your use of discriminate. I don't think it's quite gotten that bad.
Maybe it has, maybe it hasn't. I just think that it seems that there is a fine line that people are split between on the Melee/Brawl debate. Pretty much Inui and Brandon vs Everyone haha. So perhaps the discrimination isn't that bad. Afterall, you were playing Brawl yesterday, so good ****.

Oh yea, and GOTM has the best sig of all time now.


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
I hope it happens too, brawl should stay home and played for fun and online. :) Saturdays at venue's should be left to melee. Scar I can't wait to see our matches a year or so from now. :) In any case, chibo samus is a terrific character with unlocked potential, anyone who knows treble would say if he cared about the game he could be a top player (higher than hugs) with samus. On top of that I placed 13th at a very respectable tournament and met my end to a samus player, I see no problem with maining samus, shes a great character.

Edit : Xzaz I do'nt like cause its boring, thats all no more no less.

Edit 2 : Chibo, scar probably says that because he plays falcon. xD Falcon kinda ***** samus, on the flip side, she does far far far far far better vs spacies than falcon. She does better vs spacies than sheik too IMO whose arguably the best character in the game, samus is a pretty awesome character, I honestly envy samus mains especially trelbe he makes her look SO FUN.
Also you said top tier players were telling you this, which scar is not, falcon isn't top tier Lol. Sheik/fox/marth are.

Edit 3 : like 5 people posted before mine was done.. Samus needs to be there to take out spacies, spacies need to be there to take out shiek/peach, Sheik needs to be there to take out marth, spacies need to take out falcon, falcon needs to take out samus's, every character has good/bad matchups. The tier list is only really a popularity contest amoungst the top players and what characters work best for them. If there were more amazing players like hugs out there who played samus and samus worked for them, she'd get more of the top placings in tournaments and be higher on the tier list if you see where i'm going. If pc/azen/m2k/kdj decided they all wanted to start maining falcon chances are falcon would have won a lot more tournaments, thus being higher tier. Scar I believe 3 stocked hugs r1, but since hes such a solid player in a game with incredible depth where he can be better at so many things than scar was able to stay calm (good player quality) read scar and figure out what he needed to do to win the set. Its mostly player not character m2k has said this a lot and I agree. All characters with potential are awesome. :) For me my tier list is dvided into 2 categorys characters with potential and characters without and on my side of with potential it comes down to player not tiers or character. But thats juts how I feel. Its this thinking that allows me to not change my main tof ox and stick with falco and bring him to fox/sheik/marth "level". Back when treble played a lot he used to **** me daily with samus, and not with his marth/fox/falcon as much. Simply cause samus worked best for him and he played her the most and was the best with her.

/End samus is bad rant - I think after losing to a samus player for months every day, then losing at the biggest tournament i've gone to to the best samus player in the world it was hard to hear samus sucks but a samus main whos improving slowly but surley. xD

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I hope it happens too, brawl should stay home and played for fun and online. :) Saturdays at venue's should be left to melee. Scar I can't wait to see our matches a year or so from now. :) In any case, chibo samus is a terrific character with unlocked potential, anyone who knows treble would say if he cared about the game he could be a top player (higher than hugs) with samus. On top of that I placed 13th at a very respectable tournament and met my end to a samus player, I see no problem with maining samus, shes a great character.

Edit : Xzaz I do'nt like cause its boring, thats all no more no less.
good **** eggm, its words like that which make me want to keep playing samus in melee.

edit to eggm: i mean high/top tiers. falcon is TECHNICALLY mid right now, but yea, luigi and DK are also TECHNICALLY low tier lol.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
In any case, chibo samus is a terrific character with unlocked potential, anyone who knows treble would say if he cared about the game he could be a top player (higher than hugs) with samus.
Yeah you could eventually get as good as HugS. And then I will still 3 stock you LOL. <3 HugS jk he beat me in the set.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
even when i get better and start doing more real samus things like camping (lol brawl) with shield wavedashing (lol no brawl) keeping safe and doing things like just ftilting when safe and what not that then im being told i play such a gay and stupid character. whatever, who cares, as long as it beats whoever, im gonna keep doing it and have fun watching u in pain lolz.

btw, since scar isnt on aim but on smashboards (lol at smashboards having faster communication than aim), r u goin to the game room today?


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
Make a new style doesn't have to be hugs's style, your missle camping is surpsingly hard to get through once you really get it going. What I meant by good at things in the game I mean yeah like you said Shield wavedash camping, but hes also like perfect at jab canceling from his shield wd's and has like perfect up tilt and f tilt spacing and lots of stuff, theres.. so much stuff you can do/get better at in melee its awesome and amazing. :)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2007
So, what are we argueing about? Brawl trying to be more competitive than Melee? Ok, lets see how that works out.



Smash Apprentice
Nov 30, 2006
Bayonne, NJ
Starcock's .gif is absolutely amazing.

And I always thought that Samus was one of the more versatile characters in Melee. She's a serious tank, has a really nice comeback, a terrific spot dodge, a real nice wavedash, and is about as good at camping as they come; these are nice because they are good traits for every matchup. Also, what she can do to spacies is just wrong. It's a considerable asset to main a character that only has one true counter (Falcon), because those are the easiest situations to prepare for.

And HugS' jab game is like an artform. Everything is perfectly timed, it's rather scary.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
Scar is right, look into your heart, you know it to be true. I'm sad about it because Link is better in Brawl than in Melee.

I would like to play Scar in Super Smash Brothers Melee, Link vs CF is too ****ing awful. It's like a combo video that I'm not starring in. Every once in a while Link lands a utilt and makes up for it though, and that makes Link vs CF so worth while.

Edit: Hi Eggm and other people I've played!

Edit2: Really, I want to play Scar. We need another big melee tournament, fast.

Edit3: Or Scar needs to go to Mass Madness 8: THIS IS SLEEPYK!


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
I would like to play Scar in Super Smash Brothers Melee, Link vs CF is too ****ing awful. It's like a combo video that I'm not starring in. Every once in a while Link lands a utilt and makes up for it though, and that makes Link vs CF so worth while.
LOL @ the second sentence. I think you might have a chance vs Scar :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
just you wait, im gonna win the most essays award on the 08 forum awards lol, no doubt about it

i am the missile master!


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Scar is right, look into your heart, you know it to be true. I'm sad about it because Link is better in Brawl than in Melee.
Really, I heard he was garbs. But yeah we need to Melee sometime soon, I came up and said we should play @ Pound 3 but you were too FAWKEN busy. I want to go to MM8 but I'm almost positive that Chu's is where it's at for March 8. If the CT guys can do something the next weekend I'll think about driving up.

Yes I ignored Chibo's post, I have nothing good to say about it so I won't say anything at all.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
Link is garbage, but less garbage than he was in Melee. I mean, spamming is almost broken in Brawl and Link is decent at spamming. Aerial hookshot is the **** in brawl, no lag + 2 hits + ******** range = lol.

Screw Chu's, come to Mass Madness. Brawl will be there so we can play Link vs Falcon in melee AND in Brawl. I'm pretty sure Link has the advantage in Brawl :chuckle:.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Yeah I'm thinking about it, I don't even know. It's like between g-reg and Cort for Falcon dittos, and... I don't even know. And then between like MD/VA pwnage or Blade Breakage.. tough decision.

The deciding factors may just be M2K and the fact that fawken CT is like 5 hours away.


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
Scar, you should really come out to play this weekend. Or maybe we could come visit you? *blinks*

Edit: Friggin' smashboards!!!

Also, Eggm....I'd like to take IC's off my secondary list. >_> they suck. I don't care if they were one Dsmash away from ****** a flashy fox....they suck. ^_^ (For now) Since this whole thing happened, lol, that post is lost somewhere. Uuuuuuuummmmmm....yeah, it's just Peach, Roy, and Shiek now.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Billllllssss. I tried to hold on to the really important ****. I still have my Grandia/Star Ocean 2! (Well, I held onto a lot, but those two, to me, are the most important!)
u better not have sold ff7, ff9, o legend of legaia. and this is assuming u already had all 3. which you better have :mad:
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